Maya Animation :: Vertex Selection After Mesh Bind?
Oct 21, 2011Vertex Selection After Mesh Bind?
View 2 RepliesVertex Selection After Mesh Bind?
View 2 RepliesHow can I smooth bind a mesh to the skeleton and have everything start out at 0. (so basically nothing gets moved by the skeleton.) So that I can add the weight wherever I want manually.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have problem when i duplicate polygon another side of model. The object is not smooth, it look like different model. I try to "combine" and "mesh" vertex from middle of object. but it still same. The polygon will smooth if i use "smooth tool". But i need low polygon for transfer map from high polygon to low polygon. but it not work, because low polygon look like different model.
I need smooth low polygon, but not to much smooth. I need only when i duplicate polygon, it not look like different model is okay.
I though rigid bind wouldn't allow any weight deformation of any kind, was i right because it doesnt seem so here, how can i get rid of any weight deformation anyways.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just rigged a model of mine and even added controls to certain parts of it. The problem is that I do not know how to bind the joints to the model. Every time I attempt it I get an error message. What is the best way to attach a joint with controls to a model?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am currently trying to bind the skin for a character using a rig created from a Digital Tutors Tutorial. The rig I've build seems to be working fine however when I created the smooth skin bind the thighs collapse when the leg is raised. I've tried fixing it using the interactive skin weight tool but it doesn't seem to make any difference. i have included pictures of a quick render as well as the weight influence of the knee and hip joints.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am working on (yet another) minecraft character rig xD
So i have set up a facial control panel, using blend shapes and driven keys, but i need it to follow my character. If i parent it to the head, i doesn't follow when i grab the skeleton and move the character around, and if i bind it to the neck joint, i am not able to use the control panel, because the movement of the controls are locked, since they're binded to a joint.
Is there any way to randomly animate vertex position?
I've tried using EditMesh-Transform Component so I get a random position but without a seed value to animate. Also I've tried using a noise texture with a displacement node but you jus can check results in render time.
i have a rigged single mesh character, but now for a video games i need to separate mesh in submeshes. (For example i want to separate the right and left hands from the body). So how can we break the mesh without breaking the rig and the vertex skinning?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to use the same bones to skin a mesh in two different ways. I would like the first weight map to handle how the mesh reacts to the influences' transltes and rotates, and a second map that handles how the mesh reacts to the influences' scale.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI think i may have a 'major' problem, when i do a detach skin, the skeleton is ok but the skin changes size and direction as well as place, i think it's because i resized after the first bind skin, now i'm trying to reset bindpose but doesn't seem to affect the skin, i need to fix this so bad and i feel like i'm between a rock and a hard place, is there a way out of this mesh?
View 1 Replies View Relatedi modeled a geometry now i wanna to bind it to a skeleton, But i got a little bit doubt about smoothing its mesh before or after binding?
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow I could go about adding visibility controls to select parts of a single skinned mesh?
I was watching Jeremy Ernst's rigging showreel [URL] and the mesh visibility controls are shown at 4:06..
I have a problem after I done my own rigg from scratch. This is what happening:
The rest of the mesh follows the rotation. What is wrong?
i'm trying to use the wire tool deformer to sculpt some mouth shapes on my character but when i turn the wire tool on the faces of my mesh around the mouth area dissapear,I can still see the wireframe but the faces dissapear, I tried to turn down the dropoff distance attribute but to no avail.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm working on a animation with a female model. It's a simple animation which I did with a couple of soft modification points. After that was done, I created the UV texture in Photoshop. At the point in the animation that the soft modification points deform the mesh the texture goes all crazy.
I know why that is, because the UV is projected and is not stuck on the mesh yet. I've worked the wrong way. Next time I will first add the UV texture and then animate the mesh. Now I'm having a duplicate of the model and deleted the history. The UV sticks on that mesh, but the softmodification points are also deleted. So the mesh doesn't deform anymore.
I've tried a lot of ways, but didn't find the solution yet. That's why my question is. How do you copy/reconnect the soft modification points on a identical mesh with a sticking UV texture? It's the same polycount, so I think it's possible. I've tried connecting the soft mods in the new mesh in the Hypergraph, but I didn't know which atributes I should connect. I also tried to bake a simulation, but Maya says he is calculating, but I can't see if it is working and how long it would take. I tried to export the animation and import it in a new scene with the history deleted model, but that wasn't the solution either.
I don't know if my story is all clear, but this i my goal. I want the animation on a model that has the UV texture sticking on it. What is the best way to get there?
