Illustrator :: CS4 Compatible With Windows Terminal Server 2012 (64bit)?
Jan 6, 2014can you confirm if the CS4 version of illustrator will work on a 64bit version of Windows 2012 TS?
View 1 Repliescan you confirm if the CS4 version of illustrator will work on a 64bit version of Windows 2012 TS?
View 1 RepliesMoving to a Windows 2008 Server x64 desktop and notice that when Lightroom is installed it's the 32bit version. On Vista x64 the installer automatically installs Lightroom 64bit. Is there a way to manually select the 64 bit version for install ?
View 6 Replies View Relatedwe have a dilema regarding Backburner 2013:
I work at a studio and we want to buy new servers and we want to purchase Windows Server 2012 wich, from what we read is based on Windows 8 architecture. We read BackBurner 2013's specification and Windows 8 didn't appear as supported.
Our question is: If we buy Windows Server 2012 Enterprise for the render farm will it work with Backburner 2013 without any problem?
Looks like the format is not forwarded correctly to the printer when printing A3, it comes out as A4. If we change paper format in printer properties to A3 it works fine.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSince last thursday we have been having major issues opening files from our network share on server 2012. Everytime we go to open an .ai it hangs illustrator for about 15-20 seconds?
This has only started happening to all 3 machines we have
Our network is 1GB links, 2 of our computers are massive spec, i5's 16gb ddr3 1600, ssds......., other one slightly older ddr2 no ssd (problem exists on them all)
If we drag the file to the desktop then open, this is instant but reading from the server is being a nightmare!
Just installed CS6 on my new workstation and Photoshop; it freezes upon opening.Every other program I have installed has worked flawlessly, including the rest of the CS6 Suite and Lightroom 5.Both Windows and the Adobe Suite have all available updates already installed.Computer is a new HP Z420 Xeon Workstation, Windows 7 Pro 64bit, 16GB Ram.
View 15 Replies View RelatedIn Photoshop CS6 (64bit), when using the brush tool (with a brush with pressure sensitivity activated), I quite often get a line drawn at the max width selected, as if there was no pressure sensitivity. Everything goes back to normal after I start drawing another line, and happens again after a few lines. It's quite random.
I don't have this problem in any other software (Illustrator CS6 64bit, Painter XII, Sketchbook Pro, Zbrush, ...). I have already checked and I've found some other users on other forums with the same problem.
One example, with a picture of the problem: [URL] Another one, exact same problem: [URL] Some of those users seem to have solved their problem by installing an old driver (6.1.5r3), but they had that problem with Intuos TABLETS in the first place, not a Cintiq 24HD... I have tried that, but unfortunately the driver is not compatible with the Cintiq 24HD.
To test this out: I've been able to reproduce the problem 90% of the times I've tried. if I keep the pen at 1 inch from the display so that it's still recognized by the screen but it's not drawing, then wiggle it a bit, and then I slowly move to the screen and tap it (as if I was starting a line with very low pressure), the problem appears and it makes a large dot, as if there was no pressure sensitivity. As I said the test doesn't work every time, but almost.
This is an image of what happens when I try and make dots in Photoshop. These are done trying to push the pen with the same (low) pressure. The big ones are from when the issue appears: [URL]
I have tried the pressure test in the Wacom utility software and it seems to work fine, it never jump to full even when I try the method I've just described. In the diagnostic page of the Wacom utility software the pressure is always correct, even when in Photoshop there's the brush sensitivity issue.
note: I've already tried to completely re-install my computer + the Adobe software + the lastest wacom driver for my Cintiq 24HD, and the problem is still the same.
I updated my CS5.1 to 64bit when I upgraded my OS to Win 7. Now when I check for updates I get an error message U41M1C212 - server isn't responding. I checked firewalls and IE settings - both seem ok. I downloaded the latest update plugin but I get a message that mine is newer (and bigger) than it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhy can't Windows Explorer show thumbnail previews of DNG's on my Windows 8.1 64bit Pc. I assume is has something to do with not having the DNG codec. However, on Adobe's website it says their DNG codec only works on Windows 7.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to execute a .JSX file by using Mac Terminal Command like i am doing in MS Windows by using following cmmand: C:/ start illustrator.exe Script.jsx
its working fine but i want to do the same thing in MAC, i am working on an Application in that I am using CS6 SDK to add some functionality in my Adobe Illustrator, but didnt find any method to execute JSX files directoly from VC++/CS6 SDK.
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I was told by customer service that I CAN use it on my mac. But then if that is true, I am unsure of what the point of having a Mac/PC option is?
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View 4 Replies View Relatedcurious and cant seem to locate it on the main website
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Is it CS3 and any version under?
Before installing cs3 extended onto my new computer, I was needing to know if it is compatible with Windows 7. I see that cs3 is compatible but what about the extended version? It is a Windows Home Premium 64 bit version.
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View 9 Replies View RelatedI have an older version of Adobe Photoshop (3.0, 1996) that I have tried to load under Windows 7 and under a "Parallells" WIndows 7 on a MAC OSX 10. Both give me an incompatibility message regarding a 32 bit application and a 64 bit application.
how I can use the older Photoshop under Windows 7.
Is Photoshop Elements 10 compatible with the new Windows 8 operating system? Microsoft now has an inexpensive Windows 8 upgrade path for laptop and desktop running Windows operating systems.
View 5 Replies View RelatedThe download trial verson of Photoshop CS3 does not run on Windows Server 2003. Is there a plugin solution?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI' m looking to buy a new laptop which has Windows 8, would I be able to use my Adobe Creative Suite 3 web premium with this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI tried to install the trial version of cs3 from the adobe website, but after I installed the setup part and started downloading the actual program, it said it downloaded 1 shared component but it couldn't download the actual CS3 program.
My computer says I'm using:
Microsoft Windows XP
Media Center Edition
Version 2002
Service Pack 2
I'm not sure what the download problem was, I checked Adobe's troubleshooting page
P.S. - If CS3 isn't compatible with Windows XP Media Center Edition, is Photoshop CS2? I had CS2 on my old computer, which was one of the Windows XP (can't remember which one, but it had service pack 2) but I would like to download CS2 or preferrably CS3 on my new computer.
I just bought a new laptop with Windows 8..I need a cheaper older version of Photoshop Elements compatible with this....I have been using Elements 7, but no longer have this.Also what version of Lightroom is compatible with windows 8?
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy company is switching to a Windows HPC 2008 Server based platform and I wanted to know if we'll be able to run Photoshop CS4 Extended on this OS? The Microsoft site seems a bit sparse in terms of information on compatibility with existing applications.
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