AutoCAD LT :: Import Spreadsheets Into Drawings As OLE Objects
Aug 17, 2012
I am using Excel 2010 & LT 2012. I need to import spreadsheets into my drawings as OLE objects. For a while, the process worked fine - I could just copy to clipboard and paste the worksheet in as an image. For some reason, this is no longer working properly and the information will only insert as editable text, not the image of the formatted spreadsheet. Unfortunately I DO NOT want the information to be in an editable format. If I insert the worksheet as an OLE, only the first page will insert. The only solution I could come up with was to PDF each sheet of the worksheet and then PDFATTACH to the file.
I also do not have the AutoCAD Entities option of Paste Special. My only Paste Special options are Unicode Text, Text or OEM Text. I assume this is an LT difference.
Is there a setting or command that would allow me in insert the information as an image rather than I said, it worked properly for a while so I am thinking it might be a simple setting change...
Another issue is that when plotting spreadsheet information in CAD, it only registers 50% - the remaining information is not visible.
I have a problem with acad files. Almost every time i try copying objects from one acad file to another the program becomes unresponsive. It can be just a line. I am using acad 2007LT. The files usually are edited in acad 2007 LT and newer versions like 2010 and 2011
When i try to copy files the command line displays:
"_pasteclip duplicate definition of block _archtick ignored".
After this message is displayed nothing happens. Left the pc to process more than 15 minutes and still noting. Recently i tried inserting such a file as xref, but no luck. The progress bar gets to 99% and it stops.
File size makes no difference because it happens with small files as well as large. I have to say that this problem doesn't accure to all the files, but the majority have this problem. My colleagues using 2007 lt have the same problem.
When I need to copy something between files I make it a block and use design center to move the block between files.
I just installed Acad v. 2014. I opened up an existing file, went to select a line, but noticed that the line does not highlight when I hover over it like my last version. How do I change the settings so that when I hover over an object, whether it be a line or a cross hatched area, it will highlight that object so I know the length or area of the object?
I have to put out record drawings that contain C3D objects; Surfaces, Contour labels, Points and Point tables.
Many drawing Xrefs are nested. I tried the Civil batch converter with xref binding turned off and objects set to explode, and I get error messages, and the task is never completed. Is there a work around procedure to preserve the C3D information in each drawing? Can points be exploded and retain their apperance?
is there a way to make twin objects in autocad drawings?
what do i have in mind. lets say i have object that is repeating in several other places (floors) like in picture "a". and i need to change them all in the same way by making changes on only one of them. so like it is showen in pictures "b" and "c" i would rotate and move only object at 1st floor, but "twin" objects on other flores would do the same.
Since upgrading to AutoCAD LT 2011 I cannot use the Design Center for inheriting objects such as layers, blocks etc between drawings. I have a few different drawings open which are displayed in the tree view of the 'open drawings' tab in the Design Center. But the objects of the drawings are not displyed. No +-sign in front of the drawing name, no icons in the icon field, just a summary at thebottom saying '0-items'.
Is there an option to set the default colour for object borders? Our drawing templates have a black background. If I want to move a text or a view, all that is shown while moving the text or view is a rectangular border. Unfortunately this is also black and thus invisible. So you never really know where you move your object to.
What do you think it's better between Attach JPEG image vs Embed OLE Objects in Cad Drawings? I have used OLE Object in the past and i problem i have is that, I can't rotate OLE object/image i can scale and move. i can't clip OLE obj. For Attach JPEG or PDF when someone accidently delete the JPEG which were attached out of the computer then when i open the file it will show "Not found" on the external Ref. this won't happen in OLE obj. i tried not to use either of these methods above because it increases the size of the dwg but this is how the Co Worker wants for this project. The drawing size is less than 1000KB not too bad.
I've tried dragging layers across drawings using the design center interface, but what I've noticed is that while the layer in question gets copied over, the layer is empty. The objects within the layer do not get copied over. How do I copy objects AND layers that I've selected across drawings using Autocad Design Center?
I am trying to import a sheet with multiple drawings on it from AutoCAD to a sheet in Revit but when I do so all I get are the lines showing the AutoCAD sheet and the drawing labels but no actual drawings. I have done this before and can't figure what is going wrong. I have the import options set to color: black and white, levels/layers: specify and unit: inch. I also don't have AutoCAD on my workstation and it is a very large hotel project with hundreds of specific details and sheets that I do not want and do not have time to change or redo.
The DWGs I have are all set up as sheets and I don't have any individual details or drawings of the project not already set up as an AutoCAD sheet. I thought I could make the process simple by just importing the DWG sheet with all drawings to a Revit sheet at the correct scale, explode the layers, delete what I don't need and be done, this is NOT the case. Also I can get access to AutoCAD on another workstation after hours .
