I have inserted a recess paper towel dispenser into an interior wall. Then a 1/8" tile wall was added in front of the hosting interior wall. The opening for the recess dispenser only cut into the interior hosting wall, not the tile wall. I tried joining the two walls, but it didn't seems to have any effect. Is there any reason why the walls won't join?
When adding an element, say a door, to something like a wall, if there is a void within the door and everything is set properly to cut out a section of the wall, what is the resultant material colour that you see at the cut?
I've been trying this out and in the Realistic display mode, when I have a door with a recess profile around the frame, in brick I see the brick colour, but in plaster I see a grey which isn't the same as the default plaster colour?
What would be possible reason for a void not having any effect on cutting an object? I created a parametric void.Then I created an object.No change to the object. If I create an object then a void, it seems to work.
breaking wall section views ? ie. using the section view tool works very well for a BIM wall type, but how can we cut the section so we don't need to have the view show the entire height, etc of the wall. especially when fitting in representative sections of twenty different wall types/situations on a single sheet ?
Is the attached possible? I'm trying to cut out the plaster wrap to a wall, but can't figure out how to do it.
I've had a look at using reference planes in the door family object, but they don't seem to be able to do this?
Simply checking the wall type to wrap at only the external insert isn't going to work as I want the recess in the plaster to be away from the door frame edge.
Certain exterior walls ghost out / disappear in plan when hosting a split face. This doesn't happen on all walls, and it suddenly appears on walls that were performing fine.
I am working a little 'off piste' currently as I am usually designing buildings, however, I have been asked to design a mould for the casting of an additional mass of lead to be appended to the existing lead in the keel of a yacht.
In order to complete this exercise the volume of the mould must accommodate between 26 and 30 litres of lead which is the volume of lead required to give the correct weight.
I have begun this task by creating a new Revit Family (may have been better to create it in a Project Environment) essentially being a large extrusion, with a number of swept blend voids creating the mould cut out. I have determined this using my clients instructions for the type of cross sectional profile, its profile along its length and the footprint. Thing is I now have to work out what alterations are necessary in order to ensure that the mould volume is correct! See 3D View so far.
I am trying to create a void form in revit architecture, i am following the quick start tutorial from the design academy website and when I try to make a void form i get an error, pics to explain:
I am trying to make a void element but whatever I do this message occurs: "Some Void Forms of this family do not cut anything and will be deleted. To make a Void Form cut something else use the Cut Geometry tool." I am using "Model in place" tool -> Generic models.
I am having problems with void that i cant hide in my project. The void is inside my generic family but wont apply a cut unless i apply a length parameter to it. The problem i that in my project it seems to be visible as a yellow box that will also appear when printed.
Is it possible to hide this in the project by any way?
I am creating a tunnel with a profile consisting of multiple radios. In the attached images can be displayed. The problem I have is that by selecting one of the two tunnels and create a void with the profile of the second tunnel and perform cutting geometry indicates that I can not and I get the error message.
If I perform the same exercise to select a tunnel and create a void with a square profile, rectangular or cylindrical deaja if I make the cut geometry. I select the void that did work and edit it to add the profile you require and at the end of the model throws me the error again.
We are working on four computers of the same features and the same version of Revit Building Design Suite 2013, has installed the update 2.
I have created a simple pipe fitting family, a soil vent pipe terminal infact, but I cannot get the solid body created from a rotated profile to be cut by an arrayed extrusion void. I keep getting the error message, 'Can't keep the elements joined'!
I need to resolve the corner condition where two boards intersect. I am not able to create a void in order to cut the corner for the geometry. I would like to shape more than one side of the board and make it rounded. How do I edit the different sides of the geometry?
I created a reception desk in Revit 2013 using solid extrusions and void extrusions and it looks really good. The problem is I need to recreate this thing using some other method since I cannot place door and drawer faces on a plane that technically, geometrically does not exist, ie the area a receptionist would sit. The rendering of my extruded desk is attached.
Any way to get a wall sweep that's set up in the type/structure properties to follow a wall if that walls profile has changed. For example, in the image below, I've split the wall and adjusted it's profile to create some cheesy angled parapet. How do i get my wall cap to follow along? I thought splitting it and changing it's height would work, but no. And if I change the profile without splitting the wall the wall cap just runs right through the wall, as if the profiel was never even changed.
