AutoCad :: Background And Grid Colors In 3D Modeling Space
May 4, 2011
I notice as I zoom in and out of the 3D modeling space that the background and grid colors fade from light to dark.
Is there a way to control the fading when zooming to keep the background and grid from becoming too light and illegible ?
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Jul 24, 2013
1) Is there a way when packing UVs to force 3DS to use the entire 0-1 space? There always seems to be padding regardless of if it is set to 0 in the software. If I'm using a tilable texture this creates seams since it doesn't go all the way to the end of the UV space. I have to manually snap the vertex points on the UV to the corners of the 0-1 space.
2) Is there a way to have 3DS keep the size of the grid in the UV editor? If I set the UV grid size to something specific it always resets it back to .5 if I go back in at another point or for a different object.
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Jan 9, 2013
I am using Civil3D 2012 and I am trying to create a 50'x50' grid in model space that automatically populates the N & E.
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 SP4
Windows 7 (64)
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Jan 23, 2012
Is there an easy way to use space to generate a ceiling grid. My predicament is that when I create a space, the lines show up in Medium Detail and I have to switch to Reflected display configuration to see the grid. But when I am putting in the grid it asks me to choose the space, which is now not visible. Unless I change the display configuratiion, is there a way to pick the space while in the reflected display configuration.
Or better yet, is there a way to create a script that will toggle the space display on and off while in reflected.
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Mar 2, 2012
My question is when you Create Reference Grid, it seems to default the text and grid to black in color (I work with a black background in C3D), so its pretty tough to see. Where do you control the color and text size of this Grid?
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Jun 11, 2013
I am looking to create a grid to "Overlay" a topographical map in model space. Essentially this will be built on a seperate layer titled grid that can be turned on or off to essentially "toggle" it. What is the most efficient way to create a grid in autocad? As well as assure the proper scale. Say I want it to have 10 ft. by 10 ft. cells on a topographical map that has a scale of 1" = 50'.
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Jan 3, 2013
Is there a way to fade down the drawing limits and grid in the model space. I now have Autocad 2011 and I previously had 2009.
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Sep 4, 2011
What is the advantage/usage of limits command? I know it specify the area where could be filled with Grid command. But is it, its only usage? What other usage could be expected from "limits"?
If we want to make the paper space and model space same (draw in same scale, if we use 1/100 scale in metric system, 1 meter in model space is equal to 1 centimeter in paper space), is it a wise idea to set the model space into A4 or A3 paper size by use of LIMITS?
I think its utmost usage is in combination with "snap". Where you can quickly grab the points you want onscreen without need for coordinate input. Would be happy if there is other usage for GRID
Before, I thought limits will specify the area in model space where I can draw (limit the area of model space). But this is in contrary with the fact that model space is limitless and I can draw as far as I want.
It is really hard to understand that there is no limit for model space like real world.
I haven't understood these issues until I read many threads in CT. Now I have got most of them but I think I need some extra study to understand them 100%.
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Jul 27, 2012
My paper space is white, don't show the colors of the layers I'm using. How to restore them?
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Feb 23, 2012
Is it possible to map a grid of objects, say several small spheres, over the surface of a larger sphere?
For example, the smaller spheres would simply be arranged in a square grid, say 6 x 6, or 36 total spheres. Then I want to take that square pattern of spheres and map it to the surface of a larger sphere.
• Intel i7-975 - 3.33 GHZ
• 24 GB RAM
• Samsung 256 GB - SSD
• 3ds Max 2013
• Windows 7 - 64 bit
• SpaceMouse Pro
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Nov 8, 2013
I have a mesh which is derived from a heightmap. It represents the water surface on the terrain. I need to tile the mesh so that I can apply each piece to a separate terrain tile in the Unity game engine.I'm working in meters so I guess just importing the mesh and converting to meters on input would set up the mesh extents correctly. The mesh will be square covering the entire world extents.How do I set up a grid and slice the mesh precisely along that grid? Are there any methods in Max, or any scripts? It would also useful if I could scale the mesh in the Y (height) axis to change the span. How to do that?In addition, I need to delete parts of the mesh. The triangles will always be along the same plane- for eg, any triangle on the plane in the pic. Is that possible? I don't mind editing manually, but I'm wondering if there's a more quick way to do it.
