I'm trying to model a parametric simple unit in Revit. So, I decided t use the generic family template. I want to model a rectangular unit with exterior wooden wall and interior steel frame. I have three problems
1- I have imported structural column profile into the family, but my problem is that I cannot align the section to two reference line. For example, I want to align the top of the column to the top exterior wall, and align the left side of the column to the left exterior wall; but I can just assign of these sides.
2- I've imported structural framing family in my generic model, but I cannot assign a parameter to the length of the beam, and the length is constant, and I can change the length just in 3D view. Do you know how to assign a parameter to the length?
3-I couldn't use the predefined walls it the family, so, I used extrusion. But I couldn't use the Revit windows family on the extrusion walls. Is there any way to use the predefined wall systems in Revit to be able to use the windows families?
I have a file that is in the unit of m. I am wondering how can I convert it to mm unit? For example, for a length of 1.4m I want it to be displayed as 1400 instead of 1.4.
The properties unit of all my Revit's door, wall, windows..etc is millimeter. How do I change it back to inch and feet?It was also strange that when I opened some files, the unit became inch and feet. The units of doors, windows, etc became inch and feet.
However, when I create a new project, the unit becomes millimeter again.
I am trying to create a parametric seating row with a Generic Line Based family.
If you check the file for the Length (default) parameter, I am multiplying it by the Arm Distance (600mm) so that the pattern repeats while I stretch out the line.
=Chairs * 600 mm
I want to add a parameter for the Arm Distance linked with the actual seat so that if I make the chair wider the pattern would adjust accordingly.
=Chairs * Arm Distance3
This way I could adjust the chair width and Line Based family all at once. However, I am finding that when I add "Arm Distance3" to the equation the Line Based feature stops working.
We are developing a multistory housing project that will have 5 unique unit plans. What I would like to know is the best approach to implimenting the unit plans in revit?
In autocad, we would create an xref of the unit, then xref as needed on base plans. Thus the ability to place multiple xrefs of the unit on various levels while maintatining the ability to make one change to the original unit plan and have it update thru out the project....How would we do this in Revit?
When I apply an Vray material to my linked Revit file the material appears extremely large and I cant fix it either by playing around with the scaling of the material or UVW-mapping. I have made sure that both my Revit model and 3DS max are both set to mm.
The scale of the material applied in Revit has the right proportions etc. Its just when I apply a new Vray material it goes wrong.
I have a multiple storey building that has been created in Revit 2012. The client would like a separate Revit model that only contains the information on one floor (Level 4), so that he can give this separate model to his tenant, to be used to do a renovation.
I am in the process of drawing up an existing building and firstly am setting up with the building mass. I have managed to get the main bodys of the building done and the main roof.The problem now is that when i switch too the east or west elevations to add mass for the roofs on the adjoining wings of the building it wont let me see the model lines when i draw them in the screen i just get an error message " None of the created elements are visible in Elevation: East View. You may want to check the active view, its Parameters, and Visibility settings. "I have my reference line set not far from the building and it seemed fine when i done the roof from the north and south views for the main building. I can see the model lines when i switch too 3D views but i cant create the mass from there.
I don't know all the possibility to model all 3d forms. Particulary, I have big problems to model 2 intersected caverns: I tried to model them with rhinoceros or other 3d software and then import the model into revit, but this cause some problems with the export to autocad (problems of visualization). I prefer modelling the intersected cavern directly into revit.
Trying to make a Custom Model Pattern - 8"x24". Listed below is the PAT file content. I tried it and I get the message "No "Model" type patterns found." What is the code in the PAT file.
Has anyone had any luck exporting a Revit 3D model directly to Acrobat 3D? I can't seem to get it to work.I can export to AutoCAD and then to Acrobat 3D, but I lose all embedded Revit information.
I use energy analysis module of Revit 2014. Energy report give me fuel consumption I need to know how to cancel fuel from model as we don't use fuel for cooling or heating. Also, how can I change the cost of electricity. Ant data regarding energy analysis report.
i had transferred the Revit MEP model to 3d max with FBX file. However, i found that i could not select a single part of duct, it seleced all the components.
How come pieces of a model disappear when I try to edit the model?As you can see here there is a base to this counter.When I edit the counter in place, because it was modeled in place the base disappears? What's going on?
How I can successfully import a 3d .dwg model into Revit so I can cut through it in plan and section? I built the model in sketchup, exported it as a .dwg, then impoorted this .dwg into a new Revit family. I then loaded this family into the revit file I'm working in. Its cuts through the model on basement and ground floor plans but not on 2nd or attic. For the 2nd or attic it just shows me the roof of my model.
We have been using AutoCAD drawings for our facility plans. We are switching to revit and we like to convert everything to Revit models. Everything is good so far. The problem is we have no clue to have only one Revit model in out facility network and use that model for all ongoing projects.
I am having trouble setting materials for a kitchen countertop that i created by modeling in place. I think that it has something to do with the installation, and am wondering how to fix it. When I am editing the model, in the properties pallete I choose the browse button next to materials and this is what comes up:
How do I set up the materials so that they are available to choose from? I have no other materials issues with walls, etc.
There are other people working on details that I need to do callouts for on my plans in Revit-how do I manually manipulate the callout tag without it being associated with anything?
A customer is trying to export a model for use in Revit. When he goes to the Environments tab -> BIM Exchange and the dialog opens... He has no option for RFA files... Only ADSK. Not sure what is going on.
I have a problem with getting an Inventor model into Revit. It's not the import of the model that's the problem, but the way the model displays in Revit. (It displays fine in AutoCAD, 3ds max etc - just not Revit.)
Here's the part file - it's just a simple box with a couple of split-face features on it to generate a pattern.
If I take the model into Revit, I can only see the pattern if I select the object.
Deselect the object and the pattern vanishes. Here's an unselected/selected screenshot from Revit:
Models attached - Inventor 2014 IPT and a SAT version of the same.
I have a problem. The linked model from our electrical engineer its lights are at the correct height but the ACT ceiling is still running its lines throiugh the lights. how do we take care of this to where the linked model which has the lights in it cut through our ACT ceiling from our central model?