Paint.NET :: How To Adjust Font Shape

Dec 8, 2012

Im trying to create a logo similar to the Harley Logo for a friend's wedding.  Their last name begins and ends with "S" and Im trying to replicate the "S" in the Harley Logo.
If I copy and paste the Harley "S" on the right side of "Cycles".. it's a no brainer. If I copy and paste the "s" in Cycles and try to move it to the left for the first letter in their last name.. I can't seem to bend it the right way so the bottom of the S follows the curvature of the shield like the other one..

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Illustrator :: Adjust Image Placed In A Shape?

Feb 28, 2014

In AICS6 I have a compound path made of two half-circle looking shapes. They have to be separate because they are puzzle pieces. Inside of this I am placing an AI illustration that is a group of over 100 shapes. The problem is this: Once inside the compound path it is impossible to adjust the position of either the placed image or the path container. Let's say I want to move the path around the image. If I use the direct seletion tool it will only select part of the path. This happens even if I group the two parts of the path. It then wants to deform the half-circles rather than move them. If I select both halves of the compound path and try moving it with the keyboard arrows nothing moves.

If I select both with the white arrow and then switch to the black arrow the result is the same. OK, dead end. The other option is to move the image and keep the path container stationary. When I select the image with the direct seletion tool, however, it only selects one of the hundreds of vector shapes making up the image. Even if they are grouped, it will only pick the one part. This is really amazing because it works so easily in InDesign, but you can't make the kind of picture boxes in ID that I need nor the type of clipping paths I want in Photoshop. It is best done in AI, but as is often the case there is a critical feature missing that is found in another part of the so-called "suite" to do something that shoud be simple. I'm hoping that's just it: that I'm missing something really simple. don't tell me to raster the vector image. I know that would work, but that is not a solution. That is a concession. If that is the only way, however, I'll do it.

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GIMP :: Adjust Name In Same Font And Remove Some Text From It?

Nov 27, 2010

I have a logo that i need to edit. I need to adjust the name in the same font and the remove some text from it. While maintaining the look of it. How do i go about doing that.

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Photoshop :: Way To Set Character Leading Setting So That It Auto-adjusts / When Adjust Font Size?

Oct 12, 2011

Any way to set the character leading setting so that it auto-adjusts when you adjust font size? I think my Ps used to do that. Now, whenever I change font size, I have to adjust the leading, too.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Purge Font (shape)

Sep 18, 2013

I have a routine to purge a drawing. I'm able to purge layers, blocks, material, dimstyle, linetype, mleaderstyle, mlinestyle, textstyle and table style. But i'm not able to figure out how to purge shape (font). Here an extract of my routine:

Public Enum ItemType As Integer
            Block = 0
            Layer = 1
            Material = 2
            Dimstyle = 3
            MLeaderstyle = 4
            MLine = 5

[Code] .........

In the shape Section I don't know which table or dictionary to use???

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Photoshop :: Font Direction/shape

Jan 31, 2006

I'm wanting to make the type for a logo i'm designing follow a curve. I want a circle of text around the main part of the logo.

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InDesign :: Font Getting Attached To Shape?

Feb 6, 2014

I keep running into this issue in InDesign. I never notice the issue until I go to package it, but I will outline all of my fonts, and when I go to the packaging screen it will say I still have 1 font in the document. It is always Minion Pro (the default). After investigating further, it always seems as if a text field has been "attached" to a shape. Once I delete the shape, when I go to package it it says there are 0 fonts.

So this causes all sorts of problems when I'm packaging because I can't outline the "minion" font because its not actually there (I've tried selecting the shape and clicking outline, but it wont let me). Also the only way around this I have is to delete the shape, and completely rebuild it (which is impratical for many reasons).
how to delete the type? (I have also tried Type on Path > Delete and its greyed out and won't let me choose that option)

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Xara :: Changing Font To Editable Shape

Jun 26, 2012

I have been working on a book cover for a client and was asked to modify a capital letter in the chosen font. The letter "S" had a curly q at the top that needed to be removed. I converted the letter to an editable shape and deleted the offending nodes. Along the way I had to break the points and then reconnect. When I broke the points, Xara split the shape into 2 layers for some reason so I could not rejoin the points later. I ended up combining the layers and was able to rejoin the nodes that way.

The problem I had was that when everything was reconnected, I could only color the outline, the shape would not fill. I ended up having to export as a PNG to Photoshop, created an adjustment layer and painted it in. Everything looks great BUT I would have preferred to just reconnect the nodes and fill the letter in Xara.

