AutoCAD Inventor :: Pulling IProperties From Drawing Sheets
Jan 3, 2013
Is there a way, in my drawing template, to set one field as "Part Number iProperty from parent assembly on sheet 1 base view"? I want every single sheet in my .idw to reference the same "Part Number" iProperty from the assembly in the base view of sheet 1.
I’m looking to do a drawing of a content center file that has a table associated with it. I’m looking to do a table much like the general table option that pulls in parameters of a std. part. I understand that content center files have no intelligence to thread data but If there is no easy way of doing that I may need to pull in an excel sheet that has the data I need.
Ultimately I would like a table that has the part #, “Dim A”, “Dim B”, etc. that links to text dimensions on the content center part view in the drawing.
The reason I want it to be a content center file is that I have a couple hundred parts that only differ by one or two dimensions and don't want to have to go through that many drawings to update and make changes to.
We are going to be using autodesk vault and it is my understanding that vault searches the iproperties defined in inventor documents. Is there a preferred way to set up the iproperties in the part, assy and drawing environments.
If I do a search in vault and the iproperty is only defined in the drawing, the main search results will only give me the drawing(s) and I will have to show dependencies to find the associated model or assy, right. If I define the iproperty in the part, model and drawing I will have to fill in the value of the iproperty possibly in three places. If filling in the value in three places is preferred is there an easier way to fill out the values.
We often have drawings with multiple sheets.Usually the first couple of sheets are devoted to identifying components and where they should be placed. The remaining sheets provide details on specific components (dimensions, tolerances, etc.).
It would be nice to be able to reference (associatively) other sheets, so it is easy to find information on a component when looking through the drawing package. For example, add a note that says "See sheet 12", and have the 12 update if that sheet (or drawing view?) changes location in the package.
I have a form that is loading automatically in my part model. where i write the part number, description, project and custom titles.
my questions are:
1 - when i write the part number i would like then when i click apply it opens the save box with the same part number. 2 - it's possible to check-in the file during the saving and keeping the file checkout? 3 - i would like that some of the properties would be transfer to the drawing, like the description and the project (this two are from the part properties. 4 - transfer also for the drawing the custom titles to the custom i properties of the drawing as pre fill in.
I like to keep the properties of my drawing the same as those of my model. Currently I must remember to hit the "updat copied properties" button in the drawing to discard any old drawing properties and replace them with the properties from the model.
Is there any way to automate this task (perhaps on saving the drawing?) I presume an iLogic rule could be created in the drawing template, just not sure how to go about it.
I'm trying to put a little iLogic rule in my drawing template which triggers as soon as the drawing is opened. The rule asks the user whether the component he's making a drawing of needs to be painted or not. If it gets painted, the paint area (one side only or both sides) needs to be calculated. The result of this is then referenced by a text note in the title block.
I can do the radio boxes with the questions, as well as their If loops, but only when I'm in the model. Due to our, admittedly inefficient workflow, we never have time to specify "minor details" like paint area or spec during modelling, only when we get to drawing level. I'd like to put the iLogic rule inside the drawing template. I'm having trouble referencing the iProperties of the model from within the drawing's iLogic interface.
What I have so far is this rule, which I can run inside the model:
'set dummy variable equal to total areatotal_area = iProperties.Area'start radio box with questionsText1 = InputRadioBox("Will this component be painted?", "Yes", "No", Text1, Title := iProperties.Value("Project", "Description"))If Text1 = True ThenText2 = InputRadioBox("How many sides will be painted?", "Both sides", "One side only", Text2, Title := iProperties.Value("Project", "Description"))If Text2 = True TheniProperties.Value("Custom", "Paint Area") = total_areaElseIf Text2 = False TheniProperties.Value("Custom", "Paint Area") = total_area/2End IfElseIf Text1 = False TheniProperties.Value("Custom", "Paint Area") = 0End If
adding a line or two so that I can run the same rule, but from the drawing.
I'm trying to do this with iLogic, and i'm not getting anywhere. What I need, is to be able get to the iProperties of an associated model that is referenced into a drawing file. I want to make it easier to update the iProperties from the drawing file, without having to open the model file.
Factory Design Suite Ultimate 2012 AutoCAD 2012 | Inventor Professional 2012 | Vault Professional 2012
Working in an idw file, I have a need for two drawing sheets with the identical views of the same part. However, each sheet will need different dimensions and annotations. What I would like to do is after completing one sheet, in one step create the second identical sheet, then just edit/add dimensions and annotations. Is there a method to do this? So far, I have only been able to copy one view at a time from sheet to sheet.
I have an assembly drawing made with 2 parts in it. I have the assembly drawing as Sheet 1 and each part also in the file as Sheet 2 and Sheet 3. What I have a problem with is that when I change or update the original files for Sheets 2 and 3 it doesn't update the sheets in the assembly drawing. Is there a way to keep these files connected. I need to have the standard sheets for filing and part designation, but when production call for the assembly to be needed, the assembly (Sheet1) with the Attached part drawings (Sheets 2 & 3) hit the production floor. Without them linked a mistake will be made. There are to many engineers in my department and we all make production changes to parts and if they are not linked bad things will happen. I am just trying this out, we have a lot of assemblies that will be great for the production if I can get all the part and assembly files to work together and print at the same time from on file.
I was looking for some iLogic Code for Inventor 2013 that would cycle through all the parts in an assembly grabbing the quantity of each part and setting it equal to the custom property "Qty" of each part.
Having a little trouble creating the for each loop and setting reference to each part without referencing each part by specific name.
