Paint Shop Pro :: X6 64-bit Shortcut Icon Is Missing Its Camera Graphic?
Dec 13, 2013
PSPx6 64-bit runs fine on my computer, but a few weeks ago, the shortcut icon on my desktop (installed by installer program) "defaulted" to a generic-looking "document" icon that communicates nothing. The original icon with a camera and "64-bit" in it disappeared, and I can't figure out how to get it back. Deleting the generic desktop icon and re-creating a shortcut from program files/corel/corel paintshop pro x6 (64-bit) doesn't restore the original icon either. Sounds trivial, but a dumb-looking icon in the system tray (when I have a lot of work going on) doesn't work for me find PSPx6 when I have minimized it. Plus, I wonder if the missing icon isn't sign something else is "broken" as well? (diagnosis, PSPx6 32-bit is also on this laptop, as is PSP pro x3.)
Clicking on the desktop icon provided by the install of Pspx4 has the splash image appear briefly then a 'not going to do it' message box followed by Win7 'there is a problem, progam is being closed' message box.Created my own shortcut from the Pspx4 exe and the same thing happened.Using the listing in the Start Menu 'All Programs' will start PspX4.
There is no problem exporting an image from Lightroom 4 to be opened in Pspx4. That happens without fault.I applied 'run as administrator' to the shortcut I created and now that will open the software as expected.
I have a jpg image that has text on it. I want to create links in three text area that are website URL'S can this be done. I have read a few posts here but not able to locate the image MAP tab...maybe that is in another version.
I create a graphic in Corel Draw X4 and export it as a .png file. To test what it will look like when put on top of a black background, I also make a large black square and export it as a .png. I then open the black background in Corel Photopaint and then import the graphic into the background image. A siloutte of it shows up with the marque borders but the graphic itself (the colors and contents of the graphic don't). When combined with the black background it just disappears.
Is there an easy way to simply reverse colors in a two color jpg? It is an existing jpg, not one I originally created but have been given permission to use.
Is there a way to either add a Close All icon to the toolbars or keybind it? I can't find it in the list of menu items you can do that too. It only appears to show in the context menu when you right mouse click on a toolbar.
Every time Corel comes up with a update, they change my default jpeg, bmp - all my pictures - to their new camera icon. How can I reset back to default settings? get Corel to stop this practice?
In PSP versions prior to X4, when you had the current image maximized within the interface you'd get a standard MDI Document Control Icon appearing at the left end of the Menu Bar. This is a feature common to the most Windows programs built in the default Multiple Document Interface style. The new custom style of X4 removes this.
It's a not a huge deal, but I'm pretty used to doubleclicking that little doodad to close my images, so I figured I'd try to get it back.
Here it is in X2 (on the left) and the little "@" symbol is the version I've recreated to work around its absence in X4 (on the right):
To do this, open any image, start recording a macro, close the image, Save the macro and call it "Close Current Image" or something like that.
Restart X4 because customization changes don't stick if you've had an image open this session. (long standing bug)
Right click the empty space in the middle of the Edit perspective. Choose Customize. Hit the Scripts tab. Find your macro in the dropdown, pick an icon and hit the Bind button. Your script now appears in the Bound Scripts part of the dialog.
Switch to the Commands tab. Select Bound Scripts. Drag your script to the left end of the Menu bar. Even though you've bound an image to it, the image doesn't show (another bug, I guess). Right click your new rather wordy looking "Close Current Image" menu entry and select "Button Appearance". At the bottom of the Button Appearance dialog you can change the text to something nice and short like "@" or "X" maybe. Hit OK, and you've got a convenient close image button that lives visually in about the same spot as similar icons in most MDI-based software.
Restart X4 after customizing and before starting any work otherwise the changes won't stick.
Is there a way to go to the next image with a keyboard shortcut?
Sometimes i have like 10-20 images open and having to move my mouse and scroll with that little arrow each time i want to edit one is annoying.Also is there a way to make the tabs smaller?
Recently upgraded to this version. CTRL-O shortcut doesn't work, nothing happens.Files can be opened okay with File/Open, but the shortcut is broken. Other shortcut keys operate correctly.
Assume I have to increase oftentimes but not always the brightness of digital photos by a certain value (e.g. 20). The contrast should be 0.Ok, I could go now (in PSP X2) to menu
Adjust--->Brightness and Contrast---->Brightness/Contrast
then manually adjust the values and click OK.However these multiple steps is somehow unhandy. Even if I put the Brightess/contrast icon into the toolbar I still have always to adjust the actual values.
I want to perform this operation by ONE click.Is there a way to put a customized icon into toolbar which (when clicked) performs always the brightness/contrast operation with my pre-defined values regardless which values are set up currently in the "normal" brightness/Contrast dialog?
In previous versions through customize options there was the option to tick for large icons. It has been left out of X4 or is it there and I can't find it. That option was very good for big screens. Do they intend to bring it back in the update along with the colored icons.
I discovered Paint Shop Pro many many years ago, and have been using version 4 (that's not X4, but the old Shareware version 4.12, from 1996!) to do the very basic image manipulation that I need to do. Basically: open up a jpg, crop it, resize it, sharpen it, save it. That's pretty much all I need to do 90% of the time, and I love PSP, because it's such a tiny program that it opens up really quickly. I've been thinking about trying a bit of website creation, so I decided to splash out for a decent graphics program. Not being able to afford Photoshop (and I wouldn't know what to do with 99% of it), I thought it made sense to stick with something I know: Paint Shop Pro.
