I received some drawings from a client that is missing some shape files, it looks for file names like Z.shx when opening the dwg's, I have asked and he says he has the same problems when he opens them so is unable to send these to me, the drawing seems to open fine and I can not seen anything that looks wrong.
Iv also had this in the past with fonts and it will change the font to another one but nags you for it each time I open the file so i would like to know how to stop that as well if its different to above.
We're using AutoCAD LT 2009, so we of course do not have Aeccland.shx. I am aware that I do not have it. I don't particularly care that I don't have it.
AutoCAD, on the other hand, is very concerned. So concerned, in fact, that it will ask me for this file every time I open projects that involve baseplans shapes from this file. I would like to allay AutoCAD's concerns, and inform it that aeccland.shx is not necessary, and it can get along quite happily without aeccland.shx, and any other shape file. I would like to do this very much, as I am currently working on a project with 60 or more separate files I must pull information from to compile baseplans I can use.
Is it possible to loft a shape which includes a hole or a section missing?
I am trying to loft the following shape but it doesn't seem to work with the missing section in the middle. Currently the 2 sketches are the same but in the actual design they aren't. i wanted to test if it would work with the same sketches but it doesn't.
I'm teaching myself Revit LT 2013. When I got to the lesson about providing slope in floors for drain, the text directed me to the "shape editing" panel in my ribbon. However, when I selected the floor I found that there isn't a shape editing panel in my ribbon. I ran into the same problem when I attempted to construct sloped roof for drainage. Is this panel hiding somewhere?
Is there a way to reset the tool palette? Something strange seems to have happened where the tool set I can see is really limited and doesn't have the shape drawing tool (cirlces, squares, etc)
Tried deleting prefs and that didn't do it. Screenshot of my weird tool palette:
I have created a pie chart and ungrouped the slices.When I use the white arrow to select the slices, two of the shapes are missing a live corner widget in one corner.So, when I move the corners, some of the corners remain unchanged.Also, the large blue shape on the right will not change at all.
Every time I use the ellipse tool to draw a shape, a portion of the ellipse is missing. The missing portion is always on the lower right hand side of the ellipse. I am using CorelDraw Graphics Suite X4. I have attached a graphic showing what I mean.
I have for days now tried to export a 3d polyline from Autocad Map3d into ArcGis so that i may be able to view a height any where along the polyline. I just keep getting a height of zero.
When I import the shape file I created to map3d I can select and import individual shape files. I can not however, select all. When I do this I get an eror code.
I am working in AutoCAD map 3D 2011. From my research online, I understand it should be able to import shape files whereas normal versions cannot. I am unable to get my version to recognize the cesus tiger shape files. I am interested in the road information only. I have noticed online that that there should be a "map" or "mapping" option on my toolbar and there is not.
If there is a way to import shape files into Autocad LT?
I have tried using the freeware converters such as Cad tools but have no way of opening the avx file, also tried Import Shape from ABC Autocad but have hit a wall there too. This made me wonder if its even possible in LT.
I managed to install the Import Shape program but it installs a bunch of files I don't think I am able to use. It gives me the following error when I run the SCR it installs. "Command: (defun LISP command is not available."
I have to convert my ACAD drawing to shape files for a GIS user. I have figured out how create a polygon, point or line and add object data with the tables. I have my ACAD drawing setup to the requested coordinate system but when I send them the shape files they are telling me that they get a error in ArchGIS stating "an extent that is not consistent with the associated spatial reference information". I am using Civil 3D 2012.
I have started a new project and would like to use the database table from a previous project with this one. Basically what I want to do is create a new shape file using the a previous database table so I do not have to create a whole new data base.
I got some shp files from different sources and I tried to connect all together to a new (MAP 3d 2010) .dwg file.
Besides the two different positions, the size of one is too bigger than the other. However, when I use mapdist command, the measurement are practically the same.
