Is it possible to map a grid of objects, say several small spheres, over the surface of a larger sphere?
For example, the smaller spheres would simply be arranged in a square grid, say 6 x 6, or 36 total spheres. Then I want to take that square pattern of spheres and map it to the surface of a larger sphere.
• Intel i7-975 - 3.33 GHZ
• 24 GB RAM
• Samsung 256 GB - SSD
• 3ds Max 2013
• Windows 7 - 64 bit
• SpaceMouse Pro
I have a mesh which is derived from a heightmap. It represents the water surface on the terrain. I need to tile the mesh so that I can apply each piece to a separate terrain tile in the Unity game engine.I'm working in meters so I guess just importing the mesh and converting to meters on input would set up the mesh extents correctly. The mesh will be square covering the entire world extents.How do I set up a grid and slice the mesh precisely along that grid? Are there any methods in Max, or any scripts? It would also useful if I could scale the mesh in the Y (height) axis to change the span. How to do that?In addition, I need to delete parts of the mesh. The triangles will always be along the same plane- for eg, any triangle on the plane in the pic. Is that possible? I don't mind editing manually, but I'm wondering if there's a more quick way to do it.
As I recall, back in the 3ds dos days you could create a grid aligned to a face of an object by simply picking 3 vertices on the face. I've never figured out how to do this in MAX. I don't need to align objects but need to move vertices around on a given tilted face.
im in the "getting started maya 2011" in page 104, at Selecting edge loops, is were you are making the helmet with, polygons, but, when i use the snap to grids, something weird happens, all that its selected kind of join together
I would like to create a simple polyplane in the side view in Maya. When I try to do this nothing happens and the software suggests I start on the grid but you cannot see the grid in the side view.
1) Is there a way when packing UVs to force 3DS to use the entire 0-1 space? There always seems to be padding regardless of if it is set to 0 in the software. If I'm using a tilable texture this creates seams since it doesn't go all the way to the end of the UV space. I have to manually snap the vertex points on the UV to the corners of the 0-1 space.
2) Is there a way to have 3DS keep the size of the grid in the UV editor? If I set the UV grid size to something specific it always resets it back to .5 if I go back in at another point or for a different object.
I new to 3ds max and watched a bunch of tutorials, but I'm having trouble trying to do something simple like moving one box on top of another box.
For example, I created a table and now I want to create a lamp and put it on the table. Is there some way I can just move the lamp and have it snap to the surface of the table when it's near?
I layout photos for albums and I just upgraded to CS4. Even though I have the snap to grids function selected my photos don't seem to be staying in line with the grid. I don't know what to do!
How do I move objects in Illustrator, so they snap to grid? I can draw new objects in such way that they snap to grid, but I cannot snap existing objects when I move them around. Why?
--> I dont know what pixel preview is. edit>pref.>guides&grid show pixel grid is checked
-->I am trying to make my objects snap to the grid when I move them around, not just stay in a random place.
I am trying to group 10 objects together but every time i try to group them I get a message saying "Operation could not be completed. Active layer document grid is locked or invisible."
But even when i turn on the document layer visibility it still won't let me group them, and I can't turn the print or edit buttons on.
I made a drawing which contains lots of circles with a diameter of 12 and some lines that connect them. Pretty simple.
But.. i made the drawing with a x.xx precision (2 numbers and the program that has to load the .dxf file only likes all objects on the x. precision.. so no tents or hundredths precision.
I changed the precision from "0.00" to "0" in the unit settings but... the objects in my drawing still hanging on the old coordinates.
Is there any simple function or way to bulk action all this objects to the correct precision grid? I worked out that it is possible to select the circles which are in 1 horizontal line with each other and then change the Y setting to (for example) 45.0 if it was at 45 In this way it will put the circles on the correct grid. But... i have 1400 circles and lines
I also saw that the X coordinates of the circles in a horizontal line are different (ofcourse) and will be mentioned in autocad with *VARIES* I thought maybe can do something like *VARIES*.0 to put them on the correct grid but this kind of things didn't work.
I notice that when copying and pasting objects to another part of the same drawing it does not appear to be possible to get an exact alignment with the grid structure. I have done this with OSNAP switched OFF and with Snap ON but it does not give the desired result, the elements of the copied drawing always being just off the grid and not in true alignment.
I have set up a 20x20 pixel grid and I want to easily try out a few mockup layouts. No matter what I try, Illustrator simply does not snap to grid. I have to zoom in really close to align each shape.
Surprisingly it does not snap to guides either, leaving me completely hopeless. I have snap to pixel on and all objects are set to align to pixel grid.
