AutoCAD 2013 :: Missing Objects In Properties Pallet

Sep 24, 2013

My company have decided to use plain autocad as the base instead of Civil3D. Since this been done im missing information in the properties pallet.

The information im interested is shown in attachment properties 1 (This is from Civil3d). In the properties pallet in plain autocad this information is missing se attachment Properties 2 (From plain autocad).

Is there any way to reach this information in plain autocad. This is in autocad 2014.

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AutoCad 2D :: Missing Properties Of Objects In Architecture

Apr 26, 2013

I used architecture on my pc. I installed Autocad on another pc with the same Serial code. I can see on the top that my version suddenly is a Educational version. I'm telling you this because i don't know if this is the reason of my problem.

The problem: i can't see the properties of an object when i use autocad architecture in the educational version.

For example: I make a wall and i place a window in the wall. Now i want to change the width of my window, using the properties bar. SO i click on my window (right mouse button) and click on PROPERTIES. It opens the properties bar BUT i can't see the window and his properties. At the top of the properties bar it says "No selection".. How can this be when i begin with the right mouse click on my window?

When i do it in the other direction: Open properties (ctrl+1) first and then select for example my wall, still nothing changes in the properties bar!

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Missing The Standard Properties Toolbars?

Jan 7, 2013

When I first time use AutoCAD 2013, my Properties toolbar can be displayed by right-clicking at the pull-down menu at click on the properties. But now I could not find the properties option anymore after right-clicking at the pull-down menu. get back my properties toolbar displayed in my AutoCAD 2013.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Add Custom Properties To Objects

Aug 13, 2013

Is there any (non programming) solution where I can add custom data/properties to objects in plain AutoCAD?

(I know I can in Civil 3D though, using Notes/Extended Properties etc etc)

We want to allow users to add their own unique ID to all their drawn objects, and we don't want to use Entity Handle as that is not anything we can choose  ;-)

We're using that ID to connect other datasources (ODBC) to Navisworks and we would like it to work even from AutoCAD, even though we have Civil 3D inhouse.

using plain AutoCAD straight out of the box?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Quick Properties Not Recognising Objects When Selected

Aug 6, 2012

I'm having a minor issue with Autocad 2013 at the moment. I use the Quick Properties box to change a lot of my object properties, but since changing from 2012 to 2013, I have noticed QP doesn't recognise the selection of any objects.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Properties Pallet Disappears When Double Clicking Object

Dec 11, 2012

Having just installed AutoCadArchitecture 2013 last week, I've been fairly successful in fixing most of my "issues".   

When I dbl. click on a line, polyline, etc, I have it set up to open the Properties Pallet, (not the quick properties box). Problem is, the first time I on a no object it opens the Properties pallet no problem, but the second time i dbl click an object, the properties pallet completely disappears from the screen. When I dbl click the object a 3rd time, the pallet comes back.  I have it set to auto-hide, but not disappear.  How do I get to use the dbl. click feature to open the properties pallet every time?

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Revit :: 2013 - Missing Properties And Project Browser Box

Jan 16, 2013

how can i open the project browser and properties box in revit 2013. they just disappeared.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Corridor Subassembly Tool Pallet Missing?

Jan 9, 2013

When I open up Cooridors/Sub Assembly Tool Pallets all the imperial and metric sub assemblies are missing.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Properties And Quick Properties Not Displaying Information For Objects

Jul 10, 2012

When I select any object, my quick properties tab is blank and my properties tab doesn't register anything.  Also, I get an error message when I go into my CUI to try to modify the quick properties tab.   Pretty frustrating. I've attached a couple of images for reference.  I've repaired, re-installed and unistalled and re-installed and still have the same probelm.  
Dell Precision T3500
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU W3530 @2.8GHz
ATI FIrePRo V5800 (FireGL V)
12 GB Ram
64 BIt OS

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Properties For AEC Objects Not Displaying In Properties Palette?

