AutoCad 2D :: Changing Precision Shown In Properties Window
Oct 13, 2011
how to change the precision display in my properties window; I usually keep it open and docked, and am in the habit of changing many of the properties of a selected item there.
When I pick a drawing feature, the properties window's precision is only set to single digits (ie: highlight text, the text size in the window is displayed as "0" instead of "0.8").
Is it possible to change the precision in the properties box for the maximum and minimum grades and elevations of a feature line? I like to select my feature lines and see the minimum and maximum grades and elevations in the properties. (I keep the properties window docked and open at all times.)
In Autocad 2014 I can't seem to get the same properties when I choose a dimension as I have been with all previous vertions. It does not have any of the option such as text height, Tolerance, Precision etc. Is this new for 14?
i was wondering if it's possible to change the default precision of values in the drop down menu for linear parameters when using a block properties table from 4 digits to 0.
See attached file, when opening the dropdown menu, the centre-to-centre widths of the chair are displayed in a value with 4 digits "behind the comma" and i would like that to be 0.
In my AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013, I created a parcel from 4 lines. I selected the parcel (Property : 1) to get the Properties tab and edited the Style of my parcel: (i) changed Property : 1 to NewLOT : 1 in Name. (ii) added 22.5 mg/Kg Arsenic; 33.6 mg/Kg Lead; 66.9 mg/Kg Mercury to Description. In the drawing area, NewLOT : 1 appears, but, there are no 22.5 mg/Kg Arsenic, 33.6 mg/Kg Lead, 66.9 mg/Kg Mercury shown up below the NewLOT: 1 line - see the attached file. how to bring the chemical data from the Description of my parcel to the drawing area.
I have a routine that looks for an MText date stamp and replace the old date with a new date. The problem is some MText strings appear encrypted. Below is an example:
{\H1.121x;\C1; \LFY 2011-12\l \H0.6252x;04-30-11} This is what I should get when I extract the string (as shown in Property window)
(1 . "\pxi-2.1818,l4.3636,ql,t4.3636;{\fSymbol|b1|i0|c2") is what I get when I extract the group code.
When I want to upload pictures into Lightroom 5.2RC the window is black and no picture is shown. This was also true for Lightroom 5. The same pictures are imported into LR 4 without any problems.
My system: 27" IMac newest generation, 16GB Ram. Uploading from a Ricoh GR, Fuji X-Pro 1, Fuji X100 directly or from a Hama cardreader USB 2 or 3.
How I can change the sequence in my propertieswindow?
I give in my parameters and wich parameter I put in first comes on top of the properties list. If I delete the parameter that is first on the list and I put it in again it joins the list at the botom.
Now I want to control the sequence of the properties window so I can have it for al blocks the same. that makes it easier to use.
Like in the picture that you can find in the attachment. I want to put elements on top of the list so I can choose The elements (with visibility) first and then I want to put in the width and height.
I have a problem with attribute values. After I insert block inside drawing and see properties window all attributes with its values are there (attributes are not set as constant). When I try to change any information from this properties window, everything looks fine but when I go to block editor and check the attribute values there I see that they has not been changed. When I try to generate/extract this values from the drawing they are still old. Is there any way how to synchronyze this information between properties window and values which are in block editor? Or did I do something wrong?
I'm not able to see the values of attributes in my Properties Palette. When I select the block, I would like to see the associated attributes show up in the "Properties" window; however for some reason they do not.
This happens with all blocks and I checked the constant. I'm thinking it's a Variable but don't know which one.
I'm having a problem with my properties window or floating palette. When I select an object, such as a "line", my properties palette refreshes itself for about 3 seconds. When I hit esc, or deselect the line, it takes another 3 seconds to refresh itself. You can even see the properties palette start at the top and go blank as it travels downward. Very slow process, I can not get anything done. IF I close my properties palette, it does not have the delay, but I can not work without it. When I reboot, it works fine for about 5-6 selections, then jams back up.
ACA 2012 sp1 with Win 7 Pro 64bit sp1 Intel i7 hex 3.0 16 gb ram Nvidia Quadro 4000
In ACLT 2008, I was able to resize the window in the layer properties manager to what was convenient for me. In ACLT 2010, I am unable to change either the size or the position of the window. The same is true of the Design center window. Is this something that is permanently changed, or is there maybe a fix coming to allow this convenience in the future? Or have I missed some system variable which controls this?
I am using AutoCAD Map 3D 2009. I am not getting the object data values seen in the properties window in one of my machine. The other machine I am able to get the object data in the properties window.
I have attached screen shot of the machine where the object data can be seen in the properties window.
Civil 3D crashes when I open the Layer Properties window. What is the best way to fix this issue? Will the standart AutoCAD 2011 1.1 and 2 updates work?
