Illustrator :: Dragging Paths To Straight Angles?

May 24, 2013

When modifying a pre-existing shape by dragging an anchor point, the paths refuse to stay straight/right-angled (see image below, red lines). Even when I line it up beautifully and cannot see any hicks in the line, they become crooked the moment I let go of the anchor point. Certainly the shift key won't work. Is it something I need to change in my settings? 'Snap to point' doesn't do anything either, obviously. Smart guides are on too.

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Illustrator :: Simplifying Straight Line Paths?

May 21, 2012

Using Illustrator CS4
I've imported a map from a DWG prepared in Archicad (vector based architecture software)
This map shows roads and buildings (they are paths in illustrator) and as you would imagine the roads are curved but rather than being drawn with curves they are composed of many many straight line paths and as I'm meaning to have a model laser cut from the Illustrator file I need to join these paths into longer paths so the laser cutting doesn't take forever.
As far as I can see it's fairly simple to simplify the number of anchor points on a curved path using the Object>Path>Simplify tool but simplifying multiple straight line paths that only have the slightest deviation in angle seems harder, or at least I can't work it out.
I have attached an image, The areas highlighted in green are examples of areas where there are too many paths and just one or two paths would be fine. It would be fine to either convert the paths to curved paths or just simply reduce the number of straight line paths that compose the curves.

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Photoshop :: Locked Bezier Handle Angles On Paths?

Jan 10, 2013

I've recently made the switch from CS5.5 extended to CS6 extended and am running into a minor quirk which is disrupting my workflow.
In CS5.5, I was able to create a bezier curve using two anchors with handles, and then adjust the length of the handles of both points simultaneously by dragging the path between the points.  This would maintain the position of both anchors and also the angles of both sets of handles.  In CS6, if I try to do this, the handles change direction, and if I'm too close to one of the points, doing this actually causes the point to move around.
I have attached two screen captures to visually communicate my issue in case my text description is unclear.Is there any way to return photoshop to the CS5.5 behavior?

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Photoshop :: CC Adjusting Paths By Dragging Segment?

Nov 4, 2013

CC has changed how a stroke responds when dragging the line segments with the direct selection tool. No the direction point moved independently instead of maintaining the same angle from their anchor points. I simply want to drag the line segment and change the distance of the relevant directions to their anchor points.

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Illustrator :: Joining Paths To Create Shape While Retaining Original Paths?

Feb 23, 2014

I want to join two paths to create a shape that I can fill but at the same time retain one of the original paths (the red one in the image below). I can copy the path I want to retain but surely there is a more elegant solution. See below for for an illustration:

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Illustrator :: Cannot Lock Other Paths / Unlock All Paths In Symbols?

Dec 4, 2012

Cannot lock other paths/unlock all paths in symbols?

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GIMP :: Prevent From Dragging Curve Instead Of Dragging Anchor?

Jul 12, 2012

I'm refining some SVG files, imported into GIMP as paths. I added numerous guides on the images and drag anchors to the guides. All the paths consist of straight lines only. The problem is that on some anchors GIMP performs the "drag curve" operation instead of the "drag anchor". As a result, my straight lines become broken (curved).

The only solution I've found so far is to apply maximum zoom level, say 400%, and repeat the dragging in this resolution. This makes GIMP work properly, at least, I'm able to "drag anchor" as expected. But switching back and forth to the 400% zoom level is a bit annoying and inconvenient.

Is there a better way to "say" GIMP that "dragging anchor" is the "dragging anchor", not "dragging curve"?

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GIMP :: How To Convert Black Dotted Lines Of Paths Tools Into Straight Black Lines

Dec 6, 2011

Total buffoon when it comes to getting GIMP to do what I want to do. I'm just practicing with making maps, black lines on a white background, and I've run into some issues I'm wondering if I can get rectified.

1) For whatever reason, the line weight of everything has shifted throughout the file, ending with some lines lighter and grayer than others. Is there a way I can get GIMP to trace all the lines in a uniform black, with uniform thickness?

2) I have tried locking the white background, but often when I select and move my black lines, if I don't click in just the right spot it moves the white background instead, which is really, reeeaaaly aggravating. How Do I get that background to be completely untouchable?

3) In trying to colour the image, I've run into problems with their being a white outline between the colour and the black lines. I think I need to sharpen the image or somesuch? How can one correct this issue?

4) Is there anyway to convert the black dotted lines of the paths tools into straight black lines, in regards to an older file? If not, is there an easy way to trace them?