I hate the mouse. If I can avoid using it, I do. But I'm stumped at how to go about sharpening my cropped image, since the keyboard "hotkey" for Sharpen is the same as Skin Smoothing - ie, S. So when I go Alt+A (to open the Adjust menu) and S (to get the Sharpen sub-menu), I get the Skin Smoothing tool.
I'm having strange things go on with Paint Shop Pro. One, it stopped automatically recognizing the camera when I plug it in to upload new photos. Now I have to tell it to open the camera, and, even if I have 100 old photos and 25 new ones, it uploads all of them again! Second, the file names have changed for the photos. They've always been the date "20132713_*.jpg". Now it opens them as "001.jpg, or 002.jpg, etc. How can I get it to go back to opening with the date as the file name.....and recognizing the camera and automatically open new photos in the camera?
Is there a tool missing from Organizer? A "create new folder" tool button?
Also when returning to organizer, the program doesn't remember where in the folder it was browsing and opens at the TOP of the list. Can Organizer stay running in the background? It can be slow on older machines. Good thing for fast RAM and CPU.
I've had PSP X3 for a while but it was too much for my old XP machine. With a new Win7 pc, I've installed PSP X3. The "auto hide" function is missing from the palettes. I have PSP8 and PSP10 so I've used the feature before.
I was messing around in PSP X4 and somehow managed to mess up my toolbars. Specifically, the STANDARD toolbar now has no images. I've uploaded a screen capture to show you what that looks like.
Screen capture showing the missing icons on the standard toolbar. noicons.PNG (9.52 KiB) Viewed 729 times
I'm using Paint Shop Pro X2. Within the past 2 days a problem arises when I try to load more than one photo on the screen. I have multiple photos of the same thing and I want to compare them. When I switch to one of the other photos, all of a sudden I lose the top bar that contains the 3 icons to close, minimize or expand. My only alternative is to shut the program down and restart it.
Running Paintshop pro X5 on windows XP pro SP3. Update from SP1 to SP2 was successful, the program behaves normally for those bits I use. However, after installing SP2 a scan of the registry with CCleaner flagged a missing Type lib reference, {2E3D1417-1E33-4145-AF85-A151B9E95302}
This is referenced in the Type lib key under the following keys but is not defined under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTTypeLib
As I don't know what operations in PSP X5 those keys control, I don't know whether anything is broken as a result of the missing typelib key, or indeed whether those registry keys were made redundant by SP2, but not removed by its installation.
Provide the appropriate reg file to insert the typelib key into the registry, under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTTypeLib.
I know that x6 comes with limited Picture Frames. I loaded, via preferences, the x5 set of frames that I had been using. All was well. Now my frames have vanished. (All but the original limited set). I've tried to reload them into x6. But x6 is refusing to find them. I'm using 64bit. Was before when all was well. Why can't preferences find them now? The thing is I rarely use Picture Frames so I may have forgotten how to reload them via Preferences.
(For interest sake I fired up x5 and the frames have also gone from it. The location was /My Documents/Corel Paintshop Pro/16.0/Picture Frames. The files are still there).
I have Paint Shop Pro X4. I File/Open a .PSPIMAGE file and I get a Replace Font window telling me I am missing Font: BETSY.
I went to a download site [URL] and downloaded a Font called BETSY FLANAGAN which appears to be the font I need.
In the dropdown box for the Replace font, I search and find the BETSY FLANAGAN font I downloaded to the FONTS Folder. When I insert it, the text where it is used comes out odd. I have the original jpeg file, so I know the font is not the same. Is BETSY FLANAGAN the same as the missing BETSY font?
URL where I can download the correct font for free?
In PSP X2, the menu options went suddenly missing.
I can see the Menu Bar (File, View, Effects, etc.). However, when I click on, say, File, I can see the drop-down options, but none of the options expand into their sub-menus. All I see is a grey box where the options should be.
I just now was able to reinstall PSP X2 after many months of problems due to the usual "illegally modified" message. It's very frustrating to say the least.
I cannot seem to find the clone tool options in the EDIT TAB. I have used PSP from version 7 through version X2. Normally when you click on the clone tool a series of options appear in the upper left hand corner near the pull down menus. One of the options is the ability to adjsut the size of the clone tool. These tool adjustment options are missing in version X4. Interestingly, the tool options are available in the Adjust tab.
I have found, that when setting up the Organizer in the Edit workspace, which then has a number of images displayed, if I close PSP, and remove an image using Windows Explorer in the folder that the Organizer had displayed, that when restarting PSP, it freezes immediately after loading.
As I have the Edit workspace set to open first, and because the Organizer was displayed when closed down, it tries to open it with the missing images displayed as gray boxes, and every option in the program locked.
Because it locks immediately, it doesn't allow any changes to fix this problem. The only way to close it is the windows task manager, End Process. So consequently, the only way to access the program is to either uninstall and re-install, or find the original image with the same file name and copy it back to that folder, so that it matches what PSP has displayed for that folder.
Not sure this is a bug, that PSP, when loading, doesn't recognize the changes within the folder it is displaying by the Organizer, or a problem that has a fix?