AutoCAD 2010 :: Table Automatically Changes Data Type Properties?

Dec 8, 2010

I've created a table (a door schedule for example).The data cell type properties is "general". The door # is "001". When I type this in, it switches to just "1" and the type is swiched to "whole number." Same for another cell with a number in it, it switches the cell type on me and I don't want what it switches to. Every time I try to switch it back it doesn't do anything.

How do I stop it from automatically switching, or at very least let me override?

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AutoCad :: Data Table Type Editing?

Feb 27, 2013

I am having problems regarding Data Table Types.

I utilize Excel to build BOM's. I import them through data connection, I than will tell it which cells are Headers / Data / Titles. At which point text sizes / styles ... are applied.


I have a cell that is enlarged with small text in the middle. I can orientate the boxes to increase in the Vertical or Horizontal directions larger than the original Excel Data File but i cannot get them to shrink?

I want .05" on the left / right of the widest data, and .02" on the top and bottom. If i change Vertical to .02 it puts the text at the top of the cell.. but if i put it at 1, it enlarges the cell and places it in the middle.

Horizontal i want .02 from the left, but if i align left it goes all the way to the left line.

Can a table format re-define an external excel spreadsheets cell lengths? Obviously taking into account if Wrap text is Enabled it takes the width and defines only the height?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Table Cells Automatically Changing Format

Mar 7, 2013

I have this table that's reading my table style.  All cell formatting is set to General and middle center justification.

When I type in a number the formatting automatically changes from General to Whole Number and upper right justification.  When I type in letters everything it fine.

Why using numbers changes the formatting?  In the textstyle I have changed the cell formatting to Text but that doesn't work. If I select the table, right click and choose Remove Overrides it moves the numbers to Middle Center as set in the style.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Object Data Loads Automatically?

Jan 9, 2014

I am creating seed files for contractors and clients to use. I have created the object data table(s) in AutoCAD Maps beforehand to be able to view/edit in AutoCAD Civil/Civil 3D 2010.

Is there a setting that automatically attaches this data to any object (line, circle, block, etc) drawn in a sheet. I am hoping to skip the step of manually entering "adeattachdata" and then selecting the objects that the object data is to appear. I realize that each sheet would only have one object data table.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Make Myline Type Scale Value In Properties

Feb 4, 2013

When opening properties tab, I always trying to make my line scale value into decimal but i didn't know how to do with it.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Data Link Table Does Not Insert Into DWG

Nov 23, 2011

I am trying to insert a table using a data link.  I set up the Link through the DataLink manager and then insert the table using a range. I click OK to insert the table and after a few seconds of thinking ACAD sits there with no table on the screen.  When I look in XREFs, the DL is there but says it is unrefrenced. Tried multiple ways of entering or setting up information to no avail.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Data / Properties Link With Oracle And SQL

Jan 5, 2011

I have been tasked with finding a way to link data from Oracle and SQL databases with CAD files of rooms in certain buildings. My goal is to be able to select an arbitrary room within a building and be able to access certain information. I don't actually have access to the databases yet, but I would like to know how to do this when I do. My data consists of "human" data such as: name, email, position, sex, etc; as wells as "physical" data such as: square footage of the room, who uses it, computer serial numbers, or what department is in charge of it. Using this data we will cross reference the tables to determine what our needs are.

My AutoCAD skills are good but I've never come across anything like this in the class room. Most of my knowledge is Civil based and more focused on design.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Read Line Type Properties And View?

Mar 12, 2013

I have several students working in 2012 or 2013 PC & Mac education edition who set the line type properties correctly but the line does not "read" correctly.  Checked global scale factor, listed the content to confirm layer and line type as hidden, etc., checked the properties, made sure the line type and color were set to "by layer".  It doesn't matter between model or paper space - the lines will not read. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Data Linked Excel Table Formatting?

Sep 9, 2011

I recently decided to see how the AutoCAD tables work. I was very happy to learn you could link your Excel spreadsheets with CAD. But now I have a problem.

