Illustrator :: Cannot Use Selection Tool To Rotate And Manipulate Objects
Feb 18, 2014
I have been working on a project in illustrator and all of a sudden, I couldnt use the selection tool to rotate and manipulate objects anymore. The arrows don't even show up to make that sort of action. Is there some way that I accidentally turned off the tool? If so, how do I turn it back on so I can work with it the way it was before?
So, I just installed Illustrator CC, which I now have on a trial license. About an hour ago, illustrator suddenly started refusing to move any objects while I'm in the Selection Tool. I can move the objects only in Free Transform. I use hot keys a lot, so it's really slowing me down. I hit "V" to click on and then move an object, and then it won't move. I get the error sound, but no dialogue box pops up to explain what the error is.
Since I'm getting ready to bite the bullet and start paying a hefty monthly fee for this program when my trial runs out, this is pretty aggravating.
When I use the direct selection tool to select multiple objects that also contain an image within a clipping set, occasionally the clipped image is included in the bounding box, even if it and its clipping mask are not selected. Selecting other objects includes them in the bounding box, but even after deselecting everything the bounding box around the image remains and the only way to remove it is to drag a handle (which resizes the image) and then undo the action. Obviously this is annoying and seriously interrupts workflow. I've had this issue ever since CS4.
If I have a number of shapes on top of each other, with, for example, a drop shadow on the top shape, whenever I try and select the shape below it (it is peeking out from beneath the top shape, so I click on this 'peeking' section of the shape to try and select it) I cannot - it just selects the top shape as the top shape's drop shadow is 'blocking' the shape below it. Make sense?
How do I go about about remedying this? I seem to recall being able to tell Illustrator to ignore 'effects' when making selections in CS4, but cannot work out how to do this in CS5. And is there a way to refine the 'sensitivity' or selection radius when clicking to make selections?
I have this problem with my selection tool i use to scale with my selection tool now all of a sudden i cant scale it gives me a block you can drag the object around but you can't scale the object for a fast scaling.. where do i change the setting of the selection tool back to scaling an object..
This morning, my Selection Tool (the filled-in arrow) is acting like a Direct Selection Tool (the hollow arrow), but only when I click and drag on a group. It ends up select the anchors within the group rather than the whole group itself.
I've checked my preferences, quit and relaunched Illustrator a few times, and nothing seems to fix it. The problem briefly went away a few minutes ago, but came back when I quit and relaunched for good measure.
It's happening in Illustrator CS 5.1. I have CS6, and that version works fine, but I'm waiting on some plugins to be updated for it, so I'd like to use CS 5.1. I'm also running the latest Suitcase Fusion 4.
Using the selection tool i should be able tp reduce or shrink the size of the box or an image as a whole without changing the format. Iam not able to do that. I think i disabled something in my illustrator.
I need some of my objects to always rotate around the same point. How can I select a point which will stay that way? Using the rotate tool resets after deselecting.
Also, I'd like to rotate objects around a certain point even when using the right click > Transform > Rotate.
Every time I use Quick selection tool it selects the area which I don't want to use. I have a website called JoGuru Social Travel Network for which I need to edit it's logo. Now since the logo has many green and blue variation I can't select the area I need.
I thought of changing the color of logo so that it looks refined but green color signifies travel and i can't think of using any other color. It would have been easy to pick other color. For me Green is God. I must use that only. I also need to encorporate small road in it that defines journey to infinity. This tool use to work well before. It's giving me problem for the first time.
I am trying to use the rotate tool in CS6, I have created a petal, I then use the rotate tool to reposition the axis rotation pint, then when I double click to bring up the dialog box or if i go Object>Transform>Rotate the Axis point shifts back to the centre of the petal.
I don't understand if the problem is the same of this: [URL]
Any way i do not understand with after using -convert point tool- the tool -Direction tool- (2) do not leave me to manage both the direction handles (3). I try to upload a screenshot:
(1): how work Direction tool (it moves both the direction handles).
When using the rotate tool, you used to be able to use the hand tool even when the Rotate dialogue box was up. Is there a way to get that back?
I make Mandalas [URL] and work from the center out. This poster is 18"x24" so once I start to get to the outer edge, I'm zoomed into the center at 6400% so I can get my crosshairs as precise as I can, then enter a number (45 degrees, 20 degrees, etc.). Clicking Preview works, but if you're zoomed in and the object is out of view, you have to guess where it's going. In CS5, you could press down the space bar and use the Hand Tool even while the dialog box was up.
