Photoshop :: Why Doesn't An Inch In Photoshop Equal...
Jan 31, 2009
When I create an image of a grid with one inch spacing and print it on my Epson R1800 the grid spacing on the print is not one inch wide (an 8 inch wide grid prints as 8.25 inches). No scaling is being done, resolution of the image is 100 pixels/inch.
This is not a question about preview size, I don't care about that. I just want to know the best way to match up what Photoshop thinks is an inch and what my printer thinks is an inch. I am hoping that there is some way to calibrate it once so I don't have to scale each picture before I print it.
I am assuming this is a Photoshop issue and not an Epson printer issue because grids created in MS Word print exactly the right size.
I have LR 3.6 and have noticed that since LR1, the WB picker does not usually set RGB percentages equally on the first click. It takes several tries of me clicking on the same group of 5x5 pixels of a neutral WhiBal card before the %R=%G=%B (within 0.5% or so).
Usually what happens is I get a close grouping on the first click (say 71.2%R, 72.8%G, 70.6%B). But if I click again on the same group of pixels without moving the mouse, I get another WB (say 71.6%R, 71.0%G, 72.5%B). I keep WB AutoDismiss unchecked,
The gray on the card noticeably changes hue (greenish gray, warmish gray, coolish gray) on each attempt.
Clicking again and again, I (might) finally get a close grouping like (71.3%R, 71.7%G, 70.9%B) in which I call it good. Or I may decide to make fine manual adjustments to the color temperature and tint sliders until I get a perfect match %R=%G=%B (within 0.5% or so).
Why doesn't the wb clicker automatically force %R=%G=%B ?
I have created a pressure network using 8-inch diameter pipes. How would I change the 8-inch pipes to 6-inch pipes without having to recreate the network.
Someone would like a small 1 inch by 1 inch logo for invoices at 600 DPI. However I understand that illustrator doesnt work in DPI or PPI since it's vector. Would I have to transfer the small image over to photoshop. I did try and save a 1 inch by 1 inch logo at 600 PPI, however when I saved the image it was no longer 1 inch by 1 inch. It had increased significantly in size regardless of what file format I saved the image as.
I need to create a 100 wedges 'spinning wheel' graphic (like a pie chart but does not require pie chart functionality) with each wedge of equal size and spacing but can't seem to find a process that works.
If I try to draw a square box in any size, illustator does not make it square.
For example, if I select the Rectangle Tool, click in the art space and set the rectangle to one inch by one inch, I get a box that is 1.0003 by 1.0003
Here is a screen shot of what I am getting.
This is also happening to any rectangle and circle.
Even if I hold down shift to keep the preportions lock, it still happens.
I have check and nothing is snapping or set to snap.
This is a major issue for me as I use illustator for creating dielines and those dielines need to be very accurate.
What is the optimal number of dpi/inch or dpi/cm to work and to plot a 3m x 0.8m paper /photo paper/ orapaper , RGB or CMYK, are there plotters optimizeds to plot from RGB better CMYK ?
while i was outside my dad opened a jpg.. and the inches seemed LARGER ..
so i zoomed in the same %.. and it wasnt pixelated.. there were More pixels in the inch.. so i pasted something from my previous work.. and Indeed. it was SMALLER.. so i had to redo the whole thing.. it was bigger work.. but the print was very improved.. my question is.. how can you control how many pixels are in an inch.. if you can at all.. and if you cant how do you explain what happened..
I'm having trouble printing an image that's longer than 11 inches. I have a Canon i560 printer, and use either PS 7 or PS CS.
I want to print an image that's 6 x 16 inches, using 13x19" paper that I've cut in half the long way. I specified Custom (for size), and got approximately the correct width, but it stops printing after 11 inches. I also tried printing a JPG version of the image using WindowsXP print utility, and it allowed me to specify a custom size, but it also stops printing after 11 inches in length.
I had an 11x14 document set at 175 pix/in. When printed the document was huge (probably 75% too big, maybe more). I was thinking maybe there can only be so many pixels per inch, and because I had it set too high, the dimensions of the doc. were distorted. Anyone know if there is such a magick number?
What is the best way to mix five different colors in equal portions and see what the resulting color is, as if I was putting 5 drips of each color into a container and stirring well.
I have tried the smudge tool and placed the five colors abutting each other, but there has to be a better way.
