AutoCAD Inventor :: Update Drawing Properties From Model IProperties Automatically
Jul 1, 2011
I like to keep the properties of my drawing the same as those of my model. Currently I must remember to hit the "updat copied properties" button in the drawing to discard any old drawing properties and replace them with the properties from the model.
Is there any way to automate this task (perhaps on saving the drawing?) I presume an iLogic rule could be created in the drawing template, just not sure how to go about it.
I'm using Inventor 2011 and when I go to change parameters using iLogic in an assembly model, (sometimes it is a component suppression, other times it is an iPart component change) it won't update the associated drawing file. I need to go into the BOM on the drawing and renumber the balloons, or change something else in order for the custom iProperties to update in the drawing template. If I just change the iPart component, then the BOM doesn't need to update making the renumbering of balloons redundant.
I'm using iLogic to update all of the iProperties and component references, then reattach balloons. What I would like to do is automatically update the custom iProperties drawing template fields, and renumber the drawing BOM.
I'm trying to put a little iLogic rule in my drawing template which triggers as soon as the drawing is opened. The rule asks the user whether the component he's making a drawing of needs to be painted or not. If it gets painted, the paint area (one side only or both sides) needs to be calculated. The result of this is then referenced by a text note in the title block.
I can do the radio boxes with the questions, as well as their If loops, but only when I'm in the model. Due to our, admittedly inefficient workflow, we never have time to specify "minor details" like paint area or spec during modelling, only when we get to drawing level. I'd like to put the iLogic rule inside the drawing template. I'm having trouble referencing the iProperties of the model from within the drawing's iLogic interface.
What I have so far is this rule, which I can run inside the model:
'set dummy variable equal to total areatotal_area = iProperties.Area'start radio box with questionsText1 = InputRadioBox("Will this component be painted?", "Yes", "No", Text1, Title := iProperties.Value("Project", "Description"))If Text1 = True ThenText2 = InputRadioBox("How many sides will be painted?", "Both sides", "One side only", Text2, Title := iProperties.Value("Project", "Description"))If Text2 = True TheniProperties.Value("Custom", "Paint Area") = total_areaElseIf Text2 = False TheniProperties.Value("Custom", "Paint Area") = total_area/2End IfElseIf Text1 = False TheniProperties.Value("Custom", "Paint Area") = 0End If
adding a line or two so that I can run the same rule, but from the drawing.
I'm trying to do this with iLogic, and i'm not getting anywhere. What I need, is to be able get to the iProperties of an associated model that is referenced into a drawing file. I want to make it easier to update the iProperties from the drawing file, without having to open the model file.
Factory Design Suite Ultimate 2012 AutoCAD 2012 | Inventor Professional 2012 | Vault Professional 2012
how I can update the physical properties for a part or assembly, from a drawing? My drawing template is showing the total weight for the current part/assembly, and I would love if Inventor could update this using iLogic, so I don't get the "N/A" value all the time.
I could not get the code to work for me, and I am not a programmer or pretend to be. I need to take a model and create a dwg with ilogic. It only needs to be one flat pattern view and one isometric view.
I also need it to have center marks for all the holes and I need to add certain dimensions.
I have copied a standard "L" to my custom library. Now I would like to map the properties for the CC parts to be like my other parts that are not created in CC. One of the things I need is the "Title" and "Description" iproperty fields need to be the sectional size, i.e. L3x2x3/16, L4x4x3/8....etc.
To do this, I went into the editor and created a column. I mapped this column to Project.Description (see image)
why this does not work? When I create a new part and look at the BOM, I only see "Angled Steel" in the description iproperty field (see image below)
I did the same thing with the "Title" field and the "Project" field. Those work great.... just can't make teh Description field happen.
I am looking for a way to link custom harness properties to equal i-properties for an electrical connector, My end result is I would like the Cable and Harness report generator gather "description" but I will not recognized the i-property " description" but if I create a custom harness property "description" it will report that. I would like the custom harness property to equal the i-property of the part, or am I going about this the wrong way?
When you do a Save As or Save Copy As in Inventor the part number in the iProperties is automatically updated to match the new filename. I would expect the Document.SaveAs method in the API to act in a similar way. However I found out that this is not the case.
SaveAs: Document.SaveAs(filename, False) does not update the part number. The new part will still have the same part number as the original part. This can give problems since in the BOM parts with the same part number are interpreted as the same physical part.
SaveCopyAs: Document.SaveAs(filename, True) does work as expected and the part number will update correctly.
Is this a bug in the API? or is there a reasonable explanation for this?
I want to set up my drawings so that the title block displays properties from the model. I want to set this up so there will be drawing properties to extract into Vault. So I want to know what other Inventor and Vault users are doing to get model properties into Inventor drawings: Using model properties in the title block and nothing to extract in Vault or Copy model properties so Vault has data to extract.
I want to know what the best in class practice is? What are others doing? I do not want to use iLogic I was out of the box Inventor functionality.
