Illustrator :: How To Animate Series Of Objects Made With Blend Tool
Jun 18, 2013
I would like to animate a serie of objects I made with the blend tool in Illustrator. It is an object that transforms into another one, I am trying to put this into a small animation like a gif.
I have also Photshop but I know better Illustrator, so I tried to export each of these objects in separate jpg files
but couldnt find a way.
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May 2, 2013
When using the blend tool to blend colour between two objects is there a way to see the anchor points so I know where to click the blend tool. I realise the cursor changes when over one but its seems very cumbersome to have to move it around until it changes rather than click directly on one which I could do if I could see it.
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Dec 4, 2013
I'm using Illustrator CC (on a Win7 Pro machine) at a beginner level, probably halfway to intermediate. I'm trying to learn how to blend colors together for highlights of various types (skin tones, clothing, light on objects, etc.) so that when I'm making a graphic for a project I'll have a decent idea of which tool/technique is best for the specific effect I need.
I'm trying to use the Smooth Color option in the blend tool. Late yesterday afternoon I recall creating two ellipses (one of which was a solid fill and one of which was a gradient going from black to transparent) and getting a smooth color transition between the two. It was a much harsher effect than I was looking for so I didn't keep it. This morning, while trying to replicate the same thing, I seem to be unable to use smooth color between two objects if one or more of them has a gradient applied. I only get what you see below, which is a step between the two objects.
I've done searches and found multiple references to blending gradients in this way and have followed those instructions (create the shapes, fill with the gradients, then either click on the Blend tool and click on the center of each shape, or click on Object -> Blend -> Make) but I can't seem to get a Smooth Color blend if either object has a gradient applied. Am I missing an important step somewhere? I'm 95% sure I accomplished it yesterday and nothing has been changed since then.
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Jun 26, 2013
I am trying to blend two different art brushes with different colors using the blend tool. I'm trying to use two fixed-size line segments of the same length and then applying the two different brushes to those segments ( each art brush is a different color). Then I want to blend them the regular way so their colors transition. However, when I do this, the first shape is a different color, but all subsequent blend steps are the color of the second blended shape. Why is this? It doesn't blend the colors for some reason.
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Aug 7, 2012
I have a series of triangles along a curved path in Illustrator CS6 (mac, if that makes a difference). I want to make the triangles large as the approach the middle of the path, and smaller towards the ends. The triangles' lower-most corner must remain locked to the path. I've tried pattern brushes, but not only do they distort the triangles, but there's also no way to scale the triangles reliably (to my knowledge).
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Jan 4, 2013
How do I make a sine wave with a series of spherical objects (Yin/Yang symbols)?
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Mar 28, 2013
How come the width tool can ne used on a path made by pen tool but not brush strokes? Is a brush stroke not a path??
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Oct 11, 2011
I am trying to blend two AIArt objects (two rectangles created using kPathArt type), but obviously I am not able to identify appropriate SDK functions. I need to accomplish the same result with SDK as I would with manually selecting these two rectangles and applying Object -> Blend -> Make.
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Jul 22, 2013
How do I make an image, that is made up of objects, a single object so I can blend it.This is my image and I need to blend the whole thing into another object. How do I do that?
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Sep 22, 2012
I have been having issues with using the blend tool on my object. If you look at the picture, I had one outer shape that was what I wanted shaded and a thinner shape that runs inside the other. It blends perfectly fine everywhere except at the bottom. I don't know how to explain it or what went wrong but I can't figure out how to make the blend fit inside the shape.
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Jul 19, 2013
I am having diffuculty with the blend tool! I tried to upload the image but it said it was't allowed. Not sure how to correctly explain the problem but I'll do my best. I am have trouble getting the blend tool to recognize the images. I can only select the very edge of the images and then it doesn't look like it should when it does blend. How I can upload the file to show what I am trying to say?
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Nov 19, 2012
I am using CS and the “blend” tool to create a train track but I cannot seem to get the spacing to look right. I tried adding a 3rd railroad tie in the middle but that didn’t work either. How I can get more spacing in the foreground and less in the distance?
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Jun 13, 2013
When I use the blend tool for a smooth blend, the blends comes out jagged and horrible, as if it is doing a step blend rather than a smooth blend. I have used the tool before by either using the shortcut (Alt+Ctrl+B) or using it via the Object>Blend pathway and it worked out fine, but now Illustrator doesn't want to create a smooth blend.
What I'm trying to say is; is there an option that is causing this to happen that I may have accidently turned on, or has my copy of Illustrator gone into stupidity mode and I need to reinstall it?
I've attached pictures of what I mean with the settings I'm using and outputs. I hope your collective minds can smack this one in the face. I'm sure I'm doing something ridiculously simple to cause this.
I'm using CS5 Illustrator and my relevant PC hardware is listed below. - Intel i5-2500 3.30Ghz
- nVidia GeForce GTX 560
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May 13, 2009
I am trying to acheive the same angle gradient effect that can be done in Photoshop but in Illustrator. The actual thing I want to be able to create as a vector is the graphic attached...
Can this be done by somehow using the blend tool and replacing the spline with a circle?
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May 13, 2013
I have a series of colored rectangles I'd like to blend into a single rectangle with a smooth blend of the colors, like a rainbow or spectrum.
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Jan 7, 2014
I have a symbol called "A." I needed 2 copies of it, so I duplicated A and renamed the new symbol to B. I now have A and B, identical copies of each other.
I navigated inside symbol A where I entered another symbol, "A1." Inside A > A1, I removed an image and added another image. No problem so far.
Then, I returned to the stage and navigated into symbol B > B1. To my surprise, the same image change I made in A > A1 already appeared in B > B1 (even though I duplicated A **before** making this change).