After inserting the table it refuses to use the table style I have set up. The fonts do not want to change at all. I can change the colour of the text, but not the font.

PS: Using AutoCAD 2011

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Data Link Is Changing Table Style?

Mar 16, 2012

I have created a table style in ACAD 2012 with all of the cells formatted to what I need.  The trouble begins when I bring in a BIAS excel data link to populate the table.  I have tried every option in the insert table steps and have even tried all the different options under the modify excel link options.  I have toggled the use excel formatting on and off, which does change the table size a small bit, but does not allow the table style to take affect.

I have attached a screen shot of the "good" and "bad" tables.  The bad table is what the good table comes in as and it is also what happens everytime the table link updates.  It always reverts back to the bad style and then I have to change the table back to the good one by hand - changing each column individually.

Is there a way to attach a data link to a table with the table style holding its shape and formatting?

This happens on all of my drawings and using all kinds of different excel links.

how to bring in the data link??

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Identifying Block From Data Extraction Table

Mar 21, 2013

I have created a sample drawing, to illustrate to the design manager at work that we can use AutoCAD to assist us with the scheduling of materials, but I am unsure of all the ins and outs of it myself!

See attached drawing to make sense of the following:

Ordinarily we would use a panel reference number for all 50mm panels of identical length, i.e., all 1200mm  panels (our standard width) will be assigned a panel code, often P01... etc etc. From the data extraction (EATTEXT) command, as you can see, all 50mm cleanroom panels under the 'name' column are according the block name, in this case, I've called it "Cleanroom Panel 50mm". Is there any way to assign an individual tag to all panels of equal length, yet maintain the same block - or is this simply asking too much?

The reason for this is that although the autocad generated table is ideal for quantifying and placing orders for materials, we are a design and build firm, all our construction workers will need to be able to identify where on a plan an individual panel is, i.e., all well and good to say one panel is 332mm long, and one is 350mm long, but he will need to know what panel is to be installed where...

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Insert Data Into Drawing In Table Format

May 30, 2013

I have data in an Excel spreadsheet that I want to insert into the drawing in a table format that replicates my spreadsheet formatting and creates AutoCAD entities as opposed to a bitmap image or the mess the TABLE command generates - I'm looking to keep my text consistent within the drawing and I still use the old SIMPLEX font.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Switching Data Type Of Cell

Mar 4, 2012

(Again) Switching the “data type” of the cell,I’m not sure why the AutoCAD doesn't allow changing the “data type” of the cell in the table for already existing data. For example, in the attached table, I wanted to switch the “data type” from “decimal number” to “percentages”, but sounds that the AutoCAD doesn’t allow this function.

In the Excel, for example, we can switch the “data type” easily by selecting the target cells and choosing the format we need! Quite simple, in the AutoCAD, it seems that it needs some work around!

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Rearrange Horizontal Order Of Table Columns Made By (Extraction Data)

Mar 14, 2012

How can I rearrange the horizontale order of the table columns  which made by (Extraction data).

I know how to rearrange it vertically, But horizontally that what I want to know. Example ( colomns order is : number, X, Y. How to change it to :X, Y , number )

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Include Custom Sheet Properties In Sheet List Table?

Jan 3, 2013

Is there a way to include custom sheet properties in the sheet list table?

AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 (Primary),
Dell Percision T3500: MS Windows 7 64-bit SP1;
Intel Xeon CPU W3505 @ 2.53GHz, 12.00 GB RAM, NVIDIA Quadro 600

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Embed Data In Table So That User Can Select From Group Of Data Within One Cell?

Oct 24, 2013

Is it possible to embedd data in a table so that a user can select from a group of data within one cell?

I use this technique quite often in Excel.  One cell in a table can have various values: A, B, C, or D.  While another cell can have a different set of values to choose from:  BLUE, RED, ORANGE, or PURPLE.  The user can pull down an arrow (similar to a dynamic block) and choose from a set list of values.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Adding Data To A Feature Data Table?

