Photoshop :: How To Mimic Non Color Managed Environment In CS6
Jul 12, 2012
If it is possible to see in Photoshop what an image will look like when it is out in the un-colour managed world?I can see how you can do it if you are saving for web because you can preview it in a browser, but is it possible to do this with TIFs and PSDss ?
I have a wide color gamut display and even with it set to sRGB color mode emulation, sRGB tagged images that look correctly saturated in Photoshop look over saturated once out of it and in an uncolour managed environment - particularly the reds. If I can replicate this environment in PS I can edit the colors to make them more neutral looking.
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Apr 17, 2013
I'm assuming this problem I'm having stems from having color-calibrated monitors, but let me know if I'm wrong!
To preface, this is the setup I have:
Windows 73 monitors as follows, all have individual color profiles calibrated using the Spyder 3Cintiq 12WX Dell U2410Dell 2409WFPPhotoshop CS6 - Proofed with Monitor RGB, and tested with color-managed and non-color-managed documents . I usually do most of my work on the Cintiq 12WX, but pull the Photoshop window to my main monitor to do large previews and some corrections. I noticed that the color picker wouldn't pick colors consistently depending on the monitor the Photoshop window is on.
Here are some video examples:
This is how the color picker works on my Dell U2410:
This is how it works on my Cintiq 12WX:
Main Question
I know the Cintiq's video capture makes the picture look more saturated than the Dell's, but it actually looks fine physically, which is okay. But notice how the Cintiq's colour picker doesn't pick a matching colour. It was actually happening the opposite way for a while (Dell was off, Cintiq was fine), but it magically swapped while I was trying to figure out what was going on.
Semi-related Question regarding Color Management
Color management has always been the elephant-in-the-room for me when I first tried to calibrate my monitors with a Spyder colourimeter years ago. My monitors looked great, but Photoshop's colors became unpredictable and I decided to abandon the idea of calibrating my monitors for years until recently. I decided to give it another chance and follow some tutorials and articles in an attempt to keep my colors consistent across Photoshop and web browsers, at least. I've been proofing against monitor color and exporting for web without an attached profile to keep pictures looking good on web browsers. However, pictures exported as such will look horrible when uploaded to Facebook. Uploading pictures with an attached color profile makes it look good on Facebook. This has forced me to export 2 versions of a picture, one with an attached color profile and one without, each time I want to share it across different platform. Is there no way to fix this issue?
Pictures viewed in Windows Photo Viewer are also off-color, but I think that's because it's not color managed... but that's a lesser concern.
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Sep 8, 2012
My monitor is correctly profiled and the colors in Photoshop CS5 are correct and they print correctly. When I view the same image in Bridge, however, the colors are slightly more saturated and seem incorrect. They appear as they do when I view them in non color managed applications. Is Bridge color managed as is CS5?
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Aug 2, 2012
I would like to do a decent calibration of my Epson V750 Pro scanner to achieve a color-managed workflow. I have the latest version X-Rite i1 Photo Pro 2 calibration kit, and although this enables me to calibrate my monitor and printer, it does not support scanner calibration.
I do have Silver fast Ai Studio which includes a scanner calibration facility - is that the best available to me or are there any other options, possibly using the i1 spectrophotometer as I know that it used to be possible to carry out calibration with the older versions of that equipment? Other than that, I'm using an Epson 3880 printer, running Vista x64 and using Photoshop CS5.
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Sep 29, 2012
I have experienced when rendering video from Photoshop that the color looks especially bad in Quicktime Player compared to what it looked in PS. I read that there is a color shift issue when Rendering Video from Photoshop due to the lack of color management in some video players. I know this is more a player issue than a Photoshop issue, but I want to be able to make my video look best across all players.
Is there any kind of general rule for an adjustment I can make?
I can't seem to find much information on Google about this particular shift with regards to PS' Render Video.
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Aug 2, 2004
I'm working in the multi-channel format, which as you may know, does not support layers.
Does anyone have any tips on experimenting with the layout, without the use of layers?
At the moment, I've been working out the layout in another (layer-supporting) colour mode, and then recreating that layout in the multi-channl mode.
Surely there is a better way of testing different layouts, within the multi-channel mode itself? I'm finding it very inflexible at the moment.