When I change the image inside B > B1, that same change is now present back in A > A1.
It's as if these two symbols, A and B, are mirrors of each other, even after being modified. Trouble is, I don't want mirrors. I need them to be slightly different.
I thought the Duplicate step might be my problem. I started over (both by undoing several steps and by closing and creating a new document entirely). This time, I copied A and pasted it onto the stage. I ran into the same problems.
Ok, next guess: this time, I entered symbol A and copied its elements/sub-symbols. I went back to the stage and pasted them there. Selected these elements/symbols and converted to a new symbol. Same problem!
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Mar 24, 2014
I should be able to apply an effect to a line that has been made with the line tool. Why is this not working?I thought that maybe I might have disabled Effects somehow, but I can't think of anything.
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Jun 25, 2006
Is there any sort of "Live Update" tool that Comes w/ Inventor 10 series? I have been to the "downloads" page at Autodesk site for Inventor 10, and have already installed sp3a, and a couple of the hotfixes (1054780 & 1057155) - I was trying to follow the dates and hotfix numbers in an effort to bring my product completely up to date, but now Inventor does not seem to be working correctly - I suspect that I did something in the wrong order. How can I know that my product is completely up-to-date, and is it possible to get a sequential list of SP's and Hotfixes so I know what order I'm supposed to install? I have also tried "repair" from the installation disk, but after "gathering all required information", nothing happens.
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Sep 17, 2013
So, I just installed Illustrator CC, which I now have on a trial license. About an hour ago, illustrator suddenly started refusing to move any objects while I'm in the Selection Tool. I can move the objects only in Free Transform. I use hot keys a lot, so it's really slowing me down. I hit "V" to click on and then move an object, and then it won't move. I get the error sound, but no dialogue box pops up to explain what the error is.
Since I'm getting ready to bite the bullet and start paying a hefty monthly fee for this program when my trial runs out, this is pretty aggravating.
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Sep 20, 2011
When I try to interactively blend two objects i don't get any step objects. Shouldn't there be repetition of objects between the two that I want to blend? Am I making any sense?
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Nov 12, 2013
I have a Photoshop file made up of Vector Smart Objects. How can I get a single vector file from this? I eventually need an SVG file.
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Aug 4, 2013
i have been using photoshop in the last few days creating a 3D object from scratch by fist making my 2D image and then making it into a 3D object. I have saved it as a psd ans when i try to import it to after effects cs6 it imports but then my object is still 2D!
How do i save my created object in photyoshop so that i can open it in #d in aftereffects. Already tried to import it as a composition but there was no 3D layer option
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Feb 18, 2014
I have been working on a project in illustrator and all of a sudden, I couldnt use the selection tool to rotate and manipulate objects anymore. The arrows don't even show up to make that sort of action. Is there some way that I accidentally turned off the tool? If so, how do I turn it back on so I can work with it the way it was before?
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Sep 6, 2012
I am looking for a way to use objects created from lines and arcs as text because of a machine that will not read text. The objects look like letters and numbers. I am wondering if there is a way to create a text style, library or whatever with the created "text". There can be hundreds of characters on a single drawing so importing and aligning and placing each object 1 at a time is very slow and painstaking.
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Nov 21, 2013
When I use the direct selection tool to select multiple objects that also contain an image within a clipping set, occasionally the clipped image is included in the bounding box, even if it and its clipping mask are not selected. Selecting other objects includes them in the bounding box, but even after deselecting everything the bounding box around the image remains and the only way to remove it is to drag a handle (which resizes the image) and then undo the action. Obviously this is annoying and seriously interrupts workflow. I've had this issue ever since CS4.
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Jun 20, 2012
If I have a number of shapes on top of each other, with, for example, a drop shadow on the top shape, whenever I try and select the shape below it (it is peeking out from beneath the top shape, so I click on this 'peeking' section of the shape to try and select it) I cannot - it just selects the top shape as the top shape's drop shadow is 'blocking' the shape below it. Make sense?
How do I go about about remedying this? I seem to recall being able to tell Illustrator to ignore 'effects' when making selections in CS4, but cannot work out how to do this in CS5. And is there a way to refine the 'sensitivity' or selection radius when clicking to make selections?
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Nov 24, 2013
I have this problem with my selection tool i use to scale with my selection tool now all of a sudden i cant scale it gives me a block you can drag the object around but you can't scale the object for a fast scaling.. where do i change the setting of the selection tool back to scaling an object..
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Jan 6, 2013
I'm rigging a character for use in Maya 2011, which I'm not all too familiar with - How would I link the blend shape states for 2 objects, so when I increase the value of one blend shape for one object, it increases the value for another blend shape for another object?
I have a blend shape for the mouth open position & I need the teeth & tongue open blends to match as the value increases.
In 3DS Max I'd use the reaction manager - is there something similar for Maya?
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Aug 12, 2013
i have a problem with path edges after using shape builder tool or masking objects. This problem occurs when i draw bright colored objects above dark colored object. After that i have dark path's edges. Like this: [URL] I have one solution (pathfinder->dive objects and delete some dark elements on the bottom).
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Feb 14, 2011
I am trying to animate a casino-like light board made of tens of light bulbs/leds. I thought the easiest way to do it would be creating a matrix of bulbs arranged by material ID and then design a pattern in multi sub-object materiel so I could somehow scrub through it and achieve animation effect. The material modifier allows to change ID for the whole object only and MaterialByElement shuffle ID`s in a random manner.
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Jun 1, 2013
Hard to explain this one, but I want to make a series of lines that run horizontally, but as they descend downwards, the spacing between them gets thinner.
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