Photoshop :: Remove Position

Sep 23, 2012

Don't know why it appear today when I opened PS but I want to removed because its quite annoying when you trying to move image and this appears

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Force Attribute Position To Remain Fixed In Drawing When Moving Block Position

Jul 12, 2013

Is it possible to setup a block so that an attribute position remaines fixed (absolute to drawing) when moving the block?

I've been playing around with creating a Coordinate Block by following these instructions: [URL] ........

What I would like is to be able to set the position of the Coordinate Label and Coordinate Object independently, so that if I move one in the drawing, it doesn't move the other.  I've looked into Dynamic Blocks, and the "Lock Position" parameter. I can move the attribute independently, but still everytime I move the block, the attribute moves too.

Our company uses a custom Sheet/Coordinate system to follow flyoffs across a drawing, and I'm trying to learn how to automate the process.  It's completely manually right now, so any changes to a drawing creates a lot of work renumbering these flyoffs.

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AutoCad :: Position Of Attributes On Block Match Position On Another Block

May 15, 2013

Is there an easy way to ensure that the position of attributes on a block match the position on another block?

I just used the ATTIN command to upload a bunch of data to the block attributes on a drawing, and now the information is all over the place.

Instead of going through each one manually and repositioning the attributes (a VERY lengthy process), I want to use a "correct" version as a template of sorts to inform the other selected blocks of where to place the attributes and have it reposition the whole thing automatically.

Is this even possible?

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Photoshop :: Scripting A Position

Mar 5, 2004

Using action script I would like to crate a text layer and have it be bottom right justified on the canvas. The problem is that when you create a text layer you must click on the canvas. Since I have different size canvases I am doing this on and I want to do it automatically there is an obstacle.

If I could just create the layer and then some how tell it to position itself that would work too. When you script all moves are relative from the starting position.

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Photoshop :: Pixel Position

Sep 25, 2006

I am trying to make a new skin for a phone software,

sometime the button dont appears at the right place, when I try the program

I was looking at the ini files






so I think those are the button position, so how do I know in photoshop
those button position?

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Photoshop :: Position An Object

Oct 15, 2004

I wonder how I can position an object right in the middle of my page for example, or aligned left or whatever.

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Photoshop :: How To Move Camera Position

Jul 12, 2013

I'm in Photoshop CC 3D, and I have a simple scene with one complex object. I can't find any way to move the position of the camera beyond the default positions, like top, front, back. I can do it CS6, but I can't do it in CC. I can rotate the object, but I want to keep the object where it is. I want to move the camera.

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Photoshop :: Place Text Position By %?

Sep 9, 2008

I'm trying to watermark a whole bunch of my photos with an Action, but I need to know how to align the text to the bottom right corner, like by percentage. Using pixel values won't do me any good since every image is a different size. Anybody know a way, or some alternative to get this effect?

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Photoshop :: Mouse Cursor Position

Apr 15, 2009

In PS CS4, my cursor position often "jumps around" in a very random way, the instant the mousebutton is pressed. For example, when using the brush tool, it will start drawing on a completely different place than the cursor was positionen when I wanted to start painting... The same thing for the lasso tool, etc... I use Vista home 32-bit, CS 4 with latest patches (as of 2009-04-14) and a standard cordless Microsoft mouse - nothing fancy. Mouse works in all other programs 100% of the time. 

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Photoshop :: Animating 3D Position Change In Extended CS6

Jun 24, 2012

I am trying to animate  a simple 3D position change in Photoshop Extended CS6 (OS 10.7.4)Here's what I do:
1. I move my object to its starting position.
2. I move the Current Time Indicator ("playhead")  to the time I want the position change to start.
3. I click the Time‑Vary stopwatch icon on the Position layer of the timeline, and a keyframe is automatically created, no problem.
4. I move the playhead away from the initial keyframe to the time I want the position change to end.
5. I move my object to its ending position.

I expect to see the second keyframe be automatically created, as advertised, BUT it is not. What's more, if i move the playhead to "scrub" through the animation, I see no movement. What's happened is the position I set for Keyframe 1 has changed to the position I just moved the object to, which I intended to be Keyframe 2.