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Jul 9, 2013
I get a slight difference in color in my prints my when I use LR prifile vs Canon printer managed. The Canon is much truer to what I see on both monitors which, btw, are calibrated. LR throws in a slight magenta cast. Is there a way to correct this?
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Nov 13, 2012
I would like to change the color of the sheet in the drafting environment to white. At the moment it's a light tan or light yellow color; the default. How do I do this?
Inventor 2013
Windows XP
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Apr 15, 2004
I've got an image of a lightning strike on a black background. I want to remove the black background, so that only the lightning itself remains.
By setting the layer to Screen blending mode, it accomplishes exactly what I want -- but only when atop other layers. I need to export just the lightning with an alpha channel to use in a Flash movie I'm creating, so that doesn't do me any good!
So the question is -- how do I get the effect of Screen blending without any underlying layers???
I've tried a few "remove black" filters, but they always take away too much of the lightning, and leave what's left with a dingy grey halo...
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Sep 15, 2013
I really don't like the new workspace / palets layout in PS CC. Is it possible to reset the workspace / palets / interface look to mimic the older, classic PS look that we've all been using for so long?
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Mar 17, 2013
I know you can pixelate with Filter / Pixelate / Mosaic, but for some reason images I put through this filter don't look like old 80's/90's video game graphics. Not sure if it's the pixelating itself, or - more likely - the number of colors being used.Is there a plugin out there specifically designed to make an image look like it came straight out of an old video game?
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Dec 20, 2009
Since acdbmng.dll and acmng.dll are not in the GAC, the fact that I can install my dll on any folder is because it will run on the same application domain as Autocad, where acdbmng.dll and acmng.dll are loaded at Autocad startup. Right?
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Aug 21, 2013
My Smoke just crashed and there is the possibility of loosing all my projects. I have localized some files that I want to "recover" even if they are all scrambled. The problem is that these files seem to be single frames .mov files. If I try to import them to another Smoke they will be imported as single files and there are 6000 of them. How can I tell Smoke to treat the individual .mov files as a single sequence. I renumbered the files.
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Oct 29, 2013
Here is attached link of what I want to create.
I need that my character's eyes and mouth will be from animated texture.
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Dec 10, 2012
Which tool or method would be best to mimic the fluffy fur of dogs in X6
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Aug 30, 2012
How to mimic Block Definition Save As function.
So far what I have found in this forum and TheSwamp the best way is to use DeepClone of BlockTableRecord but the objects in original BlockTableRecord need to be DeepCloneObjectes into new block. Otherwise new block will have all objects with ObjectId from old BlockTabkeRecord.
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Aug 31, 2012
I would like to export images from Lightroom into a folder structure LR creates based on the images keyword tree. I have noticed that this might be possible if LR uses collections as a basis for the folder hiearchy it creates but not based on Keword Hierachy.
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Oct 25, 2012
I am writing a program that allows the user to select hatched areas in a drawing and return the quantity, area, and the weight for the equivalent areas covered by tread plate.
My goal is to insert the data with text at a point of the user's choosing, so the end result is a text object in model space that looks like this:
Total Objects: 2
Total Tread Plate Area: 20.83 sq ft
.125 AL Tread Plate Weight: 40 lbs
.125 Steel Tread Plate Weight: 128.33 lbs
How to do is to have the text appear on multiple lines, instead of all across one line. Is there a way to mimic the enter key to enter the next line of text, just like when you use the text function in AutoCAD, instead of using multiple text commands and having to position each one using code.
(defun c:tread (/ cnt tot ss p sqft alwt stwt)
(setq cnt 0
tot 0
[Code] .....
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May 19, 2011
Isn't there a way to show your environment map directly on your model? It's pretty tough to show a chrome-like material if it just shows up a solid color in the viewport.
I did some searches, but must be searching for the wrong things because the only thing I could find was how to show the environment in the Background of the viewport, but nothing about on the model/material.
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Feb 24, 2011
I have an environment map set up but I don't want it to render in the background. Is there a way to do this?
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Sep 12, 2012
When opening an assembly document via the API (inventorApplication.Documents.Open("path-to-document")), the browser pane and ribbon look like no document has been opened, even though the active environment (inventorApplication.UserInterfaceManager.ActiveEnvironment.DisplayName) is "Assembly".
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Aug 19, 2011
List the undocumented environment variables in maya 2012 and what the do?