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Mar 5, 2012
We have a bit of an urgent situation at work. Namely we have stepped over from standard AutoCAD 2010 to AutoCAD Architectural suit 2012.
The situation is as such that if we set our search path to our ctb and our dwt (nothing else no other search path changes) our dwt templates load as being visibly black/white all the colour information is wrong.
Upon closer inspection of elements draw in the dwt for example a line though it still displays as being physically black/ white the properties menu declares it as being the colour we need it to be for example red. We have double-checked in our plot dialogue box if the ctb is present and its presence is confirmed. The peculiarity is though if we try and locate it using our (findfile “CTB\NAME\AND\PATH” method the command prompt returns nil meaning as far as I have come to understand as missing/ not loaded/ not found. A line the properties menu states the plot style is set to ByColor and not by the specific CTB file as when the same line is selected in AutoCAD 2010.
We have quite an extensive customisation comprising almost of every kind of file AutoCAD has put up for user customisability so my instinct was that something within the whole customisation was causing our issue.
We have since rid of all customisations and reset the profile using AutoCAD and as double backup also via the registry keys, we also have deleted our corresponding AutoCAD application folder in the hope of eliminating some nasty that may of stayed behind.
We have no plug-ins that cannot be the problem. Further experimentation shows that if we create a search path using the following lisp the colours are displayed right for the duration of the AutoCAD session but upon restarting AutoCAD the colours again become black/ and white.
When entities such as the lines are moved the items being moved flicker across the screen in their correct colour, once placed the image instantly shows as being black/ white again.
As final symptom our model space colour seems to be the only thing effected, our layout tabs are fine however we don’t work in layouts but rather in model space.
I have also as last used the vars2src command in AutoCAD 2010 and imported the variable settings into AutoCAD architectural suit 2012 hoping that the issue was a variable setting overlooked, to no avail though. Neither is our desktop icon enabled with any switches such as profiles.
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Nov 15, 2012
I have teached myself working with autocad version 2004 so maybe its not the right way of drawing but I draw 3D objects using solids!
In the past I could take or put dimensions on this solids to print and pass on to colleagues but on our new 2013 version I seem incapable of doing this I can not select a point on a solid and continuously get the message invalid point!!!
working in 3D modeling space using parametric linear! what am I doing wrong? or is it an setting that I need to change?
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Apr 3, 2013
As I recall, back in the 3ds dos days you could create a grid aligned to a face of an object by simply picking 3 vertices on the face. I've never figured out how to do this in MAX. I don't need to align objects but need to move vertices around on a given tilted face.
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Nov 3, 2009
Are there any plans to add the simple yet productive feature of moving an object in the X and Y directions at the same time?Also, I would love to be able to select the ceiling grid and hit the space bar and have the grid rotate 90 degrees.
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Mar 14, 2012
When you first open AutoCAD, the background grid is not square, so a square will not look like an actual square on your drawing.
How do you change this?
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Jun 6, 2013
I'm working on a project for work and I just started to play with GIMP for real after knowing about it for a few years.
Basically what I would like to do is take a background image, put a grid on it, and fill the squares in the grid with custom (not random) colors. Every spot on the grid will have a fill color.
I was thinking that I would use Excel to create a comma delimited file with each cell containing the correct color, and I want to know if there's a way for GIMP to read a hex value, color the square of the grid corresponding to the hex value, then move on to the next square.
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Jul 10, 2011
im in the "getting started maya 2011" in page 104, at Selecting edge loops, is were you are making the helmet with, polygons, but, when i use the snap to grids, something weird happens, all that its selected kind of join together
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Oct 16, 2013
I would like to create a simple polyplane in the side view in Maya. When I try to do this nothing happens and the software suggests I start on the grid but you cannot see the grid in the side view.
