VideoStudio :: MPG File Coming Up Black For Trimmed Portion
Oct 11, 2010
I am using Pro X3 with Windows 7. I opened up MPG video I captured from HD Canon camera yesterday, then trimmed it from the original size to get one portion before dragging it down to the video track. It ran very slow that way, so I dumped the project.
Thought if I opened up the original file (11 GB), it would be fine and I could start over but cut it from the video tract rather than the clip, but now the portion I had trimmed is blacked out for video on the original "raw" MPG file but the audio is there. I tried it numerous times. On the thumbnail for this original clip, there is the video icon in the left upper corner but also two little video icons next to that. What did I do wrong? and what do the two extra video icons mean?
When I pull the same original (raw) MPG file up in Windows Live Movie Maker it is fine.
Lightroom allows for trimming a video clip but when the clip is saved it saves the clip in it's entirety. Is there a way to delete the portions not included between the in and out points?
All my dimensions are coming out with the fractional portion being stacked. That has become a problem for clarity reasons and I need them to come out diagnally. Is there a way I can set them to do this automatically and not have to go back and change them via the editor?
I've recently purchased VSX3 and can't not edit any videos. I have VSX3 loaded on two computers. On my laptop, I can "Mark-In/Mark-Out", but when I "Save Trimmed Video", the Rendering stops at 91% hang the software stops responding. On my desktop, I can "Mark-In/Mark-Out", but I do not get the option to "Save Trimmed Video". It is grayed out.
After trimming and clipping videos, I drag the segments that I want keep into the library. All of the clips that I move into the library have the same name as the original. Is there any way of renaming the trimmed clips?
trying it out as a hobby.Installed VS Pro x5 in a secondary drive. Trimmed a mpeg-2 U-tube using multi-trim , tried to save it as per manual by selecting>file> save trimmed clip. It started to render instead of asking which drive to save.
This is my first use of Video Studio X3. My first aim is to simply split an mp4 video file into 6 parts. A simple thing to ask of fancy video editing software, right?
So I dragged the video file into the storyboard area. I used the "multi-trim video" feature and did the mark-in/mark-out thing and, seemingly, was successful in sub-dividing the original video into 6 smaller ones. Following the documentation, I selected "save trimmed videos" and get the error "The frame size (1440x1080) of the video file does not match the settings and therefore cannot be trimmed." (the original video is indeed 1440x1080)
Okay, fine. So I go to the settings, find the project properties, and discover that I cannot choose a frame size any larger than 720x480. Why can't I simply change the project settings to the necessary 1440x1080 frame size? The VideoStudio user guide is completely useless with any troubleshooting, as it gives the impression that the multi-trim video process is simple and flawless, as if nothing could possibly go wrong.
I'm trialing VS ProX5 and have uploaded multiple video files and have trimmed them and multi trimmed them and now would like to join them together to make one video and put a voice over on top. Is that possible?
I haven't tried the voice over bit yet cause I haven't been able to figure out how to join the videos.
I thought the best way to construct my video would be to 'cut' out all the sections of video I wanted to use, and save them in the library. When I had them all, I could then bring them down to the timeline where each needed to go. The videos I am working from are 512x288, and when I try to use the 'save trimmed video' function, it comes back saying my frame size is not per the settings.
I haven't seen a way to make the project accept a different frame size, that option is grayed out under preferences. Is there a way for me to cut out the sections I want and save them individually?
I trimmed a wav audio file with the little yellow markers in the clip by placing the markers where I want them and using the scissors, then saved it, but when I drag it down to the timeline it comes down as the original long file.
Was able to trim and save 11 clips in new video files over 2-3 sessions, but then program hung after initiating 12th save. No duplicate file names, ie file already exsists. Computer show 100% CPU usage implying program has gone into loop. Have to use Window task mgr to end VideoStudio. When restarted VS indicates it is completing save started in previous session but creates empty file. Removing all Ulead files and folders I can find from computer left after uninstall, and all references I can find from registry, then reinstalling VideoStudio does not fix problem. I did not remove the video files in my user directory. There are no project files. Assume something remains on computer preventing clean reinstall and removal of bug.
I have recently upgarded from the 2.6 version to the 2.8, and I have serious issues with the colour picker. Every time I use the dropper to select the colour I want to use from a picture, it ALWAYS comes out as black, never as the colour I want to use (for touching up, etc).
