Illustrator :: Automatically Insert Objects (logos) Into Table Or Grid?
Sep 26, 2013
I need the logos on this poster to be distributed in alpha order in a grid pattern. Is there an easier way to do this than manually setting them in place? Like a script or something?
I done some illustration jobs lately and sometimes have to insoert some logos as bitmaps. when i export to ai everything gets there fine but the bitmap parts are very low res. can i set the bitmap handling somwhere in xara? pdf exports better but layers are lost and everything is grouped and clipped in a very complex way.
I have set of imagery in tiff format. For each of the images i have information such as coordinates where it was taken. This is in a text file.
The images are quite large. Like 800mb each.
What i am doing at this point is :
I open each image, copy the details from the text file and paste it inside the image and also I add my company logo. Then i resize it and reduce the size to a suitable one like 40 mb for printing.
What i was wondering if there is a possibility that this can be automated? Like a script or a program that will read from the text file the details, place them inside the image, put the logo in the appropriate place and resize.
How do I move objects in Illustrator, so they snap to grid? I can draw new objects in such way that they snap to grid, but I cannot snap existing objects when I move them around. Why?  --> I dont know what pixel preview is. edit>pref.>guides&grid show pixel grid is checked  -->I am trying to make my objects snap to the grid when I move them around, not just stay in a random place.
I have set up a 20x20 pixel grid and I want to easily try out a few mockup layouts. No matter what I try, Illustrator simply does not snap to grid. I have to zoom in really close to align each shape. Â Surprisingly it does not snap to guides either, leaving me completely hopeless. I have snap to pixel on and all objects are set to align to pixel grid.
I have my grid set to 10px (with subdivisions set to 1). Snap to Grid is enabled. I had "Align New Objects To Pixel Grid" checked when I created the document. Â When I draw an object, it will snap to the 10px grid as I am drawing it. However, when I go to move the object around, it will not snap to the grid at all. In Photoshop and Fireworks, this was a piece of cake, but in Illustrator I've never been able to get this to work, nor find a solution for it. The only way I can kind of get it to work is to set my grid to 1px, but I really don't want to be zooming in that far constantly when moving things around. Â For what it's worth, this is happening in Illustrator CC, but I've had this same issue with older versions as well.
I have turne off Snap to Grid, and Snap to Point.. and I have made sure "Align New Objects To Pixel Grid" under the Transform menu is turned off, yet still my objects are snapping to point intersects... am I missing something?
I have a problem: when i scale objects (even if I do a proportional scale clicking "Shift" button), the program automatically modify the alignment and the form of the object. for example if i scale a "stickman" which is completely symmetric, finally I have a figure with arms of different dimensions and proportions. Im using the cs5 Â The problem is not about the stroke dimension, is the path that is modified.
automatically insert the arc like the picture? Is there a setting somewhere that will do this? Right now when we have a location that cannot accomodate the text we are drawing an arc and grip moving the dim text to the new location. I am trying to find a more automated way to handle these types of situations.
I need some adivice on making 2d drawings of Pump stations, septic tanks, wells - here are some examples URLs...What program should i use ? If i add block to drawing can i get the specifications of the object automatically into a table, just like in example drawings.
I am playing with the book module and I love it. Hwever, I wonder whether there is a possibility to automatically create captions that show the date of the creation of a picture. More generally any subset of the Exif data would be welcome. This is possible for slideshows, but I could not figure out how to do this with book pages. Â Is there a way to automatically insert page numbers?
When using the perspective grid tool and type, I have a word on the right side of the grid in perspective, and I want to make a shadow of this word flat on the bottom grid. (Like how a tall building casts a shadow flat on the ground) Â I tried using the shear tool to do it but it is a bit tricky getting it just right. There must be an easier way to do it within the perspective tool grid. Â When I type the word and align it to the bottom grid, how do I rotate it whilst still being aligned in perspective on the bottom grid?If I try and rotate the word using the selection tool it rotates off axis so it is no longer laying flat on the bottom grid. Â Words placed on the bottom grid always read from the left vanishing point - I want the word to read from the right vanishing point so it aligns with my word on the right grid wall.