Jan 16, 2012

A user showed me today that she cannot see any properties for a wall, door, or other AEC object in the Properties palette.

Some options like height, width, etc. are shown, but not layer, style, etc. from the General portion of the Basic tab.

Is this going to be a reinstall scenario or is there a fix for this?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Missing Objects From Dwg In 2013 Save As 2010

Dec 20, 2012

I am using autocad 2013 primarily and other employees are using 2010. I am saving my drawings as 2010 and for me there are no issues. On the other hand people using 2010 are having objects missing in the drawing. All layers are turned on and all thawed. The primary objects missing are AEC objects. Is there a switch to show or hide these object?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: 2013 - Accessing Wall / Window And Door Pallet?

Jun 5, 2012

In Autocad Architectural 2012 if I typed 'wall' I would get several options for walls.  If I selected 'A' (add) it would bring up the properties panel and draw the necessary walls.  This does not work in Architectural 2013.  Where to I access the wall/window/door pallet?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Fatal Error When Inserting Block With Attribute From Tool Pallet

Apr 20, 2012

Every time I attempt to insert a block with an attribute in it from my tool pallet I get the error FATAL ERROR: Unhandled Acess Violation Reading 0x0020 Exception at 4260af08u. 

If I insert a block without attributes it works fine.  I even tried building a block in 2013 and then inserting it from the toolpallet, still fatal error's out. 

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AutoCad 2D :: Missing Object Properties?

Sep 5, 2012

Juts had Acad LT 2009 re-installed on my new laptop, and all of my old settings, desktop preference etc have been wiped. No problem, couple of hours to set it back up.


When right-clicking on any object to bring up the properties, (line length, text height etc) the properties do not appear in the drop down box on the right, or in any 'quick properties' display

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Object Properties Missing Some Parameters

Aug 22, 2013

How can I restore my object properties dialog box in its default state? I'm recently working on a project when my Autocad Architecture 2013 just stopped working while it was saving. When i re-opened the file, I just noticed that the object properties doesn't show the full parameters of a certain object anymore. The width,height and other parameters in adding a wall is not included in the properties dialog box. Same scenario goes for all the objects, when i click on a dimension line or any line, an incomplete dialog box appears. Solutions that i've tried but nothing worked:

1. Changed User Profle Preferences

2. Changed my .CUIX in the customization file

3. Restart Autocad

4. Reset Autocad

5. Reinstalled Autocad

6. Downloaded and Installed Autocad Architecture 2013 service packs 1&2

I'm Using Autocad Architecture 2013 64 bit and OS windows 8 64 bit.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Structure Properties - Drop Down Menu Missing?

Aug 25, 2011

How can I get the drop down menu of previously input data to come back?  I was here on a previous computer so I assume its something in the part catalog or part builder?

Currently operating Autodesk Civil 3D 2012, AutoCAD 2012, Bentley MicroStation V8i

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Missing Style Option In Properties Window

Apr 26, 2012

I use the Map function within Civil 3D 2012 to export municipal GIS data from shp files, for our base plans. One of the clean-up functions is to convert the text exported from GIS to an appropriate text style suitable for the project. To do this, I would select the text, use the select similar command, then update the text style in the properties window. This process has worked well when using Civil 3D 2010 and 2011, however, I have noticed in 2012 the "style" option is not available.

Not sure what I mean, have a look at the two attachments. Notice in the C3D 2012 image, there is no "style" option, while the C3D 2010 image includes the 'style" option. I submitted this bug to our reseller, who was able to replicate this error. Our reseller submitted this to Autodesk, who was also able to replicate this error. What is interesting is if I open the drawing that contains the map exported data from C3D 2012 in either 2010 or 2011 versions, the "style" option is available, just not in 2012. This leads me to believe the issue is not with the data or the export functionality of 2012, the issue is with 2012 displaying the data property. Autodesk has forwarded this issue to their developers, no indication of when or if it will be resolved for Civil 3D 2012.