I have to draw a bulkhead wall that connects to a full height wall and a gyp bd ceiling. This causes the entire end of the full height wall to skew in line with the butt joint above the ceiling level. I tried Wall Joins but all the options screw up the bottom half of the wall which needs to remain in line with the paired opposite. I also tried editing the sketch of the wall profile but Revit couldn't keep the elements joined. I tried trimming the two walls back together afterwards but the wall profile dominates and prevents a clean join above the ceiling.
Surely there's a way to have different kinds of joins at different heights?
I am trying to align the curtain wall with the edge of the concrete slab/face of wood framed wall (Core). I have tried to align and move however the whole wall moves as well as the edge of the slab. How I can move the Curtain wall leaving the other elements in place?
Refer to the attached file. How can I cut the RED part of the Wall 1 (W1) , where Wall 2 is sloped. I also want to cut a hole in wall 2 (W2) by the BLUE rectangle , but why I can't do that .
I also want to add a second floor to my project but I can only see the" Level" icon goes grey and I can't click it.
When I try to change the length of a wall it grows at both end. How to grow at one end only?
When I change the wall type to one with a different thickness, I cannot control which face of the wall remains fixed and which face moves. eg: change from 130mm to 250mm screws up my room width. How do I do this?
I am trying to make a floorplan of my house in Revit 2013, but I am having an issue when it comes to one wall in my house. I have an opening in the Master Bedroom that leads to the bathroom. This wall has a weird arched-like opening in it and I have no clue how to make this in Revit. I have attached a sketch.
Also, my exterior walls are 7' tall but the interior walls start at 7' and go up to 8' once in the middle of the house and reduce back to 7". How does one set that up in Revit?
EDIT: May have made the image too small to see, but the top is not arched, it is actually half of a decagon.
I have a question about wall profiles. I want to make a profile on a wall so I can make Zinc Panels on the wall that are 10" X 20". I've attached a picture of what I'm going for. I'd like it to have a 1/2" spacing between them and with a joint depth of 1" and I'd like to do this is the wall type so that I can use this wall in multiple places rather than having it model-in-place. Anyway I have made a profile that is 1" X 10" so that it can become my panel profile. But when I go to add it to the wall as a wall sweep as I have seen people do I get hung up on how to make it tile up the wall and also I don't understand how to make the profile so that it is 20" wide. I have a screen shot of where I'm editing this too. Below is the link of the site.
“Drag wall end” to the edge of the wall (indicated),In the attached screenshot, I wanted to drag the end of the temporary dimension from its location to the end edge of the wall but sounds not to respond!
How this temporary dimension can be dragged to the edge of the wall?
How I can successfully import a 3d .dwg model into Revit so I can cut through it in plan and section? I built the model in sketchup, exported it as a .dwg, then impoorted this .dwg into a new Revit family. I then loaded this family into the revit file I'm working in. Its cuts through the model on basement and ground floor plans but not on 2nd or attic. For the 2nd or attic it just shows me the roof of my model.
I'm having trouble editing a family I've made. It's a profiled rim for a crate that needs room for a latch. So I need to create a small spacing in the rim so that the latch can fit. I've tried to cut geometry, and edit the family (rim) itself, but I need to edit it in an elevation view and not floor plan.
We are using structural steel framing familiies which are sloping in section. Where the view range cuts, the framing does not and the entire member is visible including above the cut plane.
The members are set to cut in plan in "Visiilbity Settings." The view is set to "Fine."
recent major PC failure and it's subsequent rebuild I've lost my IE Favourites list (note to self - backup) which contained a link to a good and free web hosting service to which one could add a link to in these forums e.g. screenshots. I've used this service as it was mentioned on this forum but for the life of me can't remember it's name -
I am cutting a dormer in a roof with a square rafter cut. I want the dormer to be plumb cut. Is there any way to do this? The property seems to be set for the entire roof.
I have uploaded many files on my image hosting site, and I have a logo for a websit that I want to show you guys and for some reason it keeps coming up with the "red x" every time i upload it. So i tried a different image hosting site and it still doesnt come up....
The Cut Plane in a Plan View doesn't really represent the cut component but instead some kind of projection.In my case, I use a lot of Face Based Windows and Doors since my walls are often slanted. The Plan View representation of these components doesn't look right. A workaround is placing these components in a Component/Model in Place environment.