CorelDRAW X3 :: Selecting Overlapping Objects?
Aug 28, 2011
this is probably an easy one but is there a way to cycle through overlapping objects?
to give an example I have three images overlaid that perfectly match up I want edit the objects underneath without having to move the top layer, what is the best way to do this?
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Sep 1, 2011
I cannot recall the command or the name of action to set my AutoCAD MEP 2012 to have a drop-down menu from the cursor when I am trying select an object that is in a cluster of other objects. I had the command active previously but just re-installed the program last week and have been stumped about it since.
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May 24, 2013
I created a design in Corel X6. My design was then sent to a vinyl cutter and heat pressed on to t-shirts. My problem is this: where the vinyl overlaps I get an impression mark on the vinyl at the top. How can I delete the portion of the design in Corel that will beoverlapping to eliminate the impression marks?
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Feb 8, 2013
My image is overlapping artboard borders,is there any easy way to cut/trim all overlapping objects??
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Sep 13, 2012
I am a screen printer making a leap into the world of CorelDraw. Loving it so far, especially the trace options. That being said, I have a piece of artwork that a client wanted me to scan in and trace to see how it would turn out. The image can be found here:
Problem I am having is the stick figure in front of the cross. The figure is being grouped with the cross...not allowing me to properly color the image and separate how I need it. The text needs to be red, the cross black, the hearts red, and the stick people white...will be going on a blue t-shirt. Am I looking at having to create my own lines...or am I overlooking/not thinking of an easy way to do this?
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May 17, 2012
I am working on creating a macro we can save with a template to ready the designed art for print. So the designer can create the design, run this macro and export a PDF. The macro needs to:
1. Turn off template layer.2. Select all objects layer 1.3. Group all objects layer 1.4. Rotate -90 degrees.5. Set layout to landscape.I have everything working except the Select all "Objects Part". the macro will only select objects that are there during the creation of the macro, and not select the designed work.
Is there anyway to just add a keystroke of "Ctrl+A" to the macro?
Here is the macro i got:
Sub Adstand_Rotate() ' Recorded 5/17/2012 ActivePage.Layers("Template").Visible = False Dim s1 As Shape Set s1 = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0#, 70#, 39.75, 0#) s1.Fill.ApplyNoFill s1.Outline.SetProperties 0.006945, OutlineStyles(0), CreateCMYKColor(0, 0, 0, 100), ArrowHeads(0), ArrowHeads(0), cdrFalse, cdrFalse, cdrOutlineButtLineCaps, cdrOutlineMiterLineJoin, 0#, 100, MiterLimit:=45# s1.Outline.SetNoOutline s1.Rotate -90# Windows.FindWindow("C:Documents and SettingsdreesdmDesktopAd Stand Template.cdr").ActiveView.SetViewPoint 35#, 19.875, 100 With ActiveDocument.MasterPage .SetSize 39.75, 70# .Orientation = cdrLandscape .PrintExportBackground = True .Bleed = 0# .Background = cdrPageBackgroundNone End WithEnd Sub
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Aug 24, 2011
I find it extremely annoying to have to Ungroup named groups and then regroup and rename them in order to do a multiple selection of group members. I find I'm constantly ungrouping and regrouping in order to select/edit.
Note that the multiple items are often not the same type of object (e.g., text, line, shape, etc.).
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Jun 12, 2013
When you draw a marquee around several objects and you want to eliminate one thing from the selection, is there a way to unselect just one object from being selected without having to unselect and reselect everything else?
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Aug 2, 2011
I'm trying to hatch multiple objects in one go, most of which overlap with eachother in places. When I do this, the overlapping areas don't get hatched. I've tried selecting different options for island detection, but this doesn't seem to work.
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Feb 15, 2012
Is there a way to generate the intersection of the overlapping objects?
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Jul 19, 2012
Can we delete overlapping duplicate objects for both model and anotations in Revit
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Oct 15, 2011
How to identify and delete overlapping objects. For example one polyline has been pasted double time, with in common reference point.
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May 14, 2013
I created a square and make it as a region. I just realize that they are consist of two kind of overlapping objects.
One is four lines that formed a square and another is the formed square region.
How do I switch the mode back to the AutoCAD classis, which when I create a region, then there only available one object, that is, the formed region.