Jan 20, 2012

Is it possible to add data to a feature data table?  Example: The shape file data downloaded from NRCS only has the Soil number for the State.  As I check out features I would like to add data for the soil name, soil group, etc. as additional columns in the data table and have it available in the future by checking the feature back in to my local information.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Explode Excel Table But Keep Table-layout And Texts

Mar 14, 2013

In our company, we put Excel tables in our drawings. The reason we've chosen for Excel-tables is that we can adjust the layout of the table quite easily. These tables consist of grouped cells in a particular company-specific layout. We select the range of the desired cells, copy and paste them in our AutoCAD drawing. This drawing is sent to our customers. The disadvantage of this method is, that when our customers (who use CAD-software of other brands) open the dwg, they don't see the table, but some kind of picture of the table.

Is there a way to 'explode' the excel-table, but keep the specific layout of the table? For attributes in blocks there's the 'Explode Attributes'-command in the Express-tools, but is there something similar for Excel-tables?

Product Design Suite 2014
Inventor 2012 SP2, Vault 2014
HP Workstation Z220
Intel Xeon 3.4GHz
Nvidia Quadro 4000
Windows 7 Professional (64bit)

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Properties And Quick Properties Not Displaying Information For Objects

Jul 10, 2012

When I select any object, my quick properties tab is blank and my properties tab doesn't register anything.  Also, I get an error message when I go into my CUI to try to modify the quick properties tab.   Pretty frustrating. I've attached a couple of images for reference.  I've repaired, re-installed and unistalled and re-installed and still have the same probelm.  
Dell Precision T3500
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU W3530 @2.8GHz
ATI FIrePRo V5800 (FireGL V)
12 GB Ram
64 BIt OS

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AutoCad :: Get Specifications Of Object Automatically Into A Table

Sep 13, 2012

I need some adivice on making 2d drawings of Pump stations, septic tanks, wells - here are some examples URLs...What program should i use ? If i add block to drawing can i get the specifications of the object automatically into a table, just like in example drawings.

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AutoCad :: How To Change Table Properties

Jul 2, 2012

Currently I am converting old type tables (text type) to real table using lisp. In this I have facing one issue, once converted to table, every time I must align the table like text height, test alignment, row height, margin and each column size (different size).

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AutoCAD .NET :: Alter Table Row Type?

Aug 14, 2012

I am new to developing for AutoCAD. I am using VB.NET to create a table, as standard the first row of the table is a Title row, I want to change this to a data row. How to do this?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Category Properties And Family Table

Nov 7, 2012

When creating new category, there's Parameter tab for creating new parameters. Now when publishing iPart, created category parameters must be mapped to family table columns. But why? What are they used for?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Update Drawing Properties From Model IProperties Automatically

Jul 1, 2011

I like to keep the properties of my drawing the same as those of my model. Currently I must remember to hit the "updat copied properties" button in the drawing to discard any old drawing properties and replace them with the properties from the model.

Is there any way to automate this task (perhaps on saving the drawing?) I presume an iLogic rule could be created in the drawing template, just not sure how to go about it.

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AutoCAD VB :: Import / Export Block Table Properties Information?

Feb 13, 2013

I am working with a set of dynamic blocks, each with a block table that provides a drop down for the user to alter attributes from.  My goal is to be able to update the block table using VBA to push data from an excel file.  I do have import/export code that will update block attributes, but I am not sure the functions that would access the table properties.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Allow Properties To Vary From Lookup Table?

Jun 16, 2011

Dynamic block is for a title block which can be horizontal or vertical and a few different positions.

My lookup table controls the orientation and position of all the items including a number of attributes. But for two attributes I have allowed a grip on the Point Parameters so they can be dragged left/right if there is not enough room when the text is longer.