Using VideoStudio X3. I import a MPEG2 file with res 720x480. Problem is the actual size of the video is 640x480 and the rest is two black bars on the sides. This is the way the source produces the files and I have no control over that. I want to export the project in 640x480, but no matter what I do I end up with keeping the black bars and distorting the image. Tried using the crop effect with no success.
The only workaround I have found is using another program - Magix or Pinnacle - to import the file and save it. In the preview window both Pinnacle and Magix display just the actual video (640x480), although the source file is 720x480. Corel for some reason keeps the black bars.
So how do I do the same using VideoStudio? I hate using 2 separate programs, my PC is too slow anyway and importing and converting long video files takes about a day.
I shoot with a Zi8 in 720p mode. I import the file (MOV) and work on it in VSP X4 - no problem. I see the preview window in full widescreen (no black bars). I have tried every possible option to get an FLV file out of X4 without the black bars and it's no use.
Here is a screen shot of my X4 preview, side-by-side with what I see on the web. [URL]
I also get the black bars when I view the FLV file on my desktop using Wimpy FLV player: [URL]
My project is NOT wide-screen. So I go to Settings and undo wide-screen. Everything is now fine. But, the next time I start up VS Pro X4, I find it has reset itself to wide-screen. Must I undo this each time I start up. I can't find anything in preferences that will keep it at my project setting.
Since there's no built-in VS5 provision for audio editing (specifically a sound equalizer), what's the easiest way to edit the audio portion of the video? Sony Movie Studio 12 Platinum has built-in Sound Force and the capability of using Audacity as a plug-in.
I have at least 100 3-4 minute clips that require audio EQ.
I have a cdr file that has a few objects in it with a primary outline. Parts of the design extend outside the primary outline. If I want to select only what is inside that primary outline, how would I do that? If I could draw a multi point shape (such as an octagon) and say select what is inside that octagon that would probably accomplish what I'm looking for. I could provide the file if needed.
My filename date repeats when I edit the photos in plugins (NIK plugins) from within lightroom. For example, if the file name is 20120402DescansoGardens and I edit in four different plugins, the file names comes back as 20120402-20120402-20120402-20120402-20120402DescansoGardens.
I cannot get this program to install. I keep getting a message that the file archive portion of the file is missing, I am not going to spend all day screwing around in a forum chasing my tail. Either have a human being contact me or cancel my order immediately and credit the purchase!
I have an .eps file I am trying to import into corel 11 and it keeps coming over as an image and not vector. I also am getting error messages when I use the filters.
After either publish or plot-to-pdf, the pdf sheet of one file is being shown trimmed. I have attached two images of both, the pdf result and the layout screen shot to show the problem.
For your consideration, this problem appears in both ACAD 2010 and 2012, in cpu's that otherwise publish/plot correctly to pdfs. The problem seems to be file-related.
Also, the unwanted croping seems to be some sort of frame around the drawing; however, as you can see from the layout screenshot, the Page is correctly setup as the sheet shadow includes all of the drawing intended to be printed.
Without using scripts, is there any way to have rectangles or textboxes act on values coming from a data file? For examplle if the value in a textbox was greater than 10 coming from a data record, could the textbox change color, or any other attribute to make it change from record to recortd as it is being viewed or printed?
I have two sloped roofs that are joined as shown in the first image ( the site plan). The overhang of the roof on the left doesn't get trimmed when the two roofs are joined as shown in the second image ( the section).
We recently moved some project managed/trimmed projects to a different directory (I knew we would need to re-link the media). Instead of allowing me to find the files and re-link it gives me diagonal grey lines in the timeline. I can select any of the clips in the timeline and they play in the source window, I can reveal them in the finder and it points to the right file. But, I cannot play the timeline, all I get is black and I can't re-link the media. The only solution I've found is to move the folder back to the original directory, then everything opens fine. This doesn't happen when I move projects that have not been trimmed by project manager, they give me the find file and re-link as they should.
This just started happening with 2013. The doors are no longer staying put when a wall is extended or trimmed. Somehow they now move relative to exthe endpoint of the wall. Happens with windows and openings as well.
When I have 2 files open, one minimized and the other visible on the screen, when I quit the file showing on the screen and then open the one that was minimized, it comes up w/a blank black screen. There is no way I have found to get the info in the file to display.
Then, if I save the blank screenof previously minimized file, close it then reopen it the info is back on screen with changes made to the file intact.
When using fade to black in the options panel there is an option to select color. So I could use fade to white etc i spose. This option is grayed out though. how I can activate this?