I am having a very unusual problem when saving from Illustrator CS5.5 to our SBS2011 server. All other components of Design Standard are unaffected.
Suppose that I am working on Version 10 of file and go to SAVE AS > Version 11. Illustrator will often return the error “The file may be read-only, or another user may have it open. Please save the document with a different name or in a different folder” even though I have permission to write to that directory.
When I check the directory the file Version 11 has been created but contains 0kb of data. If I then attempt to over-write Version 11 via SAVE AS it works perfectly, everytime.
This behavior is also present on another - identical – workstation using the same software. The systems affected are both running Windows 7 64bit.
I cannot save my .psd files to the server from Photoshop, neither save or save-as. Save for web works just fine. When I try to save I get this error message:
Could not save as “X.psd” because the file is locked, you do not have necessary access permissions, or another program is using the file. Use the ‘Get Info’ command in the Finder to ensure the file is unlocked and you have permission to access the file. If the problem persists, save the document to a different file or duplicate it in the Finder.
I know for sure that I have unlocked permissions and no one else is using the file.
I'm running Adobe Design Premium for CS6 on a retina mac book pro iOS 10.7.4
one of big problems which arise after update to CS6 is with Photoshop - we are agency, we have workflow based on servers and with CS6 now we have quite often issues with saving on server. After few hours of work there is no more possible to save to server, you must restart PS. With all previous versions of PS there were no such problems like with CS6 (we used CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.5). Users are switching back to CS5/5.5, but for me it seems quite unbelievable that this kind of errors occurs in such frequent manner.Adobe don't guarantee 100% functionality when using with server, but it would be great to maintain at least some quality level across all versions. For us it means that investment in CS6 upgrade have lower value than we expected. And no, "save locally and copy to server" is not usable to our workflow, it will slowdown users too much.
if Adobe plans to improve quality of PS CS6. We don't want to upgrade to CS7 just because it maybe will work.
I'm having technical difficulty when Saving As in Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign CS2. I can save to my computer but when I attempt to SAVE AS to my server it will take about 5 minutes and give me an I/O error or corrupt the file or the entire program will shut down. Often I will have to restart the entire computer. I've checked the network lines and they are fine. It only does it to my computer and none of the other 4 in my office.
I have AutoCAD LT 2007 and if I save some file in my office server then it freezes for some time (with bigger file it freezes for longer). There are no problems ploting with plotters on server and neither there are no problems with saving files on my computer. Also with my old computer (worse and slower) it saves to server without problem.
I think my AutoCAD LT 2007 have some conflict with my new windows 7 or with some connection settings.
We are running Revit 2012 Suites on iMac w/Parallels w/Windows XP SP3. Office file server is a Lion Server running 10.7.5. While working in Revit we can; save PDF's to server, export DWG/DXF to server, and for a few moments after opening a file we can save a .rvt file to the server. But after more than ~2min, Revit freezes at any save attempt and we have to force quit through the task manager.
Last few lines of journal entry for event reads as follows.
[ Jrn.Directive "DocSymbol" _ , "[Res.TemplateLionTest.rvt]" ' 0.000008 2:<<<BackupFileManager:reUnlockPreCommit ' 0.003275 3:<<<relinquishAllLocks ' 0.003386 2:<<m_oSaveToTempFile->preCommit ' 2:< Error encountered renaming main file to backup. Error message: Access to P:ProjectsXXXXX ProjectCADRevitRes.TemplateLionTest.rvt was denied. ]
then repeats the '2:< Error... line for a few pages..
this error has persisted throught Revit 2011 and 2012 versions.
I am having a problem saving files to a Windows 2003 server from PS7 error message of "could not save as serverfolderfilename because disk is full". No problems encountered with PS6 or PS-CS. As the server is in excess of 3 Terabytes I don't think it is a hardware problem. More that it is a problem with PS7 or Windows 2003.
So we have an HP T1100 plotter and we want all the .pc3 files on the server. I go to the plotter in my devices and printers from the start menu and I add in all my custom paper sizes. Then I create a .pc3 file that points to a system printer on my machine for that plotter. I then move the .pc3 file to the server. Next thing I do is go to .pc3 file on the server and filter out all the unneeded papers sizes (arch, jis, iso, etc.) so all that shows up in the plot dialog box are the custom sizes I created. I then re-path autocad to the server in my options. All is fine so far, everything plots fine.
Now I go to another machine and point autocad to use the folders on the server for the plotters. I go to plot and the .pc3 files are there but when I pick the paper size drop down selection, all the arch, jis, iso sheets, etc... that I filtered out are now there. Well, I can go into the .pc3 file on his machine, re-filter out all those unneeded paper sizes and all is well, but then I come over to my machine and all the unneeded paper sizes are there again. It goes back and forth. I save on one machine and then the other one is messed up.
I cannot get the unfiltered papersizes to stay that way on the .pc3 file thats on the server. Why is this? I know I have the .pc3 file pointed to a system printer on my machine but we have the same printer on each machine with the same drivers. We could just put the plotter on the server so there is no system printer but that is not an option right now.
I'm trying to set up a shop to sell prints of my artwork. The shop only allows 5MB or smaller images for photos. I'm trying to save my work as a file size at or below that, but i can't figure out a way to do it without sacrificing quality. because I'm trying to sell prints quality of the image has to be as best as it can be. I've tried a bunch of methods on how to keep file size down, but they all mess with the quality of the image.
editing my business card to modifiy the text. I used a company to create the business card I'm using illustrator cs6. I've clicked the selection tool, then the text, and the teext has anchor points around them, but I can't edit any text. What's the best approach to edit this card.