My workaround for now is to use Civil 3D 2010 for the drawing cleanup functions. Fortunately I am able to have previous versions of Civil 3D installed, since I am on subscription. My advice is when upgrading, do not remove your previous versions if you are on subscription, you may need to use it one day.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Polyline Global Width Missing From Properties Dialog

Sep 10, 2012

It used to be that when you selected a ployline onscreen you could set properties for the line in the properties dialog. With this version of ACAD, if the polyline is not of uniform width on all sections then the global width option is missing from the options dialog.

I know that you can now right click and go polyline/width but i suppose i have been doing this a certain way for so long and now i cant and its annoying.

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AutoCAD LT :: Layer Properties Manager Menu Button Icons Missing

Jun 10, 2013

LT 2014 Menu Buttons missing from top of Layer Properties Manager Window (see attachment).Works fine in LT 2013. What changed between the two versions that causes this?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Column Chooser In Parts List Is Missing Some Properties

Oct 30, 2012

I am trying to generate a parts list that will contain a stock number from the BOM.

When I go to customize my parts list I cannot add a stock number as it's not on the list of properties available.

Is there any chance to add other properties? (i am aware that I can add a custom property but it won't be linked to my BOM.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Overrule Attributes (properties) For Complex Objects

Jan 6, 2013

I am about to write the function using Overrule API to temporary override object’s colour to ByLayer for all entities in the drawing.

At this moment I just have simple class for testing (just to check if it is possible) and so far I can see problem with complex entities.

Entities such as Line, Polyline even BlockReferences work fine  but complex objects like HATCH, MTEXT and LEADER do not change colour as set in SetAttribute method.

Below is simple class I was testing.

public class ByLayerColorOverrule : DrawableOverrule
public override bool WorldDraw(Autodesk.AutoCAD.GraphicsInterface.Drawable drawable, Autodesk.AutoCAD.GraphicsInterface.WorldDraw wd)
base.WorldDraw(drawable, wd);
return true;


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AutoCAD 2013 :: Select Objects Not Showing How Many Objects Found

May 2, 2013

A user is having problems when using the copy command in AutoCAD 2013.

When they select objects, its not reporting on the commandline how many objects its found or keeping a running total of objects selected. Not even any duplications...

I've tested it on my machine but i cannot replicate the issue and have never come across this before!

Is it a bug? Is it a variable? User setting etc.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Change Object Name In Overruled Objects In Properties Palette?

Sep 20, 2011

I have some blocks which were overruled. Now I would like in properties palettes show some thing else  instead of" block reference "  for those overruled objects. Is it possible ?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Where To Change Settings For Layer Properties For AEC Objects

Feb 15, 2011

Walls are being created on layer A-Wall, in color Cyan, Lineweight .020, etc.  I'd like to edit those layer properties.  There must be a matrix somewhere that shows a list of all of the Architectural Objects, the layer that each object will be created on, and the properties of those layers.  Where in ACA2008 have they hidden this top-secret matrix?  I've accessed Layer Key Styles via about 6 different routes, and nowhere do I find a list of Objects.  I see that I could define an override for every component of a Wall object in the Style Manager / Display Properties, but it sure would be easier to just change the layer color once, wherever that's defined.  There is only one Layer Key Style accessible through Style Manager, and layer A-Wall doesn't appear in that manager- layers A-Wall-Abov, A-Wall-Blow, etc appear, but not A-Wall.  Neither does layer A-Glaz, which is where Window objects are placed.

