3ds Max Animation :: How To Rig / Save Vertex Coordinates To Manipulator

Nov 7, 2012

In the Picture u see a spline (with and witouht render-mesh). I want to animate the deformation of the Spline/Vertices, without assigning each vertex to a keyframe.

First i thought i can do this via the Morpher-Modificator, but the animation happening there was not the one i was looking for.

Is there a chance to rig/save the Vertex-Coordinates to a Manipulator. So i can easily go from Shape1 over Shape2 to Shape3?

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3ds Max :: FBX Export With Vertex Animation

Aug 19, 2012

I've got an animated model in 3Ds MAX which is done by applying Taper modifier. I'm trying to export this to FBX format including animation and then import it to another application called fragMOTION which only supports Skeleton animation and Vertex animation.

But the problem is fragMOTION does not show any animation frames while if I turn off the modifier and do a simple translation or rotation animation it is imported as it's supposed to be.

I also tried to Bake animation or Point Cache but no success. I can bake the animation into keyframes by using Cloth modifier so the result would be an animated Editable Mesh (keyframes) without any modifier in stack.

Should I take any additional step to convert the animation into Skeleton or Vertex animation?

Windows 7 Ultimate x64
3Ds Studio Max 2012 x64 - Student Version

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3ds Max Animation :: Moving Object Through Vertex Space And Into Boolean

Jun 24, 2011

I used an example to represent a more complex animation that I am working on. Basically I have a block moving in vertex space because it is morphing.A proboolean cut has been applied to the block with a diamond shaped object, so that as the block morphs through space, it is being cut by the boolean operand (diamond shape object).

However, I want to achieve an outcome that when the object moves through the boolean cutting operand, whatever geometry that has been cut, stays cut and removed. So in a way, the boolean cut operand object acts as a "geometry eraser". Obvioulsy I would like to be able to control this behaviour too (soft selection, animating boolean cutting operand).

Is this achievable? Or do I have to look at another set of tools/modifiers?

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Maya Animation :: Randomly Animate Vertex Position

Jan 16, 2013

Is there any way to randomly animate vertex position?

I've tried using EditMesh-Transform Component so I get a random position but without a seed value to animate. Also I've tried using a noise texture with a displacement node but you jus can check results in render time.

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Maya Animation :: Vertex Selection After Mesh Bind?

Oct 21, 2011

Vertex Selection After Mesh Bind?

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Maya Animation :: AimConstraint In World Coordinates?

Jun 4, 2011

I'm trying to add an aimConstraint between objects that are placed under different transforms, but the problem is, it seems aimConstraints calculate the direction using the target and pointing objects local coordinates, is there someway to make it calculate them using world coordinates instead?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Save Window View Coordinates?

Aug 27, 2013

 Im doing some pictures for a broschure.

There are several products to render out and I like each product to be viewed in same position.

When i rotated the product in a view i like can I save the position coordinates and set them later in another product?

get the same view position all the time? 

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Material Mapping - Save Coordinates

Jul 22, 2013

I'm using AutoCAD Architecture 2012 for interior design. I need to rotate/move some materials, I know how to do it, but after mapping it, when I need to make any drawing modification, the mapped material resets to their default, and not ionly the modificated solid, but everything that I have mapped.

How do I save the mapping coordinates, to avoid the need to map everything everytime?

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Illustrator :: Save X Y Coordinates To File When Object Is Selected?

Jun 22, 2013

we need to be able to collect (save to a list) a series of x,y coordinates as each object in an AI file is selected. Can this be done by creating a script of some kind that runs concurrently with Illustrator? Is this something that can be done via Action Scripts?

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Photoshop :: 3D Manipulator Tools Gone

Sep 9, 2012

I'm using PS CS6 extended, and when using the 3D layout I have been unable to find the neat new manipulators that make moving your object, lights, and camera so easy.  They were there, and suddenly disappeared as if I'd tripped a switch that turned them off.  I have searced all the menus and preference settings to be sure everything is "visible".  I can still maneuver things maually by typing numeric values into the "coordinates" boxes, but that is pretty cumbersome.
The only clue I have, and I may be off-base, is from reading about a similar problem in this forum where the response indicated that Open CL must be on.  I thought, "ah ha", it seems like this problem may have started about the time I updated my video driver.
Upon checking this in PS, I find the option to turn on Open CL is "greyed out".  Seeing that, I updated my driver again (for AMD Radeon HD 7000) to the latest one, which specified that it includes an Open CL driver.  But that made no difference.
Though I still suspect this may be a driver issue, I'm not sure how to fix it.  I could revert back to my original driver if I knew which version it was.  But then, it might not be a driver issue at all.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: GDG Node Manipulator V2

May 16, 2013

I'm working on upgrading my Node Manipulator macro. I have already added a few cool new features and a completely new form that saves space. 

