Paint Shop Pro :: Close All Keybind Or Icon?

Aug 24, 2012

Is there a way to either add a Close All icon to the toolbars or keybind it? I can't find it in the list of menu items you can do that too. It only appears to show in the context menu when you right mouse click on a toolbar.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Close All Command Missing?

Dec 31, 2011

Where did they hide the "close all" command or what was it renamed to? It's not in the Unused Commands, nor can I find it in the File command list

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Paint Shop Pro :: X5 Process Still Running After Program Close?

Nov 27, 2012

I have just installed PSP X5 and have found a couple of problems.

First one is when I close PSP the process still runs for a good 10 minutes afterwards and consumes a lot of system memory. I found this by accident after I closed PSP X5 and then decided to start it again. It wouldn't open until I closed the previous process.

Second, when I start PSP after the splash screen and the program interface appear I have to wait about 1 minute 40 seconds before I can do anything with the program.

how to improve this situation because at the moment I don't consider this acceptable?

I'm running Windows 7 32 bit with 4Gb of RAM, other than browser and email no other big program is running inthe background

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Paint Shop Pro :: No Response To Minimize / Maximize Or Close Clicks

Dec 5, 2013

Been using PSP since X2 and never had any real problems, but I recently purchased and installed x6. It started giving me a problem I couldn't live with so I uninstalled and then reinstalled PSPX6 Ultimate. That didn't fix the problem tho.

My problem: when I click on minimize, maximize or close, nothing happens. Repeated clicks of maximize has more than once even closed the program altogether.

As I mentioned, re-installation did not fix it, although the first time I clicked maximize after re-installation it did work. Then it quit.

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Paint Shop Pro :: On Close X5 Message Window Stalls Program

Jul 25, 2013

Just recently, upon closing PSP x5, a message window pops up, the title area usually references using the e-learning center or "Explore more ways to learn and love photography", but the window itself is empty except for the message "Do not display this message again" with a checkbox and a Close button. The Close button does not work, nor does the red X close window button. I have to go into Task Manager to finish closing the program.

I'm on a Windows 8 machine and this just started happening after months of use.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Stop Image Icon Changes?

Jul 16, 2013

Every time Corel comes up with a update, they change my default jpeg, bmp - all my pictures - to their new camera icon. How can I reset back to default settings? get Corel to stop this practice?

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Paint Shop Pro :: X4 Document Control Icon

Oct 6, 2011

In PSP versions prior to X4, when you had the current image maximized within the interface you'd get a standard MDI Document Control Icon appearing at the left end of the Menu Bar. This is a feature common to the most Windows programs built in the default Multiple Document Interface style. The new custom style of X4 removes this.

It's a not a huge deal, but I'm pretty used to doubleclicking that little doodad to close my images, so I figured I'd try to get it back.

Here it is in X2 (on the left) and the little "@" symbol is the version I've recreated to work around its absence in X4 (on the right):

To do this, open any image, start recording a macro, close the image, Save the macro and call it "Close Current Image" or something like that.

Restart X4 because customization changes don't stick if you've had an image open this session. (long standing bug)

Right click the empty space in the middle of the Edit perspective. Choose Customize. Hit the Scripts tab. Find your macro in the dropdown, pick an icon and hit the Bind button. Your script now appears in the Bound Scripts part of the dialog.

Switch to the Commands tab. Select Bound Scripts. Drag your script to the left end of the Menu bar. Even though you've bound an image to it, the image doesn't show (another bug, I guess). Right click your new rather wordy looking "Close Current Image" menu entry and select "Button Appearance". At the bottom of the Button Appearance dialog you can change the text to something nice and short like "@" or "X" maybe. Hit OK, and you've got a convenient close image button that lives visually in about the same spot as similar icons in most MDI-based software.

Restart X4 after customizing and before starting any work otherwise the changes won't stick.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Desktop Shortcut Icon - X4 Does Not Start

Sep 1, 2012

Clicking on the desktop icon provided by the install of Pspx4 has the splash image appear briefly then a 'not going to do it' message box followed by Win7 'there is a problem, progam is being closed' message box.Created my own shortcut from the Pspx4 exe and the same thing happened.Using the listing in the Start Menu 'All Programs' will start PspX4.

