Everytime I try to open my Project File in After Effects CC, it tries to open it, but then freezes. Really frustrating and this project is for a job that I am doing. Put in a lot of work to start over again.
I was working on a rather large project in Adobe After effects (i spent 5 hours on it) The next day i went to reopen the file to make a few minor adjustments this error appeared : this project took a long time and i don't want to have to do it again!
Just downloaded the demo of CS6, but am having a nightmare trying to open my CS5.5 project. I get the following error message After Effects error: crash occurred while invoking effect plug-in "Shadow/Highlight".
I tried opening a different project, and a similar error occurs, but with a different plugin. This time it's the Paint plugin. After Effects error: crash occurred while invoking effect plug-in "Paint".
Is there a way to open a Photoshop "video" project in After Effects? I have someone painting on video but I need to tweak it in AE. I can import it but it sees just the first frame and makes it a still image for the length of the comp.
Also, I am only seeing "Photoshop Sequence" and "h.264 Quicktime" as options for video export from PS. I have all the flavors of Quicktime when rendering from AE (ProRes HQ), etc. Couldn't PS do the same?
My project crashed. I tried reopening it, but from then I've been getting the following error messages. While restarting my system or AE usually works, this time the project wouldn't reopen no matter how I approached this.
Steps I've taken so far:
-Restarting my computer. -Restarting After Effects -Importing the .aep file into AfterEffects -Opening the file on a different computer. -Trashing preferences and reopening the Project in AfterEffects. -Opening one of my 5 at a 15 minute interval generated Auto-save files.
All result in the same error.
see attached images to see the error I'm getting.
The final message can't be clicked away and when I click the exit button at the top right of the application the application crashes and prompts me with a default windows error screen.
Used source footage: XDCAM files in a .xmf container
Some information about my system: ______________________
After Effects CC (version 12.0) with all recent updates from the cloud as of 21th of august
Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 Dell Precision T3500 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU W3550 @ 3.07Ghz 3.07Ghz 8 GB RAM 64-bit operating system
When I try to open a vsp project in X5 using Windows 7 I am getting an error message saying, File is already in use, and a number 15055:1:1. I have been using this computer with X5 and XP professional and it works fine. I have a selection of vsp files that I use as templates, the only time I have had this message before is when I had my template vsp files write protected, which I have stopped doing. I have now installed Windows 7 on this same computer but cant open any of my previous projects. These projects were created using X5.
On my current project I get the error message "Software problem" when attempting to open the project file. This problem began last night and affects the project file and all automatic backup files of my current project. It does not seem to be affecting other projects.
I just installed the Smoke software and tried to open a new project as a test file, but after i made the file and made a user i clicked the "Start" button and it just says "Unable to load video device AJA_OE2K" and makes me quit out of the application.
I was taught in school that to set up a project location, go to File > Set Project... to choose a folder for saving all files and materials, and then go to File > Project Window. But for some reason, when I click on Project Window, it does absolutely nothing. The window does not pop up.
It works fine in computers in school, but at home on my Windows computer, it doesn't.
set-up a project file that I can easily open my drawings and be able to share with others?I have lost several drawings and time because I have not been able to open my drawings.
I have a file where there are mostly surfaces and gradings. But once again i ran into a similar problem - i cannot open the file anymore. It just stops loading and then Civil crashes.
Can try to open it and maybe use MAPCLEAN or AUDIT in hope it fixes anything?
Why do these things even keep happening, i do not understand at all.
I am having an issue when opening and saving files is very slow when I have a project active in the Project Navigator.
If I have an active project, and I open a file via Project Navigator or Windows Explorer, the process hangs for 15-20+ seconds at the 'Opening C:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.ac$' point, where it is creating the temporary file.
If I 'Close the current project' in the project browser and open the same file via Windows Explorer, the process takes less than a second.
Every time I try to render in AE I get this error message " after effects unable to open file 1610153459" I'm stuck until I find a solution. I've tried some of the solutions I've found on the web, such as using a different drive and changing permissions on drive. While the problem is the same, most of the solutions are for a PC. I have a Mac.
I've built a project up with several smaller project file components. It's an easier way to create a video than editing one big project.
Opening the overall project and running it on screen is not a problem. However, when I try to create a smart package of the composite project, I get a consistent error message rejecting the process because of the existence of the component vsp's.
Is there a way to avoid the error and create a smart package from a project file that has smaller component project files?
so I frequently bring older versions of projects into my current AE project, particularly when revising spots, what I want to understand clearly is the behavior of AE projects once they are imported into a larger project.
