3ds Max Modeling :: Changing The Properties Of Objects?
Jul 2, 2013
Being a transplant from AutoCAD I am used to using ctrl+1 to change the properties of selected objects. How is this done in 3DS? I would like to change depth of the cylinders...
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Jan 27, 2014
How to change position of several objects toward center (let's say all objects have pivot point in one place) ?
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Jul 10, 2012
When I select any object, my quick properties tab is blank and my properties tab doesn't register anything. Also, I get an error message when I go into my CUI to try to modify the quick properties tab. Pretty frustrating. I've attached a couple of images for reference. I've repaired, re-installed and unistalled and re-installed and still have the same probelm.
Dell Precision T3500
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU W3530 @2.8GHz
ATI FIrePRo V5800 (FireGL V)
12 GB Ram
64 BIt OS
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Jan 16, 2012
A user showed me today that she cannot see any properties for a wall, door, or other AEC object in the Properties palette.
Some options like height, width, etc. are shown, but not layer, style, etc. from the General portion of the Basic tab.
Is this going to be a reinstall scenario or is there a fix for this?
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Dec 22, 2011
I new to 3ds max and watched a bunch of tutorials, but I'm having trouble trying to do something simple like moving one box on top of another box.
For example, I created a table and now I want to create a lamp and put it on the table. Is there some way I can just move the lamp and have it snap to the surface of the table when it's near?
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Dec 2, 2011
I want to change some layer properties that are the same on about 100 different drawing files. Is there a way to do this once and have the change reflected every time I open one of the 100 drawings?
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Jul 4, 2013
I have a title block saved in my template file, and also as a block in the design centre. The variable fields within the title block are in Arial font. If I open each title block and fill them in I have no problem. If I take the shortcut of filling in one and copy and paste from one sheet into the next sheet, the text properties change back to standard.
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Dec 15, 2011
Is it possible to change the properties of the dashed line? Specifically the dash length and space between dashes?
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Sep 5, 2012
My RAW files look great in bridge, but when I open or save them, they are somehow changing properties. The exposure increase and they become blown out and more yellow? This just started out of the blue yesterday.
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Dec 21, 2011
We've just upgraded to AutoCAD Architecture 2012 and I discovered that my match properties command (MA) is now on steroids. In the process of making an existing plan into a demo plan, I put a toilet on a demo layer. I intended to use match properties to put other select items on the same demo layer, but when I touched the lavatory, it turned into a toilet. I've never had this happen before. In trying to solve the issue, I've discovered the same thing happens with other AEC objects (couches, urnials, chairs -- all became toilets) and it happens in multiple files. Only walls and doors remain intact with only the layer, color and linetype changing (which is what I was expecting).
I looked at the settings inside the match properties command and none of them seemed to apply. I deselected the special properties options anyway, but the problem remains.
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Sep 25, 2012
I am having an issues that I am unable to change the properties of a selected object using the tools located within the ribbon. Instead I need to go through the properties popout to change them.
for instance, I seclect a line and want to change the layer from A-wall to A-door. I try to change it using the drop down layers located within the ribbon, but it does not change. however If I do the same only though the properties popout window I can change it.
Is there toggle that I accedently switched?
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Mar 27, 2012
I have often right clicked a part in the browser of an assembly and edited its properties. This may include stock number, material and adaptability.
Drawings of these assemblies seem to update accordingly. At least initially.
I have noticed often several sessions later, the same properties have defaulted to their original value.
And I came across the statement in the corrections attachment.
What does the highlighted sentence mean, exactly? And which properties respond to a change at the part level when edited in an assembly?
Using Inventor 2012 Windows 7 Dell Precision dual EH(quad core) @ 2.13 GHz 4 G Ram
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Dec 2, 2013
changing some properties default value for 2 items i have here. I want to keep the new settings inside my dwg template but i don't find any why to do it yet.I have to modify these manually or use match properties.