I have my grid set to 10px (with subdivisions set to 1). Snap to Grid is enabled. I had "Align New Objects To Pixel Grid" checked when I created the document.
When I draw an object, it will snap to the 10px grid as I am drawing it. However, when I go to move the object around, it will not snap to the grid at all. In Photoshop and Fireworks, this was a piece of cake, but in Illustrator I've never been able to get this to work, nor find a solution for it. The only way I can kind of get it to work is to set my grid to 1px, but I really don't want to be zooming in that far constantly when moving things around.
For what it's worth, this is happening in Illustrator CC, but I've had this same issue with older versions as well.
I need the logos on this poster to be distributed in alpha order in a grid pattern. Is there an easier way to do this than manually setting them in place? Like a script or something?
I have a slightly unusual query that I can't seem to find a solution for elsewhere. I have an existing OS plan that is 'off grid', and would like to adjust the vertices at the ends of all the existing lines and polylines so that they all sit on a grid point. Is there a quick command or script that does this?
I am having a problem with grid lines showing up in my print out from autocad, but only in the viewport that has 3D objects in it and displayed in conceptual mode or realistic mode. Don't know what is causing them or how to get rid of them. They do not show up on my screen or in the print preview. They only show up in the final prints and even when printing to a pdf file format. I have printed the same drawing out from other computers that have Autocad 2009 and do not get that problem. My computer has Autocad 2010. I have also uninstalled and reinstalled Autocad but that doesn't work.
I have turne off Snap to Grid, and Snap to Point.. and I have made sure "Align New Objects To Pixel Grid" under the Transform menu is turned off, yet still my objects are snapping to point intersects... am I missing something?
I'm having trouble modelling smoothed polygon objects in non-destructive ways, meaning editing the poly model often messes up the TurboSmooth applied to it. Example pic below.
Some tips or tricks to add details to objects in a better way? I know about adding details using separate floating objects, but it doesn't look very good close up.
I have a slightly unusual query that I can't seem to find a solution for elsewhere. I have an existing OS plan that is 'off grid', and would like to adjust the vertices at the ends of all the existing lines and polylines so that they all sit on a grid point, ie round all vertices to the nearest whole number. Is there a quick command or script that does this?
I am looking for the same function in Maya that I use alot in 3DS. In 3DS, you can "Merge" (import) models from another scene (file) into your current one. It allows you to pick a single model from the imported scene to be imported into the current scene.
I know Maya has the import function but it seems to import all the objects. I just want to import a particular model.
Is this possible in maya?
3DS Max 6 to 2009, Maya 2010 NVIDIA Quadro 1700, Quad Core 2.67GHz, 4Gb RAM [URL]....
I am having some difficulty getting objects to exactly align to another. When I zoom in as much as I can I see that the two objects edges are not exactly aligned to each other on one axis despite having the same co-ordinate values. I am working in meters unit value. I have tried going to millimeter unit setup but I still have the object aligning issue using what seems to be the finest level of movement - 3 millimeters per movement action.
I can't rotate anything in 3ds Max anymore. The only way I've found is to go via the hierarchy pivot box (left hand menu), which isn't much of a workaround.
The rotate gizmo appears, the pie slice appears, angle numbers change when I drag but nothing moves. Is there a quick way of resetting 3ds to defaults? I presume I've switched something on or off that I shouldn't have!
I can rotate merged objects, just not native ones. I grouped a lorry with a box (I wanted to put a logo on the box for the side of the lorry) - when I rotated the lorry, the box stayed put!
Being a transplant from AutoCAD I am used to using ctrl+1 to change the properties of selected objects. How is this done in 3DS? I would like to change depth of the cylinders...
i'm trying to close a gap between 2 objects to prepair it for 3d printing (a halo ODST recon helmet for halloween). i had found a bunch of papercraft models but those won't print properly as they are on my replicator so i'm trying to make the pieces thicker so they have real substance. i've attached what i've got so far.
as you can see, there is a gap between the inside and outside of the object that needs to be closed.
i've tried "fill hole" but that fills the entire space which is unacceptable. bridging is no better.
i've never taken classes for maya and don't have much money for books. What is the procedure to properly close that gap,
1. In both AutoCAD and Sketchup you can rotate objects relative to the objects existing angle. In AutoCAD, for instance, you can start the Rotate command and select the object, enter the rotation base point, and then enter a reference point (such as the opposite end of the line). Sketchup's rotation command operates in much the same way.
2. Finally, is there a way to save a custom rotated view, so I can return to it on demand like the default views (top, left, right, back, bottom)? As you can probably guess I am working on building design that has some non-orthogonal lines and I am just looking for some workflow tips for modeling non-orthogonal components in 3ds Max.