I open two different drawings, I'll call X and Y. I make X current. Using the setting tabs of the prospector I go to Y drawing and click the plus and open the styles i want to insert into X drawing. So for example I open <General <Label Styles <Note Elevation and drag that style into my X drawing. I go and look at my X drawing <General <Label Styles <Note and see that Elevation is not there.
I have tried using AeccImportStylesAndSettings and also I'm running the sincpac which has an import civil styles function that does not work either. I went to a co-workers machine and he can get the styles import function to work just fine.
why I may not be able to get this to work? I even tried to create a new layout from template and still could not get beyond the styles that are default to my current drawing. My only option is to create the styles manually and that is, well, not an option.
I have been having an issue when printing to PDF from AutoCAD my Excel spreadsheets show up with gridlines that are not there in there Excel or CAD. I have tried a number of things to eliminate that lines (see list below) but nothing has worked so far. I am running AutoCAD 2012 and Excel 2003. I have inserted the spreadsheet using "Paste Special" so that I can continue to work on the spreadsheet in excel and it will update in CAD.
- I have changes the Plot Quality. In Monochrome the lines print. Low quality the spreadsheet does not show up. High quality again nothing shows up
- In Excel I have turned off the "Gridlines" and re-copied into AutoCAD. The lines still show up when printing to PDF
- If I paste as an AutoCAD Entity I can not update in Excel
I have a new issue that I am unsure what to do about.
This has never occurred with previous version of ACAD and this is the first time I created data links with Autocad 2012, and I am using the same procedure that I have successfully used in the past.
I have data tables linked to excel spreadsheets. I used the "TABLE" button on the ANNOTATE ribbon to place the table, and the layout of the cells assumes the layout of the excel spreadsheet, which is what I want.
As long as I don't Scale the table, I can Update the data table links just fine.
However when I scale the table and then update table links, the table layout changes drastically, and is undesirable.
I have tried locking the cells' but that will not fix the problem.
I want to keep the layout of the table that is assumed when I place the table originally. Is there any way to lock it as such?
We had a client who could not open our drawings that had linked Excel spreadsheets in them even though we supplied the spreadsheets. The drawings would crash AutoCAD when they tried to open them.
My solution was to open the drawings, pick on the Linked Spreadsheet OLE in the drawing, Ctrl+C (Edit > Copy) then I Edit > Paste Special > As Image. I would paste it in at the lower left corner of the existing spreadsheet.
I set the properties of the new OLE so the Lock Aspect Ratio was Off or No and drag the upper right corner of my newly inserted image to the upper right corner of the existing linked spreadsheet so it would be a perfect match.
I then erased the existing linked spreadsheet.
Now they can open the files and we don't need to include the spreadsheet when we send the files.
I would like to link an Excel table to a SHP file via a column in commun. My SHP file and Excel Spreadsheet share one same column filled with numbers. So it's neither simply import Excel table, nor import with points.
But I don't know if I should use "Data Link" or "Add ODBC connection" or "FDO import", or some other fonctions...
how to extract pile coordinates to excel or spreadsheets, or anything that works and is quicker than just individual pile coordinates. i have about 446 piles.
I'm trying to create a series of DXFs for quick import into our CNC software. There's a bit of a gap between the design software (sadly not AutoCAD) and the CNC software, and we use AutoCAD to switch between them.
However, it takes FOREVER to manually create and layer hundreds of individual pieces and save them all as individual DXFs. Is it possible to generate a series of DXFs from spreadsheet data? Each DXF will just be a closed 4-sided polyline with a specific layer name, and a filename based on the name of the piece. That's it, nothing too complicated.
What I would like to do is find a way to use a dynamic block, which has already been created, and once I put in the proper length, speed, type of conveyor, etc., it will automatically update an excel spreadsheet, for example a power estimate, or cost estimate sheet. Is this possible, if so, what is the quickest, and easiest way to do this?
Also, what formula would I use in excel to link back to the DWG?
Ok what I'm tring to do is have a spreadsheet that has a list of prices in it that we could modify if needed for all these parts i'm making. Best way is to have the spreadsheet obviously external of the file.Though now I do not know how to do this in iLogic.And example of what I'm trying to do is, with 3 parameters.
A, B, and P
Value "A" and Value "B", these are just read items which when combined will give Value "P" to be imported into the Part file. So need A & B to be read and give the row number for P to be imported.
We are a transport engineering firm in Queensland and I would like to develop a spreadsheet that can formulate cross member distances and recalculate to add or remove cross members.
