Illustrator :: CS6 Hangs Saving Files To Local HD - Multiple Server Share Points Mounted
Jun 12, 2013
Mac OS 10.6
Illustrator CS6
Illustrator CS6 hangs (spinning beach ball) when saving files to the computer's local HD while having multiple server share points mounted.
I am NOT opening or saving the file to or from a server. The server is mounted so that I can move my saved file to it once complete.
Unmounting the servers fixes the problem and Illustrator CS6 returns to being normal (not causing a spinning beach ball).
This is repeatable, not intermittent.
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Mar 16, 2012
We have a bunch of cad files that are loaded onto a sharepoint. Some these users who have read access only are having difficulties opening the files in autocad LT 2012 because .dwl and .dwl2 files trying to be created on the sharepoint site. Is there a way to redirect these files to their locally to their computer? I would like to avoid giving the users write permissions to the site.
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Mar 12, 2013
Since last thursday we have been having major issues opening files from our network share on server 2012. Everytime we go to open an .ai it hangs illustrator for about 15-20 seconds?
This has only started happening to all 3 machines we have
Our network is 1GB links, 2 of our computers are massive spec, i5's 16gb ddr3 1600, ssds......., other one slightly older ddr2 no ssd (problem exists on them all)
If we drag the file to the desktop then open, this is instant but reading from the server is being a nightmare!
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Mar 12, 2012
I copy a .dwg to my remote computer and open it. Then .dwl and .dwl2 are created in same local folder as the .dwg I just opened localy. Then I copy the local .dwl and .dwl2 files back to the remote server in the same location I received the origional .dwg from. Why are those files not locked now from everybody on the network that I am remotly away from?
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Oct 23, 2012
We are running Revit 2012 Suites on iMac w/Parallels w/Windows XP SP3. Office file server is a Lion Server running 10.7.5. While working in Revit we can; save PDF's to server, export DWG/DXF to server, and for a few moments after opening a file we can save a .rvt file to the server. But after more than ~2min, Revit freezes at any save attempt and we have to force quit through the task manager.
Last few lines of journal entry for event reads as follows.
[ Jrn.Directive "DocSymbol" _
, "[Res.TemplateLionTest.rvt]"
' 0.000008 2:<<<BackupFileManager:reUnlockPreCommit
' 0.003275 3:<<<relinquishAllLocks
' 0.003386 2:<<m_oSaveToTempFile->preCommit
' 2:< Error encountered renaming main file to backup. Error message: Access to P:ProjectsXXXXX ProjectCADRevitRes.TemplateLionTest.rvt was denied. ]
then repeats the '2:< Error... line for a few pages..
this error has persisted throught Revit 2011 and 2012 versions.
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Jun 15, 2004
I am having a problem saving files to a Windows 2003 server from PS7 error message of "could not save as serverfolderfilename because disk is full". No problems encountered with PS6 or PS-CS. As the server is in excess of 3 Terabytes I don't think it is a hardware problem. More that it is a problem with PS7 or Windows 2003.
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Mar 6, 2013
So we have an HP T1100 plotter and we want all the .pc3 files on the server. I go to the plotter in my devices and printers from the start menu and I add in all my custom paper sizes. Then I create a .pc3 file that points to a system printer on my machine for that plotter. I then move the .pc3 file to the server. Next thing I do is go to .pc3 file on the server and filter out all the unneeded papers sizes (arch, jis, iso, etc.) so all that shows up in the plot dialog box are the custom sizes I created. I then re-path autocad to the server in my options. All is fine so far, everything plots fine.
Now I go to another machine and point autocad to use the folders on the server for the plotters. I go to plot and the .pc3 files are there but when I pick the paper size drop down selection, all the arch, jis, iso sheets, etc... that I filtered out are now there. Well, I can go into the .pc3 file on his machine, re-filter out all those unneeded paper sizes and all is well, but then I come over to my machine and all the unneeded paper sizes are there again. It goes back and forth. I save on one machine and then the other one is messed up.
