Photoshop :: CC Adjusting Paths By Dragging Segment?
Nov 4, 2013
CC has changed how a stroke responds when dragging the line segments with the direct selection tool. No the direction point moved independently instead of maintaining the same angle from their anchor points. I simply want to drag the line segment and change the distance of the relevant directions to their anchor points.
When modifying a pre-existing shape by dragging an anchor point, the paths refuse to stay straight/right-angled (see image below, red lines). Even when I line it up beautifully and cannot see any hicks in the line, they become crooked the moment I let go of the anchor point. Certainly the shift key won't work. Is it something I need to change in my settings? 'Snap to point' doesn't do anything either, obviously. Smart guides are on too.
I want to draw triangle in segment of polyline in segment direction.
I have target segment and center point of it:
 Polyline line = ...  LineSegment3d centerSegment = line.GetLineSegmentAt(centerSegmentIndex);  Point3d centerPosition = centerSegment.MidPoint;
I can find direction of this segment:
 Vector3d zaDirection = line.GetLineSegmentAt(centerSegmentIndex).Direction;
Next, I create list of points:
 List<Point3d> points = new List<Point3d>();  points.Add(centerPosition);  points.Add(centerPosition.Add(new Vector3d(ZASize, +ZASize, 0)));  points.Add(centerPosition.Add(new Vector3d(ZASize, -ZASize, 0)));
I'm refining some SVG files, imported into GIMP as paths. I added numerous guides on the images and drag anchors to the guides. All the paths consist of straight lines only. The problem is that on some anchors GIMP performs the "drag curve" operation instead of the "drag anchor". As a result, my straight lines become broken (curved).
The only solution I've found so far is to apply maximum zoom level, say 400%, and repeat the dragging in this resolution. This makes GIMP work properly, at least, I'm able to "drag anchor" as expected. But switching back and forth to the 400% zoom level is a bit annoying and inconvenient.
Is there a better way to "say" GIMP that "dragging anchor" is the "dragging anchor", not "dragging curve"?
I want to join two paths to create a shape that I can fill but at the same time retain one of the original paths (the red one in the image below). I can copy the path I want to retain but surely there is a more elegant solution. See below for for an illustration:
In the ACR forum, there was a recent discussion about linear segments for the shadows. These are official for sRGB and ProPhotoRGB but are not part of the aRGB specification, but a slope of less than 32 is allowed in the shadows for raw converters and is used by ACR for all three of these spaces.
Does Photoshop currently implement a linear segment for these color spaces and does it make that much difference in practical photography?
I have scanned newspaper cuttings, stored them in My Albums. Opened each one in PS 5 increased contrast, edited out specs and marks etc, Saved, then in Slide Show the results were unreadable. Attempted to open again in PS and got the following dialoge box 'JPEG marker segment length is too short. The file may be trunkated or incomplete. Is there a way to recover or do I have to start again and will I get the same result.
While imaging with my Canon T1i last night with my astro club I took probably 75 or 80 pics. Halfway through the session, my battery low indicator came on, so I changed the battery but may not have turned off the camera....I can't I continued to shoot and review the images, everything looked and worked fine.  When I returned home and got up this a.m. to review the pics, the last half could not be be opened.  I usually insert my SD card in my laptop to review first before I transfer them over. I kept getting this error on the last half of the images I took :" a jpeg marker segment length is too short. The file may be truncated or incomplete." Is there any way to recover and otherwise save these images?  By not turning the camera off while changing batteries, could that be the reason for the error message?
Whenever I drag in a new image from my desktop or some other directory, and place it in Photoshop it always acts as a new layer on the thing that i was working on before, and as a smart object.I know I can drag it into the bar up top, but honestly that's such a small area, so it's rather annoying. I find it more convenient to be able to drag the image just about anywhere, and have it open as if i went File>Open   I might even go back to CS4 just to be able to avoid both problems by letting documents float, and not open each image as a separate window in the taskbar.
in cs5 to drag a 3d shape or object into a new document or another image was done by the move tool.what tool in cs6 extended replaces the move tool to drag images into another file or image.
I have got a GIF image of a push pin that I'm trying to drag onto a JPEG photo. I 've got both images open, and when I select the move tool for the push pin GIF, it starts to drag, but won't move across to the JPEG photo.
