Revit :: Not Cutting Through Imported DWG 3D Model?
Mar 13, 2012
How I can successfully import a 3d .dwg model into Revit so I can cut through it in plan and section? I built the model in sketchup, exported it as a .dwg, then impoorted this .dwg into a new Revit family. I then loaded this family into the revit file I'm working in. Its cuts through the model on basement and ground floor plans but not on 2nd or attic. For the 2nd or attic it just shows me the roof of my model.Â
i have just started using revit. i imported a 3d dwg file into generic model family and loaded into my project.for some reason, the model shows in section, elevation and last level of my floor plan and site plan as well, but it is not showing in my 1st to 2nd last floor plan. can some people tell what are to possible reason for this?how can i get it show show in the plans?
I have a dwg that someone imported and I cannot find where this object is. I have tried searching the database with DBLink, Ideate BIMLink and I have gone into every view to no avail. I also used the reviTTools add-in which says there are no drawings in the file. Am I dealing with a corrupted file? I am super OCD and this is in our Template which makes it an even bigger problem.
I've just done a photo-shoot with some models and my photographer wants to charge £10 per image for cutting the model out of the infinity screen. I'm decent with photoshop as i've used it for years and i could technically cut it out by magic wand and some manual cutting.
How does a pro go about quickly and nicely cutting a model out of an infinity screen?
how to create cross sections without cutting up the model similar to applications like Autodesk Inventor? Maybe inserting a poly plane into the object and tell Maya to only render stuff in the normal direction of the plane if that is even possible?
I am currently working on a model which was first created using inventor. Its is a drawing contaning tanks and pipeworks.I have looked into the drawing and have noticed that all the parts are 3d solids. The file size is over 100mb which makes the drawing impossible to work on.
Resolving the file size issue? Maybe converting all the solids to blocks?
I will be able to have access to the original inventor file and possibly try exporting smaller parts of the site and xref only the relevent parts of the site as required for each drawing if that makes sense.
The model is a 5200 sf interior building space that I had applied materials & components to in Sketchup.  Now that I am working on the model in 3ds Max, I am having some issues with the application of materials to the objects. Basically, some of the objects kept some of the materials that I had applied in Sketchup; however, some of the materials did not come through into Max. When I try to remedy this and apply the correct materials to the object, it is linked/grouped to several other objects in the model that I do not want to apply the material to.  I have tried to make a copy of the material in the material editor and then reapply to the object, but it still applies it to several other unrelated objects.  Also, I seem to be having trouble with my zoom feature in the zoom will sometimes work, but sometimes it will zoom all the way to extents of the model, and won't let me zoom back into the interior of the model space; I don't know if this problem is related to the previous issue.
I would like to edit the faces of a model I imported into Maya, but I cannot find the face option when I right click. When I create a polygon however, it works just fine on it. Is there any way I can convert the model into a polygon?
I imported a model from Sketchup into 3DS Max. When I apply materials to some of the surfaces, the scale of the texture varies from face to face, these are the triangles that make up a polygon. It's as if the texture is getting stretched or compressed in one direction or another. Other polygons allow for consistent materials. It seems to be random and I can't figure out what to do.
I'm having trouble editing a family I've made. It's a profiled rim for a crate that needs room for a latch. So I need to create a small spacing in the rim so that the latch can fit. I've tried to cut geometry, and edit the family (rim) itself, but I need to edit it in an elevation view and not floor plan.
breaking wall section views ? ie. using the section view tool works very well for a BIM wall type, but how can we cut the section so we don't need to have the view show the entire height, etc of the wall. especially when fitting in representative sections of twenty different wall types/situations on a single sheet ?
When adding an element, say a door, to something like a wall, if there is a void within the door and everything is set properly to cut out a section of the wall, what is the resultant material colour that you see at the cut?  I've been trying this out and in the Realistic display mode, when I have a door with a recess profile around the frame, in brick I see the brick colour, but in plaster I see a grey which isn't the same as the default plaster colour?   The recess is 12mm into 12.5mm plaster.
What would be possible reason for a void not having any effect on cutting an object? I created a parametric void.Then I created an object.No change to the object. If I create an object then a void, it seems to work.