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Photoshop :: CS6 3D Return To Initial Camera Position

Oct 29, 2012

I am using the 3D functions of CS6 and I noticed a bunch of options either moved around or removed completely. Well, more likely is that I'm just not able to find them. Anyway, one of the functions I have not yet been able to find is the "Return to Initial Camera Position" button. It used to appear in the control panel but not anymore.

In order to get the object and camera back to their initial position I could just go into the history panel and back up to when I first opened the object but that kind of defeats the purpose.

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Photoshop :: Dragging Layer To Same Position In Another Document

Apr 6, 2013

I am trying to move the layer to another ducument, to the same position. (photoshop)
But whever I drag it, the layer goes to the center of the new document even while pressing the shift key. (both of the document sized are same) I think it worked before, don't know when but now, it doenst work as I expect.
What should I do?

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Photoshop :: How To Drag A Layer Into New Doc Preserving Same Position

Oct 1, 2012

Shift-dragging centers it, but I have multiple documents (pngs with transparency) of the same dimensions and layers in a variety of positions that need to be preserved (I'm composting some 3d renders). Is this possible?

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Photoshop :: Selecting Pixel In Specific X / Y Position

Oct 23, 2013

I've got a series of meteorological satellite pictures (updated every 15 minutes), which indicate rainfall by means of a color code (blue means weak rain, red is heavy rain; the scale also includes green and yellow in-between). I wish to know the average daily rainfall on a specific spot in the map, which corresponds roughly to a single pixel in the picture, whose X,Y coordinates I've already determined.
Now, I could manually select this pixel in each of the pictures and see which color it was in that specific moment of the day; however, there are too many pictures (96 every day, to be precise), and I began wondering if there's any way to automate this process - that is, I would need Photoshop to select this specific pixel in each image, and determine which color it is.

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Photoshop :: Move / Position Layer In Liquify

Aug 13, 2013

I'm trying to line up two images one on top of the other with opacity set so I can see Liquefy (CS4). One is background, the other is Layer 1. How do I move either one roughly in place over the other so I can start adjusting edges so the two profiles match? Hand doesn't move anything.

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Photoshop :: Create Action To Position Text

Jan 31, 2009

Anyway, my quest is to create an action in CS3 that will position and size text (eg. center) as a watermark in any size image. Currently I am creating a copyright symbol, then a text layer and then another text layer and either grouping them in the action or merging them down as created to be in one layer. This works fine as long as I run the action on another file of the same size but when it comes across a different size file the components are all over the place and differently sized.

I gotta admit I don't know a lot about text though. Just thought someone may be able to help me with this one so thanks to all who contribute.

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Photoshop :: Copy + Paste In Exact Same Position

Jan 20, 2009

Have 2 files open with same dimensions. I have a little number on the first file I would like to copy & paste to the second. I want it in the same exact position on the second file as it appears on the first.

I thought if you dragged the layer from the first file onto the second while holding shift key would do it, but it only places the number on the center of the page.

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Photoshop :: Copy Then Paste With Specific Position?

May 23, 2006

I'm batching my signature onto a bunch of photos at the bottom righthand corner. I put my preferences to percentage rather than pixels so I could try things for most sized-photos. My dilemma now goes like this:

I record, open my signature, copy & paste to the other image (works fine). The signature shows up in the middle of the other image and rather than moving it manually where it'll be different for vertical and horizontal photos, is it possible to align right and bottom or get specific with entering numbers such as 90% horizontal and 90% vertical placement?

Basically, when you copy & paste to a different open file, is there a way to specify exactly where it should go when you paste it, or do you have to manually move it?

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Photoshop :: How To Record Mouse Click Position...

Jun 2, 2008

I want to write a plug-in that records all the mouse clicking position coordinates while using a polygon lasso tool. How can I get those? I have been reading through the API, but I see none of the functions that does so. Is there a way to record the x and y coordinates in an image. (Assumption: Only one layer).

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Photoshop Elements :: Position Of Image To Print

Nov 10, 2012

Before Photoshop Elements 10, when setting up to print, I was able to uncheck "center" and then I could drag the image anywhere I wanted on the printing surface.  Now, there is a blue box that doesn't move and the image is cut off by the bounderies if you drag it away from center.  I want to be able to drag the image anywhere I want on the paper and then print, like I used to be able to.  How do I do that?

