Photoshop Elements :: How To Open Project Bin In 6
Feb 15, 2010
PSE I have never seen the Project Bin, only 'show project bin' option 1. have tried Edit > Preferences > General> Autohide = no change 2. have tried Window > Project Bin = no recognition or change.
Is there a way to open a Photoshop "video" project in After Effects? I have someone painting on video but I need to tweak it in AE. I can import it but it sees just the first frame and makes it a still image for the length of the comp.
Also, I am only seeing "Photoshop Sequence" and "h.264 Quicktime" as options for video export from PS. I have all the flavors of Quicktime when rendering from AE (ProRes HQ), etc. Couldn't PS do the same?
I started a VSX5 project that my friend wanted to piggyback on with his VSX4 software . He tells me that VSX4 opens but nothing seems to happen afterwards. Does it mean that VSX4 is incompatible with VSX5 .vsp file projects ?
I was working on a rather large project in Adobe After effects (i spent 5 hours on it) The next day i went to reopen the file to make a few minor adjustments this error appeared : this project took a long time and i don't want to have to do it again!
When I try to open a vsp project in X5 using Windows 7 I am getting an error message saying, File is already in use, and a number 15055:1:1. I have been using this computer with X5 and XP professional and it works fine. I have a selection of vsp files that I use as templates, the only time I have had this message before is when I had my template vsp files write protected, which I have stopped doing. I have now installed Windows 7 on this same computer but cant open any of my previous projects. These projects were created using X5.
Is there any way to copy a project from Final Cut Pro (fcp) and open in VideoStudio? I have someone who has done hundreds of hours of work on a video and I'd like to take over the project... but he used FCP.
I know I can have him produce a the video and then open it back up as a video, but I'm hoping to avoid the loss inherent in such a move.
Everytime I try to open my Project File in After Effects CC, it tries to open it, but then freezes. Really frustrating and this project is for a job that I am doing. Put in a lot of work to start over again.
Just downloaded the demo of CS6, but am having a nightmare trying to open my CS5.5 project. I get the following error message After Effects error: crash occurred while invoking effect plug-in "Shadow/Highlight".
I tried opening a different project, and a similar error occurs, but with a different plugin. This time it's the Paint plugin. After Effects error: crash occurred while invoking effect plug-in "Paint".
On my current project I get the error message "Software problem" when attempting to open the project file. This problem began last night and affects the project file and all automatic backup files of my current project. It does not seem to be affecting other projects.
I just installed the Smoke software and tried to open a new project as a test file, but after i made the file and made a user i clicked the "Start" button and it just says "Unable to load video device AJA_OE2K" and makes me quit out of the application.
I was taught in school that to set up a project location, go to File > Set Project... to choose a folder for saving all files and materials, and then go to File > Project Window. But for some reason, when I click on Project Window, it does absolutely nothing. The window does not pop up.
It works fine in computers in school, but at home on my Windows computer, it doesn't.
Luckily it still hasn't happened when the save as dialog box is open, but it's rather annoying when searching for a file in the open dialog box and the search takes more than 30 seconds. Crash. Also, it seems it only happens about 90% of the time. I've updated everything + drivers are good. (I use Windows 7 Home Premium on a Asus N53SN with 16gb RAM.)
I just opened up a project (.xcf) I hadn't worked on in a couple days only to find about half of the layers missing. I have no idea what's happened to them and I'd really like to get them back.
When I try and open an Edge Animate 2.0 project its is stable until I click on anything on the stage and then the app crashes ( edge has found an error please quit the application)
My problem appears when I open a saved project. Only when I open one certain file. All run perfect when I open others saved files. The error is:
"The program has encountered an unspecified erros and has stopped functioning. Please contact Corel Technicial Support and send the dump file for analysis.
The name of this file is: C:/User/home/AppData/Local/Temp/vstudio_16.1...... DMP"
My daughter has created a project (magazine cover) and the image size is 210 (w) x 297 (h), i.e. A4.
When she selects A4 as the paper print size the image prints leaving a white band of about 15mm at the foot of the printout. Printer : HP wireless B110a. She has set the image pixels at 600 per inch which seems a bit high. It looks like the foot of the project is slightly cropped off.
how she can print full A4 size with no borders - i.e. her A4 project fills an A4 page !
how do i add titles to the scene/time line so it only effects one photo , it keeps on transferring the titles ie(fun in the sun) onto other photo images in the scen e/time line.
I am unable to open folders in project creator i have done what corel has suggested by still dont work. I am unable to contact via email as that dont work as i get failed to create a case.
set-up a project file that I can easily open my drawings and be able to share with others?I have lost several drawings and time because I have not been able to open my drawings.
I have a file where there are mostly surfaces and gradings. But once again i ran into a similar problem - i cannot open the file anymore. It just stops loading and then Civil crashes.
Can try to open it and maybe use MAPCLEAN or AUDIT in hope it fixes anything?
Why do these things even keep happening, i do not understand at all.
Windows Explorer set to open image files with PSE11, but when I double click on image in WE it launches PSE11, but I then need to click on Open tab in PSE11 to get it into work window. PSE10 did not have this problem
I want to use some portions of a clip that I have modifyed to another new project. I tried with copy/past, but they are not transfered to the new project.
I will load a project and then have to wait and wait. and wait
Eventually the project will load, but first it will prompt with "Where is the file 0000026.MTS" . I just click skip then. This issue is probably unrelated to my loading problem though....
My PC has 16GB of RAM. Intel Core i7 - 2600 @ 3.4GHz I have a Sony camcorder that creates the avchd format
Is there anything I can do to speed up the process? So far I have disabled Antivirus scanning. I have also loaded latest drivers and firmware for all PC components. Adobe Premiere Elements 9 is also up too date with patches
I just downloaded premiere elements 12, and tried to open new project, but nothing happened.. What i need to do? But i can open organizer without any problem!
We have stored lisp in fileserver which 30 users can access it. Now a day some users have getting the ‘failed to open project’ error after load the Lisp due to this they r also not getting most of the commands. The full rights have been given to appropriate folder which contains (Autolisp application source file, .vlx, Autocad VBA source). It has working for limited users (8-10 users).
I am having an issue when opening and saving files is very slow when I have a project active in the Project Navigator.
If I have an active project, and I open a file via Project Navigator or Windows Explorer, the process hangs for 15-20+ seconds at the 'Opening$' point, where it is creating the temporary file.
If I 'Close the current project' in the project browser and open the same file via Windows Explorer, the process takes less than a second.