I must have hit some combination of keys which altered my interface because Autocad 2013 is acting slighly differently. I can no longer pick Dtext and change its contents directly but must go into the properties tab and change the text through the properties window. When I pick an object my layers scroll windo no longer identifies the objects layer. And when I right click an object I no longer have access to the same set of command that I used to. For example I used to be able to right click an XREF and have the command xclip available but that and other specific commands are no longer available. I am on a deadline and am not able to figure out what is causing this sudden unexpected change in the interface.
We run 2012 Civil 3D. We recently loaded an application which provides tabs of mutiple open drawings at the top of the page so you can easily switch between drawings.
I typically dock my Object Properties Window on the left side of my window. Once we added the application, I can no longer access my Object Properties window. It is slightly visible within the window where the drawing tabs are. However, it is only 2 -3 lines of the window.
I cannot drag the properties window to another location.
I tried removing the application for the drawing tabs. However, then I cannot access the properties window at all. It says it opens and closes but it is hidden.
I attached a screen shot to try to show the problem. The properties window can be seen in the top left corner.
I use the Map function within Civil 3D 2012 to export municipal GIS data from shp files, for our base plans. One of the clean-up functions is to convert the text exported from GIS to an appropriate text style suitable for the project. To do this, I would select the text, use the select similar command, then update the text style in the properties window. This process has worked well when using Civil 3D 2010 and 2011, however, I have noticed in 2012 the "style" option is not available.
Not sure what I mean, have a look at the two attachments. Notice in the C3D 2012 image, there is no "style" option, while the C3D 2010 image includes the 'style" option. I submitted this bug to our reseller, who was able to replicate this error. Our reseller submitted this to Autodesk, who was also able to replicate this error. What is interesting is if I open the drawing that contains the map exported data from C3D 2012 in either 2010 or 2011 versions, the "style" option is available, just not in 2012. This leads me to believe the issue is not with the data or the export functionality of 2012, the issue is with 2012 displaying the data property. Autodesk has forwarded this issue to their developers, no indication of when or if it will be resolved for Civil 3D 2012.
My workaround for now is to use Civil 3D 2010 for the drawing cleanup functions. Fortunately I am able to have previous versions of Civil 3D installed, since I am on subscription. My advice is when upgrading, do not remove your previous versions if you are on subscription, you may need to use it one day.
Whether I used the flyout on the ribbon, the CTRL+1 command, or right click on properties in the menu of a selected item, the properties window does not appear. I tried both repairing and reinstalling AutoCAD and neither worked for me.
I'm using Mechanical 2010. I keep my "Properties" window docked on the right side of my screen. I've run like this for several years, but recently when I click on an entity, it takes a few seconds to regenerate the window..
I running XP on a 16 bit machine with 4 gig of ram.
We will alter the Arch Base CAD file layer colors to a muted color for use as our backgorounds. We would sort the Layers by color, so that we could group them together to one base color, so basically layer colors 10-19 would then become 19, 20-29 would be 29, layer colors 30-39 would be 39, etc... If the colors were one of the 9 Base Colors (Red, Yellow, Green...) Red is effectivly the same as color as 10, so then we would make it 19, etc...
In 2007, even thought the sorting was by layer color, the layers rows would remain in the same location until we applied the changes. But in 2013, if we sort by color then alter the color, the layer row will automatically be re-sorted to its proper position in comparison to all other colors. OK I get that, but, if we are altering 40, 50, 60 layer colors, that auto re-sorting is annoying, because then we need to rescroll to our last location to continue.
So, is there a way to turn off the re-sort until we APPLY the colors.
I want to change some layer properties that are the same on about 100 different drawing files. Is there a way to do this once and have the change reflected every time I open one of the 100 drawings?
I have a title block saved in my template file, and also as a block in the design centre. The variable fields within the title block are in Arial font. If I open each title block and fill them in I have no problem. If I take the shortcut of filling in one and copy and paste from one sheet into the next sheet, the text properties change back to standard.
We've just upgraded to AutoCAD Architecture 2012 and I discovered that my match properties command (MA) is now on steroids. In the process of making an existing plan into a demo plan, I put a toilet on a demo layer. I intended to use match properties to put other select items on the same demo layer, but when I touched the lavatory, it turned into a toilet. I've never had this happen before. In trying to solve the issue, I've discovered the same thing happens with other AEC objects (couches, urnials, chairs -- all became toilets) and it happens in multiple files. Only walls and doors remain intact with only the layer, color and linetype changing (which is what I was expecting).
I looked at the settings inside the match properties command and none of them seemed to apply. I deselected the special properties options anyway, but the problem remains.
I am having an issues that I am unable to change the properties of a selected object using the tools located within the ribbon. Instead I need to go through the properties popout to change them.
for instance, I seclect a line and want to change the layer from A-wall to A-door. I try to change it using the drop down layers located within the ribbon, but it does not change. however If I do the same only though the properties popout window I can change it.