5) I find the scale too tends to make my image too jagged. I want to take a section of my map, move it too another file and enlarge it to do detail work - what's the best way to do this in order to have a clear image?

6) Any way to translate an image from a MErcator Projection ot a Winkell-Trippel projection, one that works on a Mac?

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Illustrator :: How To Make Rectangle With Curved Angles

Apr 8, 2013

I'm having the hardest time creating a marquee style image in illustator.. (something like this:

So far i've been able to make the rectangle witht he curved angles, but can't seem to get the circles inside of the marquee..
Any tutorial or a quick guide that can create one?

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Illustrator :: Anchor Point Snapping To Specific Angles

Aug 12, 2013

In Illustrator CS5 my anchor point handles are snapping to specific angles,which I don't want. I have to turn off Smart Guides to freely adjust the handles.
Under preferences, Smart Guides, I turned off the custom construction guides, but even this did not correct the issue. I love using Smart Guides and I thought there were just in face that 'guides' and provided no snapping.
I also tried turning off 'snapping to point' to see if that was creating an issue, but no dice.
I can provide my system settings in case:
Mac OSX 10.8.4
16 GB memory
Illustrator CS5
Wanted to ensure I was not missing a feature I couldn't find or research before trying to reset my preferences.

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Illustrator :: Matching Angles Of Photo Using Perspective Grid

Feb 21, 2013

I'd like each side of the perspective grid to match the two different angles that are the sides of this building.  I'm trying to get something done using it and have never used it before.

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Illustrator :: Can't Rotate To Specific Angles Bounded Square

Oct 8, 2012

I got a square at about lets say 30 degrees ; the bounding box of it at another random angle different from the 30.When I try to rotate to 90 degrees it';ll just rotate from my current position .How do I rotate to a specific angle if its posible to 90 or 0 as to get it on a straight angle and then move it to the angle I desire?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Make Object With Straight Lines To Change Straight Line Undulated Like Curly

Apr 1, 2011

Is there a way to make a object with straight lines to change the straight line to be undulated like a curly.

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Illustrator :: CS6 Crashes When Dragging

Feb 7, 2013

I'm running Illustrator CS6 (16.2.0) on Mac OS X 10.8.2 and Illustrator crashes as soon as I attempt to drag anything.  The crash is reproducable if I do the following:
1.  Launch Illustrator and create a new document
2.  Create a text field, line, or shape
3.  Select the Arrow tool
4.  Drag the element I just created
Illustrator will crash as soon as I try to drag.  I can move the element using the arrow keys, but the crash happens when I try to drag with the mouse.

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Illustrator :: Where Multiple Three Dimensional Shapes Extruded At Different Angles Intercept

Oct 20, 2013

I created two three dimensional shapes that are extruded at different angles. How do I

1) move one of the shapes so that it intercepts the other shape and

2) find out where the two shapes intercept each other?

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Illustrator :: Image Repetition When Dragging?

Apr 19, 2013

When I drag a selection to the edge of the window enough to cause the artboard to move while holding a selection, the whole window fills with clutter built of the selection.
As soon as I stop dragging and release the mouse, the window clears and the move is completed appropriately.
I hope the image can go well with my description...

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Illustrator :: Clicking And Dragging Won't Work

Oct 29, 2013

I'm not able click and drag an object in CC and can't figure out why.

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Illustrator :: Star Tool Is Dragging From The Inner Radius

Mar 17, 2014

I'am using illustrator CC but while using the star tool, instead of being drawn while being dragged by the tip or the outer radius, my star is getting dragged from the inner radius. The problem does not occur when dragging while holding the alt key.

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Illustrator :: Artwork Doesn't Show While Dragging?

Nov 7, 2012

I've got a strange thing happening in AI CS5. While dragging an object (a placed and linked jpeg with a clipping mask), I can't see it. It then reappears on release of the mouse button.

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Photoshop :: Dragging And Dropping Scanned Image To Illustrator?

Oct 14, 2012

Using CS6 Mac, I am  un successful in dragging and dropping a scanned image from PS to Illustrator.In the past i was able to do this with CS3 PC.

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Illustrator :: Rectangle Moving While Dragging One Edge To Resize?

Feb 24, 2014

I draw a rectangle. I want that rectangle to be longer, so I drag one side. Why does the other side move a little? I can't think of an instance where this would be useful behavior.
Here's the rectangle:
Here is what it does when I drag:
Notice the outline preview of how big the rectangle will be. On the left side, It has moved considerably from it's original position. Why? Why on earth would I ever want that and is there a way to make it stop?

