Photoshop :: Auto Align And Distribute Objects In A Grid?

Jan 12, 2012

align & distribute 'tools' i use them all the time.but it has always appeared thay they are only good for a single row of objects.
is this correct or is it possible to select a 'grid' of objects and have them evenly aligned & distributed?

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Illustrator :: Align And Distribute All Objects Within A Group?

Oct 23, 2012

Say I have a group that consists solely of five triangles. Is it possible to use simultaneously align or distribute functions on while selecting just those five triangles? It seems like I can align up to four triangles at a time within the group, but when I select all five Illustrator interprets that I'm trying to align the entire group with another object outside of that group. Key objects don't seem to be supported in this situation.

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Illustrator :: Align New Objects To Pixel Grid Under The Transform Menu Is Turned Off

Jul 18, 2013

I have turne off Snap to Grid, and Snap to Point.. and I have made sure "Align New Objects To Pixel Grid" under the Transform menu is turned off, yet still my objects are snapping to point intersects... am I missing something?

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Photoshop Elements :: Use Align And Distribute In 11?

Jan 26, 2013

I need a complete work-up on using align and distribute in Elements 11.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Preset Align And Distribute

May 18, 2012

X6 changes the well known behavior. If I align two texts the vertical alignment checkvboxes are greyed and the option is first line. I have been working differently for ages. How can I fix the settings to "bounding box" like it used to be .

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Align And Distribute

Jun 18, 2012

Having problems with X6 and Align and Distribute?

When using both align and distribute at once, all the items selected bunch up and do not space evenly. When using just align center, it works fine. When using distribute evenly (vertically), it works fine. But when using both, that's when the problem occurs.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Get Align And Distribute The Way It Did In X5 As A Floating Dialog Box?

Nov 5, 2012

I just switched from X5 to X6 and cannot figure out how to get align and distribute the way it did in X5 as a floating dialog box.  Whenever I open it, it a docker and totally different.  I'm used to the way it was in X5.

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Photoshop :: Control Auto-Align And Auto-Blend

Aug 3, 2007

I have just moved from 7.0 to CS3 (and PC to Mac) and am currently trying to get to grips with the new features! Once which I love is the auto-align and auto-blend feature(s). My question is, is there any way to control how these features work? I have seen on some web sites people talk about 'fuzziness' sliders where you can control that if an object (pixels) appear in X% of the photos they should/shouldn't be included in the final image but I cannot find these.

My intention is to use these features to take photos of monuments and have the people who are moving about removed from the final image (I guess it's the auto-align that would do this.) I tried a test and took a number of photos at home but I kept moving one object around (a pen.) The pen appears in all the images but in a different location so it always appears in the final image. When I tried auto-align with a stack that included one image without the pen, the pen was removed from the final image. Given the first scenario (i.e. the object is in all the images but in a different location) is there any way of automatically removing it using auto-align or would this have to be a manual process? In the real world, it would be possible to take a photo of a monument with people in different locations but it would be much harder (or take a long time) to take one where at least one person was not in all the photos (there's always someone loitering.)

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Align And Distribute Doesn't Work For Text / Fonts

Aug 7, 2012

Align & Distribute doesn't work for Text / Fonts

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Photoshop :: Distribute Set Of Objects With Minimum Or Specified Distance

Mar 21, 2012

Any way to distribute a set of variously-sized 2D objects on a 2D surface in Photoshop or Illustrator? Illustrator lets you align objects evenly along a 1D line, but I want the objects to basically fill a surface evenly.

A simple way of phrasing this is: I have a set of X objects of different size (or shape). I want them to be as close to each other as possible, but without overlapping. It should be easy for software to find the perfect composition to minimize "air gap" between them.

As a result, If I feed the program with shapes of various shape and size, I should get results like this: (air gap between the objects is approx. mininal)

(air gap between the objects is approx. minimal)!

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Photoshop :: Auto Align Layers

Aug 18, 2008

I have downloaded a 30 day trial of Photoshop CS3 Extended. I use Windows XP. In the demo on the site, there appears to be a feature where you can align 2 images such as a group shot, where you want to take a face from one image and put it in the other image. Can you please tell me how this is done?