I'm not a neither a novice nor a pro when it comes to Photoshop. (Just somewhere in-between) . . . So don't understand why I''m suddenly having problems with colors in my photos looking accurate on my camera, but almost completely red and yellow in Photoshop. Initially though the camera was at fault, until I switched cameras and still had the same problem, so figured it must be Photoshop.  Since Photoshop CS2 has all the features I need, I've never bothered to upgrade. . . which turned out to be a problem when I tried to follow the instructions for creating new adjustment layers. (Was OK until I reached the last step, when my menus were different than those in the guide.) Have spent most of the last 2 days trying to manipulate all the options under the Image Adjustment menu, but am running our of patience and luck.
Tsume reduces the space around a character by a specified percentage value. As a result, the character itself is not stretched or squeezed. Instead, the space between the character's bounding box and the em box is compressed. When tsume is added to a character, spacing around both sides of the character is reduced by an equal percentage.
To reduce spacing between characters:
Select the characters you want to adjust.
In the Character palette, enter or select a percentage for Tsume . The greater the percentage, the tighter the compression between characters. At 100% (the maximum value), there is no space between the character's bounding box and its em box."
And this is what the icon looks like.
I have selected the text. But in the Character Palette, I just dont see it or cant find it.
I have a background layer in Photoshop (CS2) that needs to be converted to a spot color. I have tried to select the channels and adjust them that way (yes, the entire image needs to be all the same color, with lighter and darker highlights and shadows), but can't seem to adjust them just be selecting them.
had something to do with photoshop) where you'd follow 4 or 5 steps to correctly adjust your monitor to the right brightness and such. i remember one of the steps was 2 grey boxes and you had to adjust till they blended together.
I've just performed a clean install of Lion on my MBP 2.4Ghz Mid 2010 with 8GB RAM running Photoshop 12.0.4 and lag when dragging or resizing windows. It's the only app running and I'm testing on any size file i.e. one that's blank and just bee created. Â I've done the following: Â - Restarted the Mac
When I drag an image into Photoshop, it is TINY. It doesn't matter the resolution of the image. It could be the biggest image in the universe and it shows up so small to where I have to use Free Transform every single time. Even the eraser is so small that I can't see it. It can be on 2500 but the eraser is a dot.  Is my Photoshop on a certain setting that I can change? This is my first time using the software on my new Macbook.
I've been working with the tutorial link below to get rid of some stains, While I have no problem working directly on the channels, I'm lost as to what it means to drag the channels onto layers. I can't seem to find a reference as to how to do this. Most likely I don't have to correct term when I'm searching. Â "I normally drag the channels out onto layers to make the repairs. This gives much more control, especially if graduated masks are required. On this occasion and for the sake of simplicity I've made the repairs directly on the channels." Â Tutorial Link [URL].....
I'm working on some websites and my workflow is being slowed down because after installing the new Photoshop CC I tried dragging images from websites into photoshop to open them and create a new image over it WITH the same size as the previous image I dragged in.
I had no problem dragging and dropping images into photoshop CS6 before this, but now images are not opening when I do so. (I have to manually go find the image in the images folder thru dreamweaver first, then hunt them down and open them manually thru photoshop.)
Trying to create a header. I created the buttons in a separate psd file and when I click and drag the buttons into the other canvas (my header) I'm having trouble when I click ctrl + alt + shift to duplicate the new buttons. Some layers are getting left behind. Should I flatten or merge the layers of the button before I click and drag the button into the other canvas (header)?
I have 2 workstations in my suite. Both Win7...both CS5.5 ver. 12.1.x64. My "old" box (Z400) can open the JPEG no problem....My "new" box (Z820) gives me the error.  I have copied the file a few different ways so I know it is not corrupt.
We have a large project that we want to try reducing the DPI on the graphics. I am new to photoshop and wondered how to do it and if you can do it in a batch?
I started noticing this problem a while back in CS5 and it seems to be ongoing in CS6. When I have a group of rows open in ACR, I can make adjustments as normal. Lets say that I have a bracket of images I shot of 10 frames.
I make adjustments on the ones I want to use, rate them and use the "select rated" button. If one of those images has a different color balance than the others, it will auto adjust it to match the rest. If the image that is viewable is the one with the different color balance, it will auto adjust the rest of them.
How do I get the handles to appear on the actual image for adjusting a colour and transparency gradient?  I know how to adjust a gradient in the gradient editor, but I need to adjust the position of the colours and the transparency bands on the actual image. what I clicked in the tools pallette to get the handles to appear.