Photoshop :: Animation Exploding Images

Dec 9, 2004

I want to take a clemson tiger paw and have it explode. an animation of it exploding. How do you do that??

And I did do a search on exploding images and not much came up so I did try and look in the forum for help before asking.

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Photoshop :: Animation Of 4 Images Just Flashing From One To Another

Jul 23, 2006

how to make a simple animation of 4 images just flashing from one to another. it may seem simple to all of you but im still new to photoshop..

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Photoshop :: Creating Animation With Multiple Images

Oct 10, 2005

Been messing around with Image Ready 3.0 for some time and have had some good experience making animated gifs...but only by adding to or subtracting from the layers of the same image.

How can I tween between 2 or more separate images?

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VideoStudio :: How To Create Animation From 3D Images

Jul 19, 2012

I am trying to create a movie with Corel Video Studio Pro with imported images that I have created in a 3D program! The framerate should be 24frames/second in the movie but it looks like

I can only get down to a image speed of 0.1 second or 10 frames/second by editing each images and then reduce duration time. Is it impossible to get the duration time to 0.0417 that is about a speed of 24 frames/second? If it is impossible maybe something for the wishlist to the future!

Next quistion is is it possible to somewhere in the settings change the duration time for images so you don't need to edit each images each time! It can be hard if you have over 400 images to edit!

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3ds Max :: How To Export The Animation To Sequence Images

Aug 27, 2011

I have a animation and want to export the animation to sequence images. The sequence images is in the custom selected area.

I just know to use the Rendered Frame Window to render an image with selected area and save to a png file. But I cannot do that for every key frame.

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GIMP :: How To Make Simple Animation With JPG Images

Mar 3, 2013

I have one picture of my office building and one picture of an airplane . I want to make the airplane fly and crash into the building and explode. If it's possible to make it in GIMP, how can i do it?

More importantly - how is this technique called? jpg animation? I'm new to graphic editing and don't even know how to name certain things or techniques, so i need some keywords for further research.

I'm also have adobe premiere elements, would this application be useful in creating such projects from pure jpg images?

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GIMP :: Create Series Of Sphere Images Used As Animation

Apr 12, 2012

I'm trying to create a series of sphere images that are to be used as an animation, whereas in my case I have a transparent background layer and a layer containing a sphere. Then I want to add a 15 degree rotation for each new image. The problem is that every time I select the rotate tool and click on the image to enter the value, the sphere is moved slightly.

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Paint.NET :: Create Flash Animation Where Two Images Bump Into Each Other?

Feb 22, 2011

I am trying create a flash animation where two images bump into each other and get squished on the ends that make contact.

How can I take an image and squish an end so it distorts up and down like it is being being pushed upon?

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VideoStudio :: Import Sequence Of Animation Images - Choppy Playback

Nov 29, 2013

Though I am a long time CorelDraw user I've recently download VideoStudio Pro trial. The problem I am having is importing a sequence of animation images (360 total at 30frames/sec) The images where render and exported from Lightwave3D (jpg)

The only way I found to import the images was through the capture button and that worked fine. Once that was done imported VS editor and exported to several formats...

the problem is the sequence is choppy and not smooth it is a wee bit choppy the 30 frames/sec imports fine but the final play back is not smooth as it should be. If I export directly to video from Lightwave the playback is smooth. I'd render direct from LW but LW is is a wee bit wonky at time when writing direct to video format. LW prefers direct to image then you would composite in a 3rd party program

I tried VS video at 60 frames, 15 frames that made no difference at all the same unsmooth playback

How do I import a sequence of images at 30/sec so then export so that the playback is smooth.

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GIMP :: Convert Panorama Photos To Multiple Overlapping Images For Animation

May 25, 2013

I have a long and complicated road trip timelapse photo set I'm converting to an animation. That i've managed to sort out. However I also have some panoramas that i took here and there. I'm trying to take these panoramas (about 11 of them) into their component images,but with an overlap so that they will be in the animation appearing as a pan.

So I have about a dozen of these fairly wide images (2096 x 544 for one of them), and each of these i want to split into about ten images with a reasonable "overlap".

Given the amount of potential images, and my desire to have a smooth pan, making composite images manually wouldn't really work.

I've been using ifranview to bulk crop and resize images but i couldn't work out a way to do this so I switched to GIMP, which I'm not great with.

