I have imported a photo of myself onto paint, is it possible to cut out the shape of my head. I have tried with other programs and I can manage this only in rectangulat form. ie, head cut out on white rectangular backround.
I am trying to replace the head from one photo with the head from another. I was able to remove the background of the top head using the lasso, but when I create a layer and bring it to my background pic, there is a white area around it. I have tried Grim Color Reaper, but it is wiping out part of the pic I'm overlaying. I think this is due to the fact that the pic has some off-white and the background is now white and they are being read the same. I've also tried the Magic Wand, but seem to have the same issue.
I'm trying to remove the blitz shadow from head and body on a white/grey background, with the Lasso tool. The adjustments with Brightness/Contrast in the chosen area works like a charm, however I always get a nasty pixeled or whitelined boarder going constantly around the edited area; no matter if it boarders to a black area (shoulder) or a gray one (wall behind person).
I've tried to edit the primary/secondary color, with no luck. Any way to make this boarder "blend in" to the new brightness area - or to just remove it? The edited area is somewhat identical to the old background, so there is no natural reason to why it should be a constant boarder.
Or is it a better (and easy!) way to remove blitz shadow from a black and white picture?
Can there be an square eraser ? Sometimes, when I do erase, being that its circular, doesn't matter the size, its harder for me to edge out the straight lines, especially the corners, leaving me with a "dent" in the pic.
For example, I opened a large arrow, changed its fill color, and followed the instructions to save it (using File > Export > Preset Shape) with the name My Yellow Arrow.
That appears in the small Presets window: But there's no sign of a big yellow arrow in the drop-down list:
(The program won't let me enlarge that window, or list the entries by name.)
I love Paint.net. It's the only image editor I use now and has pretty much every feature I need in an image editor. But today I'm attempting a project I can't seem to find the right tools for.
I'm trying to copy and paste a rectangle onto another image. But the object in the image I'm pasting to is tilted slightly. So I need to find a way to change my copied rectangle into a trapezoid that will make it look natural on the new image.
Under LAYERS - ROTATE / ZOOM, I found some tools that seem to work. But now I need to select only the trapezoid to paste to the new image. The only cropping tools I can find only allow a rectangular selection. I can't find a tool to choose a corner to corner irregular selection. Does Paint.net have such a tool or is there a plugin I can download for this process.
Im trying to create a logo similar to the Harley Logo for a friend's wedding. Their last name begins and ends with "S" and Im trying to replicate the "S" in the Harley Logo.
If I copy and paste the Harley "S" on the right side of "Cycles".. it's a no brainer. If I copy and paste the "s" in Cycles and try to move it to the left for the first letter in their last name.. I can't seem to bend it the right way so the bottom of the S follows the curvature of the shield like the other one..
I've searched under a bunch of terms (shape, sprite, copy, reusable, etc), but I don't even know what words I should be searching for
I've used Paint Shop Pro 8 for many, many years for my very occasional need to create images for our software manuals. One of the tasks I did frequently was take a screenshot of our software and then add some numbers to it that could be referred to in the text of the manual page, like the blue & white numbers here:
I was able to create those number/circle shapes once as vector images and then easily select and copy them from that file (PaintShop's PSP format) into my screenshot files (jpgs or pngs).
I've been able to create my numbered shapes in one file using Paint.NET, but not as vectors - as I understand it, Paint.net doesn't do vector. I can select and copy those, but doing the selection is very finicky to get the exact circle selected. Then when I paste it into another image, the colors are different - I assume this is due to palette differences.
Granted, I could draw the circle and the number individually into each screenshot I need to edit - this seems pretty inefficient compared to the way I've been doing it for years in PaintShop Pro.
I have made my first object with the shapes tools, LS, and with the use of the Path Selection tools and then Grouped everything via the Layers panel.
Next I am suppose to add a New Layer and draw a Rectangle Shape and place the Shape Layer below the group and above a Layer w/a Radial Gradient . then I am suppose to use the Paint Brush on the Shape to Airbrush a light (light as in light from a light bulb not as in a shade) effect but when I go to select the Brush tool I am told I must Rasterize the Layer beforehand.
However, when I do Rasterize the Layer the Shape becomes filled with a color which leaves me unable to achieve the desired effect. I draw the shape with the Color Fill set to None.
I checked the "User Manual" but I have been unable to find an answer as to what I can do. I have tried using the Path tool to create a Selection before trying to use the Brush tool but that also tells me to Rasterize beforehand.
I have been trying to select an ellipse selection area around an oval shaped logo to create a mask or transparent background. I am trying to use the ellipse selection tool. When I use the ellipse selection tool, it makes an out of control shape that goes off the edges with a marquee and there is no way to adjust it. So then I created a selection shape using the vector shape tool, but I couldn't do anything with the selection after making it a raster object. I tried to flood fill background area...mouse pointer is there with bucket but nothing happens. Nothing seems very intuitive, clear or logical to me. you pick a shape and then use handles to adjust it to the actual shape is what seems intuitive, but that is just too easy.