I want a ilogic rule syntax for following process:
I have one excel sheet it consists around 5 sheets for Plate, Flats, Rounds, etc. When i am run the rule then it will ask and do the following:
Ask the thickness value.It will search thickness value in “D:LINUS KOTTEstock numbers.xlsx” in sheet 1If thickness value found then fill the stock number in iproperty(project tab-stock number)
Here i am using different rules for plate, flat, round, etc.,
During some discussion with other uses of Inventor I was ask if I knew about a problem relating to Changing a member size in Frame Generator and the iProperties maintain the old members properties.
The basic problem is as follows:-You start with a simple frame, create all of the members save and then added to a drawing. The members frame come from the content centre which have been copied into a Custom Library to enable addition parameters to be added along with addition iproperties being automated such as DESCRIPTION.
Once the frame and associated members have been created and then save, if a user wants to change the size of the member inventor has to create a new part file and then inserts into the frame generator frame. However, I have found that if you review the iProperties of the new file the DESCRIPTION is the same as the one that was replace, however it was strange to see that the STOCKNUMBER and PART NUMBER was updated correctly. It seems to be only a problem with the DESCRIPTION property.
I'm trying to update a template which has custom drawing properties. In AutoCad LT 2012 (and obviously full autocad) there is an UPDATEFIELD command which updates the drawing properties.
This command is not known in my version of AutoCad LT 2008. Is there another command I can use?
We are going to be using autodesk vault and it is my understanding that vault searches the iproperties defined in inventor documents. Is there a preferred way to set up the iproperties in the part, assy and drawing environments.
If I do a search in vault and the iproperty is only defined in the drawing, the main search results will only give me the drawing(s) and I will have to show dependencies to find the associated model or assy, right. If I define the iproperty in the part, model and drawing I will have to fill in the value of the iproperty possibly in three places. If filling in the value in three places is preferred is there an easier way to fill out the values.
Is there a way, in my drawing template, to set one field as "Part Number iProperty from parent assembly on sheet 1 base view"? I want every single sheet in my .idw to reference the same "Part Number" iProperty from the assembly in the base view of sheet 1.
Is there any way to force an update of mass property values of a component from within an iLogic routine?
I am trying to produce a calibration chart showing the volumes of an irregular shaped object by taking incremental slices off the component and accessing the "volume" of the remaining portion, then writing the the results to an external file - All from within a "For - Next" loop.
The main routine works O.K. but the resultant chart only shows the original starting volume for each slice instead of the required reducing volumes.
I am a novice with iLogic and can only assume that I must somehow "update" the mass properties of the sliced object before reading its new volume on each pass.
I have a form that is loading automatically in my part model. where i write the part number, description, project and custom titles.
my questions are:
1 - when i write the part number i would like then when i click apply it opens the save box with the same part number. 2 - it's possible to check-in the file during the saving and keeping the file checkout? 3 - i would like that some of the properties would be transfer to the drawing, like the description and the project (this two are from the part properties. 4 - transfer also for the drawing the custom titles to the custom i properties of the drawing as pre fill in.
I was looking for some iLogic Code for Inventor 2013 that would cycle through all the parts in an assembly grabbing the quantity of each part and setting it equal to the custom property "Qty" of each part.
Having a little trouble creating the for each loop and setting reference to each part without referencing each part by specific name.
I’m trying to get the embossed text on a nameplate (done in sketch on a part) to change with updating a custom property in iProperties. Right now I’m using iLogic so I can change the text in User Parameters and that updates the embossed text. So where I’m having an issue is the Export Parameters tab is grayed out so I can’t get it work with my custom properties.
I know there is a way with iLogic/VB to do this but I'm not exactly sure how. Basically, I'd like to put the part number from the base view (view 1) of SHEET 1 into my title block. Easy enough with one sheet, but I want subsequent sheets to reference back to the part number from VIEW 1 on SHEET 1, regardless of what sheet it is on.
I am wondering if it is possible to do a style update (or style update check) upon open of a drawing?
The example would be that I have stuff made from way back that the colors/dimension sytles ect dont match the current standard and upon opening a file where they are not current, it would either prompt to update immediatly OR update automatically with no prompting (preferred method).
I am doing a massive amount of updates from old files recently and to save myself 1 - 3 clicks per drawing would be wonderful.
I have a frame generator model that won't update without crashing. I made a small change to the geom and can't get the model to update without a crash. No error message. I have restored (no vault) yesterdays version without success. Same crash. I have edited the geom to it's pre problem state. Same crash.
When we insert a Revision Table to a drawing we have the option to update Revision Number property in the drawing. This property is updated whenever we add a Revision Row.
I want Inventor to update the Revision Number property in the model the same way.
If this is not possible, is there a way to automatically map the Revision Number property in the drawing to the Revision Number property in the model?
I'm a new 2009 Inventor user (use mostly Solidworks for other jobs) and how to make the model update after I modify a feature sketch (e.g. I only add one more circle/hole to a sketch used for a somple extrusion, but the extra hole doesn't appear on the model). Tried all update-related commands but no luck so far. If I delete the feature and recreate it again everything works fine, but I stuff up all other features and mates that use the reference geometry...