CorelDRAW X5 :: Selecting A Portion Of A File?
Nov 26, 2013
I have a cdr file that has a few objects in it with a primary outline. Parts of the design extend outside the primary outline. If I want to select only what is inside that primary outline, how would I do that? If I could draw a multi point shape (such as an octagon) and say select what is inside that octagon that would probably accomplish what I'm looking for. I could provide the file if needed.
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Jan 26, 2013
Virtually all coordinate entry as well as many other tools and operations reference the current UCS. 2D tools.
Absolute and relative coordinate entry Absolute reference angles Definition of horizontal and vertical for Ortho mode, polar tracking, object snap tracking, grid display,and grid snap Orientation of horizontal and vertical dimensions Orientation of text objects View rotation using the PLAN command
Moving or rotating the UCS can make it easier to work on particular areas of a drawing. However when selecting an object or a portion of the dwg. crossing - window , (a good exemple is stretching) the selection of the area is still 'rectangular' from the ortho of 0° or 90°. This cross-window selection should follow the direction of the ortho angle selected. Is there a command or a setting in order for this operation to take place? IF NOT for future autoCad releases or a update for current releases should be reviewed and implemented
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Jun 12, 2013
Ultimately I want to delete a bunch of Layers by selecting them using a portion of their name. Is there anything in cad that allows you to specifically select layers using only a portion of the layer name?
Based on AutoCAD Layer Standards: Users label layers with a code; for example: A-ANNO-TEXT
A - Stands for the Architectural Category the layer falls into
ANNO - Stands for Annotation
TEXT - Type of Annotation
I want to use the Layer Delete (-LAYDEL) command to delete all layers that begin with A-ANNO. In the Layer Manager (-LAYER) I am able to select specific layers using a " * " placed before and/or after " A-ANNO " to include all layers with that in its name.
When I write a script however (-LAYDEL); cad will ask me for the layer name, but will not allow me to use the *A-ANNO* to include all layers with that name: A-ANNO-TEXT, A-ANNO-GLAZ, A-ANNO-WALL, etc...
Is there anything in cad that allows you to specifically select layers using only a portion of the layer name??? I have to "taylor" drawings that I receive from companies who's layers may vary.
My script is in basic (NON LISP) language:
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Oct 29, 2013
Is there a way to copy a portion of a drawing in X6 for instance to replicate the portion inside the red square only.
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Sep 28, 2013
how can I enlarge a portion of a raw file
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Feb 18, 2012
Every time I use the ellipse tool to draw a shape, a portion of the ellipse is missing. The missing portion is always on the lower right hand side of the ellipse. I am using CorelDraw Graphics Suite X4. I have attached a graphic showing what I mean.
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Oct 11, 2010
I am using Pro X3 with Windows 7. I opened up MPG video I captured from HD Canon camera yesterday, then trimmed it from the original size to get one portion before dragging it down to the video track. It ran very slow that way, so I dumped the project.
Thought if I opened up the original file (11 GB), it would be fine and I could start over but cut it from the video tract rather than the clip, but now the portion I had trimmed is blacked out for video on the original "raw" MPG file but the audio is there. I tried it numerous times. On the thumbnail for this original clip, there is the video icon in the left upper corner but also two little video icons next to that. What did I do wrong? and what do the two extra video icons mean?
When I pull the same original (raw) MPG file up in Windows Live Movie Maker it is fine.
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Nov 2, 2012
I need to capture a portion of a file path that is in the middle of the entire path.
For example
C:Vault WorkspaceEngineering810810-050000Model
I just want to capture the 810-050000 part. The portion before that may be different lengths, the Model portion will always be the same.
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Feb 10, 2014
I cannot get this program to install. I keep getting a message that the file archive portion of the file is missing, I am not going to spend all day screwing around in a forum chasing my tail. Either have a human being contact me or cancel my order immediately and credit the purchase!
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Aug 28, 2011
this is probably an easy one but is there a way to cycle through overlapping objects?
to give an example I have three images overlaid that perfectly match up I want edit the objects underneath without having to move the top layer, what is the best way to do this?
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Apr 27, 2012
I've just upgraded to Corel X5 and cannot find a way of selecting more than one layer at a time in the Object Manager docker. (With X3 I simply held down Shift and selected however many layers I wanted). I sometimes need to select dozens of layers at once to delete them or switch off visibility - surely not one at a time? How is this done in X5?