I have a character who is wearing a vest with buckles on the side. Binding with skin weights creates distortion of these buckles, so it's not a good solution. So I'm experimenting with Duncan's Parent To Surface script: . It seemed to work ok until I noticed that when my character bent forward or backward the buckle di...
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen i import the skinned mesh from Maya (v2013) to Unity (v3.3) in FBX format, it becomes dark - the object is lighten only in the middle (by the directional light).There is no problem like this, when i import the same mesh, but not skinned to the joints.I tried all options of skinning (Smooth Bind, Rigid Bind), all settings of export to FBX,- no change.
The meshes are imported to Unity differently: in the the skinned mesh object, the mesh component is attached to the main joint object,and in the not-skinned mesh object - to the mesh object.
The dark mesh can be lighten with several directional lights, but then it's colors are uneven and they flicker when the object animates.
Like in title, when I apply blendshapes to mesh with skincluster, I cannot paint weights anymore. It sais:
"maya expected a skin cluster deformer or a deformed shape. Found *.*blends instead".
I tried both, applying skin cluster first and blends first. I know for input graph (there are no issue).
There was no such problem with Maya 2011. I use Setup machine for the rig.
I have a plane object which I want to bind to a displaced mesh but I'm unable to figure out how to do it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to connect. On the inputs, I'm loading the control curve, on the outputs, the cluster.
I'm trying to connect the translate values.
However, it doesn't allow me to select the input first. I can select the output first, but that puts the connection backwards.
I don't see why a control curve can't be connected to a cluster? Or is something wrong with my Connection Editor?
I would like to move two different vertex, from different mesh, at the same place. I thought maybe I could put a guide or a landmark to the position I want the vertexes to be. I can't find anything about guides in 3ds max
View 2 Replies View RelatedI thought they were supposed to appear when the Polygon shelf is selected? I don't see them. In fact, when I select different shelves the menu items on the right half of the task bar don't change at all. Is this normal?
This is Maya 2011 on Mac OS X Lion.
I'm using AutoCAD Architecture 2010. When in 3D modeling workspace I go to Mesh Modeling tab and draw a mesh box (for example), and then in subobjet panel turn vertex , face or edge on but can not select the vertex etc to manipulate the mesh. Am I doing something wrong for freeform modeling!
View 5 Replies View Relatedhow to use a vertex of an animated morphed mesh to control position in some other object ?
as an example:
to be able to follow with (target of) the camera the nose of a morphed animated head.
In Photoshop, when I make a selection of an image, the rectangle selection tool stays within the bounds of the image (layer). I would like to do this in GIMP, but the selection is allowed to extend beyond the photo, and basically select blank space.
Basically, I would like to do this so that I can have a fixed ratio box and be able to move it to the very edge of the image without having to worry about making sure the cursor lands exactly on the edge. I'm sure it is a simple option to select somewhere
I'm just trying to learn the very basics of making a simple character. When I paint on any polygon shape, the same paint stroke is painted on all the polygon shapes of my character. What i've noticed though is if I separate the polygon meshes I can paint on them separately, but then that makes it impossible for me to bind the skeleton of the character to the skin.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've got an animated model in 3Ds MAX which is done by applying Taper modifier. I'm trying to export this to FBX format including animation and then import it to another application called fragMOTION which only supports Skeleton animation and Vertex animation.
But the problem is fragMOTION does not show any animation frames while if I turn off the modifier and do a simple translation or rotation animation it is imported as it's supposed to be.
I also tried to Bake animation or Point Cache but no success. I can bake the animation into keyframes by using Cloth modifier so the result would be an animated Editable Mesh (keyframes) without any modifier in stack.
Should I take any additional step to convert the animation into Skeleton or Vertex animation?
Windows 7 Ultimate x64
3Ds Studio Max 2012 x64 - Student Version
i can´t let just one vertex, i must always let 3 vertex at last, otherwise it won´t delete, i have even problems when extruding, when I select 1 vertex, instead of extruding just 1, it will create 2 or 3 vertex, probably to make a face.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI feel like my mesh component mode editing speed went down to hill with Maya 2012. I cannot move an object with couple thousand verts in vertex editing mode. I have been using Maya since v3 or 4 and never had it this slow.
I have Nvidia gtx 465 and on win7 64.
I would like to know if it's possible to set a value to a multiple vertex selection.
Exemple : I have 15 vertex selected with different values on z axis.
I want to set all vertex to -100mm for exemple (in one action).