Here's a quick sneak preview..

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Maya Modeling :: Manipulator Arrows Far From Object?

Mar 8, 2011

I have just imported an FBX file fron sketchup, the manipulator handles for move, scale and rotate are really far away from the model, how can I move the handles so that it is in the centre of the model?

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Maya Modeling :: Losing Manipulator Tools

May 19, 2011

It seems everytime I combine objects or do some weird deforming to objects the the Move Tool/Scale Tool/Rotate Tool drifts off into space and forces me to zoom out of what im working on to use the tools. This gets very bothersome when im moving a piece into just the right place and i need to be zoomed in. Im still quite new at Maya and 3D in general.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Manipulator Arm - Drawing A Workspace

Oct 25, 2012

I modeled a manipulator arm (much like a human arm, or for those who are industrailly sound, like KUKA KR5), and I intend to draw its workspace.

The easiest way to do this is if I go back from the end effector joint(that is my wrist), create a rotation about my wrist rotation axis and create a curve, take this curve and sweep it about my elbow rotation axis to create an area, take this area and rotate about my shoulder axis to  create a volume and take this volume and rotate it about my torso axis to create another volume.

So my question is, is there any way I could do such a thing in Autodesk inventor?

I am using Autodesk Inventor 2010.

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Maya Modeling :: Extrude Manipulator Tool Not Show Up

Dec 2, 2011

Extrude manipulator tool will not show up when I try to extrude. I don't know how to turn on the construction history either.

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Maya :: 2014 Show Manipulator Tool Missing

Jun 18, 2013

What's up with the Show Manipulator Tool in Maya 2014? On my system, the tool is not showing up in the toolbar. There's just a blank spot where the icon used to be. The tool is still accessible via the General Shelf.

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Maya Modeling :: Moving / Focusing Manipulator Gizmo?

Apr 18, 2012

I am wondering if it is possible to move/focus the manipulator gizmos in Maya.

If I for example am working on a tall plank and want to align the bottom part with something I'd zoom in to be more precise, but since the manipulator is stuck in the middle of the plank I have to zoom out anyway and find a spot where I'm fairly zoomed in but still can see the manipulator.. If there is a way to make the manipulator follow on the screen when i zoom in (without altering the pivot point) I'd be able to work so much easier.I am of course talking about all the manipulators (move, rotate and scale).

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3ds Max :: Create A Vertex In-between 2 Vertex?

Jun 7, 2013

Is there a way to create a vertex inbetween 2 vertex evenly? Just like the divide command in a spline?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Translate Point Coordinates From Paperspace To World Coordinates In Modelspace

Jun 18, 2012

i am trying to translate a Point coordinates from Paperspce to world coordinates in model space.The code i used in Land2006 worked OK but now in Civil3d 2012 it doesn't!

Private Sub GetPlais_Click()
Dim tmpnt1 As Variant, tmpnt2 As Variant, tmpPnt1 As Variant
Dim lole(0 To 2) As Double, upri(0 To 2) As Double
Dim returnobj As AcadObject

On Error GoTo Eline
ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity returnobj, tmpPnt1, "ÅðÝëåîå ôï ViewPort ðïõ èá äçìéïõñãçèåß ï êÜíáâïò!"
If TypeOf returnobj Is IAcadPViewport Then

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AutoCad :: Converting Northing And Easting Meters Coordinates To Map Coordinates

Aug 21, 2013

I'm a GIS analyst trying to learn Cad. I'd like to place a single point in autocad model space at a specific Northing/Easting position. After reading several forum threads I don't think CAD allows me to change the coordinate system of model space from map coords to northing easting coords, as we can in GIS.

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Revit :: Coordinates To Real World Projection Coordinates?