If I make edits to the compositions of the nested project, are those changes saved back to the nested project's orginal file? If I alter the original nested projects file, how much will it change instances of it nested in other projects?
I was working on a project just fine until when I went to open it this morning. When I open it, AE crashes with either this message:
OR this message:
and finally ends with a message like this:
There are no special plugins being utilized in the project I am working in, only several Illustrator files. I'm not sure how dynamic link has anything to do with this because i'm not using it with Premiere Pro. All I know is that the project worked fine when I closed it last night, and now this is happening. It's a paid job as well, so it's very important that I can open it again.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling CS6 and my video card drivers. Just to be clear, AE opens just fine, it's only opening this specific project that gives the crash. Specs:
Windows 7 Ultimate (updated) Core i7 3770k GeForce GTX 570 1.2 gb 16 gb ram 256gb SSD 1TB media drive
Once I have imported my footage how do I rearange them in the project bin. I can't seem to grab a clip and move it into the position in list I want ( similar to arranging clips in PP or FCP )
I've been trying to add a camera to my project but when I do, instead of just popping up in the layer section it also pops up lines in the actual project, which is not supposed to happen.Also, when I try to zoom in or do anything with it, the camera lines on the screen reacts to it but not anynthing else.
Not the text, not the background, not the reflection, not the logo's, nothing!
i have a certain tv-promo-project where i have to render several comps which all include the same amount of text and just a hand full of additional graphic elements, e.g. a lensflare and a glowing line which separats the text blocks.
The text of the specific promo-comps are read out of a "main text comp" by expressions. The expression is as follows:
The rendertimes of the project are constantly slowing down as the render queue and the process goes on. The first comp takes about 8 Minutes to render (it is only 10 sec long) and the second already 20 min, where the third comp reaches like 2 hours of render time. I also recognized that even the preview in the timeline is really slow, although the used effects are usually not that performance heavy.
After Effects CS6: Cache and Reload Footage Problem
I am having trouble getting my footage to update in an AE project.
In an existing project, there is an image sequence in a composition. I have saved and closed AE, modified the footage (same dimensions and qty. of frames, only the pixel data changes), and then re-launched AE and opened the project. Though I have changed the footage, the old content still appears. I have done the following:
Edit>Purge>All Memory Edit>Purge>Image Cache Memory Edit>Preferences>Media & Disk Cache>Empty Disk Cache[code].....
None of these got the footage to update. I could double-click on the footage in the project bin and scrub the play head and the old footage was still displayed.Finally I had to replace the footage with itself and that resolved the issue.
If this is operator error, lack of understanding the cache functions, or something else. I don't recall this behavior in CS 5.5, so I am guessing this is a change in CS 6.
Win 7 Pro 64bit Service Pack 1 Intel Xeon CPU X5450 @ 3.00 GHz 2.99 GHz RAM 20 GB
I'm using the trial version of After Effects. Sometimes the rendering que will render an entire project, other times it will only render a single frame of the project. Is there a reason why the rendering process is performing in such a way?
when i change the angle of an object it effects the whole project, so if i have selected an circle and put the angle of a drop shadow to 90 degrees then i selected a recltangle and set drop shadow angle tp 120 degrees the circle will change to also be 120, does it always do this or am i just doing something wrong?
Created a project for a client, saved it, and rendered out a preview. Today I open the same project which has not been touched since the render and it's a completely different image result.Left is in the project as of today. Right is same frame from render yesterday. As I said, no project changes have occurred since render.
I've messed around with the blending modes and opacity settings which are still as I left them originally, keyframes and all, yet I cannot get back to the exact same image on the right. Having funky oddities in AE CC?
I made a project in after effect and it has alot of pictures. I'd like to delete the pictures from my project folder but when i do the pictures are deleted in the after effects project. Is there a way i can embed the pictures so i can delete them from my folder?
Every time I load any project (even one I saved and closed 5 minutes ago) After Effects resizes the window. I would like to disable this 'feature' how do I do that?
I'm trying to make a script that will duplicate an item in the project panel. I know you can duplicate an item in a comp, but I'd like to duplicate a project Item...app.project.item(2).duplicate();
I'm having a problem with the 3D functions in my recent project. (note: only in this particular project!)
When putting the 3D tick on any layer, all the other layers in the composition just turn invisible and the background is set to black. However, the little eye which handles the visibility of a layer is still set to visible.
In addition, the X and Y Rotation has lost it's functionality. The object is not rotated but more or less compressed, which looks like a bad imitation of a 3D rotation. I'll better show you.