AutoCAD Inventor :: Export A Model For Use In Revit
Aug 28, 2013
A customer is trying to export a model for use in Revit. When he goes to the Environments tab -> BIM Exchange and the dialog opens... He has no option for RFA files... Only ADSK. Not sure what is going on.
I'm currently working on a project that requires modelling in revit but exporting the final drawings in Autocad format. As a requirement from my client, I am demanded to export the entire paper space into the model space as Autocad entities.
When I export the drawing, the composition that I model in Revit is shown in the paper space, Is there a way to automatically export this composition into the model space?
My firm is starting a project....the Structural side is going to be don in Revit 3d and our Mechanical side uses Autocad w/Cadworxs for our 3d package. Is it possible to export the Revit steel drawing and import that model into Autocad as an xref?
I already have a revit model of a building with the areas identified like "room A", "room B", etc. I exported it to FBX and opened with Unity but the information about the rooms was not there (I am assuming FBX format does not save that information)
I might be wrong but I beleive IFC format saves this information. The problem is that Unity does not import IFC files and the file seems way too complicated to make my own parser to read it. I was wondering if there is a lib or something that I could use to visualize the 3D model without losing the rooms identification.
I'm wondering if there is a possibility in Inventor to export a surface model as a STL file. I use CAD programs to prepare models for simulations in other software and I would like to work with Inventor because my Department uses it. Till now I have been using Solid Works and with a little trick it is possible to export surfaces as a STL file. In Inventor I didn't manage to do this. So, is it possible?
I have a problem with getting an Inventor model into Revit. It's not the import of the model that's the problem, but the way the model displays in Revit. (It displays fine in AutoCAD, 3ds max etc - just not Revit.)
Here's the part file - it's just a simple box with a couple of split-face features on it to generate a pattern.
If I take the model into Revit, I can only see the pattern if I select the object.
Deselect the object and the pattern vanishes. Here's an unselected/selected screenshot from Revit:
Models attached - Inventor 2014 IPT and a SAT version of the same.
when i am creating a coordination system in Autocad and after that i want to export it in Revit, there is aways difference between the two reference points, the one from the Autocad file and the Project base point in Revit.
I managed to mach them by moving the autocad file, but i don't think this is the correct way of doing it.
My problem today is that I made a Model of a Part of a ship using surfaces rather than solids because the engineer thought it would be easier to bring into ANSYS program for analysis but he is now having a problem with it and I am looking into converting my current model to solid. I can do it but the method I thought of using is quite long winded and we are working to a tight deadline. up the surface part
2.use "Offset/Thicken"
3.any clashes between parts make a sketch and cut away.
the problem is the amount of plates I have and the time it takes to sort them out.
I'm working on a staircase with a decorative panel design.
I'd like to export the model to 3ds Max Design, convert the solid model to a mesh and then bend the mesh to follow a horizontal radius of curvature. Once that's done I'd like to be able to convert it back into a solid and import it back into AutoCAD.
i downloaded the trial version of 2k9, on a win xp machine, with the main interest in trying out this new feature...unfortunately i have yet been successfull in using it as autocad either locks-up durring the export or end up with an "unhandled exeption...eDegenerateGeometry"...
i'm also attaching the details of such an exception (and i probably should report this to autodesk for their investigations)...
I'm trying to export layouts to model space. Everything is fine except that I have items grouped in in the original drawing that are not in the new drawing. I don't want to change all the groups to blocks.
I;m trying to setup linked files in max from AutoCAD Architecture 2013. However, for each file attached the levels of the project from ACA are not recognized in MAX - all the levels are stacked ontop of eachother in the same place. I did not see an option in the presets for MAX to understand this.
VB code to do the EXPORTLAYOUT command? I need to create a batch program to do a large number of files from the layout to the model space. The program can either copy the layout to the modelspace and save or copy the layout to a new file. Either way is fine. These are old MDT files that we are moving into the Vault, but Vault doesn't like them and the drafters are using AutoCAD in modelspace to revise them.
Is there a way within Autocad to lock a layer so that only certain people have access (say using a password).
Also is there a way to export model space from one workbook to another. In that one is the standard company file and I want to build a sepearte workbook for my purposes (making specific paper spaces etc...) but I want to use their model space for the model space of my workbook. Also if possible to export would this exported model space make changes when changes were made on the original copy?
I am using File>Export Layout to Model... command.
The drawing exported in half scale means a circle with 10mm diameter dimension on it exported as a circle with 5mm diameter But the dimension on the circle remains as 10mm!!!
I have a file dwg with a drawing (drawing of the customer) in space model and space paper I have several layuot (5). How I can save or export that file only contained in model space (customer drawing) and one layout of the 5? For example space + layout model No. 3 ...
I'm working on 2013 AutoCAD along with V52.03 HydraCAD and have been trying to export a model to Navisworks. Currently I have Navisworks Freedom 2013 on my system. AutoCAD doesn't recognize "nwdout" as a command, it says unknown command. Does this have something to do with the Navisworks Freedom that I have on the machine instead of Navisworks Simulate?
I'd like to export AutoCAD file from a model built in 3Ds Max to get some engimeering drawings(as below) But the dwg file export from 3Ds Max is always with the wireframe(as the last one)
I need to export a layout to a new model -as a new drawing-. I did ths after bind all the X-ref files and explode them all then with "Export layout to new model" command from the right click menu on Layout tab. But the file is slightly big, the file has more than about 105 layout , the AutoCAD gets hang and after about 10-15 mins it shows a dialogue box contents"Unhandelled exception has occurred in a component in your application. If you click continue the application will ignore this and attempt to continue" I clicked on "Continue" and a file has been created with 0 bites.And that file cannot be opened.
Some time ago, I used Adobe Reader (the basic one) to view and rotate a 3D model from Autocad. Yes, I know that I can export a Revit model into a DWFX and view it in Design Review, but that requires a ferr Design Review download. Some clients don't have administrator rights, are too lazy, don't have the computer savy to install, etc..., so a PDF 3D model would be nice.
---Is this possible with Revit? ---Is this possible with Autocad?
I have Adobe X Pro where I can enable this if Revit and CAD have the ability to print a 3D PDF.
I have a question about exporting layouts into the model space coordinate system. I have a lot of drawings created from view frame and sheet set manager.
Each drawing has its own layout and it needs to be exported into model space. But when I export the layout it places the drawing into 0,0 in model space.
Is there any way to have it placed at the drawings coordinate system, assuming its in CA-VF (California State Plane Zone V, US foot) ?
Can it also be rotated, including title block, if the the viewport has a rotation (if the north arrow is not pointing up)?
We need to export the dwg's into dgn's. Our client uses Microstation v7 and all drawings need to be in that format.
Is there a way within Autocad to lock a layer so that only certain people have access (say using a password).
Also is there a way to export model space from one workbook to another. In that one is the standard company file and I want to build a sepearte workbook for my purposes (making specific paper spaces etc...) but I want to use their model space for the model space of my workbook. Also if possible to export would this exported model space make changes when changes were made on the original copy?