Photoshop Elements :: Disable Auto Align In Photomerge
Jan 16, 2014
can "Auto Align Selected Layers Based on Contents" be disabled during photomerge?
=> First, most of times the auto align result is not good
=> it takes time to wait for window to appear, sometimes hangs
=> When all images are jumbled together, it is like making jigsaw puzzle.
Actually I got used to Photoshop CS2 where I disable auto align check box...And I manually create the "mosaic" (not just a flat panorama) from images taken from microscope.
I have just moved from 7.0 to CS3 (and PC to Mac) and am currently trying to get to grips with the new features! Once which I love is the auto-align and auto-blend feature(s). My question is, is there any way to control how these features work? I have seen on some web sites people talk about 'fuzziness' sliders where you can control that if an object (pixels) appear in X% of the photos they should/shouldn't be included in the final image but I cannot find these.
My intention is to use these features to take photos of monuments and have the people who are moving about removed from the final image (I guess it's the auto-align that would do this.) I tried a test and took a number of photos at home but I kept moving one object around (a pen.) The pen appears in all the images but in a different location so it always appears in the final image. When I tried auto-align with a stack that included one image without the pen, the pen was removed from the final image. Given the first scenario (i.e. the object is in all the images but in a different location) is there any way of automatically removing it using auto-align or would this have to be a manual process? In the real world, it would be possible to take a photo of a monument with people in different locations but it would be much harder (or take a long time) to take one where at least one person was not in all the photos (there's always someone loitering.)
photomerge insists upon downsizing my final panorama by a factor of about 9:1. i have spent many hours on the phone with tech support but cannot resolve this problem. i have a new system which seems otherwise to work fine. xp pro on asus p5k-vm mobo, 3ghz dual core intel, 4 gigs ddr2800mhz ram. otherwise, cs3 works fine. i have uninstalled and reinstalled several times, including with a new program download. during the merge process, i can see the individual images being processed at full rez, then at the last second the program opens the new window for the final merged image, and it downsizes from original height of approx. 3100 pixels to 700-1000 pixels or so, both dimensions by a third or so, overall a factor of 9. unuseable.
I have downloaded a 30 day trial of Photoshop CS3 Extended. I use Windows XP. In the demo on the site, there appears to be a feature where you can align 2 images such as a group shot, where you want to take a face from one image and put it in the other image. Can you please tell me how this is done?
I just got CS4 installed and my two main problems so far are that when I use a brush size above 300 it doesn't give me the "circle" brush icon. It gives a half circle and then the brush circle just disappears and I am left wondering how much of the image I am going dodge/burn/etc. Any idea why the brush circle would disappear after brush size 300?
The second issue I am having is the Auto-blend tool... I am using it to blend multiple images with different focus points into one image(increased DoF) But it is doing a REALLY poor job of masking the images so as to keep the sharpest points visible. I have a landscape photo with the fore-ground mid-ground and back-ground in focus. But for some reason auto-blend is using the details from the foreground image where background image should be used... Is there a way to have more manual control of auto-blend?
how I can disable the function of auto close. When I'm using the poly lasso tool, if I wait too long between clicks, it just closes the selection and displays the marching ants.
I am actually an Encore user who uses Photoshop only for the menu. I am not experience with Photoshop.
A button in Encore menu is made up with a few layers. Example here can be a box and a text label below. These are 2 different layers in Photoshop, grouped together.
I'd like to aling the text label the to box. Normally the box is wider than the label. So a simple arrangement is center the text label according to the text width and box width. Right now, I have to manually adjust it by choosing both and align "center". Is there any way to automatically center the text label?
I'm practicing on photoshop cs5 and I'm working on picture and trying to change things in it but when it came to select auto-align layers from the edit menu it's not lighting to select it i, i can see it but can't select it.
I have read several forums about how to disable the auto-recovery feature. However, I don't want to disable the auto-recovery because I like that it saves my work in case of crash.
It's just annoying that every time I open Photoshop all those previous files auto open. Is there anyway to make it stop? I read that there is a file that you delete, but will that stop the auto-recovery feature?
I've created a simple poly surface mountain range in Blender 3D, with no smoothing applied. Yet when I import it into Photoshop CC it appears to have smoothing enabled, giving me undesirable results.
I've tried multiple formats (obj, 3ds, dae) and get the same results. I've checked to see if Im just exporting incorrectly, but when I open it up in SketchUP or Maya, I get the flat rigid surface that I want, and not the smooth surface.
I plan to shoot timelapse with two supposedly identical camera setups and stack images from the two cameras. Unfortunately the two lenses turn out not to be quite identical, so I need to correct/map images from one camera to match the field of view of the other.