I have inserted a recess paper towel dispenser into an interior wall. Then a 1/8" tile wall was added in front of the hosting interior wall. The opening for the recess dispenser only cut into the interior hosting wall, not the tile wall. I tried joining the two walls, but it didn't seems to have any effect. Is there any reason why the walls won't join?
We are using structural steel framing familiies which are sloping in section. Â Where the view range cuts, the framing does not and the entire member is visible including above the cut plane. Â The members are set to cut in plan in "Visiilbity Settings." Â The view is set to "Fine."
I am cutting a dormer in a roof with a square rafter cut. Â I want the dormer to be plumb cut. Â Is there any way to do this? The property seems to be set for the entire roof.
The Cut Plane in a Plan View doesn't really represent the cut component but instead some kind of projection.In my case, I use a lot of Face Based Windows and Doors since my walls are often slanted. The Plan View representation of these components doesn't look right. A workaround is placing these components in a Component/Model in Place environment.
Is the attached possible? I'm trying to cut out the plaster wrap to a wall, but can't figure out how to do it. Â I've had a look at using reference planes in the door family object, but they don't seem to be able to do this? Â Simply checking the wall type to wrap at only the external insert isn't going to work as I want the recess in the plaster to be away from the door frame edge.
 I'm designing a piece of furniture in Rhino using Grasshopper.  I would like to create my measured drawings of this piece in Revit (as a way of learning the software).  I have linked the 5 components of the piece to my Revit project file (as SAT files but I could export them as something else if that would work).  All I want to do is create a single sheet showing 1 plan view, 2 elevations, 1 section and an exploded axon.  However, I cannot seem to dimension the components.  I need overall dimensions as well as the size of radii at curved corners in elevation and filleted corners in plan, and also thickness of the material used.  Is there something I need to do to get the dimensions to 'see' this set of objects?
We just noticed that the imported cad geometry in a Mass family will not cut in a floor plan view which contains a plan region. Regardless of the location or height of the plan region.
I inserted CAD files and erased them from all views once I no longer needed them, yet some CAD files are still listed in the Visibility/Graphics menu under Imported Categories. Need to just select and delete from the menu, but there is no way to select and delete from the list. How can I simply clear out all imported categories?
I'm importing my Revit file and when I try to select only the roof to apply materials it gives me a selection of "Wood-Sheathing-particlboard/osb" which includes the second floor sheathing and other things I don't want in my selection.
I thought I could add an edit poly modifier and select the individual roof polygons and apply materials to them but when I "Apply materials to selected objects" it applies to all of the wood sheathing,... selection.
i`m trying to import basement and 1 storey plan from autocad to each different plan view under revit and build up the model ffrom there. is there anyway to align the plan?
I have a relatively simple mass modeled in Rhino that I imported to a Revit Mass Family (via .sat file). I then placed walls, roofs, structure on the face of this mass. However I would like to be able adjust this mass, either in Rhino or Revit and the walls and structure adjust accordingly. Now however, if I reload the mass into my Revit family, and then reload the family to my model, and then attempt to Update to Face, the error "Faces defining this Element cannot be reacquired." and my only option is to delete the offending wall/roof etc.  Is this just a limitation in Revit/Rhino, or am I totally doing it wrong?
I'am having an Image in Revit but don't have the Image separately but I need it. How can I get that from Revit. I've tried Export-Image&Animation-Image but the view only get exported.
Is there any way to change the appearance of a mass imported into Revit? I simply want to change the dark grey that shows in the rendered view and/or the white that shows up in the shaded view so I can control how background buildings (imported through google earth/sketch up) look in my drawings.Â
I do not want to rebuild the masses with walls, ceilings, etc, because they are just background site elements. I have tried to do this through object styles. I have tried to do this through "Override by Element" and "Override by Category". I am importing the files as in-place masses and there is no way to edit materials because "Materials" doesn't even show up as one of the element properties.
Background: infrequent user who is in AutoCAD withdrawal but forcing himself to move to Revit.  I've just started a new project. I've imported a survey done in AutoCAD and converted it to a Topo surface.  The surface appears in two of the Elevations (East and North), but not the other two. I have two empty views. I've turned off Crop View. When I did this and a Z A, I was able to find the East and North elevations and move the views over to them. However, I can't find the elevations in the other views.