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Illustrator :: Screen Freezes And Fails To Update While Dragging?

Jan 2, 2014

Just started a pen tool exercise in illustrator, at some point while using the pen tool I don't know why or how it happens but my screen stops "updating", "refreshing" or "drawing" while I drag it with the hand tool. What I mean is that if I start dragging with the hand, the rulers move as normal, but anything inside just stays a still picture and only when I release the mouse button is the screen changed to where I have dragged. Although the very edges of the artboard/workspace near the rulers behave normaly, I can see bits and pieces flying past there, but it's like there's this big square at the center of my screen that is a still image.
The problem is only inside Illustrator, the rest of my computer and screen behave normally.
I am using Windows XP SP 3, all updates 'n' stuff.

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Illustrator :: Lost Copy By Dragging (while Pressing Alt) Function?

Oct 18, 2012

20 years using illustrator and for the first time, I don't know why but it suddenly became impossible to copy an object by dragging it while pressing "alt". And I've lost the dragging along the grid locking by maintaining caps pressed...

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Illustrator :: How To Distort 5 Straight Lines

Sep 22, 2012

I'm attempting to follow this video tutorial: [URL] ...

I'm at the 17:38 mark. I've tried the suggested keyboard commands and they don't work.

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Illustrator :: CS6 Image Import - Dragging From Finder Doesn't Work

Aug 8, 2012

I'm having trouble importing images in Illustrator CS6. Dragging from finder doesn't work, nor does the "place" option. When opening an image in illustrator, all i get is a blank document.

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Illustrator :: Select Area On Image Without Dragging Around Entire Thing?

Feb 16, 2014

I've been trying to select and area of a JPEG but the whole thing keeps moving around.

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Illustrator :: Making Straight Path Curved - CS5.5

Nov 15, 2012

Is there a fast and simple way to make a straight path curved? I'm a FreeHand convert, and with it you could hold down the option key, click and drag the straight path (line) into a curve and control it fairly well.

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Illustrator :: Line Won't Draw Straight Horizontally

Jun 15, 2012

I am trying to draw a straight line using the line tool, but when I hold down the shift button to draw a straight horizontal line it draws it a an angle. vertical line will go straights, but not the horizontal. I also noticed that the cursor now has an has a horizontal arrow with a vertical line at the end of it in the bottom right corner of the cursor when the line tool or shape tool is used. I went into prefrences and checked the constrain angle but it is set at 0 so I am not sure what to do or what happened. It was working fine and then all of a sudden this happened. Is there a button I may have hit that would cause this? how do I get it to draw straight lines again? I just noticed it wont draw 45 degree angles either. it sticks to angles a few degrees above and below horizontal.

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Illustrator :: Stroke Won't Curve And Has Straight Edges

Jan 1, 2014

I applied a 1pt stroke as you see in the screenshot and I gave it a default width profile. For some odd reason no matter what I do that stroke has sharp edges and isn't curved smoothly.

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Illustrator :: CS4 - Joining Zigzag And Straight Line?

Jun 16, 2012

I'm using CS4 on a mac.
Here's what I want: a filled rectangle in which the top and bottom line segments are straight, and the two side line segments are zigzag. I can't seem to find a good way to do that.
First thing I tried: Make a rectangle, then Effect > Distort & Transform > Zig Zag. That turns all segments of the rectangle zig zag, and I want the top and bottom to be straight.
Next: Draw four separate lines and join them to make a shape that I can fill. I can do that, right? Anyway, the problem: I draw a zigzag line, and a straight line and right angles. I select the endpoints with the pen tool (right?) to join them. When they join, either they both become straight or they both become zigzag. Which is not what I want either. Here's a picture of what I'm trying to do.
The other thing I noticed is that the Zig Zag effect doesn't give me additional anchor points (at least from what I can see), and doesn't give me anchor points where I want them. See in the above picture, where I have the left-hand line segment selected, the path is still straight so the anchor points don't line up with the zigzag line that is visible to me. Which means when I try to join the segments, they make funny shapes at the corner. Which is also annoying. This thread seemed to indicate that Zig Zag should give me additional anchor points at each corner: [URL]. Why don't I get that? Is it a CS4/CS5 issue?

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Illustrator :: Why Can't Adjust The Scale Of Text By Clicking And Dragging The Corner Boxes

Aug 22, 2013

Why can't I adjust the scale of my text by clicking and dragging the corner boxes? Why I have the text selected, all it does it let me highlight it to change font, size, etc, OR all I can do is move it throughout the artboard. Why can I click and drag the corner box to adjust?

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