I thought the best way to construct my video would be to 'cut' out all the sections of video I wanted to use, and save them in the library. When I had them all, I could then bring them down to the timeline where each needed to go. The videos I am working from are 512x288, and when I try to use the 'save trimmed video' function, it comes back saying my frame size is not per the settings.
I haven't seen a way to make the project accept a different frame size, that option is grayed out under preferences. Is there a way for me to cut out the sections I want and save them individually?
I've recently purchased VSX3 and can't not edit any videos. I have VSX3 loaded on two computers. On my laptop, I can "Mark-In/Mark-Out", but when I "Save Trimmed Video", the Rendering stops at 91% hang the software stops responding. On my desktop, I can "Mark-In/Mark-Out", but I do not get the option to "Save Trimmed Video". It is grayed out.
Was able to trim and save 11 clips in new video files over 2-3 sessions, but then program hung after initiating 12th save. No duplicate file names, ie file already exsists. Computer show 100% CPU usage implying program has gone into loop. Have to use Window task mgr to end VideoStudio. When restarted VS indicates it is completing save started in previous session but creates empty file. Removing all Ulead files and folders I can find from computer left after uninstall, and all references I can find from registry, then reinstalling VideoStudio does not fix problem. I did not remove the video files in my user directory. There are no project files. Assume something remains on computer preventing clean reinstall and removal of bug.
I have VideoStudio SE, packaged with Sabrent USB-AVCPT cables. I was able to capture video for a while. Now when I try I get the following message. "Capture video bit rate is 300. Frame size is 640 X 480. When using this frame size the video bit rate should be between 1578 - 8838."
I have some video in mpg format I'm trying to split into scenes, and then save off a separate videos. When I try to save one of the trimmed scenes using "Save trimmed video," I get the error: "Unable to compress video with the specific frame rate or frame size." It's all set in 16:9, and it's all set to 29fps, etc.
trying it out as a hobby.Installed VS Pro x5 in a secondary drive. Trimmed a mpeg-2 U-tube using multi-trim , tried to save it as per manual by selecting>file> save trimmed clip. It started to render instead of asking which drive to save.
This is my first use of Video Studio X3. My first aim is to simply split an mp4 video file into 6 parts. A simple thing to ask of fancy video editing software, right?
So I dragged the video file into the storyboard area. I used the "multi-trim video" feature and did the mark-in/mark-out thing and, seemingly, was successful in sub-dividing the original video into 6 smaller ones. Following the documentation, I selected "save trimmed videos" and get the error "The frame size (1440x1080) of the video file does not match the settings and therefore cannot be trimmed." (the original video is indeed 1440x1080)
Okay, fine. So I go to the settings, find the project properties, and discover that I cannot choose a frame size any larger than 720x480. Why can't I simply change the project settings to the necessary 1440x1080 frame size? The VideoStudio user guide is completely useless with any troubleshooting, as it gives the impression that the multi-trim video process is simple and flawless, as if nothing could possibly go wrong.
I have an MP3 sound file which I'd like to put on Vimeo.
I think you have to do this as a video, so my idea is to use it as a soundtrack for a video that has just one constant frame as the image.
I can add a single frame to the timeline and add the sound obviously but how do I make that one frame be the single image of the whole video (which is about four minutes long)?
Why I cannot render a frame-based video when selecting (Share/Custom/MPEG Transport-stream)? My goal is to create an AVCHD video and burn it to a DVD (4.7G). My video is 16min long and the calculated bitrate is around CBR 15,000 kbps. If I use the (Share/ADVCHD/1920) option, I don't have any control over the settings. I have already deinterlaced my video using Neoscene. That is why I want to create a frame-based video.
Below is my workflow.
