AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Add Custom Properties To Objects
Aug 13, 2013
Is there any (non programming) solution where I can add custom data/properties to objects in plain AutoCAD?
(I know I can in Civil 3D though, using Notes/Extended Properties etc etc)
We want to allow users to add their own unique ID to all their drawn objects, and we don't want to use Entity Handle as that is not anything we can choose ;-)
We're using that ID to connect other datasources (ODBC) to Navisworks and we would like it to work even from AutoCAD, even though we have Civil 3D inhouse.
How can I stack text in a custom sheet set property without editing custom properties and adding another line. The clients name is much longer than normal.
If we're in a drawing and pick the AutoCAD application button > Drawing Utilities > Drawing Properties we can, and do, use this to enter custom propterties. Is there any way to print out a report of a drawing's custom properties? Ideally, i would like to be able to select multiple drawings and print a report of each drawing's properties.
My company have decided to use plain autocad as the base instead of Civil3D. Since this been done im missing information in the properties pallet.
The information im interested is shown in attachment properties 1 (This is from Civil3d). In the properties pallet in plain autocad this information is missing se attachment Properties 2 (From plain autocad).
Is there any way to reach this information in plain autocad. This is in autocad 2014.
I'm having a minor issue with Autocad 2013 at the moment. I use the Quick Properties box to change a lot of my object properties, but since changing from 2012 to 2013, I have noticed QP doesn't recognise the selection of any objects.
When I select any object, my quick properties tab is blank and my properties tab doesn't register anything. Also, I get an error message when I go into my CUI to try to modify the quick properties tab. Pretty frustrating. I've attached a couple of images for reference. I've repaired, re-installed and unistalled and re-installed and still have the same probelm.
Dell Precision T3500 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU W3530 @2.8GHz ATI FIrePRo V5800 (FireGL V) 12 GB Ram 64 BIt OS
I’m currently in the process of creating new tool palettes and all the components blocks I’m storing, I know the weights of, is there a way to add a custom field in the properties box say the weight for example, so I know how much something will weigh by clicking on its properties .
I saw that I can add Fields or store data in dictionaty, but those data are not showed in Properties Windows.
In not Acad-application (but .net application) I can create property description and add "virtual" properties with the use of designer. In Aced it doesn't work.
Is it possible to add custom properties from .NET?
In Solidworks they had something called custom properties that were generally setup in the models where you had the property names and then values would be filled in to automatically populate drawing titleblocks. I found this, but I can't get the drawing description to keep changes and update the drawing.
I have been programming our document and version control values into the sheet set object, as a result the custom property list per drawing is getting a little large and is becoming a bit hard to manage. There are now properties with values that are no longer needed. Is there a way to delete or clear or maybe reset the customproperty bag per sheetset object / sheet object?
I have been playing around with code that looks like this:
Private Sub DeleteCustomProperties(ByRef myItem As IAcSmPersist, Optional ByVal Lock As Boolean = True) ''Throw New NotImplementedException Dim myDB As AcSmDatabase = myItem.GetDatabase Try Select Case myItem.GetTypeName Case "AcSmSheetSet" If True Then Dim mySheetset As AcSmSheetSet = myItem mySheetset.GetCustomPropertyBag.Clear() End If Exit Select Case "AcSmSheet" If True Then Dim mySheet As AcSmSheet = myItem mySheet.GetCustomPropertyBag.Clear() End If Exit Select End Select Catch ex As Exception End Try End Sub
but when i get to "set" the new custom properties (which works normaly when updating a custom property or adding a custom property to a custom propertybag that I have not "cleared"), I am getting a object not set to an instance error...
Do I have to "recreate" the custom propertybag with the InitNew(ByVal pOwner as IAcSmPersist).
It took me a long time & effort to add all 190 custom sheet set properties (Our Frame/template is complex). When i found out that I could not re-order the sheet set custom properties I was really pleased.
My problem;
I'm trying to add a FIELD with some of the sheet set custom properties. Why are the field not seing ANY of the 190 properties I added to my sheet set? see picture
I really love all of thoses fancy new feature Autodesk add year after year, I mean, you know, NURBS modeling & stuff... Trully great work Autodesk!
I have a SSM set up with both Sheet Custom Properties and Sheet Set Custom Properties.
When I start a new project, i can populate both areas of the main SSM. I'll create my sheets and have them self populated by the "root" SSM settings (if you will)well now, lets say i need to change the date of the sheets from the past.. to the future submittal date. I set it in the "Sheet Custom Properties" in the "root" SSM and then I have to go to each sheet; right click --> Properties each sheet and change the custom properties.
Basically, is there a way to have the sheets (after created) to automatically update to the new date?
I have installed the autocad ObjectARX 2011 and .Net wizzard to start writing a .Net application for adding custom drawing parameters to all our acad drawings. I have found two issues detailed below. This is my first attempt at using c# with autocad so any pointers on what I am doing wrong will be well received.
1. If add the AcDbMgd.dll and AcMgd.dll references and set copy local to false as the documentation advises then I get a FileNotFoundException, could not load file or assembly 'acdbmgd'. If I set the copy local to true then the error goes away.
