AutoCad :: Unlinking Font And Shape Files Without Purge Command?
Nov 26, 2013
I have multiple drawings that were burned to a cd and sent to a client. The client used the reference mananger and found multiple fonts/shapes/plotstyles missing. (not found) I have found most and updated the path. There are some that i was not able to find, and because of the size of this project, unable to determine where the original fonts/shape files came from. There was originally 5 firms involved with numerous cad drawings. The missing fonts and shapes are not used in the drawings and i would like to detach them from there drawings so when the client runs the reference manager they will not be looked for, thus not come back as "not found."
When i attempt to use the purge command to do this, the fonts/shapes do not appear and can't be purged. Can i manually open a drawing and detach the fonts and shapes? I need to present a cd that when the drawings are scanned by the reference manager, all fonts/xrefs/shapes ect. are found. For the shapes/fonts i could find, i created a seprate folder on the cd and edited the path to look there, solving the problem. But i have no solution thus far for the not found shapes/fonts/shx files and no original owners i can turn to to get them.
I have a routine to purge a drawing. I'm able to purge layers, blocks, material, dimstyle, linetype, mleaderstyle, mlinestyle, textstyle and table style. But i'm not able to figure out how to purge shape (font). Here an extract of my routine:
Public Enum ItemType As Integer Block = 0 Layer = 1 Material = 2 Dimstyle = 3 MLeaderstyle = 4 MLine = 5
[Code] .........
In the shape Section I don't know which table or dictionary to use???
how to purge PDF files from your Drawing? I tried using the Image command, but it doesn't list PDF underlay's anymore. I've tried just using the purge command but it doesn't show up there either. The way I know it's there after I delete it is, (1) The drawing file is STILL really slow and (2) it shows up as a required file when I do an etransmit. Which also makes the etransmit file huge as well.
how to purge them without wblocking the file to itself?
i am having some trouble in AutoCAD 2013... basically, i am making geometric shapes with polar arrayed circles and want to trim certain parts that cross. but because the array is treated as one object, it won't seem to let me trim anything on it. is there a way to separate or unlink the circles so they become separate objects?
AutoCAD 2008 & 2012 – Right-click on the box that says “Command:”, go to options. User changes the Font type but it does not stick after re-opening another blank autocad drawing. I tried Updated the font, Set as Current profile, exported the profile, attempted acad to open the profile automatically with the /p command in the Shortcut Target with the same results.
I can verify that the profile from the “/p” is being opened properly but the custom settings/font do not stick.
I open several photos onto the desktop at one time for adjusting. when I magnify one during my adjustments then reduce it by right clicking "fit to screen" - all the other images stay enlarged. It is very time consuming to reduce the size back down for every image as I adjust them. If I use minus magnify then I have a chorus of images getting smaller...
Is there anyway to have each image on the desktop act independently from each other? Some sort of unlinking?
I'm running ACADLT 3102 on a new Dell xps and the monitor is set to the recommended 1366x768 screen resolution. When certain menus like hatch open up, the bottom of the menu area is off the screen, there's not scroll bar and no way to move the menu up to hit the ok or cancel buttons. I've been getting around this by going into the control panel and changing the screen resolution, then finishing the hatch command, and waiting for the default screen resolution to take over again!
Is there anywhere in the program to change the size/shape of the command screens?? Can't find anything in Options>Display....
Im trying to create a logo similar to the Harley Logo for a friend's wedding. Their last name begins and ends with "S" and Im trying to replicate the "S" in the Harley Logo.
If I copy and paste the Harley "S" on the right side of "Cycles".. it's a no brainer. If I copy and paste the "s" in Cycles and try to move it to the left for the first letter in their last name.. I can't seem to bend it the right way so the bottom of the S follows the curvature of the shield like the other one..
I keep running into this issue in InDesign. I never notice the issue until I go to package it, but I will outline all of my fonts, and when I go to the packaging screen it will say I still have 1 font in the document. It is always Minion Pro (the default). After investigating further, it always seems as if a text field has been "attached" to a shape. Once I delete the shape, when I go to package it it says there are 0 fonts.
So this causes all sorts of problems when I'm packaging because I can't outline the "minion" font because its not actually there (I've tried selecting the shape and clicking outline, but it wont let me). Also the only way around this I have is to delete the shape, and completely rebuild it (which is impratical for many reasons).
how to delete the type? (I have also tried Type on Path > Delete and its greyed out and won't let me choose that option)
I have been working on a book cover for a client and was asked to modify a capital letter in the chosen font. The letter "S" had a curly q at the top that needed to be removed. I converted the letter to an editable shape and deleted the offending nodes. Along the way I had to break the points and then reconnect. When I broke the points, Xara split the shape into 2 layers for some reason so I could not rejoin the points later. I ended up combining the layers and was able to rejoin the nodes that way.