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May 14, 2012
I want to draw up a large grid or table in AO sized paper. I will then get it laminated and use it to write down on the left hand column each company I see and sell to. Then beside the company running horizontally I want little check boxes that I can tick off with a marker to not when I last visited that company.
So how doe I make a large sized table with evenly spaced columns and rows etc.
I though that I could just select the table button and set how many rows etc then click and drag. This works, but I want to be able to enter in a value of say 100mm wide by 30mm high and set that for each grid.
The only setting like that is for the actual whole area of the grid/table not each individual cell. Can it be done like how I said?
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Jun 11, 2011
I'm a beginner/intermediate level 3ds max user and I've recently starting to model what I love the most - sci-fi stuff, more specifically, space ships. So, I've been browsing the net looking for models done..Now, there's one very specific question in mind: does a ship (say, a very creative and complex concept) has to be one single object, or can it be a group of linked objects? Notice that I have in mind game development. URL....
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Mar 20, 2011
In sub object mode, I have some vertex selected, I would like to set this vertex to a specific position in space.
For exemple, In the picture attached, I want that each 4 vertex set to 0 in x position in one command (I don't want set to 0 individually each vertex).
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Jul 15, 2013
i use white, the same as PS. Never understood why use black, especially as it encourages the use of yellow to draw do most ppl use black?
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Jul 30, 2013
Any way to change that background in which we create models. Someone said that Autodesk knows better than the users so we have a choice between drab grey and depressing grey.
I am using AC 2014 and I still cannot find a way to change that background.
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Jul 23, 2011
why is it that anytime i try to combine to meshes (which were originally one mesh to start with) with different colors on them i loose the colors on both after the combine operations is invoked? It's pretty much a door with one color on one side and another on the other side. I extracted the face then painted it a white color after painted the other side a dark color. When i position them back to combine the colors disappear and goes back to that default grayish color.
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Feb 20, 2012
importing Adobe Illustrator files into Maya. Well, now I've solved the problem and was able to export my "South Park" like character (made with CorelDRAW). The problem is that, though the model had colors in CorelDRAW, the model as it appears in Maya, has no colors. It's just curves. How to add colors to the model, while mantaining exactly the same colors it had.
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Nov 7, 2012
Is there a way to change the background color of the lay out tabs different than what AutoCAD offers in the uniform background choice? I have a hard time telling what tabs I have selected to publish when I have it set to white. I really would like to keep the background white and not have to change it to black. When I have it set as black it is very obvious which tabs are selected. Is there a way to keep the uniform background on the layouts as white but the background on the layout tabs show as black when selected rather than the same color as the layout background.
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Oct 21, 2004
what is a good way to make a grid type background for a website? I already tried creating a 10x10 pixel image and just drawing a box in it, but it didnt look good when applied to the website.
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Aug 17, 2011
I have a model rigged with The Setup Machine and The Face Machine and a single material is applied to each of them. Not sure if the above is relevant, but when I tested this in a clean scene with just a sphere, everything was fine.
I then select a few faces and apply a new material to those faces. I smooth the mesh and the UVs are smoothed and the different materials appear where they should be. If I set the divisions on the polySmoothFace node to 2 or more the materials seem randomly placed across the mesh. The Uvs however, are smoothed correctly. So I then have to reassign the materials to the correct faces.
If I do one smooth mesh, then another separate smooth mesh, the materials are placed correctly.
Is this a bug or do you think something is wrong with my setup?
Core i7-2600K
Win 7 Professional
Maya 2011.5
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Sep 29, 2013
I am trying to create a face for the empty space on the left but it doesn't seem to be working. Is there way for me to fill it?
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May 11, 2011
way to change the background color (color outside the "paper" in paperspace?
The light gray that I can't seem to change, is suboptimal for me.
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