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Photoshop :: Auto-Align And Brushes In CS4

Jan 27, 2009

I just got CS4 installed and my two main problems so far are that when I use a brush size above 300 it doesn't give me the "circle" brush icon. It gives a half circle and then the brush circle just disappears and I am left wondering how much of the image I am going dodge/burn/etc. Any idea why the brush circle would disappear after brush size 300?

The second issue I am having is the Auto-blend tool... I am using it to blend multiple images with different focus points into one image(increased DoF) But it is doing a REALLY poor job of masking the images so as to keep the sharpest points visible. I have a landscape photo with the fore-ground mid-ground and back-ground in focus. But for some reason auto-blend is using the details from the foreground image where background image should be used... Is there a way to have more manual control of auto-blend?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: How To Distribute Some Objects That They Are 2mm Apart

Oct 28, 2012

aligning objects...How to distribute some objects that they are 2mm apart.

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Xara :: How To Evenly Distribute Objects Around A Circle

Mar 22, 2012

Is there a method to evenly distribute objects around a circle? I understand the horizontal and vertical alignment tools, but I'm not sure how to apply them in this situation. Attached are a sample picture of what I want to accomplish and the .xar file (XDP7).


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Illustrator :: CS6 - Distribute Objects As If Attracted By A Magnet

Oct 23, 2013

is it possible to disctribute (a larger number of) objects in Illustrator (CS 6) as if they were attracted by a magnet?

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Illustrator :: Defining Order Of Objects When Using Distribute?

Dec 6, 2013

VERSION: Illustrator CC Mac
I've always assumed that the order of the layers determined the order and position that shapes are moved in the Distribute function.
I'm having a wierd problem today and the order seems to be defined by something I can't figure out. I'm trying to vertically distribute a set of the same shape and instead of counting the shapes in order from left to right or vise versa the distribute function seems to be randomly picking the order of the shape, not basing it on location or layer order.
In both examples I have used a Vertical Distribute Center and both groups of shapes are ordered from left to right in the layers palette with the left most layer being the first layer and the right most shape being the last.
What is causing the shapes to be distributed in this order? How do I specify what the order is if it isn't based on layer or position order?

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Photoshop :: Auto Align Object In One Layer To Another?

May 20, 2012

I am actually an Encore user who uses Photoshop only for the menu.  I am not experience with Photoshop.
A button in Encore menu is made up with a few layers. Example here can be a box and a text label below.  These are 2 different layers in Photoshop, grouped together.
I'd like to aling the text label the to box.  Normally the box is wider than the label. So a simple arrangement is center the text label according to the text width and box width.  Right now, I have to manually adjust it by choosing both and align "center".  Is there any way to automatically center the text label?

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Photoshop :: Can't Select Auto-align Layers

Feb 23, 2012

I'm practicing on photoshop cs5 and I'm working on picture and trying to change things in it but when it came to select auto-align layers from the edit menu it's not lighting to select it i, i can see it but can't select it. 

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Photoshop :: Auto Align Layers Grayed Out

Jul 4, 2007

I just tried to use this great new CS3 feature for first time but it's grayed out.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: Distribute Objects Along A Path Possible?

Sep 30, 2011

I love the function in Photoshop in which you can stroke a selection with a brush. Was wondering if that was possible in CorelDraw X4 as well. I know that we can put text on a path, but is that also working with objects?

Since I like making patterns, I would like to place and distrubute objects along a circle or hexagon shape (and other simple shapes).

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GIMP :: Distribute Tool Not Making Same Space Between Objects?

Jun 18, 2012

I'm trying to get the distribute tool to distribute some text objects (for a website menu) evenly. however, using the distribute section of the alignment tool only enables me to set an offset that measure the distance between the left, center or right edge of each object. if the objects are different widths, they will have varying distances between their edges.

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Illustrator :: How To Evenly Distribute Objects On Circular Path

Nov 6, 2013

When I use "object/blend/replace spine" it will distribute the objects evenly around the circle, but with no rotation. My issue is that I have objects shaped like people and would like them evenly around the circle, but rotated correctly so that their feet are all touching the circular path and their heads are always facing out. How can I achieve this?

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Illustrator :: How To Distribute Group Of Objects Evenly Around A Circle

Apr 28, 2013

I am working on a personal data visualization project but currently stuck and can't go forward. As you can see below in the image, I created all my data bars and tried to distribute them on a 360 degree path myself.