I use the rotate tool to design gauges, like clocks, a lot. I hold the ALT button and click on the center of my drawing and then a window pops up to enter in what degree I want my object to be. Currently the decimal point only allows for hundredths, ex. 45.25 degrees. Is there any way to change this to thousandths or even higher, ex. 45.25125? I've attached a screenshot to show you what I mean.
I am trying to find out if there is a way to select only the objects within a selection marquee? In AutoCAD you can make a selection window from left to right and only those objects entirely within the window are selected. If you window from right to left all objects that are "crossed" or touched by the window are selected. Is there a similar technique in Illustrator?
Currently I have to select the objects, then go back and hold the shift key to deselect the object I don't want, or put objects on different layers then lock layers to prevent extra objects getting selected.
In AutoCAD, my primary program, you simply draw a selection window, left or right, depending on what your next step would be. No special tools or toggles or thinking ahead, it's just the primary selection process and very intuitive.
is there a way illustrator treats objects as filled so that if i click inside a none filled rectangle, it gets selected rather than making me click on its edge to select it?
is there a way, that objects only inside the selection window or lassoed region get selected rather than objects getting selected which are partially inside the selection window?
I have a grid of objects—say, tiny squares. I'd like to make arbitrarily-shaped selections of those objects—for instance, select a star-shaped group of the squares. Or a circle-shaped group of the squares. Or use text paths to select letter-shaped groups of the squares.
I could imagine a utility that lets me choose an arbitrary shape/path, and then turn that into a selection of objects on the canvas. Is this possible?
Right now I'm stuck using the lasso tool to hand-draw shape selections but it's not accurate enough for what I need to do.
Using transform tool to rotate, often gradients do not rotate. In the example below only the "w" gradient did. Good news is the rotate tool works fine.
Appears this has something to do with compound paths, as this normally does not happen on a new single path. Releasing the compound also rotates the gradient unexpectedly.
I have a grid of objects—say, tiny squares. I'd like to make arbitrarily-shaped selections of those objects—for instance, select a star-shaped group of the squares. Or a circle-shaped group of the squares. Or use text paths to select letter-shaped groups of the squares.
I could imagine a utility that lets me choose an arbitrary shape/path, and then turn that into a selection of objects on the canvas. Is this possible?
Right now I'm stuck using the lasso tool to hand-draw shape selections but it's not accurate enough for what I need to do.
I am working on a PC with Illustrator CS6 and an Intuos 4 Wacom pad. Essentially, when I use the selection tool, it will drag the selection box around with me until the pen stops hovering. So I click down, it starts to drag a selection box, I remove the pen and it keeps dragging.
I can't figure out why the selection tool won't work. When active, I can't grab an object to move it and the icon next to the selection arrow is a line with an arrow pointing to the left, like this
when working on illustrator my selection tools won't adjust shapes anymore. I can move shapes around but I cannot resize them or stretch them. If I have a rectangle shape on my screen selected, the hash marks that are normally in the middle are no longer there, also at the edges of the rectangle the selection tool doesn't change over to the rotate tool. My selection tool also has a small black square at the bottom right of it that I haven't noticed before. I have no clue how I got into this mode, preferably without resetting all of my preferences,
Noramlly in CS5 and any other version of Photoshop or Illustrator that I know of, if you click a point in an object, it will show the handles for transforming the line. As I'm creating something today, it works for a while and then stops. Yesterday I had the same problem. I drew a few things and then suddenly, the Direct Select Tool is not showing any transform handles.
I can get them to show if I can click and drag a box over the point, but this is slow and doesn't work well for layered art. I already tried resetting my illustrator preferences.
Also, in CS5 there's a simple icon that you can click to convert the currently selected point from a curved point to an angled point. Is there not such a thing in CS2?
I created a carpet and decorated it with symbols. When I tried to place it in the perspective grid with the perspective tool, it wouldn't move. I can move it fine with the selection tool and there's a bounding box but nothing happens when I use the perspective selection tool.
I frequently used the ctrl key shortcut in illustrator on a PC to temporarily use the selection tool last used. This still works in CC, but I used to be able to toggle selection tools by keeping ctrl held down as before and then toggle selection tools (selection tool - black arrow, and direct selection tool - white arrow) by tapping the shift key. The tool description in the very bottom of the window shows "toggle selection" when I do this, but the toggle selection tool doesn't actually occur.