AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Exploding Objects For Record Drawings
Nov 7, 2012
C3D 2010
Win7 Professional
I have to put out record drawings that contain C3D objects; Surfaces, Contour labels, Points and Point tables.
Many drawing Xrefs are nested. I tried the Civil batch converter with xref binding turned off and objects set to explode, and I get error messages, and the task is never completed. Is there a work around procedure to preserve the C3D information in each drawing? Can points be exploded and retain their apperance?
I have a set of Design Drawings on my desk that I need to produce a set of Record Drawings. The Design Drawings are a combination of three original contracts so the file paths for these drawings are scattered thru three project folders. Is there an easy way to create a new Sheet Manager for my Record Drawings. If I open the original Design Drawings and use "Save As" then the drawings being saved to the new Record Drawing Sheet Manager are all tied to the original Design Sheet Manager.
To copy the drawings to the Record folder I will have to open them and relink all xrefs besides having to determine the file path of each drawing to be sure I am copying the correct files to the Record Drawing Folder. Is the easiest solution to use "Save As" and insert a new border with the corrected "Fields' so they are now connected to the Record Drawing Sheet Manager?
I received a drawing where I have to add Bearings to an alignment and Right-of-Way lines. I have a Line Label Style that it works for that purpose. These new bearings are "Alignment Tangent Labels" and we need them to be "MTexts"
Select & explode once, and you get "Block Reference"
Select & explode again, and you get "MText"
Once that is done, unfortunatly, I get "3D Faces" objects in the background. Invisible on the drawing, but visible on paper once we plot them. The only way to remove them is by selecting around the new MText until I click on one, then, right-click, Select simnilar, Delete!
Is there any way to prevent that to speed up the process???
I'm trying to send a set of drawings for my consultant. They will be using it as a background for their mechanical and electrical drawings and they only need the 2d information. They want to be able to explode them and remove any items they don't need before switching all the layer colours to grey.
When they get the drawings and explode them the doors and walls explode onto the correct layer but the colour of those object and lines are now set to the actual color of the layer rather than colour "bylayer". The line actually take on the colour of the layer in the properties dialogue box. Therefore when they change the colour of the layer to grey the doors remain 'red'.
I would like the doors/walls to stay on their respective layers...AND their colour to be BYLAYER when exploded.
Is there a way if I want my suface to be exploded for the components to be sent to different layers. For example if I make a building pad using the grading tool and create a surface for a design. I would like the minor and major contours to be on different layers. Same for my grading I would like my cut daylight boundary to go to a CG-Cut and fill daylight boundary to go to CG-Fill layers. Is there a way to do this? It would really streamline my work designing pads.
I have several featurelines that I wish to explode to be 3D Polylines (bad, I know, but it's a test for a way to get data across from our design group to our survey group).
Last week, in this drawing, I exploded a large selection of featurelines and they all became 3D polylines, preserving their elevation data. This week, I drew an additional set of featurelines in the same drawing. When I explode them once, they lose all elevation data, becoming lpolylines at z=0. Additionally, the Prospector shows me several errors: "breaklines not added to surface" or something similar. Which is an odd result for the explode command.
I have a problem with acad files. Almost every time i try copying objects from one acad file to another the program becomes unresponsive. It can be just a line. I am using acad 2007LT. The files usually are edited in acad 2007 LT and newer versions like 2010 and 2011
When i try to copy files the command line displays:
"_pasteclip duplicate definition of block _archtick ignored".
After this message is displayed nothing happens. Left the pc to process more than 15 minutes and still noting. Recently i tried inserting such a file as xref, but no luck. The progress bar gets to 99% and it stops.
File size makes no difference because it happens with small files as well as large. I have to say that this problem doesn't accure to all the files, but the majority have this problem. My colleagues using 2007 lt have the same problem.
When I need to copy something between files I make it a block and use design center to move the block between files.
I just installed Acad v. 2014. I opened up an existing file, went to select a line, but noticed that the line does not highlight when I hover over it like my last version. How do I change the settings so that when I hover over an object, whether it be a line or a cross hatched area, it will highlight that object so I know the length or area of the object?
I am using Excel 2010 & LT 2012. I need to import spreadsheets into my drawings as OLE objects. For a while, the process worked fine - I could just copy to clipboard and paste the worksheet in as an image. For some reason, this is no longer working properly and the information will only insert as editable text, not the image of the formatted spreadsheet. Unfortunately I DO NOT want the information to be in an editable format. If I insert the worksheet as an OLE, only the first page will insert. The only solution I could come up with was to PDF each sheet of the worksheet and then PDFATTACH to the file.
I also do not have the AutoCAD Entities option of Paste Special. My only Paste Special options are Unicode Text, Text or OEM Text. I assume this is an LT difference.
Is there a setting or command that would allow me in insert the information as an image rather than I said, it worked properly for a while so I am thinking it might be a simple setting change...
Another issue is that when plotting spreadsheet information in CAD, it only registers 50% - the remaining information is not visible.
is there a way to make twin objects in autocad drawings?
what do i have in mind. lets say i have object that is repeating in several other places (floors) like in picture "a". and i need to change them all in the same way by making changes on only one of them. so like it is showen in pictures "b" and "c" i would rotate and move only object at 1st floor, but "twin" objects on other flores would do the same.
Since upgrading to AutoCAD LT 2011 I cannot use the Design Center for inheriting objects such as layers, blocks etc between drawings. I have a few different drawings open which are displayed in the tree view of the 'open drawings' tab in the Design Center. But the objects of the drawings are not displyed. No +-sign in front of the drawing name, no icons in the icon field, just a summary at thebottom saying '0-items'.