A test showed that Photoshop's auto-align procedure can do the mapping sufficiently accurate. So now what I want to do is to have Photoshop calculate the mapping parameters once, then apply that projection identically to a batch of images. What I really hope to avoid is for Photoshop to recalculate the mapping separately for every single frame, both because it is a huge waste of time but also because the exact same mapping really should be applied to all images. Is there a way to do this, CS6?
I have hundreds of photographs to print ranging from 2x3" up to 8x10" and I want to print them all off on a 44" roll and cut them out individually.
All I want to do is point Photoshop to the folder and have it arrange the images in the most efficient configuration for printing automatically, allowing me to set the color management on the document and the dpi of the 44" wide picture before I print it.
For the move tool you can choose to disable auto selection, auto select a group, or auto select a layer. By default though the path selection tool autoselects a layer. How can I disable autoselection?
I want to disable the auto renaming feature in text layers so that I can change the content without change the name of the text layer. Also i want to do this to all the text in one step, without do it manual one by one.
for more description, i am working on replace English text with other language but i want to keep English name of all text layers SO i want to disable auto renaming while replacing the content.
I would like to disable the auto scroll function. I am tired of getting thrown around in photoshop and indesign. if this can be done and if so, how to do it.
Working in the CC3D features, I am constantly making changes to my bump map. Every time I step-backwards, or make a significant change to the bump texture (smart object?), CC auto-saves the layer. This specific file is a very very large document (3 gigs in the bump texture layer alone), and the 3D layer has lots of lights and is very complex.
This auto-refresh/update really bogs down the time that it would take me to make my changes. I have a very fast machine (I know it's fast, I dont need to list my specs), and I have all shadows disabled.
How do I disable linked smart-object auto-update/refresh?
Whenever I make a stroke with my brush tool, it smooths out. I have checked everywhere to try and find a place where you can "disable" the autosmooth on your brushes, and have found nothing.
I uncheck "Show import dialog when a memory card is detected" under Edit - preferences - Import. However, it rechecks itself when I close lightroom down. Then whenever I put in a storage device -- a memory card, external hard drive, flash drive, etc -- Lightroom starts up and wants to import from that device.
when i make my brush size very small (to the point that its only like 4pixels dot on the screen), a crosshair symbol automatically appears around it which makes it hard to see the cursor's surroundings when working on small details without zooming in alot (which would make a 4px cursor appear bigger thus losing the crosshair again). I guess this feature is there for people that might have trouble locating small cursors, but on a large tablet that allows very fast work without having to zoom in much, this makes things harder. Is there a way to disable this or modify some files or "hack" the cursor icons somehow and delete it?
(Tried all possible combinations of the PS prefferences but none of it seemed to be related to the cursor becoming a crosshair once the brush size gets very small relative to screenresolution)
Every time I insert a USB stick or CD or DVD which contains image files I get a popup window asking me if I want to download those files.
I know that I can disable this annoying window by running MSCONFIG and then selecting STARTUP and then unselecting CorelIOMonitor and Corel Photo Downloader but is there another way of disabling it (as I really prefer not to change STARTUP.
inside CFX, when i move node in a network with a lot of nodes, sometime when i drop the node, i can accidentally connect it to wrong node, as there will be a lot of connection line in that area. So is there any way i can disable this autoconnect feature temporarily ?
We will alter the Arch Base CAD file layer colors to a muted color for use as our backgorounds. We would sort the Layers by color, so that we could group them together to one base color, so basically layer colors 10-19 would then become 19, 20-29 would be 29, layer colors 30-39 would be 39, etc... If the colors were one of the 9 Base Colors (Red, Yellow, Green...) Red is effectivly the same as color as 10, so then we would make it 19, etc...
In 2007, even thought the sorting was by layer color, the layers rows would remain in the same location until we applied the changes. But in 2013, if we sort by color then alter the color, the layer row will automatically be re-sorted to its proper position in comparison to all other colors. OK I get that, but, if we are altering 40, 50, 60 layer colors, that auto re-sorting is annoying, because then we need to rescroll to our last location to continue.
So, is there a way to turn off the re-sort until we APPLY the colors.
After installing Elements 12 on the MAC (10.8.5) the menu for Photomerge Panorama is greyed out, so Photomerge Panorama cannot be started. Any other Photomerge function is available and can be used.
Is the panorama one of the missing function on MACs?
Import and Exoirt from the File menu are also greyed out.
How can I access "photomerge" in elements 11? When I go to file==new all that comes up is blank file and image from clipboard. That is where it use to be, is it some where else in this version.
I have just purchased and installed PSE11. The photomerge options don't appear under File New. I have tried resetting preferences as suggested in the forum with no effect. I have PSE 6 installed on the same computer.