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Jul 3, 2013
Something changed in my settings & I don't know how to chance it back. I can't click on to select objects inside or behind objects. What do I have to change to be able to select any item I click on regardless of where it is?
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Oct 19, 2012
I have an assembly with various parts in it. I am trying to write a routine that will
1) systematically traverse the assembly and find parts that overlap,
2) where they overlap perform a sculpt operation on the parts
Whilst i can do this manually by edit>copy object>sculpt>select surface ... i don't know how to mimic this programmatically.
So far i have coded to do it in a very hamfisted way by making a derived part file from the overlapping parts, opening the derived part file and performing the sculpt, replacing the original part in the assembly with its new derived-sculpted part and then continuing to traverse the assembly tree.. - it is super slow and uses lots of file operations.
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Oct 19, 2012
I have an assembly with various parts in it. I am trying to write a routine that will
1) systematically traverse the assembly and find parts that overlap,
2) where they overlap perform a sculpt operation on the parts
Whilst i can do this manually by edit>copy object>sculpt>select surface ... i don't know how to mimic this programmatically.
So far i have coded to do it in a very hamfisted way by making a derived part file from the overlapping parts, opening the derived part file and performing the sculpt, replacing the original part in the assembly with its new derived-sculpted part and then continuing to traverse the assembly tree.. - it is super slow and uses lots of file operations.
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Dec 19, 2012
I'm looking for any options that could remove the hidden sections over numerous overlapping objects. I have plenty of objects that lay over each other in this design, and now my client is thinking about getting it screen printed. Is there a shortcut for this that would save me a mass amount of time? (other than using Pathfinder on each and every one?)
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Jan 15, 2013
I'm in the process of drawing a site plan which contains buildings, roads and wooded areas. I want to draw roads which go through the wooded areas. I want both the road and the woods to be opaque except where the woods overlaps the road (I want the wood to be partially transparent at the overlap). Example of the effect I want is shown below. I don't get this effect when trying to use blending transparency modes. I'm sure it can be done with the opacity mask but I've tried all sorts of combinations and not managed to get this effect.
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Sep 20, 2013
I have a big drawing generated from a database with .NET containing about a 1000 parcels. Each vertex of each parcel has a label as MText. there are areas where these labels overlap partially. Is there a command to cycle through all areas where the overlapping occurs to speed up the cleaning process of the drawing?
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Oct 3, 2012
I have a logo where I'm having trouble erasing some overlapping shapes? I'm using Illustrator CS5.
This is part of the logo: [URL]. I need to erase the white part of the hexagon that's showing through the cog and circle shapes, and I need to erase the part of the green cog that's showing through the circle. The problem is that the cog and hexagon have been made using strokes, so every time I try and use the pathfinder tool the cog inverts itself and I get odd results like this: [URL].
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Dec 16, 2012
From my vecor drawing program i export a file as DXF/DWG.
Then this file is run true a program to determinaded the plotting lenght on a lasercutter.
But a simple drawing takes som 80 minutes to cut and engrave.
Loading the file into X5 Home & Student is discover that the file contains 29059 lines.
Selecting some lines i can see that there are underlying lines.
How can i remove them without using VBA. And my drawing program has no option to save it to a file type.
Export it as a Atocad version 2000 or 14 doenst change the number of lines
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Dec 6, 2012
I know this question was posted back in 2010, but thought I would bring it back to the surface to see if anything new has developed.
I am running X4. I draw jig saw puzzles in CorelDRAW (several shapes that I andomly node-connect) and each piece overlaps adjoining pieces on all four sides and are connected at multiple corner nodes as well as arc nodes. When sending to the laser for cutting, each side of each piece gets cut twice due to the overlapping lines. I was hoping the RemoveUnderlyingDups and NodeClean macro from a 2010 post would take these overlapping lines and create individual horizontal and vertical line segments from the connected nodes so the laser would make one continuous cut rather than duplicating all the cuts.
However, after running the macros, even on a small portion of the puzzle, I didn't get any results. I combined then broke apart as mentioned and still no joy. The only way I have been able to create separate line segments is to cut apart at the nodes and delete individual line segments... on 1250 pieces, with four sides and all sides overlapping, that's 10,000 separate edits... needless to say, duplicate cutting by the laser is faster.
Ideally, being able to create continuous horizontal and vertical lines based on corner node connections, would be the best. At that point, I could cut a 1250 piece puzzle with just 50 continuous horizontal lines and 100 vertical lines.