Is there an option to set the default colour for object borders? Our drawing templates have a black background. If I want to move a text or a view, all that is shown while moving the text or view is a rectangular border. Unfortunately this is also black and thus invisible. So you never really know where you move your object to.
What do you think it's better between Attach JPEG image vs Embed OLE Objects in Cad Drawings? I have used OLE Object in the past and i problem i have is that, I can't rotate OLE object/image i can scale and move. i can't clip OLE obj. For Attach JPEG or PDF when someone accidently delete the JPEG which were attached out of the computer then when i open the file it will show "Not found" on the external Ref. this won't happen in OLE obj. i tried not to use either of these methods above because it increases the size of the dwg but this is how the Co Worker wants for this project. The drawing size is less than 1000KB not too bad.
I've tried dragging layers across drawings using the design center interface, but what I've noticed is that while the layer in question gets copied over, the layer is empty. The objects within the layer do not get copied over. How do I copy objects AND layers that I've selected across drawings using Autocad Design Center?
Just curious as to whether people use much colour in their production drawings, particularly for hatches...?
Working for Local Government, we tend to utilise colour hatches to show all kinds of information.
Generally, we have found that colour hatches are a good way to clearly show different areas and materials such as pavements, paths, landscape areas etc. Hatches can then be used to quickly ascertain areas for estimation and our construction team like them too as the plans tend to be easier to read.
The usual arguments about reproduction of plans and slowing down of computers doesn't seem to be an issue for us. Most photocopiers are in colour now anyway and we just make sure that even in black & white the plans are readable.
The way that Civil 3D deals with hatching doesn't seem to slow things down for us either.
As Autodesk has not made changes that prevent excess registered application ID's from spreading from xref to sheets, I am guessing many companies have the issue and do not know it.
Its been a while since I worked with a crowd of highway designers whose attitude was AutoCad was AutoCrud (I was offended too), but I would bet the crop of people doing caltrans work is a bit new to the wild west of dwg issues.
I would encourage some of you out there to try this code on your drawing and see if you get more than say, 4000:
(vla-get-count (vla-get-registeredapplications (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))))You can also run that on dwg's without opening fully in the editor, if you want to list app id counts for entire projects fast.
Simply cleaning app ids is not good enough to deal with the problem, you must discover where they come from, and catching them dirty is the best way. It alsways some consultant...never H&A though..Maybe if the Caltrans group discovers the issue, we can get movement by Autodesk on a real fix.They have done ok at cleaning tools so far, but its a big waste of time and file space. URL.....
I am looking for some general feedback on where the majority of people annotate there drawings. I was in a CAD meeting discussing our new CAD standards that we will be rolling out on Jan 1, 2014. A major improvement I recommended to the plans was to place our annotations in our XREF drawings instead of placing them in model space of our sheet sets. (Our sheet sets are our drawings that have our titlblocks that we plot from ). So, I am asking where do the majority of CAD users like toad annotations to there drawings? PaperSpace, model space, xref’s, etc. and why they do it that way?
I should also state that we are transitioning from 2012 software to Civil3d 2014 software too.
I'm trying to plot drawings through DWG to PDF.pc3, it works fine & opens up.But it skips the save dialog box and automatically saves in my local setting/temp folder with alpha-numeric name.
I'm running 2013 C3D and have a quirk that my drawings zoom out when I first open the file. I'm not even sure what they are zooming out to as it is not 'Extents'.
Today, my question is about sheet set manager for civil 3D drawings.When I doing create sheet set, in the 3rd step "Choose Layouts", I browse the folder which is stored my all of drawings into the sheet set manager dialogue window. But only part of drawings inserted. All of Civil 3D drawing (included plans and profiles) did not into it
So I have just finished up a project and now need to send the files (all of them, surfaces, alignments, corridor, construction documents, etc) to the client. What is the best way to do this?
I am confused because Civil3d uses Data references that are created based on a folder I specify which the client will not have access to and so on.
I opened my alignment file and did a DXFOUT than went ahead and opened that dxf and saw that there was nothing there?
Could they recreate the stuff I have done using DWFs?? or should I Etransmit?? or what other options do I have?
I am new to Civil 3d, and have just completed the first pass on a design that includes several corridors. I am confused on the best way to prepare actual drawings.
I initially thought that plan production would be useful, however it seems that these are fixed. It seems odd that draft drawings cannot be present for review and editing. Is this correct or am I missing something?
It also seems like a huge task to generate the styles required to present the corridor in an appropriate format for a drawing, let alone several drawings that may have different requirements - in particular for a new comer who would not have set up the range of styles.
Therefore I consider two approaches are feasable - XREF the corridor or Extract Polylines.
I now think the best way to prepare drawings is to export polylines of the key components of the corridor and prepare drawings using this. This would be combined with the alignment, pipe and surface data, that can be used in the drawings via Data Short Cuts.
I just recently had to install 2009 from map 2008. When I open drawings last worked on and saved in 2008 and open them in civil 3d 2009, I get drawings that freeze up upon opening. Some will eventually open, showing errors. Others will never open and just freeze up.
I can't open a drawing I saved yesterday afternoon. I always get a fatal error after reaching 98%. When i try doing recovery I get a message that is something like a program failure.Is there any way to open that drawing?
My problem is that when i add a map through WMS connection and later turn my drawing with the map into a .pdf file, the outcome is a very large file (my certain A4 drawing was 30,4 Mb). I guess AutoCAD stores a lot more info than i need the drawing.
Managing with a 30Mb file is very difficult when i need to, for example, sent it through an e-mail.
I have to revup a heap of drawings by modifying the drawing block of each drawing (simplying changing Rev C to a different letter ) and adding in todays date. Is there a quick way i can modify all drawing blocks without opening and modifying each drawing manually? Unfortunately, the drawings are all standalone and dont reference an external drawing block.