Photoshop :: Missing Dock Icon After 13.0.2 Update?
Dec 11, 2012
Photoshop dock icon disappeared since the Retina update? Just to be clear, it hasn't just removed itself from the Dock. There's an empty space and when moused over it says Adobe Photoshop CS6 but it's just a blank space. The icon is missing from the Applications folder too.
I'm writing because after reinstall the Mountain Lion (10.8.4), I realized that dragging an image from Chrome (29.0. 1547. 62) to the dock icon Photoshop CS6 the icon is not active and therefore the program does not open with the image, I tried with firefox (23.0.1) and the dock icon photoshop is animated and open photoshop but show the following message "Could not complete your request because Photoshop does not recognize this type of file." I tried with SAFARI and all fine, without problems. I note that before reinstallation and after doing a clean install (I do a back up, I formated the hard drive and install the mountain lion) this option worked perfect.
I check the following path ~ / Library / Caches / TemporaryItems that is where store the pictures as you take the browser and when stored in the folder but never open photoshop, I want to emphasize that opening photoshop and open a blank canvas, I can drag and drop (drag and drop) and the image appears, but with the dock icon anymore.
I have many theories but also not solve:
1. It's a permissions problem. 2. Any option is not enabled (OS X or photoshop) or not installed 3. Some kind of incompatibility, but again and worked without problems.
Why can't I open a file in Elements Editor 11 for Mac by dragging the file onto the Elements icon in the dock? I have been using previous versions of Elements for many years and this has always worked.
I was trying to make an after effects icon on the dock ( I have a MacBook pro running mavericks )I have a subscription to the creative cloud - and have downloaded after effects CS6 . but....
Now when I try to open one of my After effects projects it says " Error message something about I need to uninstall the older version of after- effects and then it listed a preset ( blur) and when I close the window , there were approximately 30 similar windows with the same message , but a different preset,( blur this or that )
So like an idiot I went to my applications and dragged my after effects app icon to the trash ( there were two of them) and then emptied the trash- Now all my After effects files are greyed out with small green text that says "exec"
I cant open my AE(after effects) files, I went to the cloud to re-install it and it says it is alll updated , should I do a uninstall? How do I do that? can I do that and then re-install AE CS6?will adobe make me download the newer CC version?I don't want that version because all the computers at my school run CS6.
My layers dock has gone missing. According to the list in my 'Windows' tab, it claims to be open. I have looked all over the screen. I have switched on and off again etc. I have even deliberately thrown other docks off the screen to see if they come back to normal screen area if I close and reopen Gimp- and they do. so it isn't lost off screen.
I have unistalled and re-insalled and it has not come back.
1. Go to Windows>recently closed docks - Mine says 'empty'
2. File>create docks - I don't have this option- mine choices are 'new', 'create', 'open', 'open as layers', ''open location', 'open recent'... then a few which pertain to having an image open that you're working on... then 'quit'.
3. I went to Youtube and the tutorials on how to make your Gimp like Photoshop and how to get back closed windows also haven't worked.
Photoshop CS6 icon disappeared from dock and launchpad after today's update. Also, when I launch the program, I can't use any tool or function! all dimmed.I'm using OS X Mountain Lion.
I applied the lateset automatic update to Photoshop CS6 (the one that adds Retina display support) and it's corrupted the Photoshop icon (Mac OS X).
Here's a composite screenshot showing the icon in the Dock, the small icon in the Finder's Column View, and the large icon in the Finder doesn't display at all, and is replaced with a generic icon. They all exhibit a different type of visual corruption.
My CS4 shortcut icon has disappeared from my desktop and I have a generic Windows 7 icon left instead. I have tried rebooting to re-create the proper shortcut icon but always get just the generic one. I am running Windows 7 RC1 and have no problems with CS4. Grateful for any ideas on how to get back the proper CS4 icon.
Exporting my photo’s from iPhoto to the desk top and then importing to Photoshop Organizer 11, ALL photo’s show “Missing File” icon (?) in the top left corner when I eliminate photo’s from iPhoto. Why do I have to keep photo’s in iPhoto? Is there a workaround?
If I import iPhoto photo’s directly within Organizer I loose photo information.
I just updated from Lightroom 4.3 to 4.4 on Windows 7 64bit. When I went to open my files on a flash drive I noticed that in Autoplay , the Lightroom icon was missing ! How on earth can I get it back ?
In the DEVELOP mode on the right side of the screen there are functions for TONE, DETAIL, EFFECTS etc.The top one is BASIC.Somehow my "BACIC" has disappeared from the list.How did that happen and how do I get it back? I can't edit without it.I can CROP, STRAIGHTEN, SPOT, etc, but not FILL LIGHT, CONTRAST, etc. There doesn't seem to be a icon to get it back either?