I've grabbed the guidelines every x pixels script and guillotine into layers plugin, hoping I could guillotine across multiple guideline "units" but all it's given me is dozens of vertical slices of the image.

I could merge and duplicate them but that would take ages.

At the moment I'm thinking my best option is to put the guidelines on and use selections to snap to guidelines and paste as seperate layers, then save all the layers as seperate files. However that still seems very slow and clunky and i'm wondering if there's a better way.

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AutoCAD LT :: Exploding Walls That Are Blocks Or 3D?

Nov 3, 2011

I recieved some CAD files from the architect and am not sure if theyre drawn in 3D or in revit. But everytime I go to explode the wall the doorways dissappear.

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3ds Max :: Arrows Of Viewport Clipping Exploding

Apr 15, 2013

in this last release of 3DsMax design is present yet the issue with the viewport clipping.

If i pass perspective to top to left and to perspective, etc. the arrows of viewport clipping "exploding", and i must recalibrate il clipping every time.

It was already present in the 2013 release...everyone has this problem.

Ps: beautiful work with the viewport navigation!

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AutoCAD LT :: Allow Exploding Block Setting?

Jun 6, 2005

When defining a block it is possible to choose wether the block can be exploded or not. Is there a way of undoing this. I can edit the block in full version with refedit but in LT there is no way of editing this block. I can see advantages of this setting but I imagine someone accidentilly unpicking this box and creating unexplodable blocks without noticing.

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AutoCad :: Exploding Work Blocks

Mar 16, 2012

When I explode some work blocks they just disappear so I tried Burst but that did not work either .

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GIMP :: How To Create Exploding Image

May 23, 2013

I have used gimp before with awesome results, but one thing I have not been able to find for Gimp is a tutorial on how to create an exploding effect. I am specifically looking to be able to have a picture of say a face, then being able to have the left half of the face look like it is exploding while keeping the right face fully intact. sort of like the image that I have linked.

 sortalikethis.jpg (83.34K)

Number of downloads: 30 But I want it so it looks like the actual face is being exploded, not a separate image being plopped onto the side of a persons face.

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AutoCad 3D :: 3D Block Disappears When Exploding?

Jul 8, 2011

I'm trying to explode a 3d block that I created from a manufacturer's horizontal mullion detail. Whenever I do that, it disappears. I tried setting it to layer 0, still disappears. I made sure all the layers were turned on and thawed. Whats weird is that I can explode the vertial mullion block and it doesn't disappear. I tried matching the vertical mullion properties to the horiz, still no luck.

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AutoCad 2D :: Scaling And Exploding Of XRef?

Oct 5, 2011

Most of my design work requires me to xRef an existing title block to my paperspace and vport my drawing into my titleblock in paperspace. However, when I attach my titleblock using xRef into my paperspace, the scaling went totally out. Mostly my block comes out way bigger than it is suppose to. The problem is that I have set my designs and block to function in milimeters, so basically it should scale down to the same scale right?

And also, it's quite troublesome to keep going back to my titleblock dwg to edit/save and reload it back in my design. Is there anyway to explode the xRef titleblock? Every time I tried they keep saying its an external reference. Is there any way to go around this so I can edit it without going back and forth?

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AutoCad :: Exploding Block Modifications

Mar 20, 2013

I need to explode this block modifications. How to explode this.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Unlocking / Exploding Xref

May 29, 2012

I have a Mechanical drawing with numerous Xrefs. I need to make changes to the Plumbing layers which is in O-Xref layer. I have tried to bind all Xrefs but cannot bind all of them. The piping is in the O-Xref layer. I cannot explode nor can I Xref-Edit anything in this layer. This is one of a number of drawings but this is the first one that I cannot explode or edit the layer and I have never run into this problem before.

Is there a way that the file can be locked up to prevent editing?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Exploding Minsert Blocks

Jun 5, 2013

I've been searching for a routine to explode minserts but haven't found anything yet that works. However, this one did. It's a vlx.

Just copy it to your Support folder and load it ("AP"). Type "explodem" at the command line to run it. It first asks you to select the block; it then asks you if you want to explode? [No/Yes]  Enter No. Yep, enter no. (I know; I tried Yes but it wouldn't work...might be just me though cuz I'm a bit dyslexic; either that or the programmer may be?)

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Exploding Text With 2013?