I'm updating my companies business cards which have a white background. Is there a way to get a thin black line at the artboards edges that I could use when the design is put on a word document for presentation?
It's just to see the outer edge in presentation, not in printed version.I guess i could draw a rectangle and have a black border, but is there another way to get the exact edges?
I need setting up the size of a new document. It will not allow me to choose a (Custom) size only the presets and there is not one there for a business card.
My printer (digital printer) tells me that they dont recommend having any borders on their cards as during the printing /cutting process the edges may be trimmed 1mm in a random manner and thus offsetting a nice even border.
Is there anyway to combat this or do I need to go to a specific type of printer?
Or do I just setup the file and hope the random edge cut/print/positioning goes my way?
Id love to get a small white 1mm/2mm edge on the left and top of my card if possible, bottom doesnt matter as its allready white and right edge there doesnt need to be one.
I've created a resume in Photoshop CS5 for OS X - I know, I should've used InDesign but I'm more comfortable working in Photoshop.
The PSD is currently 2550x3300 px (8.5x11 in) at 300 dpi. I'd like to save the resume as a PDF flie so I can submit it online. I have no intentions of printing this particular document. Most websites will only accept a file size of under 1MB. What are the ideal settings for saving a PDF in the smallest file size without sacrificing on image quality? I should also note that I do not have Acrobat Pro.
So I am desinging a business card for a company I work for. The company we are sending them off too obviously needs to have the bleed and trims marks. The only thing I can't figure out is how do I make the bleed marks visible to them? When I print the document it shows me the trim marks but since I have a white background, it looks as if there is no border. Should I add a border to the actual Artboard?
I am working on double sided business cards. I am using illustrator cs4. But the crop marks on one side dont align with the other. I am also using a office jet pro 8600 with duplex printing. I called HP but they said it has nothing to with the printer. They said it is the software that I am using.
I copy a .dwg to my remote computer and open it. Then .dwl and .dwl2 are created in same local folder as the .dwg I just opened localy. Then I copy the local .dwl and .dwl2 files back to the remote server in the same location I received the origional .dwg from. Why are those files not locked now from everybody on the network that I am remotly away from?
I am trying to make business cards in Adobe Illustrator using the Pantone Color System. In my logo, the middle circle is a dark grey: C20 Y20 M20 K80. I can't find a suitable Pantone grey that is this dark. Pantone 425U is too light. Also, which Pantone Black is the darkest?
When Illustrator files are created by my colleague on his PC, he drags and drops images from various folders into his Illustrator document. The file opens fine on our other PC's, but not on our Macs. We always get broken links messages which is horribly cumbersome.
I am using corel x3 a long time but never, never had this kind of problem. When i work in corel enviorenment after i have finished my work i go to save my work. But then is the problem It Saves the file with Large Memory on it. let's say if the file normally would be 200 K, now it saves with 3 MB. And if i import some other files in my work then the saved file will be even bigger. If i Delete the files that were imported The Saved File will be Again the same SIZE ! Even if a take one part of the file, let's say if i import only one small text and put it in another file and save it like that, the saved file will be 2 MB. I had a lots of problems, i had saved files on this way with 23-24 MB and when i open them it takes like forever. When you look that file in corel it has nohing in it, absolutely nothing that should be 24 MB. But all of my important work is in that files how to make all things back to normal again,
I have downloaded Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign from the Creative Cloud. When I try to open the app, I get an error that tells me "Cannot find the server "NDC-DiskStation" (my server name)" I've contacted Adobe about 5 times they keep sending me to Apple, which always sends me back to Adobe. I can open my app when I am connected to my server at my office, but cannot open it when not connected. However, I downloaded the app while not connected to my MacBookPro lap top.
Since last thursday we have been having major issues opening files from our network share on server 2012. Everytime we go to open an .ai it hangs illustrator for about 15-20 seconds?
This has only started happening to all 3 machines we have
Our network is 1GB links, 2 of our computers are massive spec, i5's 16gb ddr3 1600, ssds......., other one slightly older ddr2 no ssd (problem exists on them all)
If we drag the file to the desktop then open, this is instant but reading from the server is being a nightmare!
I'm relatively new to using illustrator and im trying to change the dpi of a drawing. One of my frinds made a T-shirt design in a non adobe software program, forget it know, and accidentally draw it at a 100 dpi file and looks blured when changed to a 185x185 pixel size. Can I take that file and change it to 300 dpi?
Go to effects> Document Raster Effects> and select dpi quality
I've already done that and it doesn't look like it did anything. Does it need to be redrawn?
I have a problem with drawing small circles in Illustrator, because when I export them they are not "smooth". The edges seem like truncated. Have a look here with "Pixel preview" turned on:
And now, setting an offset of +0.5px for X and Y, the circle is how I want it to be:
I am running Illustrator CS6, and I have found that Illustrator lags a lot when I have multiple objects that are very small. For example, for my school project I am creating four seasons, and I have multiple leaves on the trees, but since they are very small and I have multiple copies it slows Illustrator down siginificantly. What I am trying to figure out is if there is a way to reduce the quality of the artwork, so that It can run fast when I need it to. Below is a link to download the file, so you can see what I mean. Right now it lags when you zoom In/Out or if you try and move the object. Also, my computer Specs are listed below
For the most part, it loads files very quick but after making multiple copies of files its starts to really lag a lot. The download link is below [URL] ....