There is no problem exporting an image from Lightroom 4 to be opened in Pspx4. That happens without fault.I applied 'run as administrator' to the shortcut I created and now that will open the software as expected.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Lasso Tool Icon Disappeared In X4

Sep 13, 2012

My lasso tool icon has disaapeared in PSPX4?

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Setup New Customized Icon In Toolbar

Jan 14, 2013

Assume I have to increase oftentimes but not always the brightness of digital photos by a certain value (e.g. 20). The contrast should be 0.Ok, I could go now (in PSP X2) to menu

Adjust--->Brightness and Contrast---->Brightness/Contrast

then manually adjust the values and click OK.However these multiple steps is somehow unhandy. Even if I put the Brightess/contrast icon into the toolbar I still have always to adjust the actual values.

I want to perform this operation by ONE click.Is there a way to put a customized icon into toolbar which (when clicked) performs always the brightness/contrast operation with my pre-defined values regardless which values are set up currently in the "normal" brightness/Contrast dialog?

if yes: How can I do it (in PSP X2)?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Customize Option - Icon Size

Nov 13, 2011

In previous versions through customize options there was the option to tick for large icons. It has been left out of X4 or is it there and I can't find it. That option was very good for big screens. Do they intend to bring it back in the update along with the colored icons.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Disable Bound Icon If No Image Is Open

Mar 11, 2013

I've created a script and bound it to an icon, then added the icon to the standard toolbar.

Everything works, but the script will (correctly) give an error message if it's run when no image is open.

The bound icon on the toolbar is always enabled, even if no image is open. Is there a way to have the icon disabled (grayed out) if no image is open?

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Paint Shop Pro :: X6 64-bit Shortcut Icon Is Missing Its Camera Graphic?

Dec 13, 2013

PSPx6 64-bit runs fine on my computer, but a few weeks ago, the shortcut icon on my desktop (installed by installer program) "defaulted" to a generic-looking "document" icon that communicates nothing. The original icon with a camera and "64-bit" in it disappeared, and I can't figure out how to get it back. Deleting the generic desktop icon and re-creating a shortcut from program files/corel/corel paintshop pro x6 (64-bit) doesn't restore the original icon either. Sounds trivial, but a dumb-looking icon in the system tray (when I have a lot of work going on) doesn't work for me find PSPx6 when I have minimized it. Plus, I wonder if the missing icon isn't sign something else is "broken" as well? (diagnosis, PSPx6 32-bit is also on this laptop, as is PSP pro x3.)

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Paint Shop Pro :: Exporting Frames From Animation Shop

Dec 24, 2011

Just came upon an error I had not seen before. Though PSP no longer supports Animation Shop, up until PSP X4, the user has been able to export frames back to PSP from Animation Shop. Now, this no longer works! There's still some communication there, because an error message - which, incidentally, makes absolutely no sense at all - is generated in PSP X4:

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Paint Shop Pro :: Will Animation Shop Run On Windows 7 Next To X4?

Oct 28, 2011

I installed PSP X4 today on a new PC with Windows 7 and noticed that it has no Animation Shop. Can I install Animation Shop to this machine? Will it work without PSP 9 or does it need certain dlls from PSP 9 ? I really want to be able to use Animation Shop again.

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Paint.NET :: How To End Up With 100x100 Icon

Feb 8, 2013

New and just started using Paint.NET about a month ago.  I am loving every minute of the features in Paint.NET.  

I am seeking to use a picture of a PC folder as a template shape for icons.  I would like to drop the picture on top of the template and have everything of the picture that isn't over the folder disappear.  Put another way, if I add a 100x100 pic over the picture of the folder, which is 100x100 and consists only of the folder on a 100% transparent background, how can I end up with a 100x100 icon that is the shape of the folder and contains the portion of the added image that was over the folder?
Is this possible or is there a plug-in for Paint.NET that makes this possible?

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Photoshop :: Windows Paint Icon In Vista?

Jul 12, 2008

What on earth do you do to have bridge display files? Some do, some don't. The ones that don't just show a windows paint icon. Windows paint?

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Paint.NET :: Make Icon Bar At Top Rather Than Floating On Sides?

Sep 24, 2011

Is there a way to make the icon bar at the top rather than floating on the sides?

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Paint.NET :: Applying Color Scheme Of One Icon To The Other?

Jan 7, 2013

I am sourcing icons from various places and trying to tweak to suit my needs. Tweaking involves removing or adding an element and applying a consistent color scheme. I am wanting all my icons to be a particular shade of blue.
The problem I'm facing is that some original icons are lighter than the other, so when I apply a color scheme although the color changes, they don't look to belong from the same family. How can I apply color scheme of one icon to the other?

