Photoshop :: What Is The Best / Quickest Way To Draw A Fish Shape?
Feb 13, 2006
how to draw a simple fish shape that is consist of an oval with 2 pointed ends (the body), and a triangle (tail)? What kind of tools (eg. line or ellipse tools) should I use? Do I need to set the transformation path?
I am new Inventor user (2014 version) trying to get up to speed on best practices and the most efficient work flows. I find myself designing individual parts that start off as base AISC shapes (angles, square tubes, rectangular tubes, etc.). These are parts that start off as base extrusions that then have multiple machining operations performed on them. In most cases, the parts are stand along parts that aren't involved in any type of frame.
In these cases, I generally sketch the profile from scratch using my AISC book and then extrude. I'm sure this is silly. Frame generator already has the profile data built in- so why am I sketching these profiles from scratch? But using frame generator in an assembly environment to make a single member part seems silly to me also. Why should there be an assembly file at all? I just want a single part that starts off as some length of some standard profile. Using frame generator in an assembly environment seems like overkill.
What is the best practice for starting off a part with some length of a standard ANSI, ISO, or other profile?
I do perspective drawing for interior designers and do the coloring in Photoshop. Think of old fashioned painting with a brush/copic marker against a ruler to get a straight line, but with varying thickness or opacity. I would like the same effect in Photoshop.
The closest that I have come is to press Shift before the brush stroke. That constrains the stroke, makes a very neat line AND allows me to vary the line/brush thickness as I paint.
Often the lines may need to be at an arbitrary angle which is NOT 90 or 180 degrees. The only way I know of for getting that brush stroke in the correct position is to make sure that each stroke is on a separate layer. Select the stroke/transform/rotate. Quite a few steps as opposed to the one it takes to draw the line in the correct position and angle with a brush/ copic marker on paper.
This becomes time consuming and difficult once you have many lines to paint and if you need to be accurate (as with perspective drawing). If you are working on a very large canvas the point of rotation can sometimes be very far from where you are working (i.e. on a vanishing point) and difficult to see without a lot of Zooming and moving around on the canvas.
To Stroke a path with the brush gives an unrealistic and even line thickness which does not look hand painted. Using a ruler while drawing on a Cintiq? That may give the desired effect and be much quicker than selecting and rotating.
I was pretty much expecting to see a Ground Plane object in the scene explorer, but no such beast exists. My spirits were briefly lifted by finding a Ground Plane section in the Environments palette, but that does not allow you to attach texture maps to the ground plane, only a solid color.
If such a thing doesn't exist (for shame, Adobe), any quickest way to create a textured, infinite ground plane (imagine, for example, a tiled floor or a wooden floor that extends all the way off into the horizon)?
I'm having trouble drawing an egg shape. I drew the oval, then converted to curves. I moved the bottom node up and that made the shape squatty, but I want to move the side nodes out symmetrically. Is there a way to do this? Is there a simpler way to make an egg shape?
is it possible maybe to draw with transparent line in Shape tool?
Currently if I draw a line, make it transparent, the next line as default the same color and width, but does not inherit the transparency. That means it is not possible or just at me
I want to draw a filled shape and edit it later during further design.
I used Path Tool to draw my shape with points. Then I used Selection from Path to create a closed shape, as I can fill it with solid color or patterns.
But how can I edit the shape after it has been filled with color? After using Selection from Path, the shape is independent of the controlling points of Bezier Curve.
In general, how can I draw a closed shape, which is filled with solid color or patterns, but still editable by moving controlling points of Bezier Curve on the border? In other words, when I move the points, the inner color/pattern should be extended.
I should design a Silicone model for a Breast Cancer Survivor. My problem is the Irregular Geometric Shape of silicone. I tried "Sphere"/ "Loft" commands,but I didn't get my desired outcome! I also drew the 2D base by "Spline"; however,"Extrusion" was not a good option to make it look like a 3D silicone!
I have 2 images, a fish bowl and a man. I am trying to place the man in the bowl so that he looks like he is behind the glass. So far, I have tried masks with at different opacities and blend modes and the two photos in different stacking orders in the layers palette. I am not happy with these results because you can see through the man into the background of the fish bowl.