THE TEXT: Has the first picture, i would like to keep the setting Line Space Style: "Exactly" instead of "at least" all the time, each time i open a new autocad. How can i modify this default value? is there a way to do it ?
THE LEADER: Has the picture, in my dimension style i use 2 mm standard closed filled arrow. BUT i like to use the "dot" style sometimes but i like to use the dot at 1 mm not 2 mm.
Is there a way to set individually each type of leader tip size ? With dimension style override it's not working for now..Or maybe if i could change the default properties value for the particular dot in a configuration file?
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Oct 13, 2011
how to change the precision display in my properties window; I usually keep it open and docked, and am in the habit of changing many of the properties of a selected item there.
When I pick a drawing feature, the properties window's precision is only set to single digits (ie: highlight text, the text size in the window is displayed as "0" instead of "0.8").
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Feb 16, 2012
I have two problems. I want to change the text size, font, and color to be consistent with my office standards. However I can not find where the Sheet List Style is stored or edited. Which brings me to the second issue, the HELP in Exchange is bogus. Like MANY of the help entries, it refers to incorrectly named or non existent features and commands. In this case it says to "Select the sheet list in the drawing, right-click, and click Edit Sheet List Table Settings." which would be fine, except there is no option in the right click menu named "Edit Sheet List Table Settings".
Clicking on the Manage tab on the ribbon and selecting style Manager, the selecting Documentation objects, then schedule table styles, yeilds...nothing. How can I edit something that has no options?
Hiding the style manager so that all you get when you click on help is a ding that tells you there is a command open, but does not bring the command window to the fore.
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May 20, 2012
I was expecting that existing artwork on a perspective grid would move/adapt when changing grid properties like vanishing point etc. but it looks like the artwork just stays unchanged.
I couldn't find anything on the net - is there a way to change the artwork accordingly with the perspective grid?
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May 25, 2012
Why do I need to change the paper type/size in Lightroom everytime I want to print aphoto, even during the same session
I set the paper to say 15 * 18 and borderless and select print. The paper size shown in the top left changes back to A4 by itself. Try setting the options again and they remain as selected. Select another photo and try to print 15 * 18 borderless and the paper size changes again.
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Aug 28, 2011
Under the Display tab the Display Properties for an object is dimmed. Why is that?
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Aug 13, 2013
Is there any (non programming) solution where I can add custom data/properties to objects in plain AutoCAD?
(I know I can in Civil 3D though, using Notes/Extended Properties etc etc)
We want to allow users to add their own unique ID to all their drawn objects, and we don't want to use Entity Handle as that is not anything we can choose ;-)
We're using that ID to connect other datasources (ODBC) to Navisworks and we would like it to work even from AutoCAD, even though we have Civil 3D inhouse.
using plain AutoCAD straight out of the box?
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Apr 26, 2013
I used architecture on my pc. I installed Autocad on another pc with the same Serial code. I can see on the top that my version suddenly is a Educational version. I'm telling you this because i don't know if this is the reason of my problem.
The problem: i can't see the properties of an object when i use autocad architecture in the educational version.
For example: I make a wall and i place a window in the wall. Now i want to change the width of my window, using the properties bar. SO i click on my window (right mouse button) and click on PROPERTIES. It opens the properties bar BUT i can't see the window and his properties. At the top of the properties bar it says "No selection".. How can this be when i begin with the right mouse click on my window?
When i do it in the other direction: Open properties (ctrl+1) first and then select for example my wall, still nothing changes in the properties bar!
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May 3, 2013
Every time I re-open a file containing a 3D object placed in the document, if I do a minor change (texture, color or position) the 3d object jump to his imported place in the document and lost the position and direction I placed it.
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Jun 1, 2012
Is it possible to change a Parts Only parts list on a drawing into a Structured parts list? When a new parts list is created and you select the view it automatically chooses parts and greys out, preventing you from actually changing it manually. Is it possible to get around this without having to start a new drawing?