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May 19, 2011
This is happening on the two computers here running x5 on windows 7 64 bit. Sometimes when clicking on text that is on an imported pdf, the program will stop responding. The only way to get rid of it is via task manager, and it takes about 3 mins before that will even respond to the kill process button (as in clicking on the corel process and clicking kill process will not do anything for a couple of mins)
The program window will disappear, but the process will still be there using a few hundred megs. You can load a new copy of corel and open a file, but you cant do anything with the file until the old process gets killed.
The computers are brand new i7's with 8gb ram and ati video cards in them fully updated with windows patches and corel is fully patched as well.
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Jul 10, 2012
My old Xerox PS printer gave up the ghost, so I'm looking for a new Black and White Postscript Laser Printer.
One factor that is important to me is replacement cartridge cost.
I'm thinking HP for brand but am open to others.
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May 17, 2012
I am working on creating a macro we can save with a template to ready the designed art for print. So the designer can create the design, run this macro and export a PDF. The macro needs to:
1. Turn off template layer.2. Select all objects layer 1.3. Group all objects layer 1.4. Rotate -90 degrees.5. Set layout to landscape.I have everything working except the Select all "Objects Part". the macro will only select objects that are there during the creation of the macro, and not select the designed work.
Is there anyway to just add a keystroke of "Ctrl+A" to the macro?
Here is the macro i got:
Sub Adstand_Rotate() ' Recorded 5/17/2012 ActivePage.Layers("Template").Visible = False Dim s1 As Shape Set s1 = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0#, 70#, 39.75, 0#) s1.Fill.ApplyNoFill s1.Outline.SetProperties 0.006945, OutlineStyles(0), CreateCMYKColor(0, 0, 0, 100), ArrowHeads(0), ArrowHeads(0), cdrFalse, cdrFalse, cdrOutlineButtLineCaps, cdrOutlineMiterLineJoin, 0#, 100, MiterLimit:=45# s1.Outline.SetNoOutline s1.Rotate -90# Windows.FindWindow("C:Documents and SettingsdreesdmDesktopAd Stand Template.cdr").ActiveView.SetViewPoint 35#, 19.875, 100 With ActiveDocument.MasterPage .SetSize 39.75, 70# .Orientation = cdrLandscape .PrintExportBackground = True .Bleed = 0# .Background = cdrPageBackgroundNone End WithEnd Sub
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Jan 20, 2012
In the old version of Corel that I had, when I drew a box with no fill and only an outline the only way to select that box was by clicking on the outline. There use to be an option at the top with the tools to change this option from selecting the unfilled objected by the outline only and not the inside empty part.
I'm now using Corel x5 and cannot find that option. Does it exist?
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May 24, 2012
Notice the flickering when selecting print preview?
CorelDraw X6 disappears for a second or so to display print preview - showing all background windows.
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May 21, 2012
I imported a vector image into an existing file. Then I ungrouped the imported image and changed the colors. Now I can want to shift the position and copy the imported image into another design.
Unfortunately when I click on it the image is still broken apart so it selects only the areas the cursor lands do I group it back together so I can move the position of the entire image and copy it into another design?
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Sep 7, 2011
I am considering upgrading to X5 because I have been told there is a new tool to join nodes into a solid fill able object. I have many drawings that have been sent to me in .dxf format where in all nodes are broken. I use X4 currently and can individually join nodes in order to get an object "joined" and will fill. In order to do this it often takes many hours of selecting each set of seperate nodes and joining them . When all objects will fill then then I save the .dxf in native.cdr format.
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Oct 11, 2012
I just upgraded to X5 the other day and started working with it. All seemed pretty normal until I drew a rectangle with a hairline and no fill. I typed in some text and went to click off of it to start a separate line of text only to find out when clicking inside this shape, and any other shape I made, it would select the shape.
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Aug 28, 2012
drop shadow group.cdr
I've asked this in the X5 board before, gave up, and it's still bugging me with X6.
So I group a few objects, apply drop shadow to the group, and now I want to select one of the object in the group (to move it or resize it, etc).
I just can't find an effective way to do this without discarding the drop shadow, edit, and reapply the drop shadow. There have been many suggestion that seems to work for certain people, i.e. Ctrl+Click, Ctrl+Alt+Click, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Click, but none works as desire.
