AutoCAD 2010 :: Background Grid Is Not Square?
Mar 14, 2012When you first open AutoCAD, the background grid is not square, so a square will not look like an actual square on your drawing.
How do you change this?
When you first open AutoCAD, the background grid is not square, so a square will not look like an actual square on your drawing.
How do you change this?
I have been issued the task of putting map grids on building plans. I have a number of building plans that I must put a square grid over, with 2 meter between grid lines according to plan scale.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have been issued the task of putting map grids on building plans. I have a number of building plans that I must put a square grid on top, with 2 meter between grid lines according to plan scale.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi was looking at this image and i was wondering how he made the square box type things on here for the backround.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm unfolding a 30x40x2 mm square tube for tube laser. The tube is imported from STEP format.
The flat pattern is 1,5 mm too narrow - even when I increase the K-factor to 1,0.
Is there any work around to get a wider flat pattern.
IV 2010
HP-Z200 Pentium 3,3 GHz
12 GB ram AtiFirePro V-4800
Windows 7-64 Pro
In my drawing I have set my UCS to a gridline (I'm drawing up a survey from a construction site), named the ucs 'square' and then set Plan view to Current so that it is nice and square to the screen. I saved the drawing in this plan view.
However, when I reloaded the drawing this morning, my 'square' plan view has become 'World'. Also my 'square' UCS has disappeared from the list of UCS's. I thought this was just a funny bug so I typed 'UCS' followed by 'w' hoping the world UCS would go back to the real one, but nothing happened. As far as I know it is not possible in ACAD to rename, alter or in fact do anything to World UCS (for good reason), but this is what ACAD appears to have done all by itself.
Luckily I have all the site gids saved in their 'world' orientations so I can get round it by a simple bit of copybase/paste/rotate, (but it means my dimension text is all going to be skewiff).
As a caveat I should add that I am a very exprienced ACAD user (7years) and regularly work in 3D in all kinds of views and UCS's and I've never had this happen before.
The pickbox keeps turning into a rectangle and not a perfect square. It's width is less than its height. This keeps happening and is annoying. When I close AutoCAD 2012 and then reopen the drawing its a square, but soon turns into a rectangle.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am using AutoCAD 2012, my drawings dimensions are showing in millimeter. i want to change millimeter to meter.....
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have been trying to get rid of a white square background to a downloaded image. How to to this. A step by step instruction would be great as I am new to all this.
View 19 Replies View RelatedI notice as I zoom in and out of the 3D modeling space that the background and grid colors fade from light to dark.
Is there a way to control the fading when zooming to keep the background and grid from becoming too light and illegible ?
How I can update my diesel expression to display the area in square feet not square inches. See expression below.
Brushes - I want a square pointed brush end for blocking out the background after using the magic wand. The round brush end does not work well on straight surfaces.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have recently configured various borders for our Inventor software and have now turned to AutoCAD to do the same.
Within Inventor you can specify grid references around the border. eg A-F along the top and 1-5 on the vertical. Can this be done with AutoCAD 2011????
I have a grid of around 100 points which are spread reasonably evenly.
I need to turn them into a surface as to see the height change between the points more clearly.
how do i make the grid brighter so i can see it more easily when i'm in a room that has a foar amount of ambient light?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI received a drawing that has a layout with multiple mviews in it. There is a light grey grid showing in the layout, that I can't make disappear. Grid on / off command has no effect. Really it doesn't matter if the grid is showing, but it's so annoying! Creating a new layout would fix the problem, but is there an easier way to get rid of the grid?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI would like to have my autocad start with my osnap settings, grid off, ortho on, etc. I am not a fan of the grid, and I have to turn it off everytime I start a drawing. Is there a way to create this as a normal setup?
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhat is a good way to make a grid type background for a website? I already tried creating a 10x10 pixel image and just drawing a box in it, but it didnt look good when applied to the website.
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow do i make the grid more visible?To explain... if i work in an office with a high degree of ambient light, i find it difficult to see the grid lines!So how do i make them more visible?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIm trying to change the default angle of 30 degrees on the isometric grid and snap. Is this possible?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to extend multiple grid lines to a perpendicular line?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI recently installed AutoCAD 2012 and have noticed that my crosshairs are moving as if a grid is turned on. I checked my settings and have turned everything off however, the crosshairs continues to move in "jerk-like" movements.
How do I change this?
I seem to have hit some key on Illustrator CC which turns the canvas background from white to a grey graph grid. I've now done it on two files and it's driving me crazy trying to figure how to turn it back to white.
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow create coordinate grid on layout in Civil 3D 2010-2011, such as this
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a slightly unusual query that I can't seem to find a solution for elsewhere. I have an existing OS plan that is 'off grid', and would like to adjust the vertices at the ends of all the existing lines and polylines so that they all sit on a grid point. Is there a quick command or script that does this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI set a snap for ease of use, e.g. if my intended output scale is 1:50 I will set my snap to 25, this makes drawing lines fast and simple.
When I used the break command in previous versions (I skipped 2011) the break would keep the snap on so I could break either side of a line with a perfect unit gap.
In 2012 when I select the first point it disregards the snap and just puts the break wherever I select on the line meaning the gap is not neat. Is there anyway to put this back the way it was?
how to make the twisted grid effect in the background of the below picture. I am talking about the structure in the background the one starting orange on the right fading into pink than blue .Am using photoshop CS6.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI used the free select tool to free select an area of an image that is not a square (odd shape), how do I make that selection a perfect square if pasted to new image or new layer??? rectangular would be fine too...
View 14 Replies View RelatedI cant start drawing an object from anywhere else( ie. inside a grid) except form the points where grid lines intersect. How do i go back to old system? I need to get some work done fast.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI know how to make rounded corners. But the background has color and shows the square corners of the palette.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a user and when he's in sketch mode he trys to draw a line but it keeps on snapping to a grid. Both snap and grid setting are switched off. I can't find any settings he has different from my own set-up so I'm finding it hard to fox this problem. FYI, this user is a bit of a problem and tends to change settings without even realising he's doing it.
He's using Inventor 2012.