I cannot get the unfiltered papersizes to stay that way on the .pc3 file thats on the server. Why is this? I know I have the .pc3 file pointed to a system printer on my machine but we have the same printer on each machine with the same drivers. We could just put the plotter on the server so there is no system printer but that is not an option right now.
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Mar 23, 2012
I am having a very unusual problem when saving from Illustrator CS5.5 to our SBS2011 server. All other components of Design Standard are unaffected.
Suppose that I am working on Version 10 of file and go to SAVE AS > Version 11. Illustrator will often return the error “The file may be read-only, or another user may have it open. Please save the document with a different name or in a different folder” even though I have permission to write to that directory.
When I check the directory the file Version 11 has been created but contains 0kb of data. If I then attempt to over-write Version 11 via SAVE AS it works perfectly, everytime.
This behavior is also present on another - identical – workstation using the same software. The systems affected are both running Windows 7 64bit.
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Oct 1, 2013
Is there any way to share DWG file in local network and work in it in same time.
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Oct 3, 2013
Am I to understand if I have multiple artboards, they all will share the same layers? Each artboard does not have it's own separate set of layers, am I right? This is my first time using the artboard feature... CS6.
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Mar 25, 2014
Not having used Premier all that much - as I leave that to the editor, I have a question around Premier and its file usage. We save our source footage in several location on a local server. Video in some folders, Sound in others, backgrounds in yet other folders. The editor creates a project, then a sequence where she pulls all the files together - so, for instance, lets assume it is a prject sequence that consists of:
1) Background footage of a field
2) Green screen footage of character #1 moving around
3) Blue screen footage of characters #2 mocing around
4) Music Layer
5) Vocal layer
She creates and saves her project on the server in the specific project folder. I am now interrested in collecting those files through premier and storing them all in one place, then copying that collected structure to her local machine to see if response will be better for her editing - our network is not the best at the moment, and we are still working on solutions. She will then have all the source footage and files sitting on her local maching, along with the Premier project file.
She now completes her edit and we are all happy with the way it looks. How do we get that specific edit back onto the server (at the end of the specific edit, as well as daily for backup purposes)? Do we have to recopy and replace the entire folder every time, or do we just copy the project file back to the server? Will this require a relink of every single piece of footage?
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Oct 25, 2011
I have created a lisp routine that I would like to share with other CAD users, but it doesn't work on the server, and it works fine on my machine. Does "findfile" function work on a server environment?
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Jan 20, 2012
I am using Autocad 2008. I lost all my icons when opened a drawing after disconnected my workstation off my domain network and trying to use it locally in my local drive.
in order words, How can I copy my network/server profile into my local drive so that I can run Autocad from my local drive ?(My Autocad Software is loaded in my local drive).
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Apr 7, 2013
Date/Time: 2013-04-07 14:58:28 +0200
OS Version: 10.7.5 (Build 11G63b)
Architecture: x86_64
Report Version: 9
Command: Illustrator
Path: /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS6/Adobe Illustrator
Version: 723 (16.0.0)
Parent: launchd [132]
PID: 10493
Event: hang
Duration: 0.83s
Steps: 10 (100ms sampling interval)
Pageins: 19
Pageouts: 0
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Sep 6, 2012
We have a new windows 7 PC x64 with Illustrator CS6, when we open a file from our server share, it only utilises 25% of the available network bandwidth to open the file.
On an older XP 32 bit machine it utilises the full bandwidth ie 100% so the file opens up to 6 times faster.
When I copy the file from the network to either machine machine it copies fine and uses 99% of the network speed.
What can I do to my new machine to speed the transfer of data in illustrator?
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Feb 8, 2013
When we print from a read-only drawing file that is stored on our local drawing fileserver (a PC on our network that is used to store all finished drawing files) it can take several minutes to open the Plot screen and several more minutes to actually print the drawing. It doesn't matter which printer we use to print to. Some of us have had this problem since AutoCAD 2010 but some have had it only since 2013. However if we use an old AutoCAD 2007 there is no printing delay problem so the server doesn't seem to be the source of the problem.
If we print from a drawing file on our own systems (which is actually working off a local network server unless the server is down then we are working off our own computers that will re-sync with the server when it comes back on line) then there is no delay. I have made some local files read-only to see if that was the trigger but no, they printed just fine.