Aug 15, 2012

The coordinates that we can apply in Revit (project/shared) aren't exactly the same to have real world projection coordinates (WGS84)??
If not how can we convert the revit shared coordinates to real world projection coordinates?

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3ds Max :: Save FG Map For Animation

Jul 15, 2011

It looks like my FG map is tiling. I have a 12 frame animation for a flash file. The camera doesn't move, but 2 objects in the scene do move. It seemed to start when I tryed to save a FG map for the animation.

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Photoshop :: Animation Won't Save In CS2

Sep 21, 2008

I have photoshop cs2:)

I did a lot of animation in p7 when I had it but then my company upgraded my photoshop to cs2.

I have looked at EVERY freakin tutorial under the sun and it tells me to save it as a .gif file under the SAVE FOR WEB part. I have tried that. I have tried saving it in ImageReady like I did in p7. I have tried EVERYTHING but for some reason, it won't save my animation. It flattens it and saves only the first slide of it.

I have missed a good 3 deadlines because of it and I seriously get a migraine from trying to figure this out...

Maybe its just one little thing I missed or a button or SOMETHING. Its only on my work computer. I don't have cs2 at home I only have p7 but I can't take my work home any more.

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GIMP :: GIF Can't Save As Animation

Sep 14, 2013

When I try to export my gif the only options are help, export, and cancel. There is no box that says 'save as animation'. I've checked GIMP 2libgimp2.0plug-ins for file-gif-save and file-gif-load and they are both there. I've reinstalled gimp as well.

I'm using windows 7 and gimp 2.8.6

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Photoshop :: CS5 Save Animation As JPEG - Not GIF?

Mar 1, 2012

My content management system will only allow jpgs for this particular section of my site that I'm working in. I have PS CS5 Extended and I already created my animation (basically just a slideshow) and now I need to save it as a .jpg.I tried doing Save for web and devices, selecting GIF as the format and then changing it to a jpg extension. This preserves the animation and also gives it the file type that I need. However the gif image quality is awful.

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Photoshop :: Save PSD (CS4) Animation File For The Web?

Aug 7, 2012

How do I save a psd (CS 4) animation file for the web?

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Photoshop :: ImageReady - Animation, How To Save As .gif?

Aug 21, 2005

I've opened up a file to which i produced the other night. Through scaling down a jpeg image to a suitable size to be used as an avatar on a website, i've made 51 frames. Now before i used to save any animations via 'Save Optimized As...' then select the .gif option. The problem is, when i now go to save my file as an animation, it does not give me the option to save as .gif . The choices i have are something like .jpg / .htm or both. Also, before the save file dialog box pops up i have a message stating something along the lines of 'jpegs etc etc are not compatible with animations' or something? I've never seen this message before and have also created animated .gif files from a jpeg file in the past...

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GIMP :: Save As GIF - Whole Animation Not Exporting

Jan 3, 2014

I have some experience using GIMP but I have just completed my first animation for my wedding invitation.

I have used GAP and am happy with the Playback and am ready to export to gif - something I have successfully done before in smaller images.

However, when I export to/save as gif, only the frame I have open at the time is exporting, not the whole animation. I have tried this on my two different systems - using GIMP 2.8.6 on Windows and 2.8.12 (I think) on Ubuntu but I am still stuck.

I'm not sure what information is relevant but I believe my frames are named correctly (000001.xcf - 000268.xcf) and as I said, the playback is working exactly as I want it to. Just not the gif!

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3ds Max Animation :: MassFX Scale After Save

Mar 25, 2013

I'm using MassFx in 2013 64bit. When I apply any rigid body modifier to an object it looks fine but after I save and reload the .max file the scale & position of the rigid body is wrong. This seems random, I've tried switching to CM and Meters etc, nothing seems to fix it.

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Xara :: Save Animation As Sequence Of Separate GIFs?

Apr 3, 2012

Is there a way to export all frames of an animation at once as a sequence of gif files? (rather than going to file-->save for each frame)

A related question: is there a way to select multiple objects on different frames for easy editing?

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Maya Animation :: Muscle Load / Save Weights Error

Mar 25, 2013

I just installed the latest 2013.5 Extension release. When trying to perform a load saved weights from the Muscle menu, I receive the following error when switching the Load By type to World Pos.

// Error: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013.5/scripts/muscle/cMuscleSaveWeights.mel line 663: Object 'tfTol' not found. //

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