Illustrator :: Using The Rotate Tool In CS6

Mar 6, 2013

I am trying to use the rotate tool in CS6, I have created a petal, I then use the rotate tool to reposition the axis rotation pint, then when I double click to bring up the dialog box or if i go Object>Transform>Rotate the Axis point shifts back to the centre of the petal.

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Illustrator :: Using Rotate And Hand Tool At Same Time In CS6

Nov 27, 2012

When using the rotate tool, you used to be able to use the hand tool even when the Rotate dialogue box was up. Is there a way to get that back?
I make Mandalas [URL] and work from the center out. This poster is 18"x24" so once I start to get to the outer edge, I'm zoomed into the center at 6400% so I can get my crosshairs as precise as I can, then enter a number (45 degrees, 20 degrees, etc.). Clicking Preview works, but if you're zoomed in and the object is out of view, you have to guess where it's going. In CS5, you could press down the space bar and use the Hand Tool even while the dialog box was up.

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Illustrator :: Cannot Use Selection Tool To Rotate And Manipulate Objects

Feb 18, 2014

I have been working on a project in illustrator and all of a sudden, I couldnt use the selection tool to rotate and manipulate objects anymore. The arrows don't even show up to make that sort of action. Is there some way that I accidentally turned off the tool? If so, how do I turn it back on so I can work with it the way it was before?

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Illustrator :: How To Change Decimal Point In Rotate Tool

Oct 16, 2013

I use the rotate tool to design gauges, like clocks, a lot. I hold the ALT button and click on the center of my drawing and then a window pops up to enter in what degree I want my object to be. Currently the decimal point only allows for hundredths, ex. 45.25 degrees. Is there any way to change this to thousandths or even higher, ex. 45.25125? I've attached a screenshot to show you what I mean.

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Illustrator :: Transform Tool Fails To Rotate Gradients - Especially When Inside Compound Path

May 17, 2013

Using transform tool to rotate, often gradients  do not rotate. In the example below only the "w" gradient did. Good news is the rotate tool works fine.
Appears this has something to do with compound paths, as this normally does not happen on a new single path. Releasing the compound also rotates the gradient unexpectedly.

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Photoshop :: Rotate Tool Not Working

Apr 29, 2013

This is driving me crazy, Rotate Canvas tool seems to be buggy as S*&T. I have read this can be Open GL Issue. My graphics cards are supported " ATI Radeon HD 5770 " this is an adobe issue as it comes and goes, the same files will allow and then 5 min later refuse to rotate saying that I need to have open GL.
I have set the prefernces on normal basic and advanced and there seems to be no consistency it works and then it doesn't
I am really getting tired of trying to figure out why... using  CS6 from the creative suite...

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Photoshop :: Rotate View Tool

Oct 27, 2008

Can someone explain what exactly is the purpose of the rotate view tool. I know it rotates the image on he screen, but as near as I can tell, it has no
effect on the actual positioning of the pixels. Is this feature simply to give you a different prospective while you work on an image?

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Photoshop :: Rotate View Tool

Dec 23, 2008

Exactly what version of OpenGL i need to use Rotate View Tool.

In other way, what do i need to use it since im getting " Could not complete your request becose it only works with OpenGL enabled document windows "

I'm running on a sapphire radeon 9000pro now(think its 1.3 Opengl ver).

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Photoshop :: Rotate View Tool In CS4

Dec 18, 2008

Unable using the Rotate view tool . I always get this message :"Could not complete your request because of a program error" . Can't use the hand tool either .

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Photoshop :: Can’t Use Rotate View Tool In CS6

Nov 12, 2012

I can’t use the “Rotate View tool” in CS6.My video card is Intel HD Graphics 2000. My opengl is opengl 3.0.
 Edit—Preferences—Performance—Graphics Processor Settings:

Photoshop Standard can’t use GPU option..The check box “Use Graphics Processor” is gray, so I am not able to check it.why I can’t use the “Rotate View tool”.

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GIMP :: Rotate The Paint Brush Tool

May 19, 2011

Is there a way to rotate the paintbrush tool? There's many times when I'm using a brush and it's at the wrong angle. Placing the brush on a separate layer and then rotating the layer is a huge hassle. Therefore, I was wondering if there was a way to rotate brushes.