In the attached example, I try to select the red square. If I Ctrl+Click, it selects the whole group. If I Ctrl+Alt+Click, it either selects the yellow circle, or edits the drop shadow.
If I Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Click, the result is random. It either selects the blue background square, or selects the yellow circle, or edits the drop shadow, and once in a blue moon successfully selects the red square.
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Nov 10, 2013
Every time I put a box around an image, i am not able to select the image inside the box. Instead it selects the box.
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Jun 5, 2011
Draw just crashed as I was selecting different artistic media for the background of an image.I had opened the file by double clicking it... it was just the start of a simple rollover which just contained text and a squiggle with an arrow property at one end of the squiggle.
The foreground and squiggle are in the foreground on a layer. it has a linear gradient fill. going sideways. The text is a custom true type font called "Comic Book Commando" which I haven't had any trouble with.
In a separate layer, I had a simple short horizontal line that I was trying out different artistic media with. It's just a swipe that's pretty much horizontal. I laid it down with the "Artistic Media" brush that I selected from the toolbar which I have parked at the left vertically.I had the horizontal line selected with the regular picker tool. I have the artistic docker open on the right side beside the line of colours palette at the far right of the window.
I clicked on each artistic media types all the way down the list... and along the way I made 4 duplicates of the simple line and put them into separate layers that I then turned off the visibility and turned off the printing.
At the point Draw crashed, I had the simple line selected, and I clicked on the last of the paintbrush style artistic media from the docker (the ones with the paintbrush icon beside them)... crash.
The drawing is very simple. Basically, I was just going through the different artistic media options. I had a pdf open, a file explorer, and one IE browser window... none of these other programs were doing anything 'active' at the time.
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Nov 12, 2013
Is there any way of modifying the Curve Flyout menu such that the Bézier tool becomes the default? (rather than the Freehand tool which I seldom use? I can't see where to do this in the Customize dialog.
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Jan 17, 2013
my corel crashing every time I try to select the color palette menu in the window dropdown, try to change the palette in the solid fill color window, and also in the outline color window. I have tried changing the color preset, reinstalling, resetting to defaults, am updated to the newest version (, installing the hot fixes, blah, blah blah....... everything.
Win7 sp1, 12 gigs ram, i5 64 bit.
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Aug 24, 2011
I find it extremely annoying to have to Ungroup named groups and then regroup and rename them in order to do a multiple selection of group members. I find I'm constantly ungrouping and regrouping in order to select/edit.
Note that the multiple items are often not the same type of object (e.g., text, line, shape, etc.).
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Jun 12, 2013
When you draw a marquee around several objects and you want to eliminate one thing from the selection, is there a way to unselect just one object from being selected without having to unselect and reselect everything else?
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Jul 3, 2012
I'm using Windows 7. The previews were working now they just don't work, "preview not available". I see no check box in window 7 to turn that on or off, unlike in windows xp. I have tried turning on large thumbnails in windows explorer when opening files, older files will show up but most recent files just show the Corel Draw icon large.
Could this be some kind of auto update from Windows? Since I have no destination, I'm never lost.
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May 26, 2012
Going through edit/preferences and selecting the PP exe file, but getting error messages when trying to edit.
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Dec 18, 2013
In my work flow, I want to export collections for use in printing photos as well as using them in another program to create high quality slide show to view on HD TVs. I will also be storing them on a seperate drive as a back up in case I lose my catalog. I can't figure out if I should use jpeg, tiff in file format. Also in color space sRPG or AdobeRPG or ProRPG. I like jpeg as it takes my raw files from 30 mb to 8 mb so they are managable. The problem with AdobeRPG and Pro is the files become 120 mb and way to large.
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Jan 31, 2014
I just started to have trouble with Lightroom 4 on my MacBook. The program freezes when I try to choose a file on my computer or try to select a folder location. When I try to choose where to export my pics, I have to reboot the program every time.
I have tried shutting down my computer and everything.
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Apr 23, 2012
I have a transparent PNG file that I want to overlap onto a background and be able to fill the transparent areas of the PNG with the background. I know you can do it for text but I can't figure out how to do it for images.
See my examples. M1.png is my transparent file. (not sure why the image is showing in black) I want to overlay this PNG on a background and have it come out looking similar to image m.jpg
To view these files [URL] .......
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