I figure out that I can deal with some of those shp files when I assign LL coordinate system, but other files run when I assign UTM coordinate system. For example, using buffer command.
There is no defined coordinate system in any of the shp files I have.
What should I do to overlay all features on the fly?
I have a shape file containing property boundaries with ownership names and parcel numbers. I have a cad map of town where there is a creek running thru the part of town I am working on. How to get a print out, or map of all the parcels that this creek is running thru? My main goal is to create a list of property owners adjacent to this creek. I think I have all the data, but not sure how to use it.
I am using map 3d 2011 and i am running into issues with the use of multi-leaders. I have a dwg with a few shape files in it and I have added multileaders to the dwg. When I save, close and then reopen the file the multileaders show up for a brief second during the loading process but then they disappear. All my settings are correct (layers, visibility, scales) as far as the leaders go but I can't figure out what the heck is going on. I tried adding another, select similar and only the one shows up that I just added. Saved the file and reopened. Same thing, the leader I just added shows up with the others for a brief second and then "poof" gone!!!
I just upgraded to Map 3d 2014 from 2010 and cannot figure out how to control the transparency for shapefiles. I thought that it was a glitch with the upgrade so installed the servepack and still no luck. So when I go to edit style and then to the style polygon dialouge there is no control for the foreground and no control for the trasparency, there is just a the word tranparency option with "0" but no way change it. I have installed 3d on 2 computers and the same on both.
I need to convert shapefiles to a pretty old version of dxf. Shapefiles is a file format used in geographical systems.
For example a shapefile could contain points, lines or polygons, and attributes for each point/line/whatever.
Now I need to convert shapefiles to an old version of the dxf format, I don't even know exactly what version so I'll have to find out by trial and error I guess. (But a gut feeling says somewhere in the 90's.)
Luckily there are tools to convert shapefiles to the modern versions of DXF, but where do I go from there?
I'm new to working with GIS data imported into Civil 3d as shape files. I'm working on setting up base drawings for a new project area and I have a lot of data displayed as polygons with attributes. This is nice but I would like to be able to copy these to polylines on layers that I can have a little more freedom to work with.
For example the polygon boundaries are not exactly the boundaries that I need to show and editing the borders would be nice. Is there a better alternative to tracing the polygon boundaries? I have noticed when I extract feature geometry for line strings I get a polyIine I can use but the polygons' extracted geometry is a Mpolygon with solid fill.
Turning on / off a shape files layer on viewport, I couldn't figure out why turning off a shape file layer in a particular viewport (attached) does turn it off in all other viewports.
I was given a job where i need to create a surface from a gis file. have been messing with my civ 3d 2013 a little bit and have been able to get a surface comprised of a bunch of polylines to appear (not a true surface). I will need to create profiles so i need a true surface. I downloaded a compressed shape file from the county and need to know how to insert this into a drawing and build a surface using my own surface style.
I have some shape files that data connected to my drawings and shown as a solid color polygon. I set the foreground transparency 40% in order to see the USGS map on the background. But When I print out, it print out as a solid color, not transparency.
How to work with a solid color shape files so I can see the USGS map when it prints out.
At present I am needing to export a large number of ESRI shape files from AC Map 2011 for use in a GIS application. I know that Map 3D has the export features but after completing 50 exports its does get repetitive and is time consuming.
Is there any way of specifying the name or names of the layers you wish to export and apply attributes to them without having to use the Map 3D Export process?
I wanted to import a shape file from GIS, but all contours elevations are 0. The attribute data on contours have ID elevation. How do I query those ID elevation to the contours?
i have a drawing i am working and somehow i lost my linetypes that use shape files, anything with text in the linetype work fine. I have tried to reload the shape file, compile it and to no avail. my file directories are pointing in the right direction and everytime i load and compile it goes to correct file and directory.
The reason i say i caused it is they were in the drawing working fine, and 1 or 2 commands later gone, I tried to insert the drawing into a new drawing and that did not work. if i start a new drawing it works fine.