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Mar 2, 2014
I'm running Smoke 2012 on a fully loaded MBP. I'm having problems exporting QTs. Constantly get this error:
Cannot get local IFFFS wiretap server's storage id: Connection refused.
I have to do a full power cycle, then maybe it will work. This used to be an occasional occurrence, but now happens almost every time, unless I've only just powered up. Once Smoke has been running for a few minutes, forgetaboutit. I never have this problem when I can use the Export button; but this button is greyed out when QT is selected, which means it has to be dropped into the queue, then exported from the background page. Perhaps this is where the issue lies.
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Sep 18, 2013
I posted another thread yesterday trying to figure this issue out. Illustrator does NOT actually crash, instead it hangs and simply becomes unresponsive when trying to open a handful of files. I have been reading other threads similar to this and have addressed all of the issues that seemed to have resolved the problem for other people, i.e. reset preferences, reinstalled illlustrator several times and removed preferences, etc. I do have a Wacom Bamboo tablet, but I have removed the driver and files from my Mac. But, it seems odd that the Wacom plugin would cause only a select handful of files to become unresponsive. I have a lot of work that needs to be done but I can't take a step further without Illustrator working properly!
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Jan 15, 2014
We are having an issue with CS4 and CS6 with a couple of users who are using Windows 7 64bit. Previously the users were using CS4 on Windows XP 32 bit.
The program seems to open ok and the user is able to create, save and open new files, the issue seems to be when the users try to open files that they previously created. The behavior they see is that the files take between 5 and 10 mins to open (even if stored locally) and the programs hangs when they then try to do anything with the files.
The are using the same hardware, the only difference being that the OS has been migrated to Windows 7 64 bit. CS4 and CS6 were then installed cleanly onto the machines.The users have the same issue with both CS4 and CS6 with their existing files.
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Nov 15, 2013
Win 7 64 bit
i have just edited 70 photos using capture editing and apply editing, and have all of them stacked up on the screen.
Can I automatically save them all without having to save each one manually? I tried using the same method as above but it did not save them.
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Oct 25, 2012
Is there a somewhat easy way to draw this blue line, other than manually click on each anchor points at the top of the black lines?
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Dec 5, 2012
In CS5, and in various documentation it doesn't appear possible to be a way to move multiple anchor points (as it is, in Photoshop). If this is the case... are you kidding me? Even Photoshop can do this.
Quite frankly, on my return to Illustrator, it's, as expected, Adobe has pulled a fast one with their suite of software. What was broken years ago is still broken today.
Photoshop needs the ability to add gradients to shapes, path brushing, symbols, ie the functionality of Illustrator needs to be placed into Photoshop.
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Jan 3, 2014
I have a problem saving a web gallery locally: I originally build/saved/uploaded a web gallery ( >dogs < Inouk and Tofino >2013).I now modified/added pictures to this gallery and tried to save it again locally. Got the error message:
export did not complete successfully it then showed all pictures in the collection then the message: JPEG files were generated using the best pixel data available in the image cache the local web gallery structure (content, resources...) were correctly created but all files were completely empty All image files are there and can be modified at high resolution in the Develop mode.
Since the original set up of this gallery I:
upraded to LR 5.3
converted some .nef files to .dng
If I delete the saved web gallery and create the same gallery from scratch, the same problem/error message pops up. Construction of other web galleries is no problem (up to now)
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May 2, 2013
In testing my latest automation project, I've found that I can't save copies of a part multiple times (after deleteing the files off the disk) unless I close out of the top level assembly document, and reopen it. I used Process Monitor and determined that Inventor is trying to save to an existing file instead of creating a new file.
Inventor 2013 SP 1.1
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Sep 23, 2012
I recently upgraded from CS5 to CS6.
I had some difficulty with my initial installations of both Photoshop and Illustrator, where they would both hang very shortly after opening. I thought I had solved the issue by creating an new user account on my machine with administrator permissions, and logging in as that user to run the programs. Now both programs will launch, and Illustrator is working fine, but Photoshop will not save.