I have just built a new workstation and I am trying to make sure that I have the optimal settings in Max and the NVIDIA control panel to reduce my rendering times. How to configure optimal set-up for the following workstation. I have tried using both metalray and the advantage pack iray renders. However, when I use the iray it just keeps rendering forever and still looks very noisy or granulated.
System: Running one Intel 5650 overclocked to 3.4 GHz EVGA SR-2 Classified MB (2) Nvidia Quadro 4000 cards 24GB RAM (2) Crucial 128GB SSD (Raid 0) This is my boot drive (2) 1 TB WD Caviar Black (Raid 0) for storage (1) 1 TB WD Caviar Black for backa-up
when i draw a circle in corel draw, i set the height and width dimension to equal, so it should become a circle, but it end up in the monitor screen an oval shape, also i notice the y axis and x axis in the corel draw is not equal. so i check my artcut y and x axis, is also same as corel draw. But when i cut out the shape, it cut out a circle shape. isit due to monitor or other setting.
I do not understand how to draw a polar array around a rectangular shape. If it were a rectagular dining table of any size how do I array the dining chairs around the table's shape. Alternatively what if I had a large square table and wanted to array 12 chairs with 3 chairs on on each side of the table ????? I get polar arrays around a circle or polygon but do not understand the rectangle concept ???
I have adobe CS5 and when I opened my software today, I discovered my swatches were gone from my tool bar. They are not entirely gone because I can get to them from my swatch libraries, however, I cannot drag and drop these swatches into my toolbar in order to click on them. I am trying to use the pen tool to draw a simple shape and the only swatches that come up is the none option (the white box with the red line going through it) and the registration, which I admitadly don't know much about.
I am using a Mac. I cannot figure out how to draw my shapes without a fill and using a black outline.
Every time I use the ellipse tool to draw a shape, a portion of the ellipse is missing. The missing portion is always on the lower right hand side of the ellipse. I am using CorelDraw Graphics Suite X4. I have attached a graphic showing what I mean.
I'm trying to add an effect on a piece of scenery I filmed and I need the opposite effect of Fish Eye. The camera pans right to left and I need the edges to curve in/up to give that "rounded feeling"
Also, I would like to give it a cinematic look. I can add the bars top and bottom?
I need to cut out some fish for patterns for the kids to make pottery ones - is there a way to make an outline of the fish withont having to take the time to use the eraser tool or to make just the whole fish black without the whole picture being a black box?
I am working on a 3D hat model for a soldier character.The hat has a chin strap made of metallic scales. See figure.I started modelling the individual metallic scales in Max. Can't take it further to finish the chin strap modelling.
I have some vague ideas along the following lines:
*Use the two modelled metallic elements and clone them, say, 40 times.
*Use a spline as a basic path for the shape of the chin strap.
*Make the scales path follow the spline.
I am finding it especially hard to take the two modelled scale like elements and turn them into a overlapping metal scales.
Max 2011 Win XP-32 (SP2) ATI Radeon HD5700 (driver : 6.14.0010.7093) AMD Athlon II X4 630 Processor, Quad, ~2.8GHz 4 GB RAM, DirectX 9.0c
I was doing some "sphere-ology" and wanted to overlay a bitmap pattern. I tried to use a Fish Eye lens on a bitmap to give it some shape before applying it, but it does not seem to work. It will cut out the shape, but no distortion is applied.
I found this thread from a couple of years back on X5. There was no resolution.
I have run into this problem several times. CorelDRAW has "envelope" which works for vector illustrations. (how I made the sample) Photo Paint does not have a similar tool. How can I pinch the middle in PP. How to make the image on the left into the image on the right.
I really enjoy this new draw inside feature in Illustrator. But, I find that it does not always work. It seems to be grayed out sometimes. For example, I have drawn a shape with my Wacom tablet using a blush. I then converted it to a shape instead of keeping it a stroke by expanding it. But it will not allow me to now draw inside of it, even though it is a shape.