I had a 3 year old imac with CS3 installed, which has failed. I have bought a brand new imac 27", but I was told in the store that this machine is too new to use CS3!
Is it the OS thats too new or the hardware? I'm happy to downgrade my ios to snow leopard or something like that.
It only happens after Photoshop CS6 (fully updated i Mac and CS6 - see below image for specs) has been running for awhile. The screen, in dark areas of the display, will have screen flicker like stars twinkling on a night sky. Then the display will completely go black and then back on about every 5 seconds. The only way I can make it stop is to power the i Mac off and then start it back up. Then it's fine until the next time I start Photoshop.
It doesn't do it immediately when Photoshop starts. It's usually about 30 - 60 minutes after I've started it. Also if I open Photoshop and use it and then shut it down I don't have any issues...only after it has been running for a while.
I have a 7.2 MP digital camera. When I upload the images to Photoshop, they show up as 72 pixels/inch by default. How can I have them at 300 pixels/inch? I bought the camera, so I could start doing posters.
I realize that you can align objects in Photoshop, and that there are options to distribute horizontal and vertical centers, but how would I put an equal amount of space between objects like with the "Distribute Spacing" option in the illustrator align panel?
Photoshop CC cannot produce 2 equal batch results ! its skips images at random and even worse skips parts of the batch commands! This makes PSD CC absolute useless in a professional environment, and that Adobe have not fixed this huge bug in the last 5 updates they have done in less than a month is an outrage.
I want to upload on my web site students and college colour portrait photos (in contacts sheets) but they have different skin colour ( most has yellow cast but some don't). Is it possible to make some action (to take initial colour of some proper skin colour of the portrait) and apply to all pictures. Maybe some plugin is available.
I am running PS CS5.5 on a a MAC running OSX 10.7.3 and printing to an Epson Stylus Photo 2200.
Background: Basically, the dimensions of a printed graphic are different than the size that is specified in the PS version of the graphic. The amount of error is about 1/16 of an inch over a 6 inch distance. This matters as the printed output must fit a template exactly.
Details: I create a 300 dpi resolution document. I am using inches as the ruler setting and the method for specifying the size of an object in the Free Transform Dialog. I create, with the rectangle tool, a rectangle and then use command-T to specify the dimensions to be 6 inches X 1 inch. I check using the ruler tool and verify that the shape is 6 X 1. When I print, the object is smaller. In fact, it will be 5 29/32 inches instead of 6 inches.
If I create the same object using Illustrator, the object prints (same printer) exactly the specified dimension. If I place the illustrator object into Photoshop it will "say" that it is 6 inches but prints at the reduced size.
After pulling my hair out, I have just adopted the work-a-round of scaling the output, in the printer dialog, by an appropriate % to compensate. There must be a better way to address this problem.
I am using cs6 on a macbook pro with retina (dunno if that matters).
i noticed a while ago that the sizes of my documents in photoshop are smaller than normal. Im not sure if this is a resolution issue, but in illustrator, indesign, after effects everything looks normal sized. I am trying to create a thumbnail in ps that is 310x225px. When I place the psd in illustrator it becomes 74.4x54px. Creating a new document in ps with both resolitions 72 and 300 result in the same size artboard. I'm not sure if this is something simple I am overlooking, but I don't want to have pixelated thumbnails in my mockup. There must be something I can change to make photoshop create normally sized images.
simple way to do this with Photoshop (I have CS)? I need the nine separate jpeg images for the flash version, I understand this example is just one jpeg and is used in the standard html version of a template I have....
Curious is there is way that is automated to do this. I can rotate each section (image) as needed for the spot, but want to take a picture and cut it into equal squares.
Constantly switching the Info Panel from displaying inches to pixels and vice versa?
How to avoid having to do this? I either want to see one or the other, sometimes being able to see both simultaneously would be nice. While dragging out Rectangular Marquees, doing Transforms, etc.
Can anyone advise how I can draw (from scratch) a 6 sided shape.
I cant post an image on here (as I'm a newbie to this forum its going to be hard to explain without an image)
Superman Logo
and then rather than a point at the bottom imagine a flat extra line (so it then has 6 sides rather than 5)
I can make a 6 sided shape no problem, but it always has equal length sides when I first produce it,
So I goto
(as I would image I could change its shape with) it just never looks right.
I take it I either want to drag the corners in and out or to perhaps input the details of size/length/angles etc (but I imagine this will take too long).