I am able to launch Photoshop and do whatever I like, but as soon as I save the program hangs. It does not complete the save. It will take me through any pertinent dialogs before saving, but then hangs. Task Manager says Photoshop is not responding. The only way out is to kill the program in Task Manager. This happens with both the Save and Save As commands, and it doesn't seem to matter where I save the file to. Interestingly, Save for Web works fine.
I am running Photoshop CS6 Version 13.0.1 x64 Extended on a Windows 7 (Home Premium, SP 1) laptop. Windows is fully updated.
My laptop specs are as follows:
Manufacturer & Model: Acer Aspire 5742
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU M 370 @ 2.40GHz
Installed Memory: 4.0 GB (3.68 usable)
System Type: 64-bit
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Feb 23, 2012
When I start to draw my polylines to cogo points I have inserted in my drawing it keeps wanting to hang up when I hover over the point. I have set up my point styles to bring in our points with all the attribute information so I am thinking it keeps trying to read all that info as soon as my mouse hits it..
I saw a post about rollovertips but that did not change anything. Any ides what might be causing this? Im using Civil3D 2011.
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Jul 22, 2012
I am studying for an MSc in Geology and am doing seismic mapping. To tidy up my maps I exported them to ArcGIS so I could join various ones together and also contour the maps. Then I exported the GIS maps into illustrator so I could attempt to smooth some of the contours as they are extremely jaggedy due to the nature of the data.Is there a way to quickly smooth lines or mass delete points that make up the lines?I am asking because I have 30+ maps and each map has maybe 50lines with each line being made up of currently about 1000 points each...
If I can't find a solution I will probably end up drawing over the contours with the pen tool and just smoothing it that way, as it should be a lot faster then deleting so many points.
I am currently using Illustrator CS5 and have access to CS4.
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Sep 27, 2012
I often create points manually. You get that dialogue box where you choose the layer and the default local coordinates, etc etc.
The local coordinates setting always defaults to Northing/Easting. (ditto the grid coordinates).
I set it to Easting/Northing as is standard around these parts and do my points, but if I close the box, when I reopen it to add more points later, it is back to Northing/Easting.
I cannot find a variable to control this behaviour.
I never need points to have north first and would like it to default to Easting/Northing at all times. Yes I'm using the Metric template.
Is there a way to change this default?
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Jul 6, 2012
I cannot save my .psd files to the server from Photoshop, neither save or save-as. Save for web works just fine. When I try to save I get this error message:
Could not save as “X.psd” because the file is locked, you do not have necessary access permissions, or another program is using the file. Use the ‘Get Info’ command in the Finder to ensure the file is unlocked and you have permission to access the file. If the problem persists, save the document to a different file or duplicate it in the Finder.
I know for sure that I have unlocked permissions and no one else is using the file.
I'm running Adobe Design Premium for CS6 on a retina mac book pro iOS 10.7.4
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Apr 19, 2013
one of big problems which arise after update to CS6 is with Photoshop - we are agency, we have workflow based on servers and with CS6 now we have quite often issues with saving on server. After few hours of work there is no more possible to save to server, you must restart PS. With all previous versions of PS there were no such problems like with CS6 (we used CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.5). Users are switching back to CS5/5.5, but for me it seems quite unbelievable that this kind of errors occurs in such frequent manner.Adobe don't guarantee 100% functionality when using with server, but it would be great to maintain at least some quality level across all versions. For us it means that investment in CS6 upgrade have lower value than we expected. And no, "save locally and copy to server" is not usable to our workflow, it will slowdown users too much.
if Adobe plans to improve quality of PS CS6. We don't want to upgrade to CS7 just because it maybe will work.
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Dec 14, 2012
Photoshop cs6 is hanging when tyring to save. Seems to pause at 83% and then takes over a minute to save the file. Computer details below and the system info. Gone back to using cs5.5 for now.
Hardware Overview:
Model Name: Mac Pro
Model Identifier: MacPro5,1
Processor Name: 6-Core Intel Xeon
Processor Speed: 2.66 GHz
Number of Processors: 2
Total Number of Cores: 12
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