I can reposition the attributes but if I reposition twice then the Lookup table resets to its "Unmatched" configuration which I don't want. I believe I have to have an "unmatched" setting and "allow reverse lookup" and at the same time I want the user to be able to customize the position of these attributes.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Properties Table Grip Location

Jul 1, 2012

Have dynamic block w/ Block Properties table. Can use table to change size of block by picking from dropdown list. Would like move (insertion) point of entire block to always remain exactly centered in block. Block is simply a rectangle. Have tried setting insertion point using point filters (.x of mid of horiz line, yz of mid of vert line, etc,) but all this does is assign an absolute value to the insertion point. When the size of the block changes, the insertion point remains where it was (absolute position).

Have tried creating a base point parameter, but it will not let me use geometric constraints to define position (coincident w/ endpoint) or add parametric dimension so cannot define location by using formulas (d2 =d1/2, etc). Have kludged it by using dummy point at 0,0 and "fixing" it.

Same thing for location of properties table - how do I tell it to attach the properties table grip "coincident" to the lower right corner of the rectangle so it follows the corner when the size changes?

Have attached what I have so far.

Ultimately want to also place the text "Case 1" "Case 2" etc as read from the properties table in the middle of the rectangle so that when I explode the block the text remains.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Block Properties Table Not Corresponding With Parameter?

Nov 8, 2013

The "Main Stretch" parameter does not correspond with the Block Properties Table. What does this parameter need to be attached to?The paramter will adjust with the pull down options of the Block Properties Table. 

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AutoCAD LT :: Attributes Disappear After Saving Block With Properties Table

Mar 15, 2011

I used the Block Properties table in dynamic block editor. I picked 3 out of 6 atributes to include in the Block properties table and I inserted the predefined values. When I view the block in testblock edditor everything works. Everything works also in the same drawing were the block was created. I can choose the predefined block vallues from the dropdown list.

The problem is that when I save the block in the block edditor as new drawing, for the purpose to use this and include this block in another drawing, then the attributes witch were associated with the Block Properties table are missing. They are also missing when I open the block editor in the new drawing. The attributes that were not associated with the table exist.

I have added 2 files. 1 with the block created in the same drawing and another where the block was saved an inserted to a new drawing.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Lookup Table Properties Value Returned Within Field

Aug 24, 2012

I am unsure weather to post this in Dyn Block technical or Fields as it comprises elements of both.

I am trying to get a field to return a 'lookup properties' value...

Actually, what I am trying to do is use a field to display either a + or a - depending upon upon the state of a flip parameter.

How I have been trying to achieve that is by using a lookup table to assign:

Input Properties.....Lookup Properties
Not flipped........=............+

Then I'm setting a Field to look at the Object 'Lookup Parameter' and return 'Lookup Action'.

The field then displays '#########' when testing the block.

When I return to edit the field it complains 'the object referenced y the field has been erased'. Both the table and parameter are still there, so I don't know what the problem is. Is there a better way of having a field return a specific value based upon a parameter state?

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Connecting Properties From Multiple Drawings To A Table

May 11, 2013

What I'm interested in is finding a method of connecting several properties from several Autocad drawings to a single table. I would create several custom properties in each drawing and use some of them to fill the boxes in the drawing itself (already implemented) and some of them to fill the table which could later be printed or used in some other manner (maybe even combined with an ERP software interface). Some of the properties would be used both in the drawing and in the table. What I would really like to achieve is to be able to change the property values in the drawings by changing the values in the table and vice versa.

I know how to do it for one of the drawings but I don't know if it's possible to connect several? It doesn't have to be custom properties, it can also be a table in each of the drawing if it's easier to connect with a central table that way. I suppose the best way to gather all the drawings in one place would be to use Sheet Set Manager. A bit of a problem with the sheet set manager is that we have 5 layers set up for each of the drawings and I would like to import only one of them into the sheet set. The thing is picking them by hand would take time and that's the thing I wanted to avoid in the first place. Is there maybe an option to use only import the last active layer into the sheet set?

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