I have been fighting with geforce driver and configuration issues on vista x64 business and I keep seeing suggestions to set these variables
But I cannot find them documented in maya 2012 so I am concerned that they are not implemented.
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Jan 16, 2014
It's always low and there are no apparent way to make it use the full resolution. I love the renderer, but this little thing is very annoying. I have to composite multiple layers every time I need an image background in the environment.
Apparently there was a hack of sorts involved to force it to use less the full resolution I found on Youtube, but it really doesn't apply to me as I do want to use the full resolution. There should be an obvious setting for it somewhere, maybe in the render tab of the render dialog.
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Jul 15, 2011
I've currently got a daylight system in place with an "mr physical sky" shader, but I've also got a 360° sky panorama with clouds.
Is there anyway of getting them both working together? I've set the sun so it appears in the right place in my scene, but the sky is too empty. Putting the Sky panorama blocks the sun. I've tried putting the map on a Geosphere with a circular UVW map modifier and have tried adjusting the opacity but I can't work it out.
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Mar 26, 2010
It's best to close all images you have open in Gimp.
[*:261ukphj] Click Windows > Dockable Dialogs > Patterns and find the Stone pattern. Right-click the Stone pattern and Open Pattern as Image. Close the Patterns dialog.
About the Stone pattern: You do not have to use a pattern for this. I chose the Stone pattern because it is bundled with GIMP and everyone has it in their patterns. You can use any pattern or any image that isn't a pattern. This tutorial is just to show you how to make the text and you can choose any image or pattern to use as the environment map. Open whatever you want to use before creating a new image for the text.
[*:261ukphj] Open a new image, 500 x 400, and name the Background layer, bump.
Fill the bump layer with white.
[*:261ukphj] Select your Text tool. I used Sans Bold Italic at size 155 for this tutorial. Any font will do - a moderately heavy one works best.
[*:261ukphj] Click the image window and in the Text dialog type GIMP or whatever you want.
Note about the Lighting Effects plug-in. If you use it more than one time and try a different pattern in the current GIMP session you will very likely get an Error message. It doesn't understand what you did with the first pattern you used. Click the OK button to get rid of it.
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Jan 11, 2014
I´m drawing a component which does not fit within the drawing sheet. How can I reduce its space on the sheet, while keeping the dimension equal?? I know I can use a Break, but I really can't suceed into using it.
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Mar 23, 2011
I'm relatively new when it comes to 3D applications.Basically, I have created a scene of the Earth from space, and have managed to create a relatively good looking still image.
However, for my project I need a full 3D environment map, and so far I have been unable to produce this with the environment map option in the rendering tab. Basically when moving the camera, the background stays exactly the same, but I want the background image to pan aswell - having a fixed image makes no sense when panning around a 3D scene if I'm being clear :/
I tried to use video post, but every time I try to execute the render Max hangs on "Transforming Vertices". It does this on full scenes and totally blank scenes, but so far has only done it when rendering a camera view, not perspective. The only way out of Max is to close it from the task manager when this happens. I searched all day yesterday for a solution to this, but the only thing I could find was to alter the bitmap pager, which 2011 doesn't allow customization of.
So after I gave up on Video Post ever working, I rendered the inside of a tube with a star map. I have problems with the texture looking right when I do this however, it looks stretched, blurred, and the joins between faces are very to make an environment map fully wrap around the scene, and pan with the camera.
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Oct 17, 2012
I have a hdri image in the environment map slot that I want to use for illumination and reflection purposes but I don't want it to show in the actual render, is there a way to do this? I've tried adding the hdri to a skylight but it doesn't give the reflections. I'm using mental ray by the way I know in vray you can use a map for overall reflections and one for overall GI is there a similar way for Mental Ray?hide in actual render?
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May 15, 2011
I try to render an environment Map with video post processing. But i cant get it to work. The background (here created with an nebula script) is just white after rendering, the standard render works. Look at the screenshot, i think it will explain my problem better then my poor English vocabulary is capable.
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Feb 10, 2013
I am using the Student version of Autodesk inventor 2013.I was able to use the simulation, stress analysis features for a period of 10 days from the day of installation but its not working now.I have tried reinstallation also. I am using a registered version only.
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Apr 26, 2012
I wonder if you can switch background with the all environment into black like autocad page.
My friend likes to change it from time to time, to relax his eyes during technical drawing. The background is easy, but what the rest...
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