When I tried to crop picture, I couldn't find option to crop through a rounded (circle) shape (just rectangle seems to be avalilable).
1) How to crop using rounded shape?
2) After crop rounded, how to save just the rounded picture? Its because when I use Photoscape (I come from this software) it crop rounded, but save with a white retangle background? So I just want the rounded picture
I can't seem to export more than 1 shape file in PSP X6. When I open a new 200x200 pixel vector file and use the pen tool to create a shape it will not save internally by PSP x6 under any name but "New Path" no matter what name I give the file or the vector layer name.
Whenever I export a second shape I get a pop-up window titled "Export Shape Library" that asks for a name for my new shape. When I enter a unique file name for my new shape I get another pop-up window titled "Duplicate shape names" with a listing of the supposed duplicate file(s). The only name showing though is "New Path". I have never named any of my shapes "New Path" nor named any of my vector layers "new Path" yet I always get this Duplicate shape names pop-up window containing "New Path" as the offending name to resolve.
Whenever I try to use the one shape I did save as "MyShape.PspShape" is shows up as "New Path" in the Preset Shapes listing. I accessed my only saved shape by selecting Preset shape tool/Preset shape then selecting the Shape list(from the tool options palette) and then select the Category "Preset Shapes" from the drop down. It shows up with the name "New Path".
Is there some setting I'm missing so "New Path" will not be the only name saved internally by PSP X6?
I've tried deleting all the files I've created in PSP X6 with the extension ".PspShape " and then restarted PSP X6 and I still am stuck with the "New Path" problem when I export a shape. The one shape I can export is saved on my hard drive with the unique name I gave it but PSP X6 still identifies the shape as being "New Path".
I'm trying to do some pixel art, and whenever I use a tool that isn't just the pencil tool, it makes its own weird shading along my selection. Like, if I make a diagonal line with black, fills in random gray above and below the line between the two points I click. Or if I make a non filled circle, it fills in shading around the edges. All this is with one pixel thickness How do I just make it the color I've picked from the color picker without any extra color interpolations along the way?
Is there any plugin that will fill in a shape with an entire texture. For example say I have a hexagon shape that I want to fill with a texture, it would take the texture and squeeze, bend and distort it to match the shape of the hexagon.
This ability would greatly speed up texturing UV maps for a model. I have yet to find a single paint program since I had DPaint on the Amiga years ago that has this feature. I've looked thru the plugin list and the closest I found was 'Shaped Gradient' which is exactly what Im looking for but doesn't support textures.
I'm after a plugin similar to Evans effects but one that will allow me to fit a shape to an area on the image. I've tried Evan's quad plugin but you get a separate window so trying to fit the perspective is almost impossible and everytime I try I end up getting curves in the picture. What I want is to modify the perspective on the actual image and not have to deal with the image producing curves. As an example here's what I'm after (it was done for me in photoshop by a friend for a cabinet I'm working on), which I presume has an effect to do this easily:
I have captured a GIS image from a government website that shows the boundary lines of real property parcels. I would like one of these parcels to be highlighted to make it easier to spot among all the others.
This particular GIS site appears to render the boundary lines in a rasterized (is that the right word?) format instead of a vectored format so instead of an actual smooth, continuous line I get a bunch of little one and two pixel segments that have diagonal gaps at their corners - this means that if I use the fill bucket tool I end up covering the entire image with the highlighting color and not just the one parcel.
I have attached a closeup of the jagged (rasterized?) line here in case the above wasn't clear.
Is there any hope of me being able to quickly and easily fill in the area that isn't completely enclosed at the pixel level?
I have a shape that I want to fill with a photo, how do I go about doing this? I want the photo to exactly fit the shape, and the background to be transparent.
I have the following image above where I'm trying to add color to different aspects of the drawing. For instance, I'd like to be able to add color to the hair (ie the eyebrows and hair on top of his head) and I'm using live paint to do this. The problem is, some of the live paint areas spill into each other, ie the hair spills into the outline of the head, etc. So I'm wondering, what is the best way to go about dividing these areas so live paint recognizes them as two different entities? What I've been doing currently is drawing a line segment, and then using divide below, however this gives me unpredictable results sometimes and I have a hunch there is a better way.
I am tracing a simple raster shape in a new vector layer and I want to know how I can remove a portion of the content from the center. Picture a shape like a letter "o" where there is shape data comprising the perimeter ring, and no shape data in the center. I trace the perimeter of the the shape making a solid eliptical-type shape, but I need to then remove a portion of the center of the shape so that only the ring of the O has vector data. How can I do this?
PSP X3 is usually very stable but occasionally when I use the Preset Shape Tool to overlay an arrow onto my image, it freezes permanently. Waiting it out in the hope of self recovery doesn't work. I'm running X3 on a Windows 7 Ultimate Dell Studio 17 laptop, 32 bits, 4 GB RAM.
I've got some pictures and Corel Paintshop photo pro x3. It's a nice program but I cant figure out how to crop photos into shapes without using the "lasso". My hand isn't so great with fine shapes so any way to cut a shape by using one of the presets?