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Photoshop Elements :: Best Way To Rotate A Brush Tool

Oct 1, 2012

I use bird brushes a lot but have a lot of problems rotating them..What is the best way to rotate a brush example would be a bird brush or a swirl, in Elements 10. When the angle circle comes up unfortunately that box cannot be moved out of the way so I can see what I am doing. 

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Photoshop :: Tool To Rotate Selected Area Proportionately?

Jun 13, 2008

You know that rectangle selection tool? Cool huh! It lets you select a rectangular area and then move it around the graphic, letting you re-arrange layers or selected areas...

Well, I'm looking for a way to use a similar rectangular select tool and then be able to point at the bottom right corner of the selected area and be able to resize the selected area proportionally. Is there such a tool in photoshop? And if not, is there another graphic program that has this capablity? All I want is this simple capability, I'm willing to use whatever program that has it... its too much trouble creating my own program to do it.

Remember I said resize proportionately, in comparison MS Paint has a similar selection tool and lets you resize what you selected but NOT proportionately. I hope you understand what I mean. Resize but keep same proportionate dimensions...
Thank you.

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Lightroom :: Can't Use Crop / Rotate Tool By Pulling Edges

Mar 7, 2012

I am currently in the process of testing LR4 and use a LR3 library that I converted to LR4.

If I rotate an image from (or to) landscape/portrait I cannot use the crop/rotate tool anymore by pulling the edges. The control sliders work, but not the active corners. If I put the image back to the original position, things work like a charm.
Running Lion/16GB/i7

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Maya Modeling :: Rotate Tool Is Grey And Rescaling Object?

Jun 25, 2012

1. When I use the rotate manipulator the rotated object scales up in the world Y axis warping the object when rotating. In a prior step I scaled the object in the Y axis. I scaled the object while the tool was set to local. However I've done many times before but never had this issue. I've deleted history, cleanup, etc but nothing works. The channel box shows all scales are at 1. To test the manipulator, I created a cube and rotated it but the cube didn't scale so it must be something with the object itself.

The pictures show the scaling in relation to the rotate tool. I zoomed to place the object exactly within the inner ring. You'll see it grows when rotated.

2. The rotate manipulator is grey or partially grey. The tool works so it's not a locked channel. Since both issues happened at the same time I'm thinking they are related.

3. I can't get the X/Y grid to show on the front view. The grid is enabled on the panel and in the preferences. The front view, shows the plane of the X/Z grid. The side view shows the Y/Z grid. The top view show the X/Z grid.

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Photoshop :: Rotate Canvas Tool Stopped Working In Recent Update Of CC?

Sep 26, 2013

My MacBook Pro had been able to use the Rotate Canvas feature in the earlier release of Photoshop CC I downloaded in July, 2013.  With the update in September, this feature has stopped working and it no longer detects my video card.  True, I don't have 512 Megs of Video memory.  And I have tried to install updated NVidia drivers for my computer... but even it refuses to update.  My computer has 2 video cards depending on power settings.
OS X  10.6.8
NVIDIA GeForce 9400M (when in energy savings mode)
NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT (normal and usually the display driver I use)
I can not accept that rotate canvas does not work because of my video card or my lack of video card memory.  Both Maya and ZBrush are able to handle this operation using software rendered modes.  Maya is also able to use my hardware using Viewport 2.0.

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Illustrator :: Rotate View When Drawing

Jul 20, 2013

I know it's not possible to do that like in Photoshop (I have submitted a feature request).
How do you handle this problem when drawing with a tablet?

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Illustrator :: Rotate The Entire Document?

Aug 20, 2013

how do i rotate the entire document?

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Illustrator :: Missing Option For Rotate?

Sep 17, 2013

I'm having an odd issue in Adobe Illustrator. When I create a shape and go to rotate it by selecting the object and hovering near a corner, I'm expecting my selection tool to change to the arc with arrows indicating that I can rotate the object. This isn't happening, the arc is not appearing and my selection tool is turning into an anchor point selection tool.

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Illustrator :: How To Rotate Pattern Within Shape

Oct 3, 2011

How can I rotate a pattern within a shape?

