Photoshop :: How To Import 3D Objects That Were Made In CS6 To After Effects
Aug 4, 2013
i have been using photoshop in the last few days creating a 3D object from scratch by fist making my 2D image and then making it into a 3D object. I have saved it as a psd ans when i try to import it to after effects cs6 it imports but then my object is still 2D!
How do i save my created object in photyoshop so that i can open it in #d in aftereffects. Already tried to import it as a composition but there was no 3D layer option
I made a complex gradient showing all spectral colors in Photoshop. Now I would like to have exactly this gradient in my Illustrator's gradient-palette. Is this possible somehow? At least it is not possible to load the Photoshop-.grd-file into Illustrator.
Of course I know that I can insert the Photoshop-gradient as a picture into any Illustrator document and that is exactly what I intended to do and actually do with it right now. But I also want to use it in conjunction with Illustrators diagram tool, which does not allow to fill the space below a graph with a picture, but which allows to fill this space with Illustrators own gradients. Thus it would be great if there was a way to transfer the Photoshop gradient to Illustrator and not having to start from scratch there again.
Meanwhile I have to copy the graph out of the diagram, putting it on a dedicated layer and there make a clipping mask together with the afore inserted Photoshop-pixel-gradient. This is not very elegant, when you must do this several times...
I have a graphic that's been created in Photoshop. Is it possible to take that graphic and import to Illustrator so that it can be made into a path, that way I can manipulate it without losing the intergrity of the image.
How do I make an image, that is made up of objects, a single object so I can blend it.This is my image and I need to blend the whole thing into another object. How do I do that?
Working on raw files, when I right-click the raw file in the filmstrip to 'edit in CS5', sometimes a box appears asking me if I want to edit with the changes made in LR4, other times I dont get the box and my file goes directly to CS5 but without the changes. Why don't I get the option to edit with changes everytime I want to edit in photoshop? Also, sometimes it seems even when it does import, some things like split toning changes are not included.
I am looking for a way to use objects created from lines and arcs as text because of a machine that will not read text. The objects look like letters and numbers. I am wondering if there is a way to create a text style, library or whatever with the created "text". There can be hundreds of characters on a single drawing so importing and aligning and placing each object 1 at a time is very slow and painstaking.
I would like to animate a serie of objects I made with the blend tool in Illustrator. It is an object that transforms into another one, I am trying to put this into a small animation like a gif.
I have also Photshop but I know better Illustrator, so I tried to export each of these objects in separate jpg files but couldnt find a way.
I've just inherited a 500GB HDD from my Dad and I'd love to be able to work all his photos through LR, although there's no way I'm sitting there and importing each and every directory!
As Google Picasa can be told to monitor a directory (eg My Pictures) and each time a new directory or directories are added, on startup it scans for and locates these new dirs and imports the pictures.
Can LR3 be set up to do this please as it would save me hours if I could just leave it overnight to import all of his pics straight into LR.
I am trying to get a NEF files made on a Nikon D800E to Import to Lightroom 4.4 with Camera raw 7.4. I get an error that states the following files were not imported because they could not be read.
I can import them to Photoshop CS6 and use them in photoshop but cannot find any way to get them into Lightroom. For a while my photos were partially importing and some NEF files werent on the first few tries (but subsequently did). I have updated LR, updated Camera RAW, updated the MAC operating system, and have a newer version of PS (CS6). I have tried from the camera directly and through a card reader with multiple cards but nothing works.
I have created city/landscape artwork using photoshop line and box tools. If you go to URL... then click on the link that says (click here to view Gotham City) you will see one of the images I am talking about. Can this image be made to look the same in vector.
Is there any posibility to import created 3D text in Photoshop to After Effect so the imported file was 3D? When i import the file is flattened. There was an option in cs5 i suppose but is it possible in creative cloud? I need these options to create for example 3d sphere or text.
I have created a 3d object in photoshop that I want to bring into after effects CC and do a very simple 360 spin.
I have read that the 3d import is no longer available from CS6 onwards so I have downloaded Cinema 4D lite plugin for affer effects. I have managed to get the photoshop 3d object into Cinema 4d as I would expect but now I am struggling to find a way to export that object and import it into After Effects?