Inventor 2011
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Oct 21, 2013
Within the drawing title block we have a 'Text' of type 'Custom Properties - Model' which pulls in a custom iprop from a model which is the models finished weight. This is a common way of auto populating title box entries.
The problem is that the sheet populates the text with the info related to the first viewport placed upon the drawing.
Whilst fine when planned for properly, I quite often encounter upon large multisheet detail drawings, that a user when detailing an IAM, will have forgotten to put the IAM view down first, especially later in the drawing series where the IAM is not required and the user is detailing IPT's.
What I am looking for is a way to change which viewport the border properties are related to ideally, so that if a user has forgotten to place the IAM but has placed 20 IPT's down, I could place an IAM outside of the maximum area, as the 21st object but fool Inventor into thinking this was the first viewport placed down, thus populating the border info correctly.
I don't know of a way to do this currently, either with current Inventor functionality, or by programmatic approach - our current fix is to have the user create another drawing sheet, place the IAM outside the maximum area, copy all his IPT viewports across from the first sheet, then delete the first sheet. Is it possible to change the object order of placed viewports with less disruption?
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Dec 8, 2011
how Inventor Materials are used in your companies, what is your customization level and usage level.Do you use Inventor Materials as they come out of the box ?Do you create your own materials?
Do you modify the properties of existing Inventor materials without changing the material name?Do you show material names on 2D drawings (in parts list etc)?
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Apr 8, 2012
when modeling the movement or scale tool is so small I find it difficult to grab one of the arrows without super zooming in and moving the camera around alot.
is there a way to set a larger size?
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Sep 24, 2013
My company have decided to use plain autocad as the base instead of Civil3D. Since this been done im missing information in the properties pallet.
The information im interested is shown in attachment properties 1 (This is from Civil3d). In the properties pallet in plain autocad this information is missing se attachment Properties 2 (From plain autocad).
Is there any way to reach this information in plain autocad. This is in autocad 2014.
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Feb 24, 2014
I have a problem trying to import objects to load their correct material properties. The textures are all there but I have to reset there specular properties everytime. Even if I import the same object straight after I export it with the materials properly set, I still have to reset them all over again. Is there a setting somewhere like in Customize that I can change to make the objects maintain their properties on import?
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Jan 6, 2013
I am about to write the function using Overrule API to temporary override object’s colour to ByLayer for all entities in the drawing.
At this moment I just have simple class for testing (just to check if it is possible) and so far I can see problem with complex entities.
Entities such as Line, Polyline even BlockReferences work fine but complex objects like HATCH, MTEXT and LEADER do not change colour as set in SetAttribute method.
Below is simple class I was testing.
public class ByLayerColorOverrule : DrawableOverrule
public override bool WorldDraw(Autodesk.AutoCAD.GraphicsInterface.Drawable drawable, Autodesk.AutoCAD.GraphicsInterface.WorldDraw wd)
base.WorldDraw(drawable, wd);
return true;
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Feb 23, 2012
Is it possible to map a grid of objects, say several small spheres, over the surface of a larger sphere?
For example, the smaller spheres would simply be arranged in a square grid, say 6 x 6, or 36 total spheres. Then I want to take that square pattern of spheres and map it to the surface of a larger sphere.
• Intel i7-975 - 3.33 GHZ
• 24 GB RAM
• Samsung 256 GB - SSD
• 3ds Max 2013
• Windows 7 - 64 bit
• SpaceMouse Pro
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Aug 11, 2011
I've inherited a computer at work and I don't really know what's going on with the settings.
When I press Alt + X to make the object transparent so I can see my reference image, it simply turns to a shade of grey.
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Apr 24, 2012
I'm having trouble modelling smoothed polygon objects in non-destructive ways, meaning editing the poly model often messes up the TurboSmooth applied to it. Example pic below.
Some tips or tricks to add details to objects in a better way? I know about adding details using separate floating objects, but it doesn't look very good close up.
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