I'm using Inventor 2011 and when I go to change parameters using iLogic in an assembly model, (sometimes it is a component suppression, other times it is an iPart component change) it won't update the associated drawing file. I need to go into the BOM on the drawing and renumber the balloons, or change something else in order for the custom iProperties to update in the drawing template. If I just change the iPart component, then the BOM doesn't need to update making the renumbering of balloons redundant.
I'm using iLogic to update all of the iProperties and component references, then reattach balloons. What I would like to do is automatically update the custom iProperties drawing template fields, and renumber the drawing BOM.
shouldn't sheets marked as "exclude from count" not be counted?
I tried this in both 2013 and 2012 to see if maybe AutoDesk broke it, but it doesn't work in either one. This is easily reproducible for me, a file shouldn't be necessary. Just open up (or create) a multi sheet drawing. Go to edit sheet on one or two of them and check the "exclude form count" box. Now create a new iLogic rule and put the following line into it:
MsgBox("This is the number of sheets in the drawing: " & ThisDoc.Document.Sheets.Count, VBOkOnly, "Number of Sheets")
I am using Inventor 2010 and I want to drag out the Format section of the Annotation ribbon to my desktop so it's always there. I have it like that on my PC but it will not co-operate on my Laptop. Everytime I pull it out, my Inventor crashes. I have the most recent update (version 14.4.0000.28400) and I am running Win7 64 bit. why I keep crashing Inventor?
In my company they draw out multiple pages of construction drawings in 1 file. They do all their sketching off to the side and then bring the finish detail onto the sheet that will be plotted out later.
They then start a new sheet below it and continue onward until they have 20 plus drawings in one DWG file.
What I want to do is print each drawing individually to whatever plotter or printer I set up. I can't batch file as I understand it because there are so many pages of a print in 1 drawing. Because all the DWG file has multiple pages I have to go thru several windows to get each page plotted out.
Is there a script or batch file that I can use that I can set up the plot and then for example highlight the page I want to send to the printer then go to the next print, highlight it and it gets sent to the printer without having to set up the plot again?
We use Autocad 2000 so I am working with a basic set up here without a lot of frills the later versions have. I am trying to get them to seperate the pages but that isn't working for the earlier drawings they have done.
Example for creating layouts for the zoomed portion in the model space.. Im able to zoom the drawing sheet but im not able to create layout for that sheet..See my attachment ..i created layouts manually(layout1,layout2,layout3)....But i dont know how to do this in .net API.
What I need to know is, will the drawing sheets/titleblocks attributes etc, I have created to insert in AutoCAD work in Civils 3d or will i need to create separate ones.
How to automatically print the layers of a drawing in separate sheets in one go?
I wanted to print the layers of a particular drawing each in separate sheet but wondering if there might be an automated way to do so. For example, if I a particular drawing comprise 15 layers then how to print each one of these layers in a separate sheet.
Sure, there might be more than one way to achieve this (like controlling the “plot” feature on the “layer properties manager” but what I’m looking for is an automated way to print all the 15 layers separately in one go.
Having now worked out a method of adding custom labels to sheets via a shared parameter file I want to know if there is an easier way of making these parameters fully functional in any project without having to set project parameters in the file.
The method is (assuming starting with New > Family > Titleblock or some sort of Sheet family ):
Create shared param .txt file (Manage>Shared Params>Create) - then browse for that new file to load (within Edit family sheets)Group>New then Params>new (make sure param names are unique and distinct from system parms for text labels) - set Type to TextThen addtext label (add param at bottom LHS > Select > Edit > Browse to open shared param file) then add your custom param to Label Params table.When the sheet is loaded into a project the custom labels will not be editable.
This is the annoying bit having to set up proect params in each project:Manage > Proj Params > Add > Shared Param > Select > Edit > Browse to shared param file > select each custom param in term > OK >Group Param = Title Text and set Category to Sheets. The custom parameter will now be editable (each shows as ? and not been able to find a way of showing a default label text.
Is it really necessary to do this (step 5) with every project file or is there a way of loading a custom sheet and setting project parameters automatically?
Also is there any way of adding (or editing) params to the System Family for drawing sheets. An example is scale where the sys param updates to the first loaded view scale, then if a different scale vies is loaded, changes to "As indicated". I prefer to quote the main scale. Additionally the System file date param is the current date. My preference is set the date to first issue and then list revision dates separately (which is a common company standard in the UK).
Is there any way to add an "iProperties" item to the context menu in the drawing environment, so that I can select a part on the drawing and access its iProperties, instead of having to "Open, edit iProp, Close," for each individual part? - Using Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012
Any way of having 2 files with different file name but identical designs what automatic updates the other one?
I need the same valve design with different materials, stock number and part names but I would like to make sure that both files are always updated to latest rev. Without having to remember to do it my self every time.
Is it possible to create a new TAB in the standard iProperties dialogue box for Inventor Models and Drawings? I want a completely new TAB to hold unique company information fields without having to create Custom Property fields.
In the past we filled in our changes, we did on the part, in the iProperties of the IDW. In the IDW we use some Custom iProperties for this. That's not usefull because you want this data in the 3D-model. Now I have written some code to automate this, which works really great. This code works in the IPT as well as the IDW. But what I want to achieve is: When my IPT is the active document, I want to read out the iProperties from the IDW to check if there is already filled some of these properties, because I have to deal with 'old' documents as well.
So my basis question is: How can I read out iProperties from an IDW into the IPT. I have found lots of solutions which go the opposite direction, IPT -> IDW. I want IDW -> IPT.