How does a Wall object know to place itself on layer A-Wall, and where are the properties of layer A-Wall defined?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Move Selected Objects By Value Of Their X Or Y Properties

Nov 23, 2012

I need a program to move some selected text to a line something like as extend command but for text objects!

suppose that there is a horizental line (y=constant) or vertical line (x=constant) and some selected text(or other objects), I want a lisp program that move these selected text (or objects) by their "insertion point" to this line.

in other word, if the selected base line is horizental (y=constant) then property of "Y" of all selected text should change to line's "Y"; and if selected base line is vertical (x=constant) then value of "X" of all selected text should match to line's "X" value.

for example, for base vertical line (x=constant) and 3 selected text(or can be any object) result is:

text1.          |                        text1.|

  text2.        |         ===>       text2.|

    text3.      |                        text3.|

|  .text1                                 |.text1

|    .text2                ===>       |.text2

|      .text3                             |.text3

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Change Multiple Objects Properties From The Command Line

Mar 21, 2012

Is there a way to select a number if not all objects in a drawing and then change the properties (specifically color) from the command line i.e. without a dialog window?

Custom Build with Win7 Pro 64Bit SP1
Gigabyte Tecohnology Co. X79-UD3
3.60 gigahertz Intel Core i7-3820
16GB GSkill Ripjaw Z PC3 2133 PC17000
PCI-E ATI FirePro V7800 2GB 256bit
ATA SanDisk SDSSDX24 SCSI Disk Device (256 GB)
Dell 2001FP and (2) 2407WFPHC Triple monitor setup

Question - Are you the Common Denominator?

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Revit :: Missing Material Cut Properties In Door Family?

Jan 7, 2012

I have created a door family that has a concrete fill that replaces the insulation in an insulated precast wall.  When I cut a section through the jambs looking down it looks correct but when the section is looking up the concrete fill pattern is not visible.
I would typically cut my sections looking up so that the exterior face is down in the view as it will be cast.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Changing The Properties Of Objects?

Jul 2, 2013

Being a transplant from AutoCAD I am used to using ctrl+1 to change the properties of selected objects. How is this done in 3DS? I would like to change depth of the cylinders...

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Missing AEC Objects In 2009?

Aug 13, 2008

my OS is Vista 64bit. i was using ACA2008 SP1 without any problems about a year.i decided to uninstall it and start using ACA2009.i have uninstalled ACA2008, 3dsmax2008 and other autodesk apps and removed some folders 'autodesk' and 'autodesk shared' from vista system folders.i also delete 'autodesk' from registry (LocalMachine/Software & CurrentUser/Software).then i installed ACA2009 64bit without any problems. after install i start it and there wasn't any problems (but i do not use any AEC objects, so i don't know if they was working).next i installed 3dsmax2009 & sp1 for it. max worked OK.then i installed sp1 for ACA2009. instalation was OK... but when i start working on a project i realised that AEC objects (wall,door, etc.) dont work at all ACA2009 starts OK without any warning or loads at startup AECarchBase (and other AEC related stuff) but when you are trying to use any of wall,door,window it does do nothing... for example when you select wall from tools pallete it shows command 'WallAdd' in command line and then wall command ends without any warning or also doesn't work from command line or menu the strange thing is when i uninstall ACA2009 and install ACA2008 again problem was also now in ACA2008 !!!

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Polyline Thickness (properties)

Mar 1, 2013

I am not sure how to change this, but I am adding polylines and they are coming in with a "Thickness" of 4" in the properties palette (7th option in General area of properties). The Global width is set to 0 and it shows correctly in a 2d plan view, but a 4" thickness if I do a 3dorbit.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Edit Object Properties

Oct 4, 2013

My Acad experience is very old-school, and I have been away from true Autocad for a number of years.

I have been attempting to edit the properties of objects in the block editor and ran into a problem.

+ I select an object.
+ Right-click and choose Properties.
+ A list of properties is displayed, but they are not for the object I am trying to edit.

I did a test by selecting the object and using the command prompt, used the CHPROP command to change the objects color. It did change color as expected.

However, when I used the right-click/properties method, the properties shown do not show the new color. So, I suspect that my right-click/properties method is not showing me the object's properties.  But, rather the default properties when any new objects are created.

So, obviously right-clicking is not the way to get there.  What am I missing?

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