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Illustrator :: Distribute And Rotate Groups Or Elements?

Jan 16, 2013

I'm in need of fitting 10 groups on a document so that all 10 groups take up the least amount of space. To do that some of the groups need to be rotated when doing this manually. Is there a way for Illustrator to do this automatically? Ditributing and rotating several groups to take up less space on a given document size?

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Illustrator :: Rotate Text Within Area Type

Sep 19, 2012

I'm trying to rotate text inside an text area type.That is, rotate the text (so its e.g. 30 degrees going across the screen), but the area it is within does not rotate.
Everything I try when rotating rotates the entire area + the text in side, which makes the positioning of the shape my text is in wrong.I am after being able to change the inside text angle and content whenever needed.

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Illustrator :: Any Way To Rotate And Scale Type Live?

Aug 6, 2013

I'm using cs6 and I want to rotate and scale individual letters.  Whenever I try to do it I am only altering the text box.  Is there any way I can do the same thing with the text itself without rasterizing it?

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Illustrator :: How To Rotate And Transform Bar Graphs Without Distortion

Aug 28, 2013

I have a horizontal bar graphic and I want to make it have the same shape than a circular graphic that I have as background.
What I do first is to rotate the graph (after converting it in an image) to the right angle, depending on where it has to be positioned. After that, I use the Effect->Deform->Arc to make it fit in the same shape as the circular graph. But when I do those processes (in any order) I get a distorted image, with lines not describing concentric lines (not as radius, I mean).
I got the perfect shape working on a MAC, but now I am working on PC. How can I achieve the same?
I attach an image descrbing what I am telling.

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Illustrator :: Gradient Does Not Rotate When Rotating Shape

Dec 17, 2012

Completely unlike the way Illustrator worked in previous versions, when I rotate a shape (say a square) that has a gradient in it, the gradient does not rotate with the object. For example if it is a black to white gradient and initially the black is at the bottom of the square, if I rotate the square instead of the gradient moving to the top, it stays at bottom. Same thing if its rotated to other rotations, 45 degrees moves the black to a corner etc. I can't find this anywhere, is it a preference? I've had 2 installs of Illustrator now on 2 clean Windows 7 installs and its still the same. A very frustrating workflow being that I am an animator, I don't want to have to manually change a gradient everytime I do another frame.

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Illustrator :: Rotate Object Made Using 3D Revolve?

Dec 19, 2013

I have a group of 3D objects using the revolve command (object on the left). Now I want to put the object on it's side. i.e. rotate it by 90 degrees exactly as it is but the 3D revolve is distorting it to look like the object on the right. How do I prevent this?

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Illustrator :: How To Always Rotate Objects Around Same Point Even Using Right-click Menu

Apr 16, 2013

I need some of my objects to always rotate around the same point. How can I select a point which will stay that way? Using the rotate tool resets after deselecting.
Also, I'd like to rotate objects around a certain point even when using the right click > Transform > Rotate.

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Illustrator :: Make Point Of Origin To Rotate On Circle?

Jun 21, 2013

I did it earlier, but now everytime I try "alt-click" to make the light blue cross hairs, nothing happens. I am trying to make a gear in illustrator and this is a key componant. 

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Illustrator :: Rotate Object Without Effects Angle Changing?

Feb 22, 2014

How do I rotate an object in Illustrator without chaging the angle of my drop shadow? I have a design that I want to place 2 up on a page and then print. When turn and stack them the shadow has changed its angel in relation to the artwork. I don't see where to lock the drop shadow to the object. Or is it secified a different way?

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Illustrator :: How To Rotate Object From Oval Center Point

Sep 6, 2012

I'm trying to create a border  similar to what you see here:
But I need it to be oval shaped. I tried using the blend tool, which works great around a circle but on an oval, the objects get scrunched together at the peak of the oval. How do you rotate and evenly space the objects around an oval?

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Illustrator :: Can't Rotate To Specific Angles Bounded Square

Oct 8, 2012

I got a square at about lets say 30 degrees ; the bounding box of it at another random angle different from the 30.When I try to rotate to 90 degrees it';ll just rotate from my current position .How do I rotate to a specific angle if its posible to 90 or 0 as to get it on a straight angle and then move it to the angle I desire?

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