Applying an effect, such as a blur, to a blend seems to disable the "Smooth Color" option. I can use "Specified Steps" or "Specified Distance" to correct the look of the blend, but I am just curious as to why this happens with "Smooth Color."
I want to morph a picture of a camera in after effects so that it moves up very quickly turning into a black ball that rotates towards the left in a circular motion and morphs into another picture. How do I go about doing this. Both pictures are PNGs. This is my camera that I want to morph into the black ball. This is the shape that the black ball morphs into
How do I import 3D models into a 3D layer in After Effects? Previously this was done by exporting the model to Photoshop Extended where you could save the file as a 3D layer PSD file and import this 3D information into AE. But with CS6 this functionality seems to have been removed from what I read in the documents. So how is it done now?
I'd like to make multiple copies of a .jpg I've made rain down from the top of the screen, ad-infinitum. Like, imagine small cat's heads raining down from the top of the screen.
I have foggy memories of an effect where I can just replace the default object with my own, but am having no luck finding it.
i would like to make myself glitching using twixtor on one video i recorded. But how to i mark or tag? i dont wanna whole video glitching but just me on the video...Ive tried using pin tool but that marks me but delete rest of the video that is not marked...
I'm starting to get into video compositing a bit and I was wondering what your opinions are on the best program to use - 3ds Max or After Effects? Basically I'm shooting some live footage, solving for the camera motion in PFTrack, and I want to composite 3D objects/effects into my scene. Of course all of my modeling and animating will have to be done in Max, but which is the better program to use for actually Compositing it all together? Is it better to import the camera track into Max, set up the whole scene with lighting and cameras and everything, set the environment background as the original footage, and render it all in one shot? Or is it better to just render the models as an image sequence in Max (with alpha channel) and actually put the layers together in After Effects?
So far I've done a few test shots in 3ds Max alone, but it seems like most people prefer to composite in After Effects. What are the advantages/ disadvantages to each? It would be great to hear from people who have actually done this before.
I outlined a bit of text, and then applied Effect > Warp > Arch. What I'd like to do is cut apart parts of the now outlined letters. I tried to use the pathfinder palette, but it applies the pathfinder to old, non-arched shape.
Okay so my least favorite After Effects activity is rotoscoping. Even so, I have been rotoscoping many shapes to blur out a sticker across many shots in mocha. I have about 10 minutes of rotoscoped footage and all of my mocha shapes were able to import except this one.
The shape looks correct in mocha but when I import the mocha shape data into After effects I get this terrible moving mess that must be 1000 pixels tall. It is nowhere near what I spent so much time matching up to my footage.
when After Effects decides it wants to change my rotoscoped shape into something entirely incorrect?
I'm trying to import a MPEG video from my camcorder into after effects, but AE says that the video is "corrupted or unsupported" and won't load it. I've tried taking it and exporting it from Premiere Pro and i've also tried just importing it as raw footage and it won't load it either way.
I imported audio into Audition. In Audition, I created waveform and time-varying spectral displays. With Snagit, I video-captured the waveform and spectral display as MP4. Saved it. Imported it to After Effects. No audio.
im having problems with the object buffers not working correctly when a i extract them from the C4D file. Not liking this work flow at all. Is there a way to import a AEC file into After Effects CC?
I was wondering if you could draw a motion path for objects to follow. I have multiple objects(12) that all need to follow on the same path. Do I have to animate all of them individually, or can I draw a path? These objects are NOT masks. They are text imported from Illustrator(CS6).
If Microsoft Powerpoint can do it, then surely Adobe can...
I am currently experiencing problems trying to import iPhone 4 video into After Effects CS5.
Firstly i'd like to note that the video plays perfectly fine on the iPhone, VLC and in Quicktime Player. The audio and video is in sync.
When I add the footage to After Effects the video becomes slightly out of sync with the audio. I have noticed this in RAM preview and also in renders I did just to test.
I also want to note that, both my iPhone and After Effects have latest software updates.
I am importing a large avi file into After Effects. It is 50 minutes long. When I import it into after effects, it only loads 32 seconds of it. I've tried renaming the file, reloading the program, but it still will only load that small portion of it.