If I go to Edit and choose "Select none", they are deselected for a a few brief seconds and then highlighted again. If I go to another photo, it leaves one of the previous photos selected and also selects the second photo. I've tried restartting Lightroom, restarting Windows 8.1, all to no avail.
I don't work in Illustrator but i'm trying to figure out how to deal with an .eps file i have. It contains 3 variations of a logo stacked on top of each other, but i only want to use one of them (by placing it inside print files that are being set up in Indesign). Am i missing something simple here? I'm using CS6 versions of the software.
Ok so I am fairly new to illustrators but I have trained and used Photoshop for years and I have never had this problem. I am creating a logo in Illustrator and when I save it for web and upload it into facebook the image is completely pixelate. I have the document set for RGB at 72 PPI. I am using a web safe color and on screen in illustrator my image loogs perfectly clear. I have tried to save the document is several different file formats and nothing seems to work. I have watched several tutorials and read many documents and set up my document formats to match and it has not fixed the issue.Â
I currently set up out civil 3d to do auto linework, which went really smooth.The first issue is with my points. When I go to Import Survey Data to insert the points and do auto linework, it doesn't insert the points in the right location (nothing is .86 off and easting is 1.36 off on every point). But if i were to insert the points by going to Points and clicking Import, they are right on? second, who do I get symbols to automatically come in when I insert the points? (power poles, hydrants, inlets, etc.).
Is there any way to insert a generic table into an assembly file. I don't want to create an iAssembly or use the data to configure the component in any way. I would just like to be able to maintain some design related information within the assembly file, similar to the tables that you can create in an idw. A table just like the iAssembly table would be fine, minus the iAssembly part or any sense of configuration.
want to translate my vector illustrations to charts for cross stitch kits. Using the grid tool, but the lines aren't equally spaced? I have a 100cm x 100cm document at the moment, with 1 cm making a 'stitch'. I want a grid that is 100cm x 100cm, made up of 1cm x 1cm squares for simplicity. Then be able to print the design out on the grid.
Apply the transformed utm coordinates to grid coordinates to a structure table. the point tables have a grid coordinate selection but the pipe structure table does not.
I have this table that's reading my table style. All cell formatting is set to General and middle center justification.
When I type in a number the formatting automatically changes from General to Whole Number and upper right justification. When I type in letters everything it fine.
Why using numbers changes the formatting? In the textstyle I have changed the cell formatting to Text but that doesn't work. If I select the table, right click and choose Remove Overrides it moves the numbers to Middle Center as set in the style.
I've created a table (a door schedule for example).The data cell type properties is "general". The door # is "001". When I type this in, it switches to just "1" and the type is swiched to "whole number." Same for another cell with a number in it, it switches the cell type on me and I don't want what it switches to. Every time I try to switch it back it doesn't do anything.
How do I stop it from automatically switching, or at very least let me override?
I have created a leader from a block and I need to have that leader automatically insert data from an object. I have tried several attempts with a the FIELD command, but to no avail.
I've tried inserting a table from Excel into Photoshop and making a jpeg and gif out of it, but when I upload it to the web the resolution is terrible. How I can make get a table into an image? It's a bit too complex to create with HTML.
I'm creating a routine to fill in my terminal strips. This routine worked perfectly in Vba but I'm now rewriting it for .NET...The problem is that I want to insert a block with attributes into different cells.The tables already exists. Below my function, I'm stuck on this part
Dim lonReturnedIds = FunBlockId() ' Calls the function FunBlockID to get the ID's of the attributes ' 0 = BlockID ' 1 = AttributeID of KleurB ' 2 = AttributeID of KleurO TS.Cells(i, intPosition).Contents.Add() TS.Cells(i, intPosition).Contents(0).BlockTableRecordId = lonReturnedIds(0) TS.Cells(i, intPosition).SetBlockAttributeValue(lonReturnedIds(1), strCableConductor2WriteFirst)
Public Function Fun_StripUp(ByVal Po3dXY As Point3d, ByVal str_CableName As String, ByVal Str_CableConductor As String, ByVal strCable Conductor 2 Write As String, ByVal strCableConductor2WriteFirst As String, ByVal intPosition As Integer) As StringDim tAcadDoc As ApplicationServices.Document = ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocumentDim myDB As. [code]...