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Paint.NET :: How To Adjust Grid Size

May 17, 2012

I'm working now on a project with canvas size A4 (5600x4200).i'm working with large objects and small objects each in its own layer.i wanted to align few object in a certain way and i wanted to use the grid for this.however the grid is so small and can only be seen using 66% and more zoom in. which makes it impossible to align the object since i can't see all of them together.

is there any way to adjust the grid to be in proportion to the correct zoom or not window ? as a workaround i found is the grid plugin , but with it i must recreate the grid for each zoom size and its hard to work like this. having the grid adjusted automatically or at least allow max/min setting for it so it can be seen in an A4 size canvas.

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Paint.NET :: Take Selection And Adjust It All Different Direction

May 27, 2011

If there is a tool where I can take a selection & adjust it all different directions? I'm looking along the lines of taking a text selection & doing what I did with "flounder" & "Harmonic prophecy" in the attached pic. Nothing fancy. Just something I can't figure out. I used a different program to do that flier.

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Photoshop :: Convert Font / Shape From CS6 Into Clean Vector?

Sep 12, 2012

I try and try to get how vector points work... within Illustrator and within the pen tool in Photoshop and just cannot get to grips with it. So when i create a logo I tend to start my work in photoshop where generally i will end up with a font and a shape.
Now i understand the basics, such as not resizing the shapes / fonts if they are rasterized etc and generally keeping things crisp looking within photoshop but my problem comes when trying to turn my reletivly simple font and shape into a vector based image so that it can be scaled up and down
My logos look immaculate when viewed at 100% in photoshop, but as soon as i create a work path from the selection it never makes a crisp path, with all the correct curves and straight edges that i expect to see.
Up till now, i always assumed it was just the original fonts that i use and they just arent created completly smooth. But now my work path is really wonky. Whether i use a tolerence of 0.5 or not.. it just doesnt hug my lettering at all. The marching ants i see are even better placed than the work path.
Ps. I use CS6

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Missing Shape Font Message

Apr 15, 2013

is there a way to suppress the "missing shape file"-message.

I believe there was a checkbox to check this every time you open a drawing. I must have checked it, and now autocad always asks for it.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X4 Autosave In Adjust Workspace?

Jul 28, 2012

Is this the only place now? I thought it was available in Edit mode. What about all the people (and there are a lot of us) who only use Edit mode? Surely it was available in before the last service pack? Who has not installed SP2 know? We have this in all previous versions of PSP that I have used.

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Use Topaz Adjust Plugin

Oct 21, 2011

How do i use my topaz adjust plugin with X4 ( trial version ) ? It works fine with my X1. How and where do i find an email address where i can ask such questions to corel ?

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Paint.NET :: Adjust Aggressive Of Smoothing Quality

Apr 25, 2013

I know this has to do with Anti-alias but as far as I can see , only has this option as On or Off.
I would like to be able to adjust the aggressive of smoothing quality. This would allow me to draw very smooth curve with minimal effort using a mouse.

Gimp 2 has this option Smooth stroke I really like it but too bad, gimp 2 is slow to load and is not as lean as I suppose it should be something like a setting, not an effect that applies after the curves have been drawn.
Here is to demonstrate the effect :  It is smoother, I drew it by a mouse

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AutoCad :: Unlinking Font And Shape Files Without Purge Command?

Nov 26, 2013

I have multiple drawings that were burned to a cd and sent to a client. The client used the reference mananger and found multiple fonts/shapes/plotstyles missing. (not found) I have found most and updated the path. There are some that i was not able to find, and because of the size of this project, unable to determine where the original fonts/shape files came from. There was originally 5 firms involved with numerous cad drawings. The missing fonts and shapes are not used in the drawings and i would like to detach them from there drawings so when the client runs the reference manager they will not be looked for, thus not come back as "not found."

When i attempt to use the purge command to do this, the fonts/shapes do not appear and can't be purged. Can i manually open a drawing and detach the fonts and shapes? I need to present a cd that when the drawings are scanned by the reference manager, all fonts/xrefs/shapes ect. are found. For the shapes/fonts i could find, i created a seprate folder on the cd and edited the path to look there, solving the problem. But i have no solution thus far for the not found shapes/fonts/shx files and no original owners i can turn to to get them.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Histogram Display On Adjust Pane?