Two video sources: .mov(1080p) from ContourHD 1080p camea .mts(1080i) from Canon Vixia HF S100
1. Trim .mts files in CSV PX3 2. Trim .mov files in Contour S/W 3. Convert trimmed clips to .avi with Cineform Neoscene 4. Edit in CSV PX3 5. Planned to render in AVCHD, 1920x1080p, 29.97 fps, 15000 kbps
Lightroom allows for trimming a video clip but when the clip is saved it saves the clip in it's entirety. Is there a way to delete the portions not included between the in and out points?
I shot some clips on my sony cyber shot camera (its about 2 years old so the content is not in HD). the clips are in .mpg format
i'm using the trial version for corel videopro x3 -. when i try to trim the clip, the output is not as good as the original clip. Why would this be ?
i selected the "same as project settings" option when creating the file. is there some other option i should choose ?
or is this because i'm using a trial version ?
i used to edit my clips in windows movie maker and it irrespective of whatever editing i would do, the clip quality would be exactly the same as that of the source clip.
Is there a way to keep a video display its last frame after it ends play?
In this scenario lets say I have to overlays each with a video on them.Video A takes half the display and Video B takes the other half - so that they are side to side.
They are staggered in playback where the first ( Video A ) plays first and ends first and the second ( Video B) begins mid-way through when Video A plays.
I would like Video A to not go away after play but rather remain "still" on the last frame while Video B continues playing.
I am really new to video Studio Pro X4. How can I isolate a single cell (frame) of a video clip and export it or save it as JPG or BMP or some other graphics format for use as a pic in another application. i.e. photosho, paint shop, Corel Draw, etc.
I recently updated to CC from CS6 and am having issues when working with PSDs containing video layers, or are set up as frame animations: When attempting to Save As, the dialog will be completely blank except for the Save and Cancel buttons. If I press cancel, then return to Save As, CC then often crashes.
So far I am only having these issues if I have been working with video layers and then frame animations. Frame animations in particular seem to cause instability as I can often work with video layers all day without a problem. Then if I import video frames to layers, or open a PSD containing a frame animation, the Save As may not necessarily work.
Sometimes closing and restarting Photoshop will allow me to save again, but then sometimes a whole system reboot is required. It is only temporary though.
I am not running antivirus software or other apps aside from what starts at boot.
Using VS4. The largest frame size for MPG4 output is 720zx576. I cannot specify custom frame size as the area is not available (dimmed out). what gives? I want to try and move from WMV at 12870x720 but the frame size for MPG4 is not customizable.
My input video is from .mov files from a Canon SX-30 IS with these properties:
Attributes: 24-bit, 1280 x 720 Frame Rate: 29.970 frames/sec
Compression: 16-bit, Little Endian Attributes: 48 KHz, 16-bit, Stereo
I wish to record to DVD disc at same or similar quality but 720 x 480 is the best I can seem to get from VS x 4 Pro "Ultimate".
In: Settings > Preferences > Performance > Video Save Options > Frame Size - "User Defined" is not available and the highest resolution in "Standard" is 720 x 480. Where is the information I need?
I would like my DVD output to fill more of my (be larger) TV screen. I am copying VHS tapes to DVD using Sony DvDirect. The DVD files are then imported into Video Studio Pro 4, edited, and then output to DVD. The input and output is 4:3 and frame size is 720 x 480. I can't set this to a larger frame size using any of the tools I've found. Is it the frame size I want to increase?
I have edited an mp4 video whose original frame size is 512x384. When I go to Share this edited mp4 video, I select the Create Video File option and then I select "Same as First Video Clip." I then get the following error message:
"The frame size (512x384) of the video file does not match the settings and therefore cannot be trimmed."
Why am I getting this error? How can the edited video not match its own frame size?
1.I am using the latest version of videostudio which I upgraded today today June 11, 2011. 2.I am using a Sanyo Video Camcorder PD2, which I am recording in 1280 x 720 29.97 frames per second. 3.I’ve imported the video, into the program, and I am simply trying to “join” the video by using step three that is “Share.” 4.I am clicking option “create video file” and then the option “same as first video clip” because I would like to preserve the same video settings. There are other ways I could join the clips, but these ways do not preserve the video settings. So when I choose “same as first video clip I get my error message “The frame size of the video (1280 x 720) does not match the settings and therefore cannot be trimmed.’