2. I tried using the code below to add a paramater but I get an exception on the first line System.TypeLoadException: Method 'CopyTo'.
I currently use code similar to Lee Ambrosius's 2009 AU handout that shows how to set/create custom properties. URL.... search for the header 'Adding Sheet Set and Sheet Properties'.
I have now accumulated numerous unused custom properties in my sheet set. I haven't been able to find a way to delete these additional custom properties.
Because I use multiple subsets with multiple sheets for printing, I would rather not have to go through all the sheets, store all the custom properties I need, destroy all the existing custom properties, and then re-create just the ones I need. how to delete individual custom properties.
When I try to modify the custom properties for the HP t2300, Autocad C3D 2011 instantly becomes non-responsive and hangs. After a few seconds, every other open app suffers the same fate. If I have task manager open to the performance tab, I can see memory use escalating rapidly. Either I use Taskmanager to kill Acad quickly, or I end up killing the power to the computer and restarting the hard way,
the plotter is set up on the network with separate queues for Postscript and HPGL. Accessing the PC3 for the PS queues has no problem, it's only the HPGL queue that hangs me up, and only in C3D 2011 (and Civil3d as AutoCAD)
LDT and LDC Map 2009 do not have the problem,. nor does Map3d 2011, and TrueView 2013 is also fine. All of these are pointing to the same set of PC3, PMP, and CTB files.Other applications do not have any problem getting to the printer properties, just Civil3d 2011..
I want my custom property to defined as item #. That Item # then is represented in the balloon.
reasoning is that then engineers wont have to check drawings anymore for the guess work involved in matching the part balloon to each individual part in the assembly being called out.
I can then focus on creating a BOM that shows the different item#'s and the user can quickly go through it.
I have a set of drawings with a large number of sheets. I need to do a mass edit of the properties for each sheet (for example update the revision number, date, checked/design/approved/drafting initials, description). The updated properties are largely similiar.
Is it necessary to update each sheet's custom properties individually, or is there an easier method?
I have Custom Properties on Drawing File. Naturally it is non-editable. But from AutoCAD When I write Command "DWGPROPS" it can be edited. I does not want it to be edited at any time.
Is it Possible to lock it using Coding? Or CAN we disable the Command "DWGPROPS" of AUTOCAD into AutoCAD?
I am looking for ways to add actual custom materials - not (just) in appearance, but in actual material properties (elasticity, etc). I have looked at wiki and searched this forum (and others) but I haven't been able to find anything of the sort... but the properties of the few aluminium alloys available are not those that we use... besides that we need them at specific temperature ranges (and honestly, I haven't been able to find any temperature controls in the FEA yet either.) And.. is there a more direct, faster, way to assign materials then [big I Pro button] > iPropperties > Physical? Right click on the solid and selecting "material" seems so much more ideal.
I have a problem here. I've created a tube & pipe assembly. Now, I want to know whether I can automatically generate "Location to" and "Location From" of my tube assembly. For example, tube A origin from part A goes to part B. So I want to automatically generate those. Is there is a way or do I need to type in manually.
Is it possible to use a custom properties within part builder to calculate pipe sizes?
Within part builder I have created a new parametric part under the rectangular pipe chapter.
This new parametric will represent a electrical conduit ductbank that will vary in size depending on the number of conduits in the ductbank. For example a 2 x 3 ductbank would have 2 columns and 3 rows of a 3" conduit. So the width and height of the rectangualr duct bank would be calculated this configuration. I will have up to 12 rows and coluimns in a single ductbank, so I might have a 10x10, 3x12, 12x 1, etc.
I have a custom pipes catalog and within the AeccPartParamCfg.xml I have created 2 custom propertes named ROWS & COLUMNS.
My question is can this custom property be used to calculate the the height & width on the rectangular pipe within part builder? Once I draw my pipe I would like the ability to edit ROWS & COLUMNS within the Pipes Properties to change its size. is this possible? See image below.
I am busy constructing my own Structural Shapes Library in Inventor 1012.During the Authoring and Publishing step I mapped Cross Section Properties (Ixx, Iyy, Torsional Section Modulus, Torsional Rigidity Modulus etc) to set parameters in my iPart table.
I have noticed that once this part is then used in Frame Generator to create a simple beam and then analyzed with the Frame Analysis tool, the analysis tool uses the geometry of the part to calculate these properties.
Is there a way that I can force Inventor to use the properties in the iPart Tables? I am worried that any errors in creating the cross section geometry will be carried into the Cross Section Properties calculated by Inventor.
Now that I have all my custom properties set up I can't seem to update the custom ones that I made. The custom properties I have added do not seem to work when I update them the through the Sheet Set Manger properties.
I'm trying to update a template which has custom drawing properties. In AutoCad LT 2012 (and obviously full autocad) there is an UPDATEFIELD command which updates the drawing properties.
This command is not known in my version of AutoCad LT 2008. Is there another command I can use?
Has used ssmpropeditor with civil3d 2012. I see that it's approved for 2013 on the autodesk exchange sever, but no mention of how it works with 2012. We are looking at using this to make SSM more user friendly to manage our keynotes and general notes as custom properties in the SSM. We already use SSM to plot large jobs, populate title blocks and when notes reference other sheets.