I have been using Gimp for a while and have never had this happen. When I open Gimp, it does not show the usual Gimp, File, Help Menu at the top. I am unable to open a file in Gimp. I have uninstalled and reinstalled and still this tab is missing.
This morning camera raw vanished from CC Bridge and Photoshop. I also downloaded Maverick. Don't cc and maverick work together ? How can I get ACR back?
I'm using Acad Architecture 2010, and my quick access toolbar does not have the Project Browser Icon, and my application panel has no Save or Open Project Browser either. I can only get to it by "Configure" in Project Standards panel. It is not in CUI.
Since converting from Lightroom 4 to 5 I the Process Version warning icon does not appear in the lower right of the preview panel when the file was processed using a 2003 or 2010 version. How can I re-establish the icon?
PSPx6 64-bit runs fine on my computer, but a few weeks ago, the shortcut icon on my desktop (installed by installer program) "defaulted" to a generic-looking "document" icon that communicates nothing. The original icon with a camera and "64-bit" in it disappeared, and I can't figure out how to get it back. Deleting the generic desktop icon and re-creating a shortcut from program files/corel/corel paintshop pro x6 (64-bit) doesn't restore the original icon either. Sounds trivial, but a dumb-looking icon in the system tray (when I have a lot of work going on) doesn't work for me find PSPx6 when I have minimized it. Plus, I wonder if the missing icon isn't sign something else is "broken" as well? (diagnosis, PSPx6 32-bit is also on this laptop, as is PSP pro x3.)
I loaded 2013 Civil 3D and I customized my Ribbon with Zoom Commands I use frequently; everything looked fine...I changed the Workspace to Planning & Analysis and cutomized my Ribbon to include the Zoom Commands but a Button Icon for ZOOM_TO_POINT came up with a cloud & question mark. I went to look for the Icon Image & I don't see it. I made the mistake of changing the Icon to another hoping I could change it back but it's not there. I went to the 2012 verison & the Button Icon is there...first icon listed. Where are the icons in 2012 so I can drag & drop image into 2013?
The icon has a point symbol with a magnifying glass. I've checked other computers and the same thing. Can't find the Image Icon for ZOOM_TO_POINT. It shows up when you load the software but if you want to edit's not there in the CUI Button Icons.
In ACA 2011 I have the project browser icon. This is easy to find and use in the 2011 quick access toolbar.
When I open the "Customize user interface" I find and select "Project Browser", then I see under the properties of the command I only see "Display" and "Advanced" nothing else is listed. This command is quite odd compared to other commands.
However, in ACA 2013 this icon is completely missing, I cannot find it in the quick access toolbar, when I search in the "Customize user interface" command list, I cannot find "Project Browser" in the search field of the command list.
How do I find the command for project browser so that I can drag it / steal it from another .cuix file?
Bonus Question: How do I stop the sheet set manager from always showing up? I use the sheets tab of the project navigator all the time.
Just installed inventor 2013 and the icon to launch vault is missing from the ribbon where it used to be in v 2012. Also when i try to open a file the quick link to vault is not there. i have installed vault basic 2013 and it opens up fine and my files are in it. Do i have to create a link?
I have a problem wit Revit 2014 from BDS Premium. I don't have 3D default view icon in Quick Access Toolbar and I can not add it. I tried to right click on QAT and customize it but unfortunately 3D view is not in the list and it can't be added by righ clicking on the icon.
I have a new 15" macbook pro, and have the set requirements to run Photoshop CS6 even after the recent updates. However, I still cannot access the "Filter Gallery", and when I went to find the so called "Filter Gallery" plugin folder--what do you know that plugin is missing all together.
I've already done the Preferences, show all plugins, etc... deal and this is not the issue here. My Filter Plugin is missing all together, and my macbook pro was purchased brand new from the Mac store, 3-4 months ago.
I have been a paying Adobe Creative Cloud member since day one, when it first became available, and now I'm over the top upset over this problem! How can I fix this missing plugin?
I have moved a catalog of 150'000 pictures (with associated pictures) to from an iMac to a new Macbook Pro. I used (in Elements 11, same version on the old system) "reconnect missing files" to update the path to the new location. Most files did reconnect perfectly. However, some of them cannot be reconnected. The message I get is
"The files cannot be reconneceted because the file already exists".
The reality is that the same file does not exist. Only an identical named file in a completely separate directory path form another year is present (I use more than one camera and the filenames start all at DSCN001.jpg). How can I fix this, otherwise I cannot complete the transfer of the library.