The problem I had was that when everything was reconnected, I could only color the outline, the shape would not fill. I ended up having to export as a PNG to Photoshop, created an adjustment layer and painted it in. Everything looks great BUT I would have preferred to just reconnect the nodes and fill the letter in Xara.
I try and try to get how vector points work... within Illustrator and within the pen tool in Photoshop and just cannot get to grips with it. So when i create a logo I tend to start my work in photoshop where generally i will end up with a font and a shape.
Now i understand the basics, such as not resizing the shapes / fonts if they are rasterized etc and generally keeping things crisp looking within photoshop but my problem comes when trying to turn my reletivly simple font and shape into a vector based image so that it can be scaled up and down
My logos look immaculate when viewed at 100% in photoshop, but as soon as i create a work path from the selection it never makes a crisp path, with all the correct curves and straight edges that i expect to see.
Up till now, i always assumed it was just the original fonts that i use and they just arent created completly smooth. But now my work path is really wonky. Whether i use a tolerence of 0.5 or not.. it just doesnt hug my lettering at all. The marching ants i see are even better placed than the work path.
I am having multiple problems creating a loft. Firstly, it seems as if the "loft" command remembers and uses history of the objects to be lofted, which in my case meant that instead of lofting the scaled down (correct) version of a shape, it insisted on lofting the former, out-of-scale version. It would be great to know if there's a more conveniant workaround to this than redrawing the shapes (as I ended up doing).
Secondly - and this is where I'm stuck now - 3ds will not let me do a loft with the new, redrawn shapes. The loft accepts two of the shapes, but will not let me select the remaining three, claiming that "the shape has a different number of curves than others in the Loft". My question is thus: What should I do to be able to see and edit the number of curves in the shape, so that my Loft will be valid?
im writing text inside a shape and ive got that far ive even changed font sizes, now id like to write smaller text in the gaps between different font sizes. im using PSCS2.
I have some .otf fonts that I would like to be able use with my AutoCAD 2008. I would assume that these .otf font styles need to be converted to .shx font styles in order for AutoCAD to recognize them. Is this true? If so, how to go about making this conversion?
I have for days now tried to export a 3d polyline from Autocad Map3d into ArcGis so that i may be able to view a height any where along the polyline. I just keep getting a height of zero.
We're using AutoCAD LT 2009, so we of course do not have Aeccland.shx. I am aware that I do not have it. I don't particularly care that I don't have it.
AutoCAD, on the other hand, is very concerned. So concerned, in fact, that it will ask me for this file every time I open projects that involve baseplans shapes from this file. I would like to allay AutoCAD's concerns, and inform it that aeccland.shx is not necessary, and it can get along quite happily without aeccland.shx, and any other shape file. I would like to do this very much, as I am currently working on a project with 60 or more separate files I must pull information from to compile baseplans I can use.
When I import the shape file I created to map3d I can select and import individual shape files. I can not however, select all. When I do this I get an eror code.
I am working in AutoCAD map 3D 2011. From my research online, I understand it should be able to import shape files whereas normal versions cannot. I am unable to get my version to recognize the cesus tiger shape files. I am interested in the road information only. I have noticed online that that there should be a "map" or "mapping" option on my toolbar and there is not.
If there is a way to import shape files into Autocad LT?
I have tried using the freeware converters such as Cad tools but have no way of opening the avx file, also tried Import Shape from ABC Autocad but have hit a wall there too. This made me wonder if its even possible in LT.
I managed to install the Import Shape program but it installs a bunch of files I don't think I am able to use. It gives me the following error when I run the SCR it installs. "Command: (defun LISP command is not available."
I received some drawings from a client that is missing some shape files, it looks for file names like Z.shx when opening the dwg's, I have asked and he says he has the same problems when he opens them so is unable to send these to me, the drawing seems to open fine and I can not seen anything that looks wrong.
Iv also had this in the past with fonts and it will change the font to another one but nags you for it each time I open the file so i would like to know how to stop that as well if its different to above.
I have to convert my ACAD drawing to shape files for a GIS user. I have figured out how create a polygon, point or line and add object data with the tables. I have my ACAD drawing setup to the requested coordinate system but when I send them the shape files they are telling me that they get a error in ArchGIS stating "an extent that is not consistent with the associated spatial reference information". I am using Civil 3D 2012.
I have started a new project and would like to use the database table from a previous project with this one. Basically what I want to do is create a new shape file using the a previous database table so I do not have to create a whole new data base.
I got some shp files from different sources and I tried to connect all together to a new (MAP 3d 2010) .dwg file.
Besides the two different positions, the size of one is too bigger than the other. However, when I use mapdist command, the measurement are practically the same.
I figure out that I can deal with some of those shp files when I assign LL coordinate system, but other files run when I assign UTM coordinate system. For example, using buffer command.
There is no defined coordinate system in any of the shp files I have.
What should I do to overlay all features on the fly?