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Photoshop :: Layer Position Resets When Creating Animations

Dec 11, 2012

I'm creating an animated gif from a video clip (cinemagraph). In order to acheive the effect I need, I need to move each layer with the move tool to get an object to stay in the same position. I have gone through layer by layer and used the move tool to move the contents of each layer. When I play the animation I see the layers in the position I put them in. I stop playing the animation the contents of each layer snap back to their original positions. I have tried using the lock tools (both lock position and lock all) but they don't make a difference. why layer positions would reset when creating animations and how to get it to stop?

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Photoshop :: Get Window Size And Position Incorporated Into CC Workspaces?

Sep 22, 2013

How do you get window size and position incorporated into Photoshop CC workspaces?

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Photoshop :: How To Navigate (save To) Position Into Library Folder

Nov 25, 2013

After installing PS cc I built up my own swatches, saved them and see that they were listed in the Swatch menu - seperated in the menu from the standard swatches with some seperator lines.
Yesterday I wanted to save a swatch for a friend, and changed the save folder to the desktop.Today i wanted to make an update to my own "super"-swatches, but when I try to save it defaults to the desktop again.
Now, after fiddling about for a while, I've found out this:
• My "super"-swatch is saved here: /Users/[myname]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop CC/Presets/Color Swatches/...

• The swatches placed here becomes seperated from the standard swatches by seperator lines above and below (which is nice).

• I've ruined the save folder default position, as I can't navigate to the hidden Library folder
This means that I can't update my "Super"-swatch and I can't save any new swatches that will be seperated from the standard ones.

how to navigate the "save to"-position into the Library folder again - or just reset the save folder default position?

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Photoshop :: Animating Position Of Layer Group Using Timeline

Oct 15, 2013

is it possible to change position of a layer group in new timeline? I only see opacity keyframes. Seems like I can convert to smart object to do it, but rather not do that.

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Photoshop :: Dragging Window Reverts To Original Position

Apr 15, 2013

I drop multiple photos into Photoshop then drag one at a time away from the tab bar in order to place these photos onto one layered image. I can do this but the photo I have dragged down remains positioned where i dragged it to and cant be freely moved to another part of the screen. It springs back like its on a rubber band. This is a problem when I wish to close the floating window and don't have the top right close button visible.

I have to return it to the tab top bar in order to open it then close the window. I previous versions of PS this was not a problem and now requires all these extra steps to solve. Its very frustrating when I have to work like this all day. I have PS CS6 on MS WIN7. Is there a preference selection I can make. I want to make photoshop windows behave like MS windows and remain where I drag them to.

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Photoshop :: Opening Position Of CS1 File Info Window

Mar 24, 2012

I have actions in CS1 to open :

"Levels" window so I can individually adjust & save
"File info" window so I can individually add text & save 

The former window I can move & all following windows will open in new position.The latter I can move but next image always opens centrally again. Any way to make "File info" window open off to one side?

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Change Position Of Character On New Frame In Animation

Mar 25, 2013

This is an annoying issue within photoshop. I am working on an animation for a video and when I try to change the position of a charater on a new frame it also changes the positioning on all of the frames previous of it.
I am making a walk cylcle and  I want the character to walk from one end of the screen to the nextl but, when I make a new frame, move him to the opposite end of the screen on a NEW FRAME it changes the previous frames position to match the current one I am on.

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Photoshop :: Cloning Start Position Has Stopped Working

Nov 30, 2008

For some reason my cloning start poition has stopped working. Normally you select clone tool / press alt/ right click at position where you want to copy from /right click again at new position you want to copy to / I am now getting: "could not use clone stamp as area has not been defined". I thought it might be fault on keyboard, but is the same with new keyboard and I have reinstalled CS4.

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Photoshop :: Clone Stamp - Fixed Position Sampling?

May 1, 2008

It seems there is a way to fix the sampling to a fixed position on the alt-click so that the cross does not move even though you are moving the brush.

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Photoshop :: Transferring Layer To New Image Keeping It In The Same Position

Mar 31, 2008

how to keep the layer in the same position as in the original image when moving it to a new image..

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Photoshop :: Keep Pan Position Of Image In Fullscreen When Cycling Through Images

Feb 14, 2006

I like to work in fullscreen mode (press F once). I like it that I can pan the position of the image around (holding the space bar), but it is very annoying that when I cycle through the opened images using cmd-< the default position of the image is used again... very annoying, so I have to re-position the image again and again...

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