Why is it that you can't activate the user defined frame size when trying to define a custom movie template or edit an existing one on the fly during a file save operation?
Template Options_MPEG.jpg (39.38 KiB) Viewed 1308 times
After trimming and clipping videos, I drag the segments that I want keep into the library. All of the clips that I move into the library have the same name as the original. Is there any way of renaming the trimmed clips?
I'm trialing VS ProX5 and have uploaded multiple video files and have trimmed them and multi trimmed them and now would like to join them together to make one video and put a voice over on top. Is that possible?
I haven't tried the voice over bit yet cause I haven't been able to figure out how to join the videos.
I upgraded from VS 12 into VS Pro X5 Ultimate a while ago and now I have some issues in editing some old footage taken with Sony H9 camera. This camera makes 640*480 30 frames/s Mpeg-1 video files.
After editing the movie, I would like to export it into 640*480 30 frames/s Mpeg-2 file as I used to be able to do with VS 12 (in the old Win-XP machine, current one is Win-7 64-bit). Now however, the VS X5 does not give me the option in 'Create Video File' to set 'User-defined' frame size.
It only lists under MPEG-files -> Options: standard 720 x 576 (yes I am on PAL region) and 25 frames/s. Why is this? The only encoder shown is 'Ulead MPEG.Now Encoder'. Maybe I had some other encoder available in the Win-XP machine?
I have been searching for Win-7 MPEG-2 encoder, but no luck.
How to get user-defined frame-size and rates under MPEG-2 encoder in VS PRO X5 ???
I am using Pro X3 with Windows 7. I opened up MPG video I captured from HD Canon camera yesterday, then trimmed it from the original size to get one portion before dragging it down to the video track. It ran very slow that way, so I dumped the project.
Thought if I opened up the original file (11 GB), it would be fine and I could start over but cut it from the video tract rather than the clip, but now the portion I had trimmed is blacked out for video on the original "raw" MPG file but the audio is there. I tried it numerous times. On the thumbnail for this original clip, there is the video icon in the left upper corner but also two little video icons next to that. What did I do wrong? and what do the two extra video icons mean?
When I pull the same original (raw) MPG file up in Windows Live Movie Maker it is fine.
When I said 20 seconds. I just meant that as an example. For saving as an avi, I just wanted to use it in another project. I only wanted to be able to cut out a little part of a short part of a video on a video and overlay track and use just that part somewhere else. without saving the whole program that is about 20 minutes long. I try for nothing complicated, So I have to use the blue track above the timeline. That is what I have to figure out how to use it.
Posts: 4 Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2012 3:32 pm operating_system: Windows 7 Home Premium System_Drive: C 32bit or 64bit: 64 Bit motherboard: intel processor: amd ram: 3 gb Monitor/Display Make & Model: hp Private message
I trimmed a wav audio file with the little yellow markers in the clip by placing the markers where I want them and using the scissors, then saved it, but when I drag it down to the timeline it comes down as the original long file.
I recently purchased Corel Video Studio Pro X6. So far it has worked great except for one issue. When using it to make DVD's, the file take up far more room than the actual file size is.
I've converted old VHS tapes to .mpg files and I planned on using Corel to create DVD's, with menus, for my family. I ran into the issue of the files being far too big, so after some research I discovered that .mpg files were not size efficient. I then used Corel to convert them to .mp4 files. So now, for example, a file that was 1.06GB (.mpg) is no 70.7MB (.mp4). So on disc the files are considerably smaller, with little to no video/audio loss. But, once I opened up Corel and started a new project and tried to use the new smaller files they still take up just about the same amount of space on the DVD's. On my HDD all of the converted files take up the same amount of disc space as just a few of the original files. Yet on the DVD I can still only fit 3-4 videos.