May 29, 2012

I'm trying to export some AutoCAD files to SketchUp as DWGs... everything comes through fine, but the text (and certain other line-types) won't transfer over.  I know that with AutoCAD 2008 using Express Tools, you could do this easily by exploding the text.  How can I explode text using AutoCAD 2013, so that it will export as vectors in the DWG file?  

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AutoCad :: Change LTS In Lines In Block Without Exploding?

Sep 16, 2011

For some reason the line type scale is way out to lunch on one of the lines in a block i use, so i was wondering if you can change that LTS without exploding the block, or if i can change the LTS for the layer that specific line is on without exploding the block

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AutoCad :: Edit Block Text Without Exploding

Jan 8, 2012

I create schematics of lighting control systems for my job, the controllers on my schematic have multiple outputs which I need to modify so they're relevant to the job.

At present I have all my blocks in a tool palette and just click and drop to add them to my schematic.

How can I tailor the text of a block without exploding it? Is this even possible?

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AutoCad :: Edit Block Description Without Exploding

Feb 19, 2009

I have multiple dynamic blocks that I would like to add descriptions to. If I have a block in a tool palette, I can add a description by right clicking and selecting "Properties." But I would like to add a description that shows up in the Design Center as well.

Is there a way to do this without redefining the block? Exploding makes me lose all of my dynamic properties, and I'd hate to have to recreate them.

I'm using LT 2008, by the way, so I don't have ref edit or any of that other cool stuff.

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Illustrator :: Exploding Rectangle To 4 Individual Lines?

Sep 5, 2012

How can I explode a rectangle to 4 individual lines? i need illustrator equivalent to autocad explode function. I  searched a lot on net, couldn't find it. I tried expand command too.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Exploding Surface Components To Different Layers

Feb 8, 2013

Is there a way if I want my suface to be exploded for the components to be sent to different layers. For example if I make a building pad using the grading tool and create a surface for a design. I would like the minor and major contours to be on different layers. Same for my grading I would like my cut daylight boundary to go to a CG-Cut and fill daylight boundary to go to CG-Fill layers. Is there a way to do this? It would really streamline my work designing pads.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Make Object Into 3D Solid After Exploding?

Oct 14, 2013

If I modify a 3D solid and it is left with two seperate pieces it is still one solid piece, even though there are two parts. My question is: What if only need one of those two sides? If I explode the object and delete the one side I cannot change the remaining object into a 3D solid. It remains as surface object.

How can make an object into a 3D solid after exploding it? I belive there is a simple command like union or some other but I can't remember.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Exploding Objects For Record Drawings

Nov 7, 2012

C3D 2010

Win7 Professional


I have to put out record drawings that contain C3D objects; Surfaces, Contour labels, Points and Point tables.

Many drawing Xrefs are nested.  I tried the Civil batch converter with xref binding turned off and objects set to explode, and I get error messages, and the task is never completed.  Is there a work around procedure to preserve the C3D information in each drawing?  Can points be exploded and retain their apperance?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Exploding Feature Lines To 3D Polylines

Oct 30, 2013

I have several featurelines that I wish to explode to be 3D Polylines (bad, I know, but it's a test for a way to get data across from our design group to our survey group). 

Last week, in this drawing, I exploded a large selection of featurelines and they all became 3D polylines, preserving their elevation data. This week, I drew an additional set of featurelines in the same drawing.  When I explode them once, they lose all elevation data, becoming lpolylines at z=0.  Additionally, the Prospector shows me several errors: "breaklines not added to surface" or something similar.  Which is an odd result for the explode command. 

Why did this work once but not a second time?

Win 7E 64-bit, Intel i7, 12 GB C3D 2012

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Revit :: Exploding Families (nested) Similar To Blocks

Apr 10, 2012

Basically the question is if it is possible to explode families similar to blocks in AutoCAD.
Here is an example: A Family made for placement in the model has 2 nested families. Once placement is done is it possible to eliminate the initial family so only the nested families remain? All the parametric values can go away that’s fine and the nested families are also shared if that matters.
Since I come from AutoCAD and started with Revit v2012 it is basically like a block within a block which you could just explode so much until only lines are left.

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AutoCAD LT :: Add Attributes To Existing Block Without Exploding And Remaking It?

Mar 15, 2013

Can you add Attributes to a exsiting block without ,exploding it ,and remaking it?

I have made a dynamic window block and forgot to add the attribute annotation I wanted.

Tried to edit the block and add it, but when I save it and reopen the block it does not show.the attribute.

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