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Apr 24, 2013
Have an issue when importing pdf files into both X5 and X6. Fonts have been converted to outline and without Ghost script installed overlapping vectors fill in with white! With Ghost script installed center of fonts like e,b,p etc fill in with font color. Convert to eps prior to importing still has the issue? Also had some objects reposition on import but fixed if converted to eps? Processing a lot of client files for output to image so this is a real problem.
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Jul 26, 2012
after resetting photoshop prefrences i noticed one problem, after resetting i cant select smart objects such as UI Kits or even text objects when i select the move tool and try to select it it doesnt select and show box around it why ?
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Sep 7, 2011
I want to select all the objects in the drawing and then based on the linetype it should be moved to a specific layer.
I can do this per type (circle, line, etc) but that will be a hell of a job and a lot of code. In Vba I check inside the selection on linetype and then change it to the correct layer. But in .NET i don't figured out a way how to do it.
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Jan 19, 2013
I'm using Max 2012, and I wonder if there's a simple way to create an object that, when selected, would select a different specified object in the scene.
I'll explain the situation. I'd like to make a series of spline drawings in the shape of my rig, basically creating a simplified drawing of a skeleton, and then be able to click on, for example, the upper leg of this simplified drawing, and have the actual upper leg bone within the rig itself become selected.
Ideally, I'd like for the spline drawing I clicked to be unselected after I click it, leaving only the bone it represents selected. In essence, I want to make a group of "buttons" that can be used to select bones and helpers within a rig.
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Mar 14, 2011
I am running Illustrator CS5 on a brand new quad-core MacBook Pro. When I'm working in an Illustrator file, every time I click on a different object the program freezes for a good 5 seconds (which adds up really quickly and is really annoying.) I first noticed this in a large illustrator file with a lot of different elements, but I was testing it out and it still happens when I have a new document with only two circles in it. One of the circles is selected and I click on the other circle and the program freezes.
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Jul 3, 2013
I just installed Acad v. 2014. I opened up an existing file, went to select a line, but noticed that the line does not highlight when I hover over it like my last version. How do I change the settings so that when I hover over an object, whether it be a line or a cross hatched area, it will highlight that object so I know the length or area of the object?
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Jul 15, 2013
I have a problem with selecting multiple objects!!! Everywhere it says that you have to hold shift and select the objects you wish but when I do this it selects all the objects in between! How can I change this?
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Dec 4, 2011
The issue I am having a problem with is a mouse cursor freeze when I select an object with no command active.When I select an object, the cursor will freeze for about a second before I can move it again. When I hit escape to de-select the object the same thing happens.
This is with Acad LT 2011. WinXP. Normal operation this computer runs ACAD quite fast, no particular lags or anything except maybe when selecting to copy or move very large groups of objects, or when switching between layouts or to model space when there is a fair amount of stuff in the layout, or when regen on a large file size.
This mouse cursor lag was not always the case, but at some point this problem appeared.I have tried save, regen, regenall, closing the drawing, exiting ACAD LT, rebooting the computer.
It's very irritating, since so much of using ACAD is clicking and doing things with the mouse, that it really slows down my production, to have to get a cup of coffee every time I do a select action with the mouse.About a week ago I installed the trial version of LT 2012 to see if it was different. When I opened the same dwg in 2012 there was no lag.
I then closed this and opened the dwg in 2011, and there was no lag. So it seems that the installation of the 2012 trial version changed something in the way 2011 operated.It has been operating fine now with no lag until this morning. Now I have the lag again.When I now open the same dwg in 2012, I now have this lag in 2012 as well.
I did not change any settings in 2012 or 2011 like hardware acceleration or whatever. I just suddenly had this lag, and now I can't seem to get rid of it. Attached is a file that was made by opening ACAD LT 2011 and drawing a few lines, then saving it. No template used.On my computer with this file, I get the mouse cursor lag when I select a line.
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Aug 15, 2012
I'm using QSELECT to select all objects on a layer, sometimes I need to select objects from 5-7 layers.
Right now I use QSELECT, select 1 layer, click OK, open QSELECT again, select another layer and repeat. Is there a faster way to do this without scripts?
I'm sure some of you do site drawings, how do you measure a curve? Some restaurants or cafes have a rounded serving counter, how you measure the radius to plot into autocad?
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