May 24, 2012

what is the purpose of the histogram display on the adjust pane. can it be modified from there? Also - what is the purpose of the four boxes below the histogram display?

Together they take up too much real estate to be there just for looks .

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Paint Shop Pro :: Moving From Edit To Adjust / Manage

Feb 18, 2012

Whenever I go from Edit to Adjust (or Manage) the photo disappears. I can retrieve it if I go to open. I assume that the photo should show up when I go from Edit to Adjust or Manage.

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Paint.NET :: Select / Adjust Specific Drawing Object

Jul 11, 2012

The first thing I do with any new drawing tool is

1. Draw a square.

2. Select the square.

3. Begin tweaking the square's properties--stroke width and color, fill, pattern, etc.

So how do you select the object you just drew? All I'm seeing is 'select an area' tools, which of course won't work for adjusting a specific drawing object.

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Paint.NET :: Use DLL In Personal Project To Adjust Image Quality?

Aug 12, 2011

I want to know if I can use Paint.Net DLL's in a personal proyect to adjust image quality.

Specially, I interested in Autolevel adjust.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Disappearing With Manage / Adjust / Edit Tabs

Dec 28, 2011

I don't know if it is obvious but I couldn't see this shortcut in the Paintshop X4 User Guide. So, I am sharing:

By pressing "shift + a" will make "manage/adjust/edit" tabs disappear. To show the tabs, it is just necessary to press "shift + a" again. It will give more workspace. This feature just works when you are in "edit" tab. In the other tabs none happens.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X4 Adjust Mode - Encountered Improper Argument

Oct 2, 2011

Usually I only use Edit Mode in X4.Recently I have been exploring Manage Mode and now decided to try Adjust Mode.I have found that everytime I leave Adjust Mode to go to Edit Mode or Manage ModeI get an error "Encountered an improper argument".

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Photoshop :: Filling Gaps In Adding Text Inside A Shape When Using Different Font Sizes?

Sep 29, 2013

im writing text inside a shape and ive got that far ive even changed font sizes, now id like to write smaller text in the gaps between different font sizes. im using PSCS2.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Cannot See Preview Images In Manage / Adjust Or Edit Modes

Feb 5, 2013

I purchased PSP 5 and uninstalled PSP 4. After installation, I am unable to see any image previews in manage, adjust or edit mode. I have installed the service pack updates with no change in this absent function. Neither the main window nor the organizer palette will display any jpg image previews. I CAN go manually to a specific file and open the image and edit it at will, but I cannot see any previews of any images in the main or organizer palette. how to get the program to display image previews. I never had this problem before in any of the previous PSP versions. I have also uninstalled, rebooted and reinstalled the program to no avail.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Font Manager Alternative Nexus Font / Or Other Compared To Bitstream Font Nav

Jan 5, 2013

I tried Nexus font (finally) and don't see why people have mentioned it. I don't like it and uninstalled it quickly.Which font manager do you think is better than Font Nav?

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Paint.NET :: How Font Of Same Size Is Different

Nov 27, 2012

I made orange letters in a font sized 142. But when I made a new layer and then made white letters to put on top of the orange ones--I also use font size 142, but it was smaller than the orange font. So I couldn't put it one top of the other letters for the 3-D look.

It's close, but not quite close enough to fit as it should. Do the differing colors make a difference in how the font of the same size is different? Or is it using different layers?

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Paint.NET :: How To Get A Smaller Font

Mar 16, 2011

Currently I show the smallest font size as being 8. Is there any way to get a smaller font? Sometimes it just isn't small enough for what I want to do.

The other thing is that in some cases.. I need a size in between the two that are listed.. for instance 72 is too small and 84 is too big, say to match an existing font that I am trying to match.

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Paint.NET :: Different Shape For Eraser

Sep 1, 2012

Can there be an square eraser ? Sometimes, when I do erase, being that its circular, doesn't matter the size, its harder for me to edge out the straight lines, especially the corners, leaving me with a "dent" in the pic.

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Paint.NET :: How To Create S Shape

Jun 17, 2013

How can I create an S shape, for example have a look at the attached image.

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Paint.NET :: Using One Pic As Texture For Shape?

May 3, 2013

I want to cover this picture (shape):    
with the rusty metal texture that is this picture:  

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Paint.NET :: How To Cut Out The Shape Of Head

May 17, 2013

I have imported a photo of myself onto paint, is it possible to cut out the shape of my head. I have tried with other programs and I can manage this only in rectangulat form. ie, head cut out on white rectangular backround.

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