The basis of this is the overall size of the body we are building.
For example: The maximum width of a body in Australia is 2.5metres overall. Our cross members would be 6 mm shorter than the overall width of the body to allow for 3mm end caps to cover the open ends of the cross members. So the length of the cross member is width minus 6, or , parametrically the length is (overall width - (endcap thickness x2))
The body length is the tricky one. We have a maximum spacing on the cross members. This will vary from size of body to size of body. EG the spacing on the small 2 tonne body will be different to the spacing on the 12 tonne body etc. So lets say we want to have maximum spacing of 450mm and a minimu spacing of 300mm between centrelines of the cross members. The overall length of the body will also determine the number of cross members required.
On top of this there is the front and rear coaming to take into consideration.
So the formula would be ((overall length - front coaming - rear coaming) divided by cross member spacing)) then a check to see if the last space is what and then can we change the cross member size to take up that space without going over the maximum space. We would also need to take into account the width of the cross member section as well in this calculation.
EG if we have 150mm left at the end we could increase the cross member centres slightly to take up this additional space without going over the maximum space allowable.
I would like to add a "Shoulder Bolt" fastener (both Inch & Metric) to the Clearance.xls file so that when selected it would generate a counterbore hole the size of the shaft and a corresponding thread specific to the bolt size (all of which I can input in the table) but currently I have to do this manually by selecting a "counterbore - thru thread" condition.
Also, we use Helicoil inserts a lot and would like to add this to the Thread.xls but I need Inventor to differentiate between a standard threaded hole & the Helicoil so that the hole callout on the drawing will come in as desired.
What I bring to the software is my background in studio arts 2D and 3D. Photography is a tool to support both of these activities. Over the years that skill has developed and I have many great photos. The photos make me a little nuts now that I focus on digital. In digitals photos I easily have over 60,000 photos. I have some experience with Photoshop. I won’t say I am a proficient but will say I have good skills in it. I created my first logo in Photoshop. Of course it is not vector and I know it should be vector. I did it at no charge for a nonprofit. I would still like to create a vector form of the logo. Awhile back I purchased a book titled “Illustrator CS5 on demand”. It breaks it down in a way that Illustrator is less intimidating. It has renewed my interest in Illustrator. How do I more effectively merge all of these tools and skills? How do I bring what I know to Illustrator’s table? I know there are great possibilities here if I can learn to build vector graphics.
Regarding the conversion of an excel sheet into Illustrator variables... I am able to import an excel sheet into Illustrator datasets. I am curious if it is possible to link the excel file to the Illustrator data sets, so that when I alter something within the excel sheet, the data sets automatically change. Is this possible? Or must I always freshly convert/import the excel file?
When i try to copy paste some drawing entities from a heavy drawing file to any other file, the program blocks and says 'not responding', endlessly. So i always have to shutdown the program. I experience the same problem using the designcenter: when I try to copy a layout into another drawing, my computer gets stuck.
Another annoying problem with these files is that they are so heavy, while in fact they shouldn't be. I tried the aectoacad file command. In result the file id half as big, but after I open it and save it, again is the original size.
Every now and then I go back and try to use publish to speed up printing but I always go back to plotting one by one.
I work in a housing construction office and I have 10 separate drawings side by side in model space for house plans that I need plot separate to give to certain people. My problem isn't that I can't publish them separately its that I can't save them over existing pdf's individually predetermined.
Q1. do i just have to go through and change every layout name before or after i publish?
Q2. how do i change the output publish location?
Q3. can each layout be saved to a different existing pdf and remember it?
Q3. can i save these setting across to a new drawing?
I am looking for the same function in Maya that I use alot in 3DS. In 3DS, you can "Merge" (import) models from another scene (file) into your current one. It allows you to pick a single model from the imported scene to be imported into the current scene.
I know Maya has the import function but it seems to import all the objects. I just want to import a particular model.
Is this possible in maya?
3DS Max 6 to 2009, Maya 2010 NVIDIA Quadro 1700, Quad Core 2.67GHz, 4Gb RAM [URL]....
i have been using photoshop in the last few days creating a 3D object from scratch by fist making my 2D image and then making it into a 3D object. I have saved it as a psd ans when i try to import it to after effects cs6 it imports but then my object is still 2D!
How do i save my created object in photyoshop so that i can open it in #d in aftereffects. Already tried to import it as a composition but there was no 3D layer option
As it stands in the view there are multiple cylinder objects that make up the grid. I would like to export to probably .obj so that I can later import to OpenGL ES. Is there a way to join all the objects into a mesh and then export to some file format condusive to import to OpenGL ES?