But clearly, I couldnt able to create a perfect 360 path.
All of the bars are each group objects on their own. I am sure there is a way to distribute them perfectly on Illustrator but I cant find it. There is a option on Blend>Replace Spine but it is not active.

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Illustrator :: Distribute Many Objects To Circle Path Without Bending?

Nov 28, 2013

How can I distribute multiple objects without distorting them on a circle path?
I have a few objects that I want to distribute to a circle line. I've tried scatter brush (looked horrible) , pattern brush (what you see here).No matter what I do, those objects are distorted.
Clients may want objects to be as many as 30 or 40, so I hope to avoid switching the objects manually. 

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Photoshop Elements :: Disable Auto Align In Photomerge

Jan 16, 2014

can "Auto Align Selected Layers Based on Contents" be disabled during photomerge?

=> First, most of times the auto align result is not good

=> it takes time to wait for window to appear, sometimes hangs

=> When all images are jumbled together, it is like making jigsaw puzzle.
Actually I got used to Photoshop CS2 where I disable auto align check box...And I manually create the "mosaic" (not just a flat panorama) from images taken from microscope.

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Photoshop :: Save Auto-align Parameters For Batch Processing?

Dec 3, 2012

I plan to shoot timelapse with two supposedly identical camera setups and stack images from the two cameras. Unfortunately the two lenses turn out not to be quite identical, so I need to correct/map images from one camera to match the field of view of the other.

A test showed that Photoshop's auto-align procedure can do the mapping sufficiently accurate. So now what I want to do is to have Photoshop calculate the mapping parameters once, then apply that projection identically to a batch of images. What I really hope to avoid is for Photoshop to recalculate the mapping separately for every single frame, both because it is a huge waste of time but also because the exact same mapping really should be applied to all images. Is there a way to do this, CS6?

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Photoshop :: Auto Align Multiple Images For Printing On Big Sheet

Apr 13, 2012

I have hundreds of photographs to print ranging from 2x3" up to 8x10" and I want to print them all off on a 44" roll and cut them out individually.

All I want to do is point Photoshop to the folder and have it arrange the images in the most efficient configuration for printing automatically, allowing me to set the color management on the document and the dpi of the 44" wide picture before I print it.

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Illustrator :: Why And When Using Align To Pixel Grid

Mar 23, 2014

Align To Pixel Grid a bit more thoroughly. I understand how to use it - to turn it on & off, but I'm a bit confused about the "why & when" of using it. F.I. I'm creating a picturebook with text. So when I export / or save for web, I'll be turning the vector art and text  as an image. My understanding is that using ATPG will eliminate the jagginess of the text that would occur, when it becomes an image, if I did not use ATPG.And conversely, if I don't use ATPG, the text will be jaggy when exported to jpg or png. Is this correct?

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3ds Max Modeling :: Align User Grid To Face?

Apr 3, 2013

As I recall, back in the 3ds dos days you could create a grid aligned to a face of an object by simply picking 3 vertices on the face. I've never figured out how to do this in MAX. I don't need to align objects but need to move vertices around on a given tilted face.

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Illustrator :: Align To Pixel Grid Settings?

Jan 31, 2014

How do I change the The Align to Pixel Grid settings, So my pen tool doesn't default to 1pt when I hold down Shift?

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Illustrator :: CS5 - Align To Pixel Grid Turned Off

May 30, 2012

Illustrator CS5. I made a 32x32 pixel box, put a 32x32 artboard around it, export it at 72 ppi png, with or without antialiasing which doesn't seem to matter whether it's on or off, yet it always exports out as a 33x33 png instead of a 32x32, adding 1 pixel to each side, tested with a higher resolution, doesn't matter saves with 1 extra pixel on each side example 500x500 will become 501x501, when I look at the picture even if it's a solid color square it will make the edges transparent and ruin the picture on the edges making it hard to fix in another program after exported from illustrator. I tried something out when I searched the internet for solutions, I checked in save for web under Image Size it will say my 32x32 square is 33x33 in that screen but in the info window it is 32x32.
I have align to pixel grid turned off if that matters at all.
Sometimes when I am typing in the width and height in the transform window changing the size it was previously, example from 67.354 W to 67 and 55.271 H to 55, instead of going to 67x55 it will change itself to 67.18 and 55.084 that is an example not from an actual thing I did.

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