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Paint.NET :: How To Make Transparent / Invisible Icon

May 14, 2011

I would like to make a transparent icon.

That is, it should look like nothing is there, and it should be a bmp file.

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 :: Print Layout Similar To That In Paint Shop Pro?

Sep 25, 2012

Is there a Print Layout in X5 similar to that in Paint Shop Pro? 

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Photoshop :: Clicking On Icon Does Not Produce A Mask To Paint

Mar 23, 2013

When I try to add a layer mask either by clicking the icon in layers panel or going layer>add mask I am not getting a usable mask. The layer mask icon in the layers panel is added to the image, but it is still the rectangle with a white circle in it, not an icon with an all white or all black background. Clicking on this icon does not produce a mask to paint, whether white or black. why I am not getting the typical pixel layer mask that can be used to paint and reveal the image beneath?

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GIMP :: Email Icon - Can Only Paint / Draw On One Of Five Layers

Aug 26, 2013

I created a email icon:

layer 5 stamp text
layer 4 rectangle (stamp)
layer 3 text
layer 2 rectangle (envelope)
layer 1 background

When I tried to work on the background layer, I realized I couldn't paint/draw on any of the layers except layer 4, but changes only appear inside the stamp's rectangular area.

I haven't don't anything clever here, I simply made a layer, drew a simple shape, stroked path, and added a new layer until I was done.

How do I undo this layer fixation?

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Paint.NET :: Shrink Pictures Down To Icon Size Without Them Going Blurry?

Apr 27, 2013

I am dealing with 128 x 128 or smaller.  The more I shrink a picture the more I loose details.  Photo > Sharpen works a little bit in some cases but in most I am loosing to much detail no matter.  How do I fix this?  If possible my pics need to remain in .png format

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Paint.NET :: Design Square Icon With Round Corners?

Mar 15, 2013

I want to design a square icon with round corners.  How do I get rid of the little white triangles in the four corners?   I tried to design my icon on a transparent square canvas but I still get the little white triangles in the corners!!!  And it does not seem possible to resize canvas to "fit" image size...

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Paint Shop Pro :: Paint Brush And Eraser Stopped Working

Apr 9, 2011

My program worked just great, then all of a sudden the paint brush and eraser will not do a thing.

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Create Paint Drips In Design

Aug 20, 2011

if is possible to create the paint drips in the attached design. I really want to learn how to create urban designs, is corel paint shop x3 suitable for that?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Change Color Of Paint Brush In X3?

May 15, 2012

I want to use the paint brush for editing a photo I have, but the only color available is black. No matter where I've looked in PSP, there was no option to change the color of the paint brush. I've read online that you need to change the pallet to material pallet, then go to "Foreground & Stroke Properties" and set the color box to the color I want, but the only colors I get are different hues of black and gray.

Even in Paint it's just a matter of clicking the desired color to use different colors. Why isn't it so simple in PSP?

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Paint.NET :: Make Icon Edge Transparent From White Background

Feb 2, 2011

I'm trying to make the attached icons have a transparent background. Tried just selecting the white space but this causes the edges to look awful on dark backgrounds.

I've also tried the Grim Color Reaper but cannot find a setting that keeps the icon as it is, only making the edge semi transparent.

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Illustrator :: Why Won't AI Allow To Drag Selection Icon Into Live Paint Group

Jan 23, 2013

I routinely add paths to existing Live Paint Groups, by dragging a path that is outside the group, into the LP group. But AI won't let me drag the "selection icon" from a nested layer, into an existing LP Group. Why?

It seems I'm requesting the same action, but AI won't allow the icon to be dragged into the group. I have to either open the layer and drag the objects directly, or drag the objects into the main layer, then into the Live Paint Group. I think this is an interface flaw.
FYI… I realize I could jump into the Live Paint Group using Isolation mode, but that takes extra steps and makes the template less useful.

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Photoshop Elements :: Loading Actions - How To Get Icon From The Maker To Show As Icon In Palette

Oct 22, 2012

When I loaded some photo actions into my new PSE11 it show only a generic icon in the effects palette, not the icon from the maker so it takes extra time to search for the action I need.  How can I get the icon from the maker to show as the icon in the palette?

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