AutoCAD 2010 :: Not Select Vertex To Manipulate Mesh
Oct 22, 2010
I'm using AutoCAD Architecture 2010. When in 3D modeling workspace I go to Mesh Modeling tab and draw a mesh box (for example), and then in subobjet panel turn vertex , face or edge on but can not select the vertex etc to manipulate the mesh. Am I doing something wrong for freeform modeling!
I would like to move two different vertex, from different mesh, at the same place. I thought maybe I could put a guide or a landmark to the position I want the vertexes to be. I can't find anything about guides in 3ds max
I have problem when i duplicate polygon another side of model. The object is not smooth, it look like different model. I try to "combine" and "mesh" vertex from middle of object. but it still same. The polygon will smooth if i use "smooth tool". But i need low polygon for transfer map from high polygon to low polygon. but it not work, because low polygon look like different model.
I need smooth low polygon, but not to much smooth. I need only when i duplicate polygon, it not look like different model is okay.
In Illustrator CS6, any way to select multiple handles of, say, bezier curves, and collectively move, extend, rotate or retract them? I have found a few plugins for Mac - are there any for Windows?
I need to wright a routine in autolisp that selects all 3Dpolylines with the same vertex Z value.Qselect as no transparent mode and filter doesn't work.
How can I drag-select muliple vertex points form a polyline, a workaround I found is:
-select object
-shift select first vertex, shift select next vertex, etc
But this workaround is limited because I want to delete those vertexes, I cannot find the remove vertex command when I have multiple vertexes selected.
i can´t let just one vertex, i must always let 3 vertex at last, otherwise it won´t delete, i have even problems when extruding, when I select 1 vertex, instead of extruding just 1, it will create 2 or 3 vertex, probably to make a face.
I currently click on a shape to see the grips. Then I put the cursor on a grip and see a window open that gives me the options of Stretching a vertex, Adding a vertex, or Removing a vertex. Is there a way when adding a vertex that you can add Mulitple vertexs without having to click on add vertex every time.
All I can find online is to highlight over an area to select multiple mesh points. That will not work in my case. I can't tell illustrator to select same color, the way it does with fills and strokes? I want to change the color and I have to click on every single point again? Ridiculous.
I am working on 3D modelling of a building in AutoCAD 2010. The 3D model has 7 elements ie walls, roof and its constituents and floor and its constituents. I have to mesh the 3D model created so that I can use the meshed model for further analysis. Is there any method for meshing the created 3D model in AutoCAD?
I created a 3D math surface using 3DPLOT. However my outcome is a polyface mesh and I need to convert it to a solid. I have already tried the "Convert to Solid" & "Convert to Surface" options in the Mesh tab but I get "Mesh not converted because it is not closed or it self-intersects." I also tried the f2s.lsp but I am unsure on how to select my object.
I've got a fairly complicated polygon mesh that I turned into a mesh. No problem. Then I try to convert to a surface and while the geometry is accurate the isolines change dramatically. I'm trying to bring the item into Inventor so that I can have a clean surface to work from. Unfortunately I get what you see in the picture. The top left is before converting to a surface. Bottom right is after.
I am a newbie, and doing the helmet tutorial. It is asking me to go to the edit mesh menu and select the split polygon tool. It isn't there. where is it.
I am trying to import a Polyface Mesh of a road plan to use in Terramodel. Terramodel handles .dwf and .dxf perfectly, but I seem to be having trouble preserving the elevations when importing. The polyface mesh imports in as polylines and without preserving the given elevations. I have used autocad in the past and have access to Autocad Civil 3d 2012 if need be.
Is there an import tool or command I am missing or unaware of that will allow the import to take place successfully?
I have received a drawing drawn in a polyface mesh and I'm trying to convert it into a 3D shape in order to determine the volume and surface area of the shapes.
In previous versions I could create a flat polygon mesh by typing "3D" and have an option to create a planar mesh "M" X "N" by specifying the 4 corners along with M and N. I don't see a way to draw this mesh in 2012 without having to ID every vertices. This procedure is listed in the Legacy portion of Help, but I do not see a way to do it.
create a G-code from an AutoCAD desktop 3D model of a 1911 pistal grip saved as a DXF file. I have a CNC 6040 3 axis routing machine. I have tried to load the DXF file as an import but the file is not recognized by the Mach3 software.
I have downloaded a lisp comand for my AutoiCAD program which is supposed to generate a G-code within Autocad but It doesnt recongnized some 3D elements. I am having a dificult time getting the generater to read a "mesh" 3D form to generate a G-code. I hope this doesnt sound all too confusing... the bottom line is I cant seem to get a G-code out of a 3D CAD form....way to generate smoothly a G-code from an AutoCAD 3D form?
I just started with Autocad and I got a problem with creating a solid. The file is attached and as you can see I managed to make the form as a Mesh but from that point I can't convert it to a solid.
Is there a way to overlay a transparent background png image on a solid or mesh that already has a material assigned? i.e. a chrome object with a decal applied. I have tried creating a new material using my png file as the image but have not been able to overlay it on an object where I want to see the material underneath.
'developing' or 'unrolling' or 'finding the true shape' of a 3D surface? Something similar to Robert McNeel's Rhino3D's UnrollSrf command to flatten a surface. (Is a mesh better?)
I am drawing the frames for a wooden surfboard which has curved spars (the surface in question) which need rolling out flat to make a template. The surface is curved in the XY axis only, so in theory it should be developable.
I have an assembly that has somewhere a hole with a round bar that exactly fits in this hole. But when meshing the assembly, the mesh of the hole and the mesh of the bar are different.
The result is that the different parts do only seem to touch each other at the edges of the mesh, resulting in high stresses.
See picture.
I tried to made a derived part from the assembly, but that one does not finish meshing. After 48 hours, the progress bar is still half way. While the one above did finish in about 15 minutes. What can I do to make the meshes match?
I'm trying to write an automated script that will clean up some drawings for me. I've figured most of it out, just need a command that will let me select all the text and mtext that is a certain style. Then need to be able to select all text on certain layers.
I have a drawing containing over 100 blocks with 8-10 attributes each. I want to align all the attribute text without rotating the associated blocks. I can select individual attributes by holding down the Ctrl key while I select each attribute. Then I can change the text angle in a pop-up dialog. Is there a quicker way to select all the attributes without having to click on each one? Remember that I do not want to rotate the whole block, just the attribute text.