I'm using PS CS6 extended, and when using the 3D layout I have been unable to find the neat new manipulators that make moving your object, lights, and camera so easy. They were there, and suddenly disappeared as if I'd tripped a switch that turned them off. I have searced all the menus and preference settings to be sure everything is "visible". I can still maneuver things maually by typing numeric values into the "coordinates" boxes, but that is pretty cumbersome.
The only clue I have, and I may be off-base, is from reading about a similar problem in this forum where the response indicated that Open CL must be on. I thought, "ah ha", it seems like this problem may have started about the time I updated my video driver.
Upon checking this in PS, I find the option to turn on Open CL is "greyed out". Seeing that, I updated my driver again (for AMD Radeon HD 7000) to the latest one, which specified that it includes an Open CL driver. But that made no difference.
Though I still suspect this may be a driver issue, I'm not sure how to fix it. I could revert back to my original driver if I knew which version it was. But then, it might not be a driver issue at all.
It seems everytime I combine objects or do some weird deforming to objects the the Move Tool/Scale Tool/Rotate Tool drifts off into space and forces me to zoom out of what im working on to use the tools. This gets very bothersome when im moving a piece into just the right place and i need to be zoomed in. Im still quite new at Maya and 3D in general.
I have just imported an FBX file fron sketchup, the manipulator handles for move, scale and rotate are really far away from the model, how can I move the handles so that it is in the centre of the model?
In the Picture u see a spline (with and witouht render-mesh). I want to animate the deformation of the Spline/Vertices, without assigning each vertex to a keyframe.
First i thought i can do this via the Morpher-Modificator, but the animation happening there was not the one i was looking for.
Is there a chance to rig/save the Vertex-Coordinates to a Manipulator. So i can easily go from Shape1 over Shape2 to Shape3?
I modeled a manipulator arm (much like a human arm, or for those who are industrailly sound, like KUKA KR5), and I intend to draw its workspace.
The easiest way to do this is if I go back from the end effector joint(that is my wrist), create a rotation about my wrist rotation axis and create a curve, take this curve and sweep it about my elbow rotation axis to create an area, take this area and rotate about my shoulder axis to  create a volume and take this volume and rotate it about my torso axis to create another volume.
So my question is, is there any way I could do such a thing in Autodesk inventor?
What's up with the Show Manipulator Tool in Maya 2014? On my system, the tool is not showing up in the toolbar. There's just a blank spot where the icon used to be. The tool is still accessible via the General Shelf.
I am wondering if it is possible to move/focus the manipulator gizmos in Maya.
If I for example am working on a tall plank and want to align the bottom part with something I'd zoom in to be more precise, but since the manipulator is stuck in the middle of the plank I have to zoom out anyway and find a spot where I'm fairly zoomed in but still can see the manipulator.. If there is a way to make the manipulator follow on the screen when i zoom in (without altering the pivot point) I'd be able to work so much easier.I am of course talking about all the manipulators (move, rotate and scale).
i have cs5 suite. last week everything fine in photoshop. this week, only the tools that are showing are available to use. i can not access the tools when i click on the corner of individual tools. i am running version 10.6.8
I instal form SDK User Tools because I need in Inventor Drawing Tools (Revision cloud). I do this install like on website Autodesk show and I didn't get it on ribbon. I do also registry of this plugin but I also didn't get it.Â
There seems to be way too many tools in the tools panel for me. Many of them I will rarely, if ever use. Is there any way I can rearrange or remove some of them? It would unclutter the screen immensely.
I have an interactive board with tools (such as pen or eraser) which I want to integrate with the AI. The typical scenario woulld be as follows: the user lifts the pen from the tray, the pen event will me mapped into selecting Pencil Tool from AI toolbar after which the user can add freehand annotations to the AI document. Â Is there an API which would allow me to map abailable hardware tools with relevant AI tools? Is there an example which would demonstrate such integration?
How to get the 'Shape to Block' command to work (under express tools).
It says select object, but no matter what object I select eg. circle, pline or line, it says invalid selection. I am running AutoCAD 2012. Are 'shape' objects somehow different from any other objects?
I am able to use the menuload command to load the express menu, but when I try to execute one of the express tools. AutoCAD say invalid command, there was something on the website that said to type express tools at the command prompt, but when I do that, too it says invalid command.
There are also a few other express tools that when picked from the ribbon menu, do not work either. Now, I have seen elsewhere on the web that in this case, you should make sure there are no search paths set to R14 Bonus tools (which mine aren't), or repair and update express tools from add/remove programs in the control panel. I did this, and the only thing that happened was the numbers after SUBR@ changed.
My application works with function it acet-ss-drag-moves of Express Tools. Â Can I distribute AutoCAD Express Tools with the program of Installation of my application? Â
This to guarantee that Express Tools will be with the user's AutoCAD. Â If this is possible what document should I use?
I had express tools loaded, but now I have a problem. I try downloading Auto CAD True View, but did not get it to work, since then I have been getting unknown Command "txt2mtxt" now none of my commands work. I try auto cad repair from the install program and it still does not work.
I have Photoshop CS3 and I am unable to use the tools (brushes, lasso tool, gradient, etc...). I have tried restarting and the usual but whenever I select a tool CS3 seems to not do anything in response - the cursor remains as the white hand. Everything else seems to be working apart from the tool palette.
I have had to reinstall windows twice in the last month so I have had the fun of reinstalling many other things as well. I just reinstalled CS2 and when I open the program I can start a new file but when I click on any tool all I get is the hand icon on my screen. I reset preferences and made sure I registered again, anyone have any suggestions?
I am experiencing a problem with the 3D tools on CS6 Extended. I have checked and my vRAM is 512mb which seemed to be the biggest source of this problem for other people, but my 3D tools are still greyed out. I have converted the working file from CYMK to RGB and the 3D tools have become available.
I used to know how to reset the tools and settings but is is no longer working for me. I mean holding down the Alt, Ctrl, and Shift. Do you have to do it at the program start. I'm trying to add better photos to my site. Instead of just stock photos. Here it is, my site.Â
I have a question regarding the cropping tool in PS CS5. When I attempt to crop an image by manually entering the dimensions in the top of PS it takes an insane amount of time.
I have yet to actually have an image complete the process because after waiting about 30 minutes to only have the image be at 30% progress I cancel the operation. It is only when I enter the dimensions manually that it does this. When I just do a random crop the task is done in a matter of seconds.
I just had my HD drive replaced on my Mac Book Pro ( Using Mt Lion OS) which forced me to reinstall all my programs. I reloaded CS4 without problem getting a message that installation was successful.
However I am having problems with the tool bars. When I click on the one of the default tool in the box it works fine, however if I try to open that tool for more options by clicking on the little black triangle nothings happens either in Photoshop or Illustrator(the two programs I use most) the box won't open up.
CS6 - After using one of the tools (select, crop, healing) 1st time, I further use or ability to change (from Patch to Red Eye Removal) can't be done. I have to close CS6 and reopen. I can save, and use filters, but not of the "left side" tools.
If I recall correctly, before CS6, I could toggle tools just by keeping on hitting the particular shortcut key. Now I have use Shift + the particular tool.
if there is a way to just push the shortcut key repeatedly to toggle between tools?
Having touble with some of my tools in photoworkshop (CS4), like the blur tool doesn't respond, making it very difficult to do touch ups. Should I uninstal, then reinstal?
I downloaded the Photoshop cs6 trial yesterday, and it worked fine. Today, however, I can't choose colors or draw shapes. I keep getting the message "Could not use [insert tool name] because of program error." What can I do to fix this? Am I allowed to uninstall, re-